List of novelists by nationality

List of novelists by nationality

Well-known authors of novels, listed by country:

"See also": Lists of authors, List of poets, List of playwrights, List of short story authors


*Ismail Kadare


*Marguerite Taos Amrouche (1913–1976)
*Rachid Boudjedra (1914– )
*Albert Camus (1913–1960)
*Mohammed Dib (1920–2003)
*Tahar Djaout (1954–1993)
*Assia Djebar (1936– )
*Frantz Fanon, originally from Martinique (1925–1961)
*Mouloud Feraoun (1913–1962)
*Mouloud Mammeri (1917–1989)
*Rachid Mimouni (1945–1995)
*Ahlam Mostaghanemi
*Leïla Sebbar
*Kateb Yacine (1929–1989)

=Ancient Latin Authors=



*José Eduardo Agualusa (1960– )
*Mário Pinto de Andrade (1928–1990)
*Mendes de Carvalho
*Pepetela (Artur Carlos Maurício Pestana dos Santos, 1941– )
*Oscar Ribas
*José Luandino Vieira (1935– )


*Marcos Aguinis
*César Aira
*Federico Andahazi
*Roberto Arlt
*Adolfo Bioy Casares
*Jorge Luis Borges
*Abelardo Castillo
*Julio Cortázar, (1914–1984)
*Macedonio Fernandez
*Rodolfo Fogwill
*Ricardo Güiraldes, (1886–1927) "Don Segundo Sombra"
*Sylvia Iparraguirre
*Leopoldo Marechal
*Manuel Puig, author of Kiss of the Spider Woman
*Andrés Rivera
*Juan José Saer
*Ernesto Sábato, "Sobre Héroes y Tumbas" (1961)
*Luisa Valenzuela


*Alexander Shirvanzade


*Khalil Gibran (1883-1931)
*Thea Halo
*Ivan Kakovitch (1933-2006)
*Montaha Kochou
*Norman Malek-Yonan
*Rosie Malek-Yonan
*Terrence Malick


See: List of Australian novelists


See also: German literature
*Hugo Bettauer
*Thomas Bernhard
*Peter Handke, (1942– )
*Josef Haslinger
*Peter Henisch
*Elfriede Jelinek
*Robert Musil, (1880–1942), "Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften" ("The Man Without Qualities")
*Joseph Roth (1894–1939), "The Radetzky March"
*Arthur Schnitzler
*Stefan Zweig, (1881–1942)


*Mohammed Yunus
*Meer Abdullah Harun
*Taslima Nasrin
*Kazi Nazrul Islam
*Faruk Miah


*Vasil Bykaŭ (1924–2003)
*Uładzimir Karatkievič
*Jakub Kołas (Kanstancy Mickievič)
*Janka Kupała (Ivan Łucevič)
*Ivan Šamiakin (1921–2004)


*Cornelis de Bie
*Louis Paul Boon
*Hendrik Conscience
*Ernest Claes
*Hugo Claus
*Christine D'Haen
*Johan Daisne
*Charles De Coster
*Willem Elsschot
*Jef Geeraerts
*Guido Gezelle
*Marnix Gijsen
*Hubert Lampo
*Rosalie Loveling
*Virginie Loveling
*Maurice Maeterlinck
*Alice Nahon
*Amélie Nothomb
*Anne Provoost
*Maria Rosseels
*Stijn Streuvels
*Herman Teirlinck
*Felix Timmermans
*André Henri Constant van Hasselt
*Karel Van Mander
*Emile Verhaeren
*Peter Verhelst
*Gerard Walschap
*Jan Frans Willems
*Lode Zielens


*Berte-Evelyne Agbo, also connected with Senegal
*Florent Couao-Zotti (1964– )
*Félix Couchoro, also connected with Togo (1900–1968)
*Richard Dogbeh, also connected with Togo, Senegal and Côte d'Ivoire (1932–2003)
*Flore Hazoume (1959– ), also connected with Congo-Brazzaville
*Paul Hazoumé
*Lauryn, also connected with Côte d'Ivoire and Togo, born in France (1978– )
*Hortense Mayaba

Bosnia and Herzegovina

*Ivo Andrić, (1892–1975), Nobel Prize for Literature (1961)


