- Tuber cinereum
Infobox Brain
Latin =
GraySubject = 189
GrayPage = 813
Caption = Base ofbrain . (Tuber cinerum visible at center.)
Caption2 =
IsPartOf =
Components =
Artery =
Vein =
Acronym =
BrainInfoType = hier
BrainInfoNumber = 376
MeshName = Tuber+cinereum
MeshNumber = A08.186.211.730.385.357.352.870
DorlandsPre = t_21
DorlandsSuf = 12827470
The tuber cinereum is a hollow eminence of gray matter situated between themammilary bodies and theoptic chiasm . The tuber cinereum is part of thehypothalamus .tructure
Laterally it is continuous with the anterior perforated substances and anteriorly with a thin lamina, the
lamina terminalis .The infundibulum, a hollow conical process, projects from the tuber cinereum. The infundibulum extends forward and down where it is attached to the posterior lobe of the
pituitary gland .It houses the nuclei:
*tuberal nucleus
*tuberomamillary nucleus [ [http://patients.uptodate.com/abstract.asp?TR=pituitar/4659&viewAbs=5~6&title=5,6 patients.uptodate.com - Abstracts for References 5 and 6 of 'Hypothalamic-pituitary axis'] ]Tuberomamillary nucleus
The tuberomammillary nucleus (TMN) is the sole source of
histamine in the brain. [ [http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/els/00068993/2003/00000988/00000001/art03347;jsessionid=6dph09jao29d.alice?format=print ingentaconnect.com - IngentaConnect Estrogen receptors and metabolic activity in the ...] ]Function
Circadian rhythm
By its release of histamine, the tuberomamillary nucleus of the tuber cinereum helpt to regulate the
circadian cycle .ee also
External links
* - "
Interpeduncular fossa " (#4)
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