- Dentatothalamic tract
Brain: Dentatothalamic tract Latin tractus dentatothalamicus NeuroNames hier-525 NeuroLex ID birnlex_1104 The dentatothalamic tract (or dentatorubrothalamic tract) is a tract which connects the dentate nucleus and the thalamus while sending collaterals to the red nucleus.[1]
The term "dentatorubrothalamocortical" is sometimes used to emphasize termination in the cerebral cortex.[2]
See also
- ^ Motor Systems
- ^ Boiten J, Lodder J (February 1990). "Ataxic hemiparesis following thalamic infarction". Stroke 21 (2): 339–40. PMID 2305412.
External links
- Krauss JK, Wakhloo AK, Nobbe F, Tränkle R, Mundinger F, Seeger W (December 1995). "Lesion of dentatothalamic pathways in severe post-traumatic tremor". Neurol. Res. 17 (6): 409–16. PMID 8622792.
- NIF Search - Dentatothalamic Tract via the Neuroscience Information Framework
- http://isc.temple.edu/neuroanatomy/lab/atlas/papc/
Human brain, rhombencephalon, metencephalon: cerebellum (TA 14.1.07, GA 9.788) Surface anatomy LobesMedial/lateralVermis: anterior (Central lobule, Culmen, Lingula) · posterior (Folium, Tuber, Uvula) · Vallecula of cerebellum
Hemisphere: anterior (Alar central lobule) · posterior (Biventer lobule, Cerebellar tonsil)Grey matter Molecular layer (Stellate cell, Basket cell)
Purkinje cell layer (Purkinje cell, Bergmann glia cell = Golgi epithelial cell)
Granule cell layer (Golgi cell, Granule cell, Unipolar brush cell)
Fibers: Mossy fibers · Climbing fiber · Parallel fiberWhite matter InternalPedunclesInferior (medulla): Dorsal spinocerebellar tract · Olivocerebellar tract · Cuneocerebellar tract · Juxtarestiform body (Vestibulocerebellar tract)
Middle (pons): Pontocerebellar fibers
Superior (midbrain): Ventral spinocerebellar tract · Dentatothalamic tract · Trigeminocerebellar fibersHuman brain: mesencephalon (midbrain) (TA A14.1.06, GA 9.800) Tectum
(Dorsal)SurfaceWhite: Sensory/ascendingWhite: Motor/descendingPeduncle
(Ventral)White: Sensory/ascendinglemnisci (Medial, Lateral) · Ascending MLF (Vestibulo-oculomotor fibers) · Spinothalamic tract · Anterior trigeminothalamic tract · Dentatothalamic tractWhite: Motor/descendingGrey: otherPeriaqueductal gray/Raphe nuclei (Dorsal raphe nucleus)
Ventral tegmental area • Pedunculopontine nucleus • Red nucleus
riMLFBaseWhite: Motor/descendingSurfaceBrain and spinal cord: neural tracts and fasciculi Sensory/
ascending1°: Pacinian corpuscle/Meissner's corpuscle → Gracile fasciculus/Cuneate fasciculus → Gracile nucleus/Cuneate nucleus
2°: → sensory decussation/arcuate fibers (Posterior external arcuate fibers, Internal arcuate fibers) → Medial lemniscus/Trigeminal lemniscus → Thalamus (VPL, VPM)
3°: → Posterior limb of internal capsule → Postcentral gyrusFast/lateral1° (Free nerve ending → A delta fiber) → 2° (Anterior white commissure → Lateral and Anterior Spinothalamic tract → Spinal lemniscus → VPL of Thalamus) → 3° (Postcentral gyrus) → 4° (Posterior parietal cortex)
2° (Spinotectal tract → Superior colliculus of Midbrain tectum)Slow/medial1° (Group C nerve fiber → Spinoreticular tract → Reticular formation) → 2° (MD of Thalamus) → 3° (Cingulate cortex)Motor/
descendingPyramidalflexion: Primary motor cortex → Genu of internal capsule → Corticobulbar tract → Facial motor nucleus → Facial muscles
flexion: Red nucleus → Rubrospinal tract
extension: Vestibulocerebellum → Vestibular nuclei → Vestibulospinal tract
extension: Vestibulocerebellum → Reticular formation → Reticulospinal tract
Midbrain tectum → Tectospinal tract → muscles of neckdirect: 1° (Motor cortex → Striatum) → 2° (GPi) → 3° (Lenticular fasciculus/Ansa lenticularis → Thalamic fasciculus → VL of Thalamus) → 4° (Thalamocortical radiations → Supplementary motor area) → 5° (Motor cortex)
indirect: 1° (Motor cortex → Striatum) → 2° (GPe) → 3° (Subthalamic fasciculus → Subthalamic nucleus) → 4° (Subthalamic fasciculus → GPi) → 5° (Lenticular fasciculus/Ansa lenticularis → Thalamic fasciculus → VL of Thalamus) → 6° (Thalamocortical radiations → Supplementary motor area) → 7° (Motor cortex)
nigrostriatal pathway: Pars compacta → StriatumCerebellar AfferentVestibular nucleus → Vestibulocerebellar tract → ICP → Cerebellum → Granule cell
Pontine nuclei → Pontocerebellar fibers → MCP → Deep cerebellar nuclei → Granule cell
Inferior olivary nucleus → Olivocerebellar tract → ICP → Hemisphere → Purkinje cell → Deep cerebellar nucleiEfferentDentate nucleus in Lateral hemisphere/pontocerebellum → SCP → Dentatothalamic tract → Thalamus (VL) → Motor cortex
Interposed nucleus in Intermediate hemisphere/spinocerebellum → SCP → Reticular formation, or → Cerebellothalamic tract → Red nucleus → Thalamus (VL) → Motor cortex
Fastigial nucleus in Flocculonodular lobe/vestibulocerebellum → Vestibulocerebellar tract → Vestibular nucleusBidirectional:
SpinocerebellarUnc. prop.lower limb → 1° (muscle spindles → DRG) → 2° (Posterior thoracic nucleus → Dorsal/posterior spinocerebellar tract → ICP → Cerebellar vermis)
upper limb → 1° (muscle spindles → DRG) → 2° (Accessory cuneate nucleus → Cuneocerebellar tract → ICP → Anterior lobe of cerebellum)lower limb → 1° (Golgi tendon organ) → 2° (Ventral/anterior spinocerebellar tract→ SCP → Cerebellar vermis)
upper limb → 1° (Golgi tendon organ) → 2° (Rostral spinocerebellar tract → ICP → Cerebellum)Categories:- Nervous system
- Neuroanatomy stubs
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