List of dialling codes in the United Kingdom

List of dialling codes in the United Kingdom

This is a list of telephone dialling codes in the United Kingdom. It is based on Ofcom's area code list, but includes defunct codes and historical changes, including the derivation of the two letter identities where known.[1][2]

Note that dialling codes do not correspond to any geographical boundaries, so for example the Coventry dialling code covers a large area of Warwickshire and the Manchester dialling code covers part or all of several neighbouring towns.

Area code prefix Service type
00 International dialling
01 Geographic area codes
02 New geographic area codes
03 Non-geographic number range, charged at geographic rates
04 Reserved
05 Corporate numbering
06 Was reserved for future personal numbering, now not so
07 Mobile phones, pagers and personal numbering
08 Freephone and shared cost/special rates
09 Premium rate
Short codes
02x [eight-digit local number] 011x [seven-digit local number] 01x1 [seven-digit local number]
020 to 029 0113 to 0118 0121 to 0191
020 London[3][4][5] (previously 0171 and 0181)[6] (previously 071 and 081)[7] (previously 01)[8]
0121 Birmingham (previously 021)[7]
023 Southampton and Portsmouth[9] (previously 01703 and 01705)[6] (previously 0703 and 0705)[7] 0113 Leeds (previously 0532)[7] 0131 Edinburgh (previously 031)[7]
024 Coventry[10] (previously 01203)[6] (previously 0203)[7] 0114 Sheffield (previously 0742)[7] 0141 Glasgow (previously 041)[7]
0115 Nottingham (previously 0602)[7] 0151 Liverpool (previously 051)[7]
0116 Leicester (previously 0533)[7] 0161 Manchester (previously 061)[7]
0117 Bristol (previously 0272)[7] 0171 unused (was Inner London until 2000) (previously 071)[7] (previously 01)[8]
028 Northern Ireland[11] (previously used multiple 01xxx area codes until 2000)[6] (previously used multiple 0xxx area codes until 1995)[7] 0118 Reading[12] (previously 01734)[13] (previously 0734)[7] 0181 unused (was Outer London until 2000) (previously 081)[7] (previously 01)[8]
029 Cardiff[14] (previously 01222)[6] (previously 0222)[7] 0191 Tyneside, Sunderland and Durham[15] (previously 091)[7]

For an explanation of the two letter STD codes used below, see Introduction of area codes

Long codes
01xxx [mostly six-digit local numbers][16] and 01xxxx [mostly five-digit local numbers][17] (but not 01x1 codes)
01200 to 01474 01475 to 01759 01760 to 01999
  • 01201unused
0201 was Bournemouth (BO) – numbers were transferred to 0202[18]
  • 01203unused
was Coventry (CO) – numbers were transferred to 024 on 22 April 2000
  • 0121001219
See 0121Birmingham previously 021
  • 01220unused
0220 was Cambridge (CA) – numbers were transferred to 0223[18]
  • 01221unused
0221 was Bath (BA) – numbers were transferred to 0225[18]
  • 01222unused
was Cardiff (CA) – numbers were transferred to 029 on 22 April 2000
  • 01225Bath (BA)
  • 01230unused
0230 was Bedford (BE) – numbers were transferred to 0234[18]
  • 01231unused
0231 was Belfast (BE) – numbers were transferred to 0232[18]
  • 01232unused
was Belfast (BE) – numbers were transferred to 028 on 22 April 2000
  • 01235Abingdon (AD)
  • 01238unused
was Saintfield, Belfast (BE) – numbers were transferred to 028 on 22 April 2000
  • 01240unused
0240 was Chiltern (CH) – numbers were transferred to 0494[18]
  • 01247unused
was Bangor, NI (BG) – numbers were transferred to 028 on 22 April 2000
  • 01248Bangor (Gwynedd) (BG)
  • 01251unused
0251 was Aldershot (AL) – numbers were transferred to 0252[18]
  • 01261Banff (BN)
  • 01265unused
was Coleraine (CN) – numbers were transferred to 028 on 22 April 2000
  • 01266unused
was Ballymena (BM) – numbers were transferred to 028 on 22 April 2000
  • 01272unused
0272 was Bristol (BR) – numbers were transferred to 0117 on 16 April 1995
  • 01281unused
0281 was Buckinghamshire (BU) – numbers were transferred to 0753[18]
CV was derived from Carnarvon, the English spelling of Caernarfon
  • 01288Bude (BU)
  • 01292Ayr (AY)

