- 15 October 2011 global protests
15 October 2011 global protests Date 15 October 2011 Location Worldwide Causes Economic inequality, corporate influence over government, political corruption Characteristics - Non violent protest
- Civil disobedience
- Occupation
- Picketing
- Demonstrations
- Internet activism
- Rioting
Arrests/Injuries Arrests: 950+ Injuries: 70+[1][2] The 15 October 2011 global protests were part of a series of protests inspired by the Arab Spring, the Spanish "Indignants", the Greek Protests and the Occupy movement. Global demonstrations were held on October 15 in more than 950 cities [3] 82 countries.[4][5][6][7] The date was chosen to coincide with the 5 month anniversary of the first protest in Spain. General assemblies,the social network n-1,[8][9] mailing lists, and Facebook were used to coordinate the events. Some protests were only a few hundred in number, whereas others numbered in the hundreds of thousands, with the largest in Madrid numbering half a million.[10][11]
As a continuation of the 2011 Spanish Protests, the largest protests took place in Spain, where more than a million people took the streets on 15 October, including 500,000 in Madrid,[10] 350,000 in Barcelona, and 150,000 in Zaragoza. In Madrid, protesters reoccupied the Puerta del Sol square where the Indignados had camped five months earlier on 15th May. As in protests elsewhere, slogans on signs included "We are the 99%", "United for Global Change" and "Human Rights for Everybody". [12]
Main article: 2011 Rome demonstrationAt least 300,000 under the banner of "People of Europe: Rise Up!" gathered in the centre of Rome, according to the organizers.[13] During the peaceful march against corporate greed and austerity measures, a small group of people broke away from the main demonstration and threw rocks, bottles and incendiary devices at banks and riot police. Riot police charged and clashed with the protesters repeatedly, firing water cannons and tear gas. At least 135 people were injured, including 105 police officers. 12 people were arrested. [14]
10,000 people gathered at the Neptune Fountain in Alexanderplatz between 13:00 and 14:00. At 14:00 the march set off towards the Brandenburger Tor, arriving to a police barrier at the "Pariser Platz" square at about 15:00. The march thus went made a detour around Brandenburgertor and marched towards the Kanzleramt, the seat of the federal government of Germany. In front of the Kanzleramt an open-mic was put in place where anybody could come up and give their thoughts. The sound system was not loud enough for such a big gathering and so it was proposed to use the Human mic (das Volksmikro in German) technique of Occupy Wall St. The plan had been for everyone to go to Mariannenplatz in the evening where stages, music and food had been prepared. However the people spontaneously decided to assemble in front of the Reichtag and held an assembly there. Tents were put out, and the food was brought from Mariannenplatz. The police came and told the people to disperse. The people refused to disperse and continued their assembly using the Human mic. The police then proceeded to destroy the tents which had been put up. After all the tents had been destroyed or confiscated by the police, the police made rounds around the assembly and stole the blankets and mats of the people. At around midnight the policed made a final call to disperse and threatened serious consequences for those who stayed. The people decided to stay. The police then proceeded to violently and forcibly remove the peaceful gathering of people in the park in front of the parliamentarian. The police then told the dislodged people on the streets around Platz der Republik to go to Brandenburgertor. More than 100 people then regrouped at Pariserplatz near Brandenburgertor to make a new assembly. In that assembly it was decided to come back the next day at 13:00 at Pariserplatz to continue the movement. As soon had this decision been made that the police made renewed threats to the people. The people then decided to leave for the moment and come back the next day. People from the protest reported that the police blocked sms and twitter communication containing certain key words such as "occupyreichtag" or "occupywallst" during periods of the day. The protest became ongoing and countinues as Occupy Berlin[15][16][17][18][19][20][21]
