List of IOC country codes

List of IOC country codes
The flag of the international Olympic movement
The flag of the international Paralympic movement

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) uses three-letter abbreviation country codes to refer to each group of athletes that participate in the Olympic Games. Each code usually identifies a National Olympic Committee, but there are several codes that have been used for other instances in past Games, such as teams composed of athletes from multiple nations, or groups of athletes not formally representing any nation.

Several of the IOC codes are different from the standard ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 codes. Other sporting organisations, such as FIFA, FIBA or the Commonwealth Games Federation, use similar country codes to refer to their respective teams.


The 1956 Winter Olympics and 1960 Summer Olympics were the first Games to feature Initials of Nations to refer to each NOC in the published official reports.[1] However, the codes used at the next few Games were often based on the host nation's language (e.g., GIA for Japan at the 1956 Winter Olympics and 1960 Summer Olympics, both held in Italy, from Italian Giappone) or based on the French name for the nation (e.g., COR for Korea, from Corée). By the 1972 Winter Olympics, most codes were standardized on the current usage, but several have changed in recent years. Additionally, the dissolution of the Soviet Union, breakup of Yugoslavia, dissolution of Czechoslovakia, German reunification, and several instances of geographical renaming have all resulted in code changes.

In addition to this list of over 200 NOCs, the participation of National Paralympic Committees (NPCs) at the Paralympic Games requires standardised IOC codes. Recent examples of these include Macau and the Faroe Islands, coded MAC and FRO respectively.[2]

Current NOCs

There are 204 current NOCs (National Olympic Committees) within the Olympic Movement. The following tables show the currently used code for each NOC and any different codes used in past Games, per the official reports from those Games. Some of the past code usage is further explained in the following sections. Codes used specifically for a Summer Games only or a Winter Games only, within the same year, are indicated by "S" and "W" respectively.

Contents: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V Y Z


Code Ref Nation (NOC) Other codes used
AFG [1] Afghanistan
ALB [2] Albania
ALG [3] Algeria AGR (1964), AGL (1968 S)
AND [4] Andorra
ANG [5] Angola
ANT [6] Antigua and Barbuda
ARG [7] Argentina
ARM [8] Armenia
ARU [9] Aruba
ASA [10] American Samoa
AUS [11] Australia AUT (1956 W)
AUT [12] Austria AUS (1956 W)
AZE [13] Azerbaijan


Code Ref Nation (NOC) Other codes used
BAH [14] Bahamas
BAN [15] Bangladesh
BAR [16] Barbados BAD (1964)
BDI [17] Burundi
BEL [18] Belgium
BEN [19] Benin DAY (1964), DAH (1968–1976)
BER [20] Bermuda
BHU [21] Bhutan
BIH [22] Bosnia and Herzegovina BSH (1992 S)
BIZ [23] Belize HBR (1968–1972)
BLR [24] Belarus
BOL [25] Bolivia
BOT [26] Botswana
BRA [27] Brazil
BRN [28] Bahrain
BRU [29] Brunei
BUL [30] Bulgaria
BUR [31] Burkina Faso VOL (1972–1984)


Code Ref Nation (NOC) Other codes used
CAF [32] Central African Republic AFC (1968)
CAM [33] Cambodia CAB (1964), KHM (1972–1976)
CAN [34] Canada
CAY [35] Cayman Islands
CGO [36] Congo
CHA [37] Chad CHD (1964)
CHI [38] Chile CIL (1956 W, 1960 S)
CHN [39] China
CIV [40] Côte d'Ivoire IVC (1964), CML (1968)
CMR [41] Cameroon
COD [42] DR Congo COK (1968), ZAI (1972–1996)
COK [43] Cook Islands
COL [44] Colombia
COM [45] Comoros
CPV [46] Cape Verde
CRC [47] Costa Rica COS (1964), CTC (1984 W)
CRO [48] Croatia
CUB [49] Cuba
CYP [50] Cyprus
CZE [51] Czech Republic