  • 01301Arrochar – – Was originally 0022 (OC) until changed to 0301 in 1968
  • 0131001319
See 0131Edinburgh previously 031
  • 01321unused
0321 was Eastbourne (EA) – numbers were transferred to 0323[18]
0321 later used for Vodafone freephone; changed from 0321 to 08080 on 28 April 2001
  • 01331unused
0331 was Derby (DE) – numbers were transferred to 0332[18]
0331 later used for Premium rate numbers
  • 01336unused
0336 was Deeside (DE) – numbers were transferred to 0975[18]
0336 later used for Premium rate numbers
  • 01338unused
0338 was Deeside (DE) – numbers were transferred to 0339[18]
0338 later used for Premium rate numbers
  • 01345unused
0345 was Huddersfield – ?? – numbers were transferred to 0484[18]
0345 later used for BT Lo-call; changed from 0345 to 08457 on 28 April 2001
  • 01351unused
0351 was Fair Isle (FL) – numbers were transferred to 0595[18]
  • 01352Mold, Flint (FL)
  • 01353Ely (EL)
  • 01361Duns (DN)
  • 01365unused
was Enniskillen (EN) – numbers were transferred to 028 on 22 April 2000
  • 01370unused
0370 was Hockley, Essex (ES) – numbers were transferred to 0702[18]
0370 later used for Vodafone mobile; changed from 0370 to 07770 on 22 April 2001
  • 01374unused
0374 was Basildon, Essex (ES) – numbers were transferred to 0268[18]
0374 later used for Vodafone mobile; changed from 0374 to 07774 on 22 April 2001
  • 01375Grays Thurrock, Essex (ES)
  • 01378unused
0378 was Epping (EP) – numbers were transferred to 0992[18]
0378 later used for Vodafone mobile; changed from 0378 to 07778 on 22 April 2001
  • 01379Diss (DS)
  • 01385unused
0385 was Durham (DU) – numbers were transferred to 091 in the 1980s[21]
0385 later used for Vodafone mobile; changed from 0385 to 07785 on 28 April 2001
  • 01390unused
0390 was Eyemouth (EY) – numbers were transferred to 0890[18]
0390 later used for Orange mobile; changed from 0390 to 07790 on 28 April 2001
  • 01391unused
0391 was Fylde (FY) – numbers were transferred to 0253[18]
  • 01393unused
0393 3 was Foula, Zetland (FZ) – numbers prefixed by 75 and transferred to 01595 on PhONE day
  • 01396unused
was Downpatrick (DW) – numbers were transferred to 028 on 22 April 2000
  • 01399unused
0399 was Dawley (DY)
allocated to planned Telford new town, but numbers were instead allocated to 0952[18]
0399 later used for Vodafone paging; changed from 0399 (via 01399?) to 07699/08454 on 28 April 2001

  • 01401unused
0401 was Hornsea (HO) – numbers were transferred to 0964[18]
0401 later used for Cellnet mobile; changed from 0401 to 07701 on 28 April 2001
  • 01402unused
0402 was Hornchurch (HO) – numbers were transferred to 0708[18]
0402 later used for Cellnet mobile; changed from 0402 to 07702 on 28 April 2001
0403 later used for Cellnet mobile; changed from 0403 to 07703 on 28 April 2001
  • 01410See 0141Glasgow previously 041
0410 was later used for Cellnet mobile; changed from 0410 to 07710 on 28 April 2001
  • 01411See 0141Glasgow previously 041
0411 was later used for Cellnet mobile; changed from 0410 to 07710 on 28 April 2001
  • 0141201419
See 0141Glasgow previously 041
  • 01421unused
0421 was Southampton, Hampshire (HA) – numbers were transferred to 0703[18]
0421 later used for Vodafone mobile; changed from 0421 to 07721 on 28 April 2001
  • 01426unused
0426 was Hastings (HA)
allocated but never used, all numbers were on 0424[18]
0426 later used for BT Paging; changed from 0426 to 01426 on 28 April 2001
01426 used for BT Paging; changed from 01426 to 07626 at a later date
0432 later used for BT paging; changed from 0432 to 07625 on 28 April 2001
  • 01441unused
0441 was Swansea, Glamorgan (GG) – numbers were transferred to 0792[18]
0441 later used for Vodfone mobile; changed from 0441 to 07741 on 28 April 2001
  • 01446Barry, Glamorgan (GG)
  • 01447unused
0447 was Cardiff, Glamorgan (GG) – numbers were transferred to 0222[18]
  • 01448unused
0448 was Grange-over-Sands (GG) – numbers were transferred to 0539[18]
  • 01453Dursley, Gloucestershire (GL)
  • 01459unused
original area allocation unknown
0459 later used for PageOne paging; changed from 0459 to 01459 on 28 April 2001
01459 used for PageOne paging; changed from 01459 to 07659 at a later date
0467 later used for Vodafone mobile; changed from 0467 to 07767 on 28 April 2001
  • 01468unused
0468 was Ingleborough (IN) – numbers were transferred to 0524[18]
0468 later used for Vodafone mobile; changed from 0468 to 07768 on 29 April 2001
  • 01478Portree, Isle of Skye (IS)
  • 01482Hull (HU)
  • 01486unused
0486 was Guildford (GU) – numbers were transferred to 0483[18]
  • 01487Warboys, Huntingdon (HU)
  • 01490Corwen, Gwynedd (GW)
  • 01498unused
0498 was Haltwhistle (HW) – numbers were transferred to 0434[18]
0498 later used for Vodafone mobile; changed from 0498 to 07798 on 28 April 2001