Frankfurt in Germany, where 8000 people gathered in front of the European Central Bank Frankfurt headquarters on the first day of a worldwide protest against income disparity and corporate greed. Organizers declared they would occupy and blockade the square in front of the ECB "for an undefined period of time." Demonstrators have set up a protest camp like those in Madrid and New York with 109 tents and 9 pavilions, soup kitchen and bread line, facility's, generators, W-Lan and live stream and a media team with an own podcast called "klargestellt" (ger: clarified).[22]
Around 5000 people supported the global protest at the "schlossplatz"
Between 2,000 and 5,000 people joined the rally on October 15th.[23] Since then, a protest camp with currently around 15 tents (as of Oct 22nd) is located in front of the HSH Nordbank headquarter.[24]
A group of protesters organized an occupation of the London Stock Exchange to bring attention to what they see as unethical behavior on the part of banks. By 2:30 PM, police had contained the crowd near the St. Paul's Cathedral, where Wikileaks founder Julian Assange held a speech, stating that Wikileaks would support the protests through a campaign against financial institutions.[25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32] A similar protest group inspired by Occupy Wall Street has formed in the UK under the name OccupyLSX.[3][33][34]
In Ireland protests were held throughout the country, including in Dublin [35] and Cork. Now the demonstrations are spreading to Galway as described by The Irish Times.[36] In the same article this newspaper describes the movement in the following terms: The group has no hierarchical structure, has set up a Facebook page and Twitter account – with the social media links attracting a very mixed, and sometimes critical, reaction. The protest in Dublin was organized by the Real Democracy Now! Ireland and Occupy Dame Street protest, set up outside the Central Bank of Ireland in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street movement in New York, also continued throughout the day.
In Slovenia protesters gathered in Koper, Maribor and the capital, Ljubljana, with the latter being the most prominent one. In Koper around 300 people gathered to protest against corruption, capitalism and also against Port of Koper, which is accused of violation of workers' rights. in the capital, people gathered on Congress Square to protest against greed, corruption and capitalism in general. They later moved to Ljubljana Stock Exchange where an assembly was called. The participants decided to continue the protest by means of symbolic occupation. In the following days, the camp size has risen to some 30 tents with continuing assemblies averaging between 150-200 participants.[1][37]
In Finland there were gatherings at 13 locations.[38] The largest meeting was held at the Narinkkatori square in Helsinki where about 1000 people attended during the day, according to the organizers.[39] Several hundred people gathered also in Turku,[40] Tampere[41] and Jyväskylä.[42]
North America
United States
Main articles: Occupy Wall Street and List of Occupy movement protest locations in the United StatesIn New York City, after police prepared to evict protesters from Zuccotti Park near Wall Street, the protesters marched into the heart of the city where they gathered 10,000 supporters.[25] 70 were arrested, 45 in Times square and 24 at a branch of Citibank.[43] Protests also took place in hundreds[44] of major cities across the US like Washington, Boston, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami, and Dallas[45] and smaller communities like Champaign–Urbana,[46] Memphis[47] Oklahoma City, Buffalo,[48] and Fort Lauderdale.
United States
100 were arrested in Boston,[49] 90 in New York,[43] 175 in Chicago, 50 in Phoenix, 19 in Sacramento, 20 in Raleigh.,[50] and 24 in Denver.[51]
12 were arrested in Rome after a part of the protest turned violent. [52]
List of gatherings by city
See also: List of Occupy movement protest locations and List of Occupy movement protest locations in the United States- Note: This list is sortable in various ways. Click the sort button
at the top of the column you wish to sort. Click again to reverse the order of sorting. Reload the page to reset everything to its original format.
See also
- Note. Cities with 'Occupy' articles are in the show-hide table below.
- Occupy movement
- Timeline of Occupy Wall Street
- We are the 99%
Other U.S. protests
- 2011 United States public employee protests
- 2011 Wisconsin protests
Other international protests
- 2010–2011 Greek protests
- 2011 Chilean protests
- 2011 Israeli social justice protests
- 2011 Portuguese protests
- 2011 United Kingdom anti-austerity protests and 2010 UK student protests
- Iceland Kitchenware Revolution
- Spanish 15M Indignants movement
- Time for Outrage!
