National Register of Historic Places listings in Graham County, North Carolina

National Register of Historic Places listings in Graham County, North Carolina
North Carolina Map Highlighting Graham County.PNG

This list includes properties and districts listed on the National Register of Historic Places in Graham County, North Carolina. Click the "Map of all coordinates" link to the right to view a Google map of all properties and districts with latitude and longitude coordinates in the table below.[1]

This National Park Service list is complete through NPS recent listings posted November 10, 2011.[2]
Landmark name Image Date listed Location City or Town Summary
1 Cheoah Hydroelectric Development 02004-05-21 May 21, 2004 1512 Tapoca Rd., NC 129
35°270N 83°5610W / 35.45°N 83.93611°W / 35.45; -83.93611 (Cheoah Hydroelectric Development)
2 Charles Noden George House 01984-04-05 April 5, 1984 Off US 129
35°1658N 83°424W / 35.28278°N 83.70111°W / 35.28278; -83.70111 (George, Charles Noden, House)
3 Graham County Courthouse 02007-08-28 August 28, 2007 12 N. Main St.
35°1921N 83°4825W / 35.3225°N 83.80694°W / 35.3225; -83.80694 (Graham County Courthouse)
4 Santeetlah Hydroelectric Development 02004-05-21 May 21, 2004 Dam-Hwy NC 1247, Powerhouse-1277 Farley Branch Rd.
35°2349N 83°5221W / 35.39694°N 83.8725°W / 35.39694; -83.8725 (Santeetlah Hydroelectric Development)
5 Snowbird Mountain Lodge 01993-09-02 September 2, 1993 275 Santeetlah Rd.
35°2031N 83°5329W / 35.34194°N 83.89139°W / 35.34194; -83.89139 (Snowbird Mountain Lodge)
6 Tapoco Lodge Historic District 02004-05-21 May 21, 2004 14981 Tapoco Rd.
35°2631N 83°5619W / 35.44194°N 83.93861°W / 35.44194; -83.93861 (Tapoco Lodge Historic District)

See also


  1. ^ The latitude and longitude information provided in this table was derived originally from the National Register Information System, which has been found to be fairly accurate for about 99% of listings. For about 1% of NRIS original coordinates, experience has shown that one or both coordinates are typos or otherwise extremely far off; some corrections may have been made. A more subtle problem causes many locations to be off by up to 150 yards, depending on location in the country: most NRIS coordinates were derived from tracing out latitude and longitudes off of USGS topographical quadrant maps created under the North American Datum of 1927, which differs from the current, highly accurate WGS84 GPS system used by Google maps. Chicago is about right, but NRIS longitudes in Washington are higher by about 4.5 seconds, and are lower by about 2.0 seconds in Maine. Latitudes differ by about 1.0 second in Florida. Some locations in this table may have been corrected to current GPS standards.
  2. ^ "National Register of Historic Places: Weekly List Actions". National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior. Retrieved on November 10, 2011.

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