  • 01500unused
0500 was Edinburgh, Lothian (LO) – numbers were transferred to 031[18]
0500 was later used for C&WC FreeCall. New numbers have not been allocated since 28 April 2001, although numbers active before that date are still in use.
  • 01503Looe (LO)
  • 01504unused
was Derry (LO) – numbers were transferred to 028 on 22 April 2000
  • 0151001519
See 0151Liverpool previously 051
  • 01521unused
0521 was Alford, Lincolnshire (LC) – numbers were transferred to 0507[18]
  • 01523unused
0523 was Wigan, Lancashire (LA) – numbers were transferred to 0942[18]
01523 later used for PageOne paging; changed from 01523 to 07623 at a later date
  • 01526Martin, Lincolnshire (LC)
  • 01527Redditch[16] – – Was originally 0739 (RE) until changed to 0527 in ??
  • 01532unused
0532 was Leeds (LE) – numbers were transferred to 0113 on 16 April 1995
  • 01533unused
0533 was Leicester (LE) – numbers were transferred to 0116 on 16 April 1995
  • 01537unused
0537 was Leicester (LE) – numbers were transferred to 0533[18]
  • 01541unused
0541 was Langholm (LH) – numbers were transferred to 0387[18]
0541 later used for C&WC AreaCall; changed from 0541 to 08701 on 28 April 2001
  • 01543Cannock, Lichfield (LH)
  • 01551unused
0551 was Llanidloes (LL) – numbers were transferred to 0686[18]
  • 01552unused
0552 was Hamilton, Lanarkshire (LK) – numbers were transferred to 0698[18]
  • 01560Moscow (Kilmarnock-dependent) (KM)
  • 01572Oakham – – Was originally 0023 (OA) until changed to 0572 in 1968
  • 01574unused
was Larne (LR) – numbers were transferred to 028 on 22 April 2000
allocated but never used; all numbers were on 0473
0585 later used for Cellnet mobile; changed from 0585 to 07885 on 28 April 2001
  • 01587unused
0587 was Sedbergh, Lune (LU) – numbers were transferred to 0539[18]
  • 01589unused
0589 was Livingston (LV) – numbers were transferred to 0506[18]
0589 later used for Cellnet mobile; changed from 0589 to 07789 on 28 April 2001
  • 01596unused
0596 was Keswick (KW) – numbers were transferred to 0768[18]
  • 01599Kyle (KY)