Related articles
- Bank Transfer Day
- Corruption Perceptions Index
- Economic inequality
- Grassroots movement
- Impact of the Arab Spring
- Income inequality in the United States
- List of countries by distribution of wealth
- List of countries by income equality
- Plutocracy
- Wealth inequality in the United States
Late-2000s financial crisis - Late-2000s recession
- 2008 G-20 Washington summit
- APEC Peru 2008
- 2009 G-20 London Summit
- 2009 G-20 Pittsburgh summit
- APEC Singapore 2009
- 2010 G-20 Toronto summit
- 2010 G-20 Seoul summit
Specific issues - 2000s energy crisis (2008 Central Asia energy crisis)
- 2007–2008 world food price crisis
- 2008–2009 Keynesian resurgence
- 2008–10 California budget crisis
- 2008–2011 Irish banking crisis
- Automotive industry crisis of 2008–2010
- Effects of the financial crisis of 2007–2010 on museums
- European sovereign debt crisis (timeline)
- Future of newspapers
- January 2008 Société Générale trading loss incident
- List of entities involved in 2007–2008 financial crises (acquired or bankrupt banks; business failures)
- Subprime mortgage crisis (timeline; writedowns)
- United States housing market correction
By country (or region) - Belgium
- Greece
- Iceland
- Ireland
- Latvia
- Russia
- Spain
- Ukraine
- Africa
- Americas
- United States
- Asia
- Europe
- Oceania
Legislation and policy responses Banking and finance
stability and reform- Banking (Special Provisions) Act 2008
- Commercial Paper Funding Facility
- Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008
- Troubled Asset Relief Program
- Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility
- Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program
- 2008 United Kingdom bank rescue package
- China–Japan–South Korea trilateral summit
- Anglo Irish Bank Corporation Act 2009
- 2009 G-20 London Summit
- Irish emergency budget, 2009
- National Asset Management Agency
- Irish budget, 2010
- Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
Bank stress tests- EU
- US
Stimulus and recovery - National fiscal policy response to the late 2000s recession
- Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008
- Economic Stimulus Act of 2008
- Chinese economic stimulus program
- 2008 European Union stimulus plan
- American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
- Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act of 2009
- Green New Deal
Companies and banking institutions Companies in bankruptcy,
reorganization, administration,
or other insolvency proceedings
(listed alphabetically)- Air America Radio
- Allco Finance Group
- American Freedom Mortgage
- American Home Mortgage
- Arena Football League
- Babcock & Brown
- BearingPoint
- Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC
- BI-LO (United States)
- Borders Group
- Charter Communications
- Chrysler (Chapter 11 reorganization)
- Circuit City Stores
- CIT Group
- Citadel Broadcasting
- Conquest Vacations
- DSB Bank
- Eddie Bauer
- FairPoint Communications
- Friendly's Ice Cream
- General Growth Properties
- General Motors (Chapter 11 reorganization)
- Great Southern Group
- Icesave
- Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander
- Lehman Brothers (bankruptcy)
- Linens 'n Things
- Mervyns
- Midway Games
- Movie Gallery
- NetBank
- New Century
- Nortel
- Petters Group Worldwide
- R. H. Donnelley
- Rothstein Rosenfeldt Adler
- Saab Automobile
- Sbarro
- Sentinel Management Group
- Silicon Graphics
- Stanford Financial Group
- Sun-Times Media Group
- Terra Securities (scandal)
- Thornburg Mortgage
- Tribune Company
- Tweeter Opco, LLC
- Uno Chicago Grill
- Washington Mutual
- Waterford Wedgwood
- Woolworths Group
- Yamato Life
Government interventions,
rescues, and acquisitions
(listed alphabetically)- ACC Capital Holdings
- Allied Irish Banks
- American International Group
- Anglo Irish Bank (nationalisation)
- Bank of America
- Bank of Antigua
- Bank of Ireland
- Bear Stearns
- Bradford & Bingley
- Chrysler
- Citigroup
- CL Financial
- Dexia
- Fannie Mae (takeover)
- Fortis
- Freddie Mac (takeover)
- General Motors
- Glitnir
- Hypo Real Estate
- IndyMac Federal Bank
- ING Group
- Kaupthing Bank
- Landsbanki
- Northern Rock (nationalisation)
- Parex Bank
- Royal Bank of Scotland Group
- Straumur Investment Bank
- U.S. Central Credit Union
Company acquisitions
(listed alphabetically)- Alliance & Leicester
- Ameriquest Mortgage
- Barnsley Building Society
- Bear Stearns
- Blockbuster Inc.