Code Ref Nation (NOC) Other codes used
DEN [52] Denmark DAN (1960 S, 1968 W), DIN (1968 S)
DJI [53] Djibouti
DMA [54] Dominica
DOM [55] Dominican Republic


Code Ref Nation (NOC) Other codes used
ECU [56] Ecuador
EGY [57] Egypt RAU (1960, 1968), UAR (1964)
ERI [58] Eritrea
ESA [59] El Salvador SAL (1964–1976)
ESP [60] Spain SPA (1956–1964, 1968 W)
EST [61] Estonia
ETH [62] Ethiopia ETI (1960, 1968)


Code Ref Nation (NOC) Other codes used
FIJ [63] Fiji FIG (1960)
FIN [64] Finland
FRA [65] France
FSM [66] Micronesia


Code Ref Nation (NOC) Other codes used
GAB [67] Gabon
GAM [68] Gambia
GBR [69] Great Britain GRB (1956 W–1960), GBI (1964)
GBS [70] Guinea-Bissau
GEO [71] Georgia
GEQ [72] Equatorial Guinea
GER [73] Germany ALL (1968 W), ALE (1968 S), FRG (1980–1988)
GHA [74] Ghana
GRE [75] Greece
GRN [76] Grenada
GUA [77] Guatemala GUT (1964)
GUI [78] Guinea
GUM [79] Guam
GUY [80] Guyana GUA (1960), GUI (1964)


Code Ref Nation (NOC) Other codes used
HAI [81] Haiti
HKG [82] Hong Kong HOK (1960–1968)
HON [83] Honduras
HUN [84] Hungary UNG (1956 W, 1960 S)


Code Ref Nation (NOC) Other codes used
INA [85] Indonesia INS (1960)
IND [86] India
IRI [87] Iran IRN (1956–1988), IRA (1968 W)
IRL [88] Ireland
IRQ [89] Iraq IRK (1960, 1968)
ISL [90] Iceland ICE (1960 W, 1964 S)
ISR [91] Israel
ISV [92] Virgin Islands
ITA [93] Italy
IVB [94] British Virgin Islands


Code Ref Nation (NOC) Other codes used
JAM [95] Jamaica
JOR [96] Jordan
JPN [97] Japan GIA (1956 W, 1960 S), JAP (1960 W)


Code Ref Nation (NOC) Other codes used
KAZ [98] Kazakhstan
KEN [99] Kenya
KGZ [100] Kyrgyzstan
KIR [101] Kiribati
KOR [102] South Korea COR (1956 W, 1960 S, 1968 S, 1972 S)
KSA [103] Saudi Arabia ARS (1968–1976), SAU (1980–1984)
KUW [104] Kuwait


Code Ref Nation (NOC) Other codes used
LAO [105] Laos
LAT [106] Latvia
LBA [107] Libya LYA (1964), LBY (1968 W)
LBR [108] Liberia
LCA [109] Saint Lucia
LES [110] Lesotho
LIB [111] Lebanon LEB (1960 W, 1964 S)
LIE [112] Liechtenstein LIC (1956 W, 1964 S, 1968 W)
LTU [113] Lithuania LIT (1992 W)
LUX [114] Luxembourg


Code Ref Nation (NOC) Other codes used
MAD [115] Madagascar MAG (1964)
MAR [116] Morocco MRC (1964)
MAS [117] Malaysia MAL (1964–1988)
MAW [118] Malawi
MDA [119] Moldova MLD (1994)
MDV [120] Maldives
MEX [121] Mexico
MGL [122] Mongolia MON (1968 W)
MHL [123] Marshall Islands
MKD [124] Macedonia
MLI [125] Mali
MLT [126] Malta MAT (1960–1964)
MNE [127] Montenegro
MON [128] Monaco
MOZ [129] Mozambique
MRI [130] Mauritius
MTN [131] Mauritania
MYA [132] Myanmar BIR (1960, 1968–1988), BUR (1964)