  • 01601unused
0601 was Northampton (NO) – numbers were transferred to 0604[18]
  • 01602unused
0602 was Nottingham (NO) – numbers were transferred to 0115 on 16 April 1995
  • 01605unused
0605 was Norwich (NO) – numbers were transferred to 0603[18]
  • 01607unused
0607 was Nottingham (NO) – numbers were transferred to 0602[18]
  • 0161001619
See 0161Manchester previously 061
  • 01627unused
0627 was Maidstone (MA) – numbers were transferred to 0622[18]
  • 01631Oban – – Was originally 0024 (OB) until changed to 0631 in 1968
  • 01632unused
0632 was Newcastle upon Tyne (NE) – numbers were transferred to 091 in the 1980s[21]
0632 later used for Premium rate numbers; changed from 0632 to 09xx on 28 April 2001
01632 numbers are now used as fictional numbers for drama purposes
  • 01640unused
0640 was Mallaig (MG) – numbers were transferred to 0687[18]
0640 later used for Premium rate numbers; changed from 0640 to 09xx on 28 April 2001
  • 01645unused
0645 was Market Harborough (MH) – numbers were transferred to 0858[18]
0645 later used for C&WC LocalCall; changed from 0645 to 08459 on 28 April 2001
  • 01648unused
was Magherafelt (MG) – numbers were transferred to 028 on 22 April 2000
  • 01649unused
0649 was Middlesbrough (MH) – numbers were transferred to 0642[18]
  • 01651Oldmeldrum – – Was originally 0055 (OL) until changed to 0651 in 1968
  • 01652Brigg, North Kelsey (NK)
  • 01656Bridgend, Ogmore Vale – – Was originally 0042 (OG) until changed to 0656 in 1968
  • 01657unused
0657 was Millom (ML) – numbers were transferred to 0229[18]
  • 01658unused
0658 was Mareham le Fen (ML) – numbers were transferred to 0507[18]
  • 01660unused
0660 was Bellingham, Northumberland (NM) – numbers were transferred to 0434[18]
0660 later used for Premium rate numbers; changed from 0660 to 07661/09xx on 28 April 2001
  • 01661Prudhoe, Northumberland (NM)
  • 01662unused
was Omagh – – Was originally 0063 (OM) until changed to 0662 in 1968numbers were transferred to 028 on 22 April 2000)
  • 01665Alnwick, Northumberland (NM)
  • 01668Bamburgh, Northumberland (NM)
  • 01669Rothbury, Northumberland (NM)
  • 01677Bedale, North Riding (NR)
  • 01678Bala, Meirionydd (MR)
  • 01679unused
0679 was New Romney (NR) – numbers were transferred to 0797[18]
  • 01682unused
0682 was Nuneaton (until 1982) (NU) – numbers were transferred to 024 on 22 April 2000
  • 01687Mallaig – – Was originally 0640 (MG) until changed to 0687 in ??
  • 01689Orpington – – Was originally 0072 (OR) until changed to 0689 in 1968
  • 01691Oswestry (OW) – – Was originally 0073 (OS) until changed to 0691 in 1968
  • 01693unused
was Newry (NY) – numbers were transferred to 028 on 22 April 2000
  • 01696unused
was Market Weighton (MW) – numbers were transferred to 0430[18]
0696 later used for Premium rate numbers; changed from 0696 to 09xx on 28 April 2001
  • 01699unused
0699 was ArmathwaiteCaldbeckRaughton HeadSouthwaitenumbers were transferred to 06974[18]

  • 01701unused
0701 was Portsmouth (PO) – numbers were transferred to 0705[18]
  • 01703unused
was Southampton (SO) – numbers were transferred to 023 on 22 April 2000
  • 01705unused
was Portsmouth (PO) – numbers were transferred to 023 on 22 April 2000
  • 0171001719unused
Previously 0171Inner London (now 020) – previously 071
  • 01729Settle, Ribblesdale (RB)
  • 01731unused
0731 was Peterborough (PE) – numbers were transferred to 0733[18]
  • 01734unused
was Reading (RE) – numbers were transferred to 0118 on 9 January 1998[12]
  • 01735unused
0735 was Reading (RE) – numbers were transferred to 0734[18]
  • 01739unused
0739 was Redditch (RE) – numbers were transferred to 0527[18]
  • 01741unused
0741 was Sheffield (SH) – numbers were transferred to 0742[18]
  • 01742unused
0742 was Sheffield (SH) – numbers were transferred to 0114 on 19 April 1995
  • 01745Rhyl (RH)
  • 01750Selkirk (SK)[16]
  • 01755unused
0755 was Plymouth (PL) – numbers were transferred to 0752[18]
  • 01762unused
was Portadown (PN) – numbers were transferred to 028 on 22 April 2000
  • 01764Crieff, Ruthven (RN)
  • 01772Preston (PR)
  • 01774unused
0774 was Preston (PR) – numbers were transferred to 0772[18]
  • 01781unused
0781 was Stoke-on-Trent (ST) – numbers were transferred to 0782[18]
  • 01783unused
0783 was Sunderland (SU) – numbers were transferred to 091 in the 1980s[21]
  • 01791unused
0791 was Brighton, Sussex (SX) – numbers were transferred to 0273[18]
  • 01797Rye (RY)

