List of cities and unincorporated communities in Oregon

List of cities and unincorporated communities in Oregon

Government Camp

This List of cities and unincorporated communities in the U.S. state of Oregon includes all incorporated cities and many unincorporated communities, arranged in alphabetical order. Unincorporated communities are identified with "italic" type.

Cities are the only form of municipal government incorporated in Oregon.Oregon Constitution, Article XI § 2. While the language of the Constitution refers to municipalities and towns as well as cities, it only provides for one form of municipal charter.] While villages and hamlets exist in Oregon, they are created by Clackamas County only,Clackamas County Code, Chapter 2.10.] and do not resemble municipalities due to the limited nature of their powers and their lack of home-rule charters.cite news | last = Gragg | first = Randy | title = It Takes a Village to Raise a Voice | pages = B1, B5 | publisher = The Oregonian | date = May 11, 2007]

This list does not distinguish villages, hamlets, and other forms of local organization in Oregon; they are shown below as unincorporated communities. In addition, some formerly freestanding unincorporated communities have been partially or wholly subsumed by neighboring cities; these also are shown in "italics", and some may be marked with an asterisk (*).


Adair Village - Adams - "Adel" - Adrian - "Agate Beachcite book | last = McArthur | first = Lewis A. | authorlink = Lewis A. McArthur | coauthors = Lewis L. McArthur | title = Oregon Geographic Names | origyear = 1928 | edition = Seventh Edition | year = 2003 | publisher = Oregon Historical Society Press | location = Portland, Oregon | id = ISBN 0-87595-277-1 ] " - "Agness" - Albany - "Alfalfa" - "Algoma" - "Alicel" - "Allegany" - "Aloha" - "Alpine" - "Alsea" - "Alvadore" - Amity - "Andrews" - Antelope - "Apiary" - "Applegate" - Arlington - "Arock" - "Ash" - Ashland - "Ashwood" - Astoria - Athena - Aumsville - Aurora - "Austin" - "Azalea"


Baker City - Bandon - Banks - Barlow - "Barview (Coos County)GR|1" - "Barview (Tillamook County)" - Bay City - "Beatty" - "Beaver" - "Beavercreek" - Beaverton - "Belknap Springs" - "Bellevue" - Bend - "Biggs" - "Bingham Springs" - "Birkenfeld" - "Blachly" - "Black Rock" - "Blalock" - "Blodgett" - "Blue River" - "Bly" - Boardman - Bonanza - "Bonneville" - "Boring" - "Boyd [cite news | last = Gibson | first = Nancy | title = From Elevenmile House to a Town to Orchards: A History of Boyd | pages = A8 | publisher = The Dalles Chronicle | date = January 8, 2006] " - "Breitenbush" - "Bridal Veil" - "Bridge" - "Bridgeport" - "Brighton" - "Brightwood" - "Broadbent" - "Brogan" - Brookings - "Brooks" - "Brothers" - "Brownsmead" - Brownsville - "Buena Vista" - "Bull Run" - "Buncom" - Burns - "Burnt Woods" - Butte Falls - "Buxton"


"Camas Valley" - "Camp Sherman" - Canby - Cannon Beach - Canyon City - Canyonville - Carlton - "Carpenterville" - "Carver*" - Cascade Locks - "Cascadia" - Cave Junction - "Cayuse" - "Cecil" - "Cedar HillsGR|1*" - "Cedar Mill" - "Celilo Village [cite web | last = Johnson | first = Jean | authorlink = | coauthors = | title = Celilo Falls: Gone but not forgotten | work = Indian Country Today | publisher = | date = 2004-08-24 | url = | format = | doi = | accessdate = 2007-04-29 ] " - Central Point - "Champoeg [cite web | last = Oregon Parks and Recreation Department | first = | authorlink = Oregon State Parks and Recreation Department | coauthors = | title = Champoeg State Heritage Area | work = | publisher = | date = | url = | format = | doi = | accessdate = 2007-04-29 ] " - "Charleston" - "Chemult" - "Cherry Grove" - "Cherryville" - "Cheshire" - Chiloquin - "Christmas Valley" - "Clackamas" - Clatskanie - "Cloverdale" - Coburg - "Colton" - Columbia City - Condon - Coos Bay - "Copperfield"* - Coquille - "Corbett" - Cornelius - Corvallis - Cottage Grove - Cove - "Crabtree" - "Crane" - "Crawfordsville" - "Crescent" - "Crescent Lake" - Creswell - "Crow" - "Culp Creek" - Culver - "Curtin" - "Cushman"