- Cheshire Building Society
- Countrywide Financial
- Derbyshire Building Society
- Dunfermline Building Society
- Merrill Lynch
- National City Corp. (acquisition by PNC)
- Scarborough Building Society
- Sovereign Bank
- Wachovia
- Washington Mutual
Other topics Alleged frauds
and fraudsters- Nicholas Cosmo
- Fairfield Greenwich Group
- Seán FitzPatrick (Anglo Irish Bank hidden loans controversy)
- Paul Greenwood
- Angelo Mozilo
- Arthur Nadel
- Kazutsugi Nami (Enten controversy)
- Stanford Financial Group (Allen Stanford; James M. Davis; Laura Pendergest-Holt)
- Barry Tannenbaum
- Stephen Walsh
Proven or admitted
frauds and fraudsters- Marc Stuart Dreier
- Joseph S. Forte
- Norman Hsu
- Du Jun
- Bernard Madoff (Madoff investment scandal; Frank DiPascali; David G. Friehling)
- Tom Petters
- Raj Rajaratnam (Galleon Group)
- Scott W. Rothstein
- Mahindra Satyam (Satyam scandal; Byrraju Ramalinga Raju)
Related entities - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
- Federal Home Loan Banks
- Federal Housing Administration
- Federal Housing Finance Agency
- Federal Housing Finance Board
- Federal Reserve System
- Government National Mortgage Association
- Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight
- Office of Financial Stability
- UK Financial Investments Limited
- United States Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Securities involved
and financial marketsRelated topics - 2008 Greek riots
- 2009 California college tuition hike protests
- 2009 Icelandic financial crisis protests
- 2009 May Day protests
- 2010 French pension reform strikes
- 2010 UK student protests
- 2010–2011 Greek protests
- 2011 United Kingdom anti-austerity protests
- 2011 United States public employee protests
- Arab Spring
- Bailout
- Bank run
- Capitalism: A Love Story
- Credit crunch
- Dot-com bubble
- Economic bubble
- Financial contagion
- Financial crisis
- Great Depression
- Impact of the Arab Spring
- Inside Job
- Interbank lending market
- Jon Stewart's 2009 criticism of CNBC
- Liquidity crisis
- Tea Party protests
- Occupy movement
- United States housing bubble
- Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps
Anti-government protests in the 21st century Revolutions
and uprisings- Bahraini uprising (2011)
- Egyptian revolution (2011)
- Libyan civil war (2011)
- Syrian uprising (2011)
- Tunisian Revolution (2010–2011)
- Yemeni uprising (2011)
Other- Second intifada (2000-2005)
- Kyrgyzstani revolution (2010)
- Lebanese Cedar Revolution (2005)
Other Global protests- "Occupy" protests (2011–present)
- Protests against the war in Afghanistan (2001–present)
- Protests against the war in Iraq (2003–2011)
- Protests against world food prices (2007–2008)
Arab Spring- Algerian protests (2010–2011)
- Djiboutian protests (2011)
- Israeli border demonstrations (2011)
- Iraqi protests (2011)
- Jordanian protests (2011)
- Lebanese protests (2011)
- Mauritanian protests (2010–2011)
- Moroccan protests (2011)
- Omani protests (2011)
- Saudi Arabian protests (2011)
- Sudanese protests (2011)
- Western Saharan protests (2011)
- Austrian protests (2009)
- Canadian strikes (2005)
- Chilean protests (2006)
- Chilean protests (2008)
- Colombian protests (2011)
- Croatian protests (2009)
- Dutch strikes (2007)
- Irish protests (2010)
- Puerto Rican strikes (2010–2011)
- UK protests (2011)
- California college tuition hike protests (2009)
Other protests- Albanian opposition demonstrations (2011)
- Argentinian riots (2001)
- Armenian presidential election protests (2008)
- Armenian protests (2011)
- Azerbaijani protests (2011)
- Bolivian protests (2011)
- Burkinabé protests (2011)
- Cameroonian anti-government protests (2008)