  • 01800unused
0800 was Tongue (TO) – numbers were transferred to 0847[18]
0800 currently used for BT Freefone
  • 01801unused
0801 was Thrapston, Oundle – – Was originally 0085 (OU) until changed to 0801 in 1968numbers were transferred to 0832[18]
  • 01802unused
original area allocation unknown
0802 later used for Cellnet mobile; changed from 0802 to 07802 on 28 April 2001
  • 01804unused
0804 was Torquay (TO) – numbers were transferred to 0803[18]
  • 0181001819unused
Previously 0181Outer London (now 020) – previously 081
  • 01820unused
was Banbridgenumbers were transferred to 028 on 22 April 2000
  • 01824Ruthin, Vale of Clwyd (VC)
  • 01826unused
0826 was Invergowrie, Tayside (TA) – numbers were transferred to 0382[18]
  • 01831unused
original area allocation unknown
0831 later used for Vodafone mobile; changed from 0831 to 07831 on 28 April 2001
  • 01832Clopton, Oundle – – Was originally 0082 (OU) until changed to 0832 in 1968
  • 01835St Boswells, Teviotdale (TE)
  • 01836unused
0836 was Eigg – ?? – numbers were transferred to 0687[18]
0836 later used for Vodafone mobile; changed from 0836 to 07836 on 28 April 2001
  • 01837Okehampton[16] – – Was originally 0052 (OK) until changed to 0837 in 1968
  • 01839unused
original area allocation unknown
0839 later used for Vodafone mobile; changed from 0831 to 07831 on 28 April 2001
0845 later used for Telinco
  • 01846unused
was Lisburnnumbers were transferred to 028 on 22 April 2000
  • 01849unused
was Antrimnumbers were transferred to 028 on 22 April 2000
  • 01850unused
0850 was Callanish, Lewis, Outer Hebrides – – Was originally 0040 (OH) until changed to 0850 in 1968numbers were transferred to 0851[18]
0850 later used for Cellnet mobile; changed from 0850 to 07850 on 29 April 2001
  • 01852Kilmelford, Oban – – Was originally 0025 (OB) until changed to 0852 in 1968
  • 01853unused
0853 was Ullswater (UL) – numbers were transferred to 0768[18]
0853 later used for Premium rate numbers; changed from 0853 to 09xx on 28 April 2001
  • 01855Ballachulish, Onich – – Was originally 0062 (ON) until changed to 0855 in 1968
  • 01856Orkney – – Was originally 0076 (OR) until changed to 0856 in 1968
  • 01857Sanday, Orkney – – Was originally 0077 (OR) until changed to 0857 in 1968
  • 01858Market Harborough – – Was originally 0645 (MH) until changed to 0858 in ??
  • 01860unused
original area allocation unknown
0860 later used for Cellnet mobile; changed from 0860 to 07860 on 28 April 2001
  • 01861unused
was Armaghnumbers were transferred to 028 on 22 April 2000
  • 01862Tain (TN)
  • 01865Oxford – – Was originally 0092 (OX) until changed to 0865 (UN[iversity]) in 1968
  • 01866Kilchrenan, Oban – – Was originally 0025 (OB) until changed to 0866 in 1968
  • 01867unused
0867 was Oxford – – Was originally 0096 (OX) until changed to 0867 in 1968numbers were transferred to 0865[18]
  • 01868unused
was Dungannonnumbers were transferred to 028 on 22 April 2000
  • 01869Bicester, Oxfordshire – – Was originally 0095 (OX) until changed to 0869 in 1968
  • 01881unused
original area allocation unknown
0881 later used for Premium rate numbers; changed from 0881 to 07681/09xx on 28 April 2001
  • 01883Caterham, Oxted – – Was originally 0093 (OX) until changed to 0883 in 1968
0890 later used for Premium rate numbers; changed from 0890 to 09xx on 28 April 2001
  • 01891unused
original area allocation unknown
0891 later used for BT ValueCall; changed from 0891 to 09065 on 28 April 2001
  • 01893unused
original area allocation unknown
Later used for BT Paging; changed from 01893 to 07693 on 28 April 2001
  • 01894unused
0894 was Tyneside (TY) – numbers were transferred to 0632 and then on to 091 during the 1980s[21]
0894 later used for Premium rate numbers; changed from 0894 to 09xx on 28 April 2001
0895 later used for Premium rate numbers; changed from 0895 to 09xx on 28 April 2001
0896 later used for Premium rate numbers; changed from 0896 to 09xx on 28 April 2001
  • 01897unused
0897 was never used as an area code
0897 later used for Premium rate numbers; changed from 0897 to 09xx on 28 April 2001
  • 01898unused
original area allocation unknown
0898 later used for Premium rate numbers; changed from 0898 to 09xx on 28 April 2001
  • 01899Biggar, Tweed (TW)