"Dairy" - Dallas - Damascus - "Danner" - "Days Creek" - Dayton - Dayville - "Deadwood" - "Dee" - "Deer Island" - "Denmark" - Depoe Bay - Detroit - "Dexter" - "Diamond" - "Diamond Lake" - "Dillard" - "Dilley" - "Disston" - Donald - "Dorena" - Drain - "Drew" - "Drewsey" - Dufur - Dundee - Dunes City - "Dunthorpe"Fact|date=April 2007 - Durham - "Durkee"


"Eagle Creek" - Eagle Point - Echo - "Eddyville" - "Eightmile" - Elgin - "Elk City" - Elkton - "Elmira" - "Elsie" - Enterprise - Estacada - Eugene


Fairview - "Fall Creek" - Falls City - "Farmington" - "Fields" - "Finn Rock" - "Flora" - Florence - Forest Grove - "Fort Klamath" - "Fort Rock" - "Fort Stevens*" - Fossil - "Foster" - "Fox" - "Frenchglen" - "Friend"


"Gales Creek" - "Galice" - "Gardiner" - Garibaldi - Gaston - Gates - "Gaylord" - Gearhart - Gervais - "Gibbon" - "Gilchrist" - Gladstone - "Glenada" - Glendale - "Gleneden Beach" - "Glenwood" - "Glide" - "Goble" - Gold Beach - Gold Hill - "Goshen" - "Government Camp" - "Grand Ronde" - Granite - Grants Pass - Grass Valley - "Gravelford" - Greenhorn - Gresham


Haines - Halfway - Halsey - "Hamilton" - "Hamlet" - "Hammond*" - "Hampton" - Happy Valley - "Harbor" - "Hardman" - "Harlan" - "Harper" - Harrisburg - "Hebo" - Helix - "Helvetia" - Heppner - "Hereford" - Hermiston - Hillsboro - Hines - "Holdman" - "Holland" - "Holley" - "Homestead" - Hood River - "Hopewell" - "Horton" - "Hoskins" - "Hot Lake" - Hubbard - Huntington


Idanha - "Idleyld Park" - Imbler - "Imnaha" - Independence - Ione - "Ironside" - Irrigon - Island City


Jacksonville - "Jamieson" - "Jasper" - Jefferson - "Jewell" - John Day - Johnson City - "Jordan" - Jordan Valley - Joseph - Junction City - "Juntura"


"Kamela" - "Kansas City" - "Keasey" - Keizer - "Keno" - "Kent" - "Kerby" - "Kernville" - "Kimberly" - King City - "Kings Valley" - "Kinton" - "Klamath Agency" - Klamath Falls - "Knappa"


La Grande - La Pine - "Lacomb" - Lafayette - Lake Oswego - "Lake Creek" - Lakeside - Lakeview - "Langlois" - "Laurelwood" - "Lawen" - "Leaburg" - Lebanon - Lexington - "Lincoln Beach" - Lincoln City - "Lime" - Lonerock - Long Creek - "Lookingglass" - "Lorane" - Lostine - Lowell - "Low Pass" - Lyons


"Mabel" - Madras - Malin - "Manning" - Manzanita - "Mapleton" - "Marcola" - "Marion" - "Marion Forks" - "Marquam" - Maupin - "Mayger" - "Mayville" - Maywood Park - "McCredie Springs" - "McDermitt" - "McKenzie Bridge" - McMinnville - "McNary" - "Meacham" - Medford - "Medical Springs" - "Mehama" - "Merlin" - Merrill - Metolius - "MetzgerGR|1*" - "Midland" - "Mikkalo" - Mill City - Millersburg - "Millican" - "Milo" - Milton-Freewater - Milwaukie - "Minam" - "Minerva" - "Mission" - "Mist" - Mitchell - "Modoc Point" - "Mohawk" - "Mohler" - Molalla - "Monitor" - Monmouth - Monroe - Monument - Moro - Mosier - Mount Angel - "Mount Hood" - Mount Vernon - "Mulino" - "Murphy" - Myrtle Creek - Myrtle Point


"Necanicum" - Nehalem - "Nesika Beach" - "Neskowin" - "Netarts" - "New Bridge" - "New Pine Creek" - "New Princeton" - Newberg - Newport - "Nimrod" - North Bend - North Plains - North Powder - "Norway" - "Noti" - Nyssa