*Caitlin Davies, born in Britain
*Unity Dow
*Bessie Head, born in South Africa
*Mositi Torontle
* [ Alexander von Rudloff]


*Paulo Coelho, (1947– )

Burkina Faso

*Sarah Bouyain (1968– )
*Monique Ilboudo
*Honorine Mare (1972– )
*Suzy Henrique Nikiéma
*Adiza Sanoussi


*Mongo Beti (pseudonym of Alexandre Biyidi Awala)
*Calixthe Beyala
*Ferdinand Oyono (1929– )
*Evelyne Mpoudi Ngole (1953– )
*Francis Bebey


See also: Canadian literature, List of Canadian writers
*Eduardo Paz-Martinez, "Inside The Volcano" (2001)
*Ranj Dhaliwal, author of "Daaku"
*Margaret Atwood, (1939– ), author of "The Handmaid's Tale" (1985)
*Pierre Berton, (1920–2004 )
*Marie-Claire Blais, (1939– )
*Morley Callaghan, (1903–1990) author of "Strange Fugitive" (1928)
*Deborah Joy Corey, (1958– ) winner Books in Canada First Novel Award
*Robertson Davies, (1913–1995), author of "Fifth Business"
*Réjean Ducharme
*Louis Emond
*Timothy Findley (1930–2002) (See also France)
*Gayleen Froese
*Donald Jack,
*Hugh MacLennan,
*Margaret Laurence,
*Stephen Leacock
*Yann Martel, author of "Life of Pi", 2002 Booker Prize
*Rohinton Mistry, (1952– )
*Lucy Maude Montgomery, (1874–1942)
*Susanna Moodie, (1803–1885)
*Christopher G. Moore, (born 1952)
*Farley Mowat
*Alice Munro, (1931– )
*Michael Ondaatje, (1943– ), author of "The English Patient" (1993)
*Mordecai Richler, (1931–2001), author of "The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz" (1959)
*Gabrielle Roy, (1909–1983)
*Margaret Marshall Saunders, (1861–1947)
*Carol Shields, (1935–2003)
*Catharine Parr Traill, (1802–1899)
*Roland Michel Tremblay, (1972– )
*Jane Urquhart, (1949– )

Cape Verde

*Germano Almeida (1945– )
*Manuel Lopes
*Dina Salústio (1941– )
*Rosa de Saron


*Raimon Llull, (1235-1315)
*Ramon Muntaner, (circa 1270-1336)
*Joanot Martorell, (1413-1468)
*Narcís Oller, (1846-1930)
*Mercè Rodoreda, (1909-1983)


*Marie-Christine Koundja (1957– )


*Allende, Isabel
*Calderón, Teresa
*Coloane, Francisco
*Donoso, José
*Guelfenbein, Carla
*Lillo, Baldomero
*Gumucio, Manuela
*Maturana, Andrea
*Rojas, Manuel
*Sepúlveda, Luis
*Serrano, Marcela
*Valdivieso, Mercedes


See also: Chinese literature

*Ang Li
*Cao Xueqin, (circa 1715–1763), author of "Dream of the Red Chamber"
*Dai Sijie, author of "Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress"
*Gao Xingjian, exile and Nobel laureate
*Han Shaogong, (born 1953)
*Lao She, (1899–1966), author of "Si Shi Tong Tang"
*Li Yu (author)
*Lu Xun, (1881–1936), author of "The True Story of Ah Q" and first modernist writer in China
*Mao Dun, (1896–1981), author of "Zi Ye"
*Mo Yan, author of "Red Sorghum"
*Qian Zhongshu, (1910–1998), author of "Wei Cheng"
*Wang Shuo
*Wei Jingsheng, democracy activist and political prisoner
*Zhang Ailing, (1920–1995), female romantic story writer


*Héctor Abad Faciolince, (1958– ), author of "Angosta"(2004), "The Oblivion We Shall Be" (2006)
*Jaime Manrique
*Gabriel García Márquez, (1928– ), author of "One Hundred Years of Solitude" (1967), Nobel Prize for Literature (1982), journalist, publisher, avatar of magical realism
*José Eustasio Rivera, (1888–1928), author of "La Vorágine"