  • 01901unused
0901 was Boroughbridge, Yorkshire (YO) – numbers were transferred to 0423[18]
  • 01904York (YO)
  • 01906unused
0906 was Worthing (WO) – numbers were transferred to 0903[18]
  • 01907unused
0907 was Wolverhampton (WO) – numbers were transferred to 0902[18]
(originally, Wolverton (WO)[1][2])
  • 0191001919
See 0191Tyne and Wear, Sunderland and Durham previously 091
The 091 area was formed in the 1980s by the amalgamation of the older 0632, 0385, 0894, and 0783 area codes[21]
  • 01920Ware (WA)
  • 01921unused
original area allocation unknown
  • 01927unused
0927 was Watford (WA) – numbers were transferred to 0923[18]
  • 01928Runcorn, Warrington (WA)
  • 01930unused
0930 was Brough, Westmorland (WE) – numbers were transferred to 0768[18]
0930 later used for Premium rate numbers; changed from 0930 to 09xx on 28 April 2001
09307 used for One2One Mobile; changed from 0930 to 079307 on 28 April 2001
  • 01931Shap, Westmorland (WE)
  • 01936unused
0936 was Weaver (WE) – numbers were transferred to 0270[18]
  • 01939Wem (WE)
  • 01940unused
0940 was Gosforth, Whitehaven (WH) – numbers were transferred to 0946[18]
  • 01941unused
original area allocation unknown
0941 later used for Premium rate numbers; changed from 0941 to 07641 on 28 April 2001
  • 01955Wick (WK)
  • 01956unused
0956 was Weardale (WL) – numbers were transferred to 0388[18]
0956 later used for One2One mobile; changed 0956 to 07956 on 28 April 2001
09567 used for FleXtel personal numbering from 1994; changed from 0956 to 070107 on 28 April 2001
  • 01958unused
original area allocation unknown
0958 later used for One2One mobile; changed from 0958 to 07958 on 28 April 2001
  • 01959Westerham, Otford – – Was originally 0083 (OT) until changed to 0959 in 1968
  • 01960unused
was Ballyclarenumbers were transferred to 028 on 22 April 2000
  • 01961unused
original area allocation unknown
0961 later used for One2One mobile; changed from 0961 to 07961 on 28 April 2001
  • 01965unused
0965 was Wigton (WN) – numbers were transferred to 0697[18]
  • 01966unused
0966 was Windermere (WM) – numbers were transferred to 0539[18]
0966 later used for Orange mobile; changed from 0966 to 07966 on 28 April 2001
  • 01967Strontian – – Was originally 0024 (OB) until changed to 0967 in 1968
  • 01969Leyburn, Wensleydale (WN)
  • 01973unused
0973 was Leeds, West Riding (WR) – numbers were transferred to 0532[18]
0973 later used for Orange mobile; changed from 0973 to 07973 on 28 April 2001
  • 01974Llanon, Ystwyth (YS)
  • 01976unused
0976 was Bradford, West Riding (WR) – numbers were transferred to 0274[18]
0976 later used for Orange mobile; changed from 0976 to 07976 on 28 April 2001
  • 01979unused
original area allocation unknown
  • 01984Watchet (Williton) (WT)
  • 01986Bungay, Waveney (WV)
Brand new area code allocation post-BigNumber for a new town[44]
  • 01990unused
0990 was Wentworth (WW) – numbers were transferred to 0344[18]
0990 later used for BT NationalCall; changed from 0990 to 08705 on 28 April 2001
  • 01991unused
0991 was Clynderwen, West Wales (WW) – numbers were transferred to 0437[18]
0991 later used for Premium rate numbers; changed from 0991 to 09xx on 28 April 2001
  • 01992Lea Valley, Waltham X (WX)
  • 01996unused
0996 was Wilmslow (WW) – numbers were transferred to 0625[18]
  • 01998unused
original area allocation unknown
  • 01999unused
The code 0999 was used for dialling by PO operators only to mobile relief exchanges in the Glasgow area in the 1970s.
This code is now unused, and this may simply be because previously it was 0999 and the emergency telephone is number is 999. It is likely to have been avoided so as to avoid confusion.

The length of the area code part and the local number part is found as follows:[45]

Number format NSN[46] Geographic area code
2+8 only 10 020, 023, 024, 028, 029
3+7 only 10 0113, 0114, 0115, 0116, 0117, 0118, 0121, 0131, 0141, 0151, 0161, 0191
4+6 only 10 All 01xxx area codes from 01200 to 01999 not otherwise mentioned.
4+6 areas where part of range is assigned as 5+5 10 01387, 01539
4+6 areas where part of range is assigned as mixed 5+5 and 5+4 10 or 9 01697
Mixed 4+6 and 4+5 10 or 9 01204, 01208, 01254, 01276, 01297, 01298, 01363, 01364, 01384, 01386, 01404, 01420, 01460, 01461, 01480, 01488, 01527, 01562, 01566, 01606, 01629, 01635, 01647, 01659, 01695, 01726, 01744, 01750, 01827, 01837, 01884, 01900, 01905, 01935, 01949, 01963, 01995
Mixed 4+6 and 4+5 areas where part of range is assigned as 5+5 10 or 9 01524, 01768, 01946
5+5 only 10 0138 73, 0152 42, 0153 94, 0153 95, 0153 96, 0169 73, 0169 74, 0176 83, 0176 84, 0176 87, 0194 67
Mixed 5+5 and 5+4 10 or 9 0169 77

