- Frontopontine fibers
Infobox Brain
Latin = fibrae frontopontinae
GraySubject = 188
GrayPage = 802
Caption = Coronal section throughmid-brain .
1.Corpora quadrigemina .
2.Cerebral aqueduct .
3.Central gray stratum .
4.Interpeduncular space .
5.Sulcus lateralis .
6.Substantia nigra .
7.Red nucleus oftegmentum .
8.Oculomotor nerve , with 8’, its nucleus of origin. a.Lemniscus (in blue) with a’ themedial lemniscus and a" thelateral lemniscus . b.Medial longitudinal fasciculus . c.Raphé . d.Temporopontine fibers . e. Portion ofmedial lemniscus , which runs to thelentiform nucleus andinsula . f.Cerebrospinal fibers . g.Frontopontine fibers .
Caption2 =
IsPartOf =
Components =
Artery =
Vein =
Acronym =
BrainInfoType = ancil
BrainInfoNumber = 381
MeshName =
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DorlandsPre = f_05
DorlandsSuf = 12361970
The frontopontine fibers are situated in the medial fifth of the base of thecerebral peduncles ; they arise from the cells of thefrontal lobe and end in the nuclei of thepons .The frontopontine tract ("tractus frontopontinus") refers to the combination of the fibers.
ee also
Paramedian pontine reticular formation External links
* [http://www.neuropat.dote.hu/anastru/test2ha.htm Diagram at neuropat.dote.hu]
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