Code Ref Nation (NOC) Other codes used
NAM [133] Namibia
NCA [134] Nicaragua NCG (1964), NIC (1968)
NED [135] Netherlands OLA (1956 W), NET (1960 W), PBA (1960 S), NLD (1964 S), HOL (1968–1988)
NEP [136] Nepal
NGR [137] Nigeria NGA (1964)
NIG [138] Niger NGR (1964)
NOR [139] Norway
NRU [140] Nauru
NZL [141] New Zealand NZE (1960, 1968 W)


Code Ref Nation (NOC) Other codes used
OMA [142] Oman


Code Ref Nation (NOC) Other codes used
PAK [143] Pakistan
PAN [144] Panama
PAR [145] Paraguay
PER [146] Peru
PHI [147] Philippines FIL (1960, 1968)
PLE [148] Palestine
PLW [149] Palau
PNG [150] Papua New Guinea NGY (1976–1980), NGU (1984–1988)
POL [151] Poland
POR [152] Portugal
PRK [153] North Korea NKO (1964 S, 1968 W), CDN (1968)
PUR [154] Puerto Rico PRI (1960), PRO (1968)


Code Ref Nation (NOC) Other codes used
QAT [155] Qatar


Code Ref Nation (NOC) Other codes used
ROU [156] Romania ROM (1956–1960, 1972–2006), RUM (1964–1968)
RSA [157] South Africa SAF (1960–1972)
RUS [158] Russia
RWA [159] Rwanda


Code Ref Nation (NOC) Other codes used
SAM [160] Samoa
SEN [161] Senegal SGL (1964)
SEY [162] Seychelles
SIN [163] Singapore
SKN [164] Saint Kitts and Nevis
SLE [165] Sierra Leone SLA (1968)
SLO [166] Slovenia
SMR [167] San Marino SMA (1960–1964)
SOL [168] Solomon Islands
SOM [169] Somalia
SRB [170] Serbia
SRI [171] Sri Lanka CEY (1960–1972)
STP [172] São Tomé and Príncipe
SUD [173] Sudan
SUI [174] Switzerland SVI (1956 W, 1960 S), SWI (1960 W, 1964 S)
SUR [175] Suriname
SVK [176] Slovakia
SWE [177] Sweden SVE (1956 W, 1960 S), SUE (1968 S)
SWZ [178] Swaziland
SYR [179] Syria RAU (1960), SIR (1968)


Code Ref Nation (NOC) Other codes used
TAN [180] Tanzania
TGA [181] Tonga TON (1984)
THA [182] Thailand TAI (1960, 1968)
TJK [183] Tajikistan
TKM [184] Turkmenistan
TLS [185] Timor-Leste
TOG [186] Togo
TPE [187] Chinese Taipei[3] RCF (1960), TWN (1964–1968), ROC (1972–1976)
TRI [188] Trinidad and Tobago TRT (1964–1968)
TUN [189] Tunisia
TUR [190] Turkey
TUV [191] Tuvalu


Code Ref Nation (NOC) Other codes used
UAE [192] United Arab Emirates
UGA [193] Uganda
UKR [194] Ukraine
URU [195] Uruguay URG (1968)
USA [196] United States SUA (1960 S), EUA (1968 S)
UZB [197] Uzbekistan


Code Ref Nation (NOC) Other codes used
VAN [198] Vanuatu
VEN [199] Venezuela
VIE [200] Vietnam VET (1964), VNM (1968–1976)
VIN [201] Saint Vincent and the Grenadines


Code Ref Nation (NOC) Other codes used
YEM [202] Yemen


Code Ref Nation (NOC) Other codes used
ZAM [203] Zambia NRH (1964)
ZIM [204] Zimbabwe RHO (1960–1972)

Historic NOCs and teams

Codes still in use

Twelve historical NOCs or teams have codes that are still used in the IOC results database[4] to refer to past medal winners from these teams.