The number format '2+8' refers to, e.g. London, numbers using the (020) xxxx xxxx format.[47]

The number format '5+4' refers to, e.g. Brampton, numbers using the (0169 77) xxxx format.[47]


  1. ^ a b Roger Haworth (1999-11-22). "UK Geographic STD codes". Retrieved 2007-06-15. contains largely the same information as this page.
  2. ^ a b Selwyn Horne, Andy Emmerson et al. (2006-04-16). "British Subscriber Trunk Dialling Codes". Retrieved 2010-10-30. The original alphanumeric codes in all their glory!
  3. ^ (020) The codes 0207 & 0208 do not exist: London is under a single code, 020. Local numbers have eight digits and currently begin 3, 7, or 8.
  4. ^ Ofcom (2009-08-08). "Telephone numbersthe facts and figures : (Boxout) Is it (020) 7 or 0207?". Office of Communications. Retrieved 2009-11-11. 
  5. ^ Ofcom (2005-05-25). "Telephone Numbering : London Telephone Numbers". Office of Communications. Retrieved 2009-11-11. 
  6. ^ a b c d e Area code changed as a part of the Big Number Change in 2000.
  7. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s Area code changed as a part of phONEday in 1995.
  8. ^ a b c Area code changed in 1990.
  9. ^ (023) Wide area. Southampton numbers begin 8. Portsmouth numbers begin 9. Local numbers have eight digits.
  10. ^ (024) Wide area. Coventry numbers begin 76, 77. Local numbers have eight digits.
  11. ^ (028) Eight-digit local numbers begin as follows: Ballycastle: 20, Martinstown: 21, Ballymena: 25, Ballymoney: 27, Larne: 28, Kilrea: 29, Newry: 30, Armagh: 37, Portadown: 38, Banbridge: 40, Rostrevor: 41, Kircubbin: 42, Newcastle (Co. Down): 43, Downpatrick: 44, Enniskillen: 66, Lisnaskea: 67, Kesh: 68, Coleraine: 70, Derry: 71, Limavady: 77, Magherafelt: 79, Carrickmore: 80, Newtownstewart: 81, Omagh: 82, Ballygawley: 85, Cookstown: 86, Dungannon: 87, Fivemiletown: 89, Belfast: 90 and 95, Bangor (Co. Down): 91, Lisburn: 92, Ballyclare: 93, Antrim: 94, Saintfield: 97.
  12. ^ a b (0118) Numbers in Reading separately migrated to 0118 several years after PhONEday and a couple of years before the BigNumber change. Local numbers have seven digits and begin 3, 4 or 9.
  13. ^ Area code changed in 1998.
  14. ^ (029) Wide area. Cardiff numbers begin 20, 21, 22. Local numbers have eight digits.
  15. ^ (0191) ELNS area. Tyneside numbers begin 2, 4, 6, 8 (North Tyneside/Newcastle 2, 6South Tyneside/Gateshead 4, 8). Durham numbers begin 3, 9. Sunderland numbers begin 5, 7. Local numbers have seven digits.
  16. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao There are still a very few places with the standard (01xxx) area code but which have both six-digit and five-digit local numbers, or have only five-digit local numbers, as described at Telephone numbers in the United Kingdom. These codes include 01204, 01208, 01254, 01276, 01297, 01298, 01363, 01364, 01384, 01386, 01404, 01420, 01460, 01461, 01480, 01488, 01524, 01527, 01562, 01566, 01606, 01629, 01635, 01647, 01659, 01695, 01726, 01744, 01750, 01768, 01827, 01837, 01884, 01900, 01905, 01935, 01946, 01949, 01963 and 01995.
  17. ^ a b There are still a very few places with an (01xx xx) area code. These areas can potentially have either or both five-digit and four-digit local numbers. Nowadays only Brampton (0169 77) has four-digit local numbers (0169 77) 2xxx and (0169 77) 3xxx, as well as five-digit local numbers (0169 77) 4xxxx and (0169 77) 5xxxx, as described at Telephone numbers in the United Kingdom and at "Code and number blocks1600 00 to 1799 99". Ofcom. Retrieved 2011-02-02. 
