Tegmental pontine reticular nucleus — Brain: Tegmental pontine reticular nucleus Latin nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis NeuroNames hier 563 The tegmental pontine reticular nucleus (or pontine reticular nucleus of the tegmentum) is an area within the floor of the midbrain. This… … Wikipedia
tegmental tract central — tractus tegmentalis centralis … Medical dictionary
tract — An elongated area, e.g., path, track, way. SEE ALSO: fascicle. SYN: tractus. [L. tractus, a drawing out] alimentary t. SYN: digestive t.. anterior corticospinal t. uncrossed fibers forming a small bundle in the anterior funiculus of the … Medical dictionary
Corticospinal tract — Pyramidal tract redirects here. This page refers to the nerve fibres underlying the pyramids. For the actual area of the brain, Pyramids, see Pyramid of medulla oblongata. Brain: Corticospinal tract Deep dissection of brain stem. Lateral view. (… … Wikipedia
Corticobulbar tract — Brain: Corticobulbar tract Components and location of the corticobulbar tract. Latin tractus corticonuclearis NeuroNames … Wikipedia
Tectospinal tract — Diagram showing possible connection of long descending fibers from higher centers with the motor cells of the ventral column through association fibers. ( Tectospinal fasciculus labeled at center right.) … Wikipedia
Medial vestibulospinal tract — Brain: Medial vestibulospinal tract Vestibulospinal tract is 2c, in red at bottom center … Wikipedia
Dentatothalamic tract — Brain: Dentatothalamic tract Latin tractus dentatothalamicus NeuroNames hier 525 NeuroLex ID birnlex 1104 The dentatothalamic tract (or de … Wikipedia
Dorsal trigeminal tract — Brain: Dorsal trigeminal tract NeuroNames hier 602 NeuroLex ID birnlex 1718 The dorsal trigeminal tract (dorsal trigeminothalamic tract, or lemniscus) is a tract which receives signals from … Wikipedia
Nucleus — 1) In cell biology, the structure that houses the chromosomes. 2) In neuroanatomy, a group of nerve cells. * * * 1. In cytology, typically a rounded or oval mass of protoplasm within the cytoplasm of a plant or animal cell; it is surrounded by a… … Medical dictionary