"Oak HillsGR|1*" - Oakland - Oakridge - "OatfieldGR|1" - "O'Brien" - "Oceanside" - "Odell" - "Olene" - "Olney" - Ontario - "Ophir" - Oregon City - "Orenco"* - "Otis" - "Otter Rock" - "Owyhee" - "Oxbow"


"Pacific City" - Paisley - "Parkdale" - "Paulina" - "Payette Junction" - Pendleton - "Perrydale" - Philomath - Phoenix - Pilot Rock - "Pine" - "Pine Grove" - "Pinehurst" - "Pistol River" - "Pittsburg" - "Pleasant Hill" - "Pleasant Valley" - "Plush" - "Pondosa" - Portland - Port Orford - "Post" - "Powell Butte" - Powers - Prairie City - "Pratum" - Prescott - Prineville - "Progress*" - "Prospect" - "Provolt"


Rainier - "Redland" - Redmond - Reedsport - "Reedville" - "Remote" - "Rhododendron" - "Rice" - "Rice Hill" - Richland - "Rickreall" - Riddle - "Riley" - "Ritter" - Rivergrove - "Riverside" - "Riverton" - Rockaway Beach - "RockcreekGR|1" - Rogue River - "Rome" - "Rose Lodge" - Roseburg - "Rowena" - "Roy" - "Ruch" - Rufus


"Saginaw" - "St. Benedict" - St. Helens - "St. Joseph" - "St. Louis" - St. Paul - Salem - Sams Valley - Sandy - Scappoose - "Scholls" - Scio - "Scottsburg" - Scotts Mills - "Seal Rock" - Seaside - "Selma" - Seneca - "Shady"Fact|date=May 2007 - Shady Cove - Shaniko - "Shedd" - Sheridan - Sherwood - Siletz - "Siltcoos" - "Silver Lake" - Silverton - Sisters - "Sitkum" - "Sixes" - "Skipanon" - Sodaville - "South Beach" - "Sprague River" - Spray - "Springbrook*" - Springfield - "Stafford" - Stanfield - Stayton - Sublimity - "Sulphur Springs" - "Summer Lake" - Summerville - "Sumner" - Sumpter - "Sunriver" - Sutherlin - "Svensen" - Sweet Home - "Swisshome"


"Takilma" - Talent - Tangent - "Telocaset" - "Tenmile" - "Terrebonne" - "Thatcher" - The Dalles - "Tidewater" - "Tiernan" - Tigard - Tillamook - "Tiller" - "Timber" - Toledo - "Trail" - "Tri-City"GR|1 - "Triangle Lake" - Troutdale - "Troy" - Tualatin - Tumalo - Turner - "Twin Rocks" - "Tygh Valley"


Ukiah - "Umapine" - Umatilla - "Umpqua" - Union - Unity


Vale - "Valley Falls" - "Valley Junction" - "Valsetz" - "Vanportcite book | last = Maben | first = Manley| title = Vanport | year = 1987 | publisher = Oregon Historical Society Press | location = Portland, Oregon] *" - Veneta - Vernonia - "Vida" - "Villages at Mount Hood"


"Wagontire" - Waldport - "Walker" - Wallowa - "Walterville" - "Walton" - "Wamic" - "Wankers Corner"Fact|date=May 2007 - "Warm Springs" - "Warren" - Warrenton - Wasco - "Wauna" - Waterloo - "Wedderburn" - "Welches" - "Wemme" - "Wendling" - West Linn - "West Stayton" - "West Union" [ [ West Union.] Retrieved December 17 2007.] - "Westfall" - Westfir - Weston - "Westport" - Wheeler - "White City" - "Whiteson" - "Whitney" - "Wilbur" - "Wilderville" - Willamina - "Willamette"* - "Williams" - "Willow Creek" - Wilsonville - "Winchester" - "Winchester Bay" - Winston - "Wolf Creek" - "Wonder" - Wood Village - Woodburn - "Worden" - "Wren"


Yachats - Yamhill - Yoncalla


"Zena" - "Zigzag"

See also

*List of counties in Oregon
*Oregon census statistical areas
*List of cities in the United States
*List of lists about Oregon

Notes and references

Unless otherwise noted, all incorporated cities are included by reference to:
cite web
last = Oregon State Archives
first =
authorlink = Oregon State Archives
coauthors =
title = "Oregon Blue Book", web version
work =
publisher =
date =
url =
format =
doi =
accessdate = 2007-03-25

Unless otherwise noted, all unincorporated communities listed above are included by reference to:
last = Oregon Department of Transportation
authorlink = Oregon Department of Transportation
title = Official State Map, 2005-2007
date = June 2005
place = Salem, OR
url =

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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