- Canadian anti-prorogation protests (2010)
- Chilean Magellanic protests (2011)
- Chilean protests (2011)
- Chinese protests (2011)
- Croatian protests (2011)
- French civil unrest (2005)
- French pension reform strikes (2010)
- Georgian demonstrations (2007)
- Georgian protests (2011)
- Greek riots (2008)
- Greek protests (2010–2011)
- Hungarian protests (2006)
- Hong Kong democracy demonstration (2005)
- Hong Kong universal suffrage demonstration (2010)
- Hong Kong Anti-budget demonstration (2011)
- Icelandic financial crisis protests (2009)
- Indian anti-corruption movement (2011)
- Iranian election protests (2009–2010)
- Iranian protests (2011)
- Israeli reserve soldiers' protest (2006)
- Israeli housing protests (2011)
- Kurdish protests in Iraq (2011)
- Kurdish protests in Turkey (2011)
- Malaysian HINDRAF rally (2007)
- Malaysian Bersih rally (2007)
- Malaysian Bersih 2.0 rally (2011)
- Malawi protests (2011)
- Mexican protests (2011)
- Moldova civil unrest (2009)
- Nepalese democracy movement (2006)
- Portuguese protests (2011)
- Russian Dissenters March (2005–2008)
- Sahrawi protest camp at Gdeim Izik (2010)
- Catalan autonomy protest in Spain (2010)
- Spanish protests (2011)
- Tamil diaspora protests against Sri Lanka (2009)
- Tamil diaspora protests against Sri Lanka in Canada (2009)
- Turkish Republic Protests (2007)
- UK anti-austerity protests (2011)
- US Tea Party protests (2009–2010)
- US public employee protests (2011)
- Wisconsin citizen protests (2011)
- ^ a b "FOTO in VIDEO: Po protestih v Rimu ostala dva milijona evrov škode". 24ur.com. http://24ur.com/novice/svet/spopadi-tudi-v-new-yorku.html. Retrieved 2011-10-17.
- ^ 16:23 (2011-10-13). ""Slobodna" Amerika predvodi u broju uhićenih prosvjednika: Diljem SAD-a uhićeno najmanje 330 ljudi! - Vijesti.net". Index.hr. http://www.index.hr/vijesti/clanak/antikapitalisticki-prosvjedi-odrzani-u-82-zemlje-70-ozlijedjenih-u-rimu-najvise-prosvjednika-u-madridu/577530.aspx. Retrieved 2011-10-17.
- ^ a b "Occupy Wall Street protests come to London". The Guardian. Press Association. 2011-10-12. http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2011/oct/12/occupy-london-stock-exchange-protests. Retrieved October 12, 2011. "Protests against the global financial system which have seen huge demonstrations in New York's Wall Street will spread to the City of London this weekend. ...] the so-called OccupyLSX [...] We stand in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street, protesters in Spain, Greece and the Middle East who started this movement."
- ^ October 15th: Dreaming of a “new global citizen power”. Periodismo Humano (Human Journalism). By Juan Luis Sánchez. Translation by Blanca G. Bertolaza. Take The Square. From the article intro: "It does not intend to be just any other demonstration, but to spark off an international social movement. Part of the 15M movement admits to some fragmentation and places hopes of reunification on Saturday."
- ^ 'Indignant' protests to go global on Saturday. 15 October 2011. AFP via France 24. Article quote: "Protesters will take to the streets worldwide on Saturday, inspired by the 'Occupy Wall Street' and 'Indignants' movements, to vent their anger against alleged corporate greed and government cutbacks. The organisers, relying heavily on Facebook and Twitter, say demonstrations will be held in 951 cities across 82 countries in Europe, North America, Latin America, Asia and Africa."
- ^ 'Indignant' protests across Asia. 15 October 2011. Bangkok Post. Article quote: "Protesters across the Asia-Pacific region Saturday joined worldwide demonstrations inspired by the 'Occupy Wall Street' and 'Indignants' movements."