*Jeannette Balou Tchichelle (1947– )
*Noëlle Bizi Bazouma (1959– )
*Emmanuel Dongala
*Aleth Felix-Tchicaya (1955– )
*Flore Hazoume (1959– ), also connected with Benin
*Francine Laurans (1962– )
*Ghislaine Sathoud (1969– )

=Congo-Kinshasa (formerly Zaire)=

*Amba Bongo
*Maguy Kabamba (1960– )
*Sony Labou Tansi (1947–1995)
*V. Y. Mudimbe (1941– )
*Yamusangie, Frederick Kambemba


*Romain Gary, Russian-born French writer
*Franz Kafka, (1883–1924) lived in Prague during Austria-Hungary and Czechoslovakia; German language writer; see also German literature
*Arthur Koestler (1905–1983)
*Milan Kundera, (1929– ) born in Czechoslovakia, but moved to France. Multi-language writer.
*Salman Rushdie, (1947– ) born in India, but moved abroad later. English language writer, author of "The Satanic Verses"

Costa Rica

*Joaquín García Monge (1881 – 1958)

Côte d'Ivoire

*Josette D. Abondio
*Anne-Marie Adiaffi (1951– )
*Marie-Danielle Aka
*Assamala Amoi, born in France (1960– )
*Michele Assamoua, originally from France (1941– )
*Khadi Sy Bizet
*Fatou Bolli
*Tanella Boni
*Isabelle Boni-Claverie
*Marie Anne Caro
*Micheline Coulibaly, born in Vietnam (1950–2003)
*Marion Diby Zinnanti (1960– )
*Richard Dogbeh, also connected with Benin, Senegal and Togo (1932–2003)
*Oklomin Kacou
*Simone Kaya (1937– )
*Alimatou Koné
*Boundou Koné
*Ahmadou Kourouma (1927–2003)
*Lauryn, also connected with Togo and Benin, born in France (1978– )
*Mariama Méité (1967– )
*Isabelle Montplaisir
*Goley Niantié Lou
*Marinette Secco, born in France (1921– )
*Haïdara Fatoumata Sirantou
*Véronique Tadjo (1955– )
*Werewere-Liking Gnepo, also connected with Cameroon (1950– )
*Caroline Angèle Yao
*Regina Yaou (1955– )


See also: Croatian literature
*Miroslav Krleža (1893–1981)
*Ivo Andrić (1892–1975)
*Ivan Aralica (1930– )
*Tomislav Ladan (1932– )


*Reinaldo Arenas
*Alejo Carpentier (19041980)
*Daína Chaviano
*Jose Lezama Lima
*Leonardo Padura Fuentes (born 1955)

Czech Republic

See also: Literature of the Czech Republic
*Karel Čapek, (1890–1938) inventor of the word "robot", moralist, ironist, Czech patriot
*Jaroslav Hašek, (1883–1923), author of "The Good Soldier Svejk"
*Bohumil Hrabal, (1914–1997), author of "Closely Watched Trains", died trying to feed pigeons.
*Milan Kundera, (born 1929) author of The Unbearable Lightness of Being.
*Jaroslav Seifert (1901–1986), (Nobel Prize for Literature) (1984)


See also: List of Danish authors
*Hans Christian Andersen (1805–1875)
*Karen Blixen, (1885–1962) (pen name: Isak Dinesen), author of "Seven Gothic Tales" (1934), "Out of Africa" (1937)
*Peter Høeg
*Johannes Vilhelm Jensen (1873–1950), Nobel Prize for Literature (1944)
*Peter Kjærulff (1946– )


*Mouna-Hodan Ahmed (1972– )
*Waberi Abdourahman (1965– )


*P. Jaramillo Alvarado
*Enrique Gil Gilbert
*Luis A. Martínez
*Juan Montalvo
*Isacovici Salomon
*Alicia Yánez


*Gamal Al-Ghitani
*Naguib Mahfouz, (1911-2006) Nobel Prize for Literature (1988), famous for the "Cairo Trilogy" about life in the sprawling inner city.
*Alifa Rifaat
*Ahdaf Soueif
*Sonallah Ibrahim, (1937– )

Equatorial Guinea

*María Nsué Angüe (1945– )
*Donato Ndongo-Bidyogo (1950– )
*Juan Tomás Ávila Laurel (1966– )