Code Nation/Team Other codes used
AHO Netherlands Antilles
ANZ Australasia
BOH Bohemia
BWI British West Indies ANT (1960, 1968), WID (1964)
EUA Germany Unified Team of Germany GER (1956–1964)
EUN International Olympic Committee Unified Team
FRG West Germany ALL (1968 W), ALE (1968 S), GER (1972–1976)
GDR East Germany ADE (1968)
SCG Serbia and Montenegro YUG (1996 S-2002 W)
TCH Czechoslovakia CSL (1956 W), CZE (1960 W), CSV (1960 S), CZS (1964 S), CHE (1968 S)
URS Soviet Union SOV (1968 W)
YUG Yugoslavia JUG (1956–1960, 1968 W), YUS (1964 S)
ZZX International Olympic Committee Mixed teams

Obsolete codes

Code Nation (NOC) Years Notes
BIR Burma 1948–1988 Now  Myanmar (MYA)
CEY  Ceylon 1948–1972 Now  Sri Lanka (SRI)
DAH  Dahomey 1964–1976 Now  Benin (BEN)
HBR  British Honduras 1968–1972 Now  Belize (BIZ)
KHM Cambodia Khmer Republic 1972–1976 Now  Cambodia (CAM)
MAL  Malaya 1956–1960 Competed independently prior to the formation of Malaysia in 1963.
Now  Malaysia (MAS)
 —  North Borneo 1956
NRH  Northern Rhodesia 1964 Now  Zambia (ZAM)
RAU  United Arab Republic 1960 Now  Egypt (EGY)
and  Syria (SYR)
RHO  Rhodesia 1960–1972 Now  Zimbabwe (ZIM)
ROC  Republic of China 1932–1976 Now competing under the name ' Chinese Taipei (TPE)'
UAR  United Arab Republic 1964 Now  Egypt (EGY)
VOL  Upper Volta 1972–1984 Now  Burkina Faso (BUR)
YAR  North Yemen 1984–1988 Competed independently prior to Yemenite unification in 1990.
Now  Yemen (YEM)
YMD  South Yemen 1988
ZAI  Zaire 1972–1996 Now  DR Congo (COD)
 —  British Guiana 1948–1964 Now  Guyana (GUY)
 —  Gold Coast 1952 Now  Ghana (GHA)
 —  Saar 1952 Competed independently prior to rejoining West Germany in 1957.

Two other significant code changes have occurred, both because of a change in the nation's designation as used by the IOC:

  • HOL was changed to NED for the Netherlands for the 1992 Games, reflecting the change in designation from Holland.
  • IRN was changed to IRI for Iran for the 1992 Games, reflecting the change in designation to Islamic Republic of Iran.

Special codes

  • ANZ is now used in the IOC's medal database[4] to identify the team from Australasia, composed of athletes from both Australia and New Zealand for the 1908 and 1912 Games. By 1920, both nations competed separately.
  • EUA is now used in the IOC's medal database[4] to identify the Unified Team of Germany, composed of athletes representing the NOCs of both East Germany and West Germany for the 1956–1964 Games. At the time, the team was simply known as Germany in the official reports for those six Games.
  • EUN was used in 1992 (both Summer and Winter Games) for the Unified Team, composed of athletes from most of the ex-republics of the Soviet Union. Only the Baltic states were able to compete as independent teams in 1992; the other twelve new nations competed independently for the first time in 1994 and/or 1996.
  • IOP was used for Independent Olympic Participants in 1992, a designation used for athletes from Yugoslavia who could not compete as a team due to United Nations sanctions.
  • IOA was used for Individual Olympic Athletes in 2000, a designation used for athletes from Timor-Leste prior to the formation of its NOC.
  • IOC was used as the country code for Athletes from Kuwait at the 2010 Asian Games, as the Kuwait Olympic Committee was suspended.
  • ZZX is used to identify medals won by mixed teams of athletes from multiple nations (such as the combination of France and Great Britain, for example), a situation that happened several times in the Games of 1896, 1900, and 1904.

See also


  1. ^ Mallon, Bill; Ove Karlsson (May 2004). "IOC and OCOG Abbreviations for NOCs" (PDF). Journal of Olympic History 12 (2): 25–28. Retrieved 2008-02-08. 
  2. ^ Faroe IslandsMacau, China
  3. ^ Official name given to the Republic of China for Olympic competition
  4. ^ a b c "Olympic Medal Winners". International Olympic Committee. Retrieved 2008-02-08. 

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