- ^ 'Indignant' protests spread across Europe. By Alessandra Rizzo, Meera Selva, Associated Press. 16 October 2011. San Francisco Chronicle. Article quote: "Elsewhere, hundreds of thousands nicknamed 'the indignant' marched without incident in cities across Europe, as the Occupy Wall Street protests linked up with long-running demonstrations against European governments' austerity measures."
- ^ "The N-1 social network". http://takethesquare.net/2011/07/31/video-tutorial-about-free-social-network-n-1-cc/. Retrieved 2011-10-19.
- ^ "The N-1 social network used by Leipzig". http://acampadaleipzig.org/blog/en/n-1-global-edj-netzwerk/. Retrieved 2011-10-19.
- ^ a b c El movimiento 15-M paraliza el mundo. Europapress (news agency). 15 October 2011. Translation from the Spanish on the first minute of video, "medio millón de personas": "half a million people"
- ^ a b c Occupy Wall Street Spreads Worldwide. Oct 17, 2011. The Atlantic. Photos and event numbers.
- ^ a b c "La indignación sale a las calles de todo el mundo el 15 de octubre". madrid.tomalaplaza.net. http://madrid.tomalaplaza.net/2011/10/15/la-indignacion-sale-a-las-calles-de-todo-el-mundo-el-15-de-octubre/. Retrieved 2011-10-15.
- ^ a b "Rioters Hijack Rome Protests, Police Fire Tear Gas". ABC News. http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/rome-protest-corporate-greed-turns-violent-14743856. Retrieved 16 October 2011.
- ^ "Rome counts cost of violence after global protests". BBC News. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-15326561. Retrieved 16 October 2011.
- ^ Report of the events in Berlin and plan for assembly on Sunday.
- ^ Press release for the events in Berlin.
- ^ Events in Germany. Cicero.
- ^ Occupy Berlin. The Intelligence.
- ^ Occupy Reichstag. Police talks to assembly.
- ^ 16.10.2011 Politik (2011-10-16). "Aktionstag "Occupy Wall Street" weitgehend friedlich | Politik - Taunus Zeitung - Hochtaunus". Fnp.de. http://www.fnp.de/tz/nachrichten/politik/aktionstag-occupy-wall-street-weitgehend-friedlich_rmn01.c.9288779.de.html. Retrieved 2011-10-20.
- ^ Berliner Umschau
- ^ Info des Tages, 25.10.2011, Occupy:Frankfurt.
- ^ a b "Aufstand gegen Finanzindustrie: Randalierer in Rom zünden Autos an - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Wirtschaft". Spiegel.de. http://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,792003,00.html. Retrieved 2011-10-15.
- ^ "Occupy Hamburg - ein Protestcamp wächst". NDR. http://www.ndr.de/regional/hamburg/occupyhamburg113.html. Retrieved 2011-10-22.
- ^ a b "'Occupy' anti-capitalism protests spread around the world". Guardian. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/oct/16/occupy-protests-europe-london-assange.
- ^ "Occupy the London Stock Exchange". Facebook.com.
- ^ Sparkes, Matthew (September 28, 2011). "Protesters plan to occupy London Stock Exchange". The Daily Telegraph (London). http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/financialcrisis/8794169/Protesters-plan-to-occupy-London-Stock-Exchange.html.
- ^ Occupy Together Meetups Everywhere. Meetup.
- ^ a b c d Occupy Together | Home.
- ^ Occupy Directory.
- ^ OccupyTV's Channel. YouTube
- ^ Map: Occupy Wall Street Spreads Nationwide—and Beyond (Updated). Mother Jones.
- ^ "Anti-corporate protests to hit London". The Sydney Morning Herald. AFP. 2011-10-12. http://news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-world/anticorporate-protests-to-hit-london-20111012-1lk1e.html. Retrieved October 12, 2011. "Protests against corporate power that have taken hold in the US are to hit Britain on Saturday with a rally in front of the London Stock Exchange. Occupy London Stock Exchange (OccupyLSX) [...] is backed by British anti-austerity group UK Uncut, the London-based Assembly of the Spanish 15M movement and the People's Assemblies Network Global Day of Action."
