Anterior hypothalamic nucleus
- Anterior hypothalamic nucleus
Infobox Brain
Latin = nucleus anterior hypothalami
GraySubject =
GrayPage =

Caption = Anterior hypothalamic nucleus is 'AH', at center left, in blue.
Caption2 =
IsPartOf =
Components =
Artery =
Vein =
Acronym =
BrainInfoType = hier
BrainInfoNumber = 369
MeshName = Anterior+hypothalamic+nucleus
MeshNumber = A08.186.211.730.385.357.342.063
DorlandsPre = n_11
DorlandsSuf = 12580248
The Anterior hypothalamic nucleus is a nucleus of the hypothalamus.
Its function is thermoregulation (the maintenance of body temperature between certain parameters) of the body.
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