  18. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg This change happened prior to PhONEday (16 April 1995); the new code is not to be confused with the current allocations of dialling codes commencing 02 to 09, as this code would have changed again (mostly by adding the '1' after initial zero) on PhONEday.
  19. ^ (01229) ELNS area. Barrow-in-Furness numbers begin 2, 4, 5, 6, 8. Millom numbers begin 3, 7, 9.
  20. ^ (01339) ELNS area. Aboyne numbers begin 2, 3, 5, 8. Ballater numbers begin 4, 6, 7, 9.
  21. ^ a b c d e (0191) Numbers in Newcastle, Durham, Sunderland, Tyneside, and Wearside were migrated to 091, now 0191, between 1982 and 1988.
  22. ^ (01387) Mixed area. Dumfries numbers begin 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
  23. ^ (01388) ELNS area. Bishop Auckland numbers begin 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9. Stanhope (Eastgate) numbers begin 2, 5.
  24. ^ (01423) ELNS area. Boroughbridge numbers begin 3, 4, 9. Harrogate numbers begin 2, 5, 6, 7, 8.
  25. ^ (01430) ELNS area. Market Weighton numbers begin 6, 7, 8, 9. North Cave numbers begin 2, 3, 4, 5.
  26. ^ (01434) ELNS area. Bellingham numbers begin 2, 4, 9. Haltwhistle numbers begin 3, 5. Hexham numbers begin 6, 7, 8.
  27. ^ (01437) ELNS area. Clynderwen (Clunderwen) numbers begin 2, 3, 4, 5. Haverfordwest numbers begin 6, 7, 8, 9.
  28. ^ (01507) ELNS area. Alford (Lincs) numbers begin 4, 8, 9. Louth numbers begin 3, 6, 7. Spilsby numbers begin 2, 5.
  29. ^ (01524) Mixed area. Lancaster numbers begin 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
  30. ^ (01539) Mixed area. Kendal numbers begin 2, 3, 7, 8, 9.
  31. ^ (01595) Lerwick numbers begin 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 8, 9. Foula numbers begin 75. Fair Isle numbers begin 76.
  32. ^ (01686) ELNS area. Llanidloes numbers begin 2, 3, 4, 7. Newtown numbers begin 5, 6, 8, 9.
  33. ^ (01697) Mixed area. Brampton six-figure numbers begin 2, 5, 6, 8, 9.
  34. ^ a b (0169 77) British Telecommunications PLC (2003-05-16). "BT's Response to the Consultation by OFTEL on Proposals to Publish a National Telephone Numbering Plan". Retrieved 2010-04-02.  Page 7: '01697Brampton should be 0169 77; not 01697'.
  35. ^ a b (0169 77) Oftel (2003-05-07). "A Users Guide to Telephone Numbering". Retrieved 2010-04-02.  Pages 6 and 7 show Brampton examples using 0169 77 and +44 169 77 codes.
  36. ^ a b (0169 77) Director General of Telecommunications (2003-07-09). "The National Telephone Numbering Plan". Retrieved 2010-04-02.  Page 20 shows Brampton listed as 0169 77.
  37. ^ (01768) Mixed area. Penrith numbers begin 2, 5, 6, 8, 9.
  38. ^ (01847) ELNS area. Thurso numbers begin 2, 3, 4, 5, 8. Tongue numbers begin 6, 7, 9.
  39. ^ (01851) ELNS area. Great Bernera numbers begin 4, 6, 9. Stornoway numbers begin 2, 3, 5, 7, 8.
  40. ^ (01890) ELNS area. Ayton numbers begin 5, 6, 7, 9. Coldstream numbers begin 2, 3, 4, 8.
  41. ^ (01946) Mixed area. Whitehaven numbers begin 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9.
  42. ^ (01964) ELNS area. Hornsea numbers begin 2, 5, 8, 9. Patrington numbers begin 3, 4, 6, 7.
  43. ^ (01975) ELNS area. Alford (Aberdeen) numbers begin 2, 4, 5, 9. Strathdon numbers begin 3, 6, 7, 8.
  44. ^ (01987) Ofcom (2008-04-29). "Telephone Numbering : Creation of New Area Code for Ebbsfleet". Office of Communications. Retrieved 2009-11-11. 
  45. ^ Ofcom. "The National Telephone Numbering Plandownloadable data files". Office of Communications. Retrieved 2010-07-18.  List of all UK number allocations and their dialling format.
  46. ^ National Significant Numberthe digit count after the 0 trunk code or +44 international country code.
  47. ^ a b Oftel (2003-05-07). "A User's Guide to Telephone Numbering". Retrieved 2010-07-18. 

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