- ^ "Occupy London Stock Exchange attracts 9,000 followers on Facebook". Metro. 2011-10-12. http://www.metro.co.uk/news/878306-occupy-london-stock-exchange-attracts-9-000-followers-on-facebook. Retrieved October 12, 2011. "A group called Occupy London Stock Exchange said a Facebook page about the protests had attracted more than 9,000 followers with more than 3,500 confirmed attendees. Campaigning organisations, including direct action group UK Uncut, confirmed they will support the action in the heart of the capital's financial centre on Saturday."
- ^ Protesters march through capital, Belfast Telegraph, 15 October 2011.
- ^ Movement spreads to Galway's Eyre Square, The Irish Times, 17 October 2011.
- ^ Al. B., K. Kl., Sta. "Policija vodi postopek o prekršku - zurnal24". Zurnal24.si. http://www.zurnal24.si/pred-borzo-20-sotorov-clanek-137910. Retrieved 2011-10-17.
- ^ "Spretigt på torgprotesten i Helsingfors". Hufvudstadsbladet. http://hbl.fi/lokalt/2011-10-15/demonstrationen-pa-narinken-i-full-gang. Retrieved 2011-10-28.
- ^ a b "Ihmiset täyttivät torin!". torillatavataan.wordpress.com. http://torillatavataan.wordpress.com/2011/10/15/ihmiset-tayttivat-torin/. Retrieved 2011-10-28.
- ^ a b "Turussa jatkuu huomenna!". torillatavataan.wordpress.com. http://torillatavataan.wordpress.com/2011/10/15/turussa-jatkuu-huomenna/. Retrieved 2011-10-28.
- ^ a b "Vallataan pankit! – lyhyt raportti Tampereen torikokouksesta 15.10.". tampereenkaduilta.wordpress.com. http://tampereenkaduilta.wordpress.com/2011/10/15/vallataan-pankit-lyhyt-raportti-tampereen-torikokouksesta-15-10/. Retrieved 2011-10-28.
- ^ a b "Kansainvälinen toimintapäivä 15. lokakuuta – Espanjan torien demokratialiike laajeni Jyväskylään". kompassinayttaasuunnan.wordpress.com. http://kompassinayttaasuunnan.wordpress.com/2011/10/15/kansainvalinen-toimintapaiva-15-lokakuuta-espanjan-torien-demokratialiike-laajeni-suomeen/. Retrieved 2011-10-28.
- ^ a b "Occupy Wall Street protesters move to Times Square". BBC. 2011-10-16. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-15325171.
- ^ A spark lit in Tunisia ignites the world, CBS News, 2011-10-18.
- ^ "US Citizens Ready for A Global Protest". Cubasi. http://www.cubasi.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=659:us-citizens-ready-for-a-global-protest.
- ^ Occupy Wall Street movement comes to Champaign-Urbana
- ^ ‘Occupation’ set for this weekend
- ^ "Occupy Buffalo Remains in Niagara Square Through the Windy Weather". WGRZ.com. 2011-10-17. http://www.wgrz.com/news/article/138447/1/Occupy-Buffalo-Remains-in-Niagara-Square-Through-the-Windy-Weather. Retrieved 2011-10-24.
- ^ "Occupy Wall Street: 100 arrests at Boston protest". USAToday. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-15262310.
- ^ "About 175 arrested early Sunday in Chicago protest". Reuters. http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/10/16/us-usa-wallstreet-protests-idUSTRE79A41E20111016.
- ^ a b "Police: at least 24 arrested at Occupy Denver protest". 9news.com. http://www.9news.com/news/article/224754/75/Thousands-show-up-for-Occupy-Denver-march-. Retrieved 2011-10-17.
- ^ "Indignati, 12 arresti e 8 denunce: tra loro 6 minorenni e 2 donne". Corriere della Sera. http://roma.corriere.it/roma/notizie/cronaca/11_ottobre_16/indagini-polizia-blackbloc-1901838843449.shtml?fr=correlati.
- ^ "Occupy protests spread around the world; 70 injured in Rome - CNN.com". Edition.cnn.com. http://edition.cnn.com/2011/10/15/world/occupy-goes-global/index.html?hpt=hp_t1. Retrieved 2011-10-15.
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External links
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- 2011 protests
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