*Jüri Ehlvest, (1967– )
*Kaur Kender, (1971– )
*Heiti Kender, (1973– )
*Albert Kivikas, (1898–1978)
*Kadri Kõusaar, (1980– )
*Jaan Kross, (1920– )
*Juhan Liiv (1864–1913)
*Tõnu Õnnepalu, (aka Emil Tode, 1962– )
*Lilli Promet, (1922–2007)
*Karl Ristikivi, (1912–1977)
*Anton Hansen Tammsaare, (1878–1940)
*Heiki Vilep, (1960– )


*Innānu Āggonāfir (pseudonym of Nagāsh Gabra Māryām)
*Haddis Alemayehu
*Āfawarq Gabra Iyasus
*Moges Kebede
*Nega Mezlekia
*Girmācchaw Takla Hāwāryāt
*Kebede Michael
*Hama Tuma (1949– )
*Birhānu Zarīhun


*Juhani Aho, (1861–1921)
*Tove Jansson, (1914–2001), she wrote in Swedish
*Aino Kallas, (1878–1956), female
*Aleksis Kivi, (1834–1872)
*Väinö Linna, (1920–1992)
*Arto Paasilinna
*Kalle Päätalo, (1919–2000)
*Frans Emil Sillanpää, (1888–1964), (Nobel Prize for Literature, 1939)
*Mika Waltari, (1908–1979)


See: French literature, List of French novelists


*Jean-Baptiste Abessolo (1932– )
*Bessora (born in Belgium) (1968– )
*Rene Maran, born near Martinique (1887–1960)
*Chantal Magalie Mbazoo-Kassa
*Justine Mintsa (1967– )
*Angèle Ntyugwetondo Rawiri


*Alhagi Kah
*Lenrie Peters


See also: German literature
*Heinrich Böll, (1917–1985)
*Alfred Döblin, (1878–1957), author of "Berlin Alexanderplatz"
*Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, (1749–1832), polymath.
*Günter Grass, (1927– ), Nobel Prize for Literature (1999)
*Hermann Hesse, (1877–1962), author of "The Glass Bead Game", "Steppenwolf", Nobel Prize for Literature (1946)
*Daniel Kehlmann, (1975 –)
*Heinrich von Kleist, (1777–1811)
*Siegfried Lenz, (1926– )
*Thomas Mann, (1875–1955)
*Erich Maria Remarque, (1898–1970), author of "Im Westen nichts Neues", or "All Quiet on the Western Front" (1929)
*Sten Nadolny, (born 1942), author of "The Discovery of Slowness"
*Patrick Süskind (1949– ), author of "Perfume"


*Ama Ata Aidoo (1940– )
*Ayi Kwei Armah
*Bediako Asare, also connected with Tanzania
*Kofi Awoonor (1935– )
*William Boyd
*Akosua Busia
*J.E. Casely-Hayford
*Amma Darko
*Cameron Duodu, author of "The Gab Boys" (1967)
*Marilyn Heward-Mills, author of "The Cloth Girl" (2006)
*Efua Theodora Sutherland (1924–1996 )


*George Leonardos,(1937-)


*Sirah Balde de Labe
*Kesso Barry (1948– )
*Mariama Barry, also connected with Senegal
*Laye Camara
*Koumanthio Zeinab Diallo (1956– )
*Tierno Monénembo
*Williams Sassine


*Nadine Nyangoma, born in Belgium


*Frankétienne (born 1936)
*Clark Parent (born 1951)
*Jacques Roumain (19071944)


*Marcos Carías Zapata (born 1938)
*Roberto Castillo (1950)
*Julio Escoto (born 1944)
*Javier Abril Espinoza (born 1967)
*Lucila Gamero (18731964)
*Roberto Quesada (born 1951)


*Zoltán Ambrus (18611932)
*Mihály Babits (1883-1941)
*György Dalos (1943– )
*József Eötvös (1813-1871)
*Péter Esterházy (1950-)
*István Fekete (19001970) author of Vuk
*Jenő Heltai (18711957)
*Ferenc Herczeg (18631954)
*Mór Jókai (1825–1904) greatest Hungarian novelist of the 19th c.
*Margit Kaffka (18801918)
*Frigyes Karinthy (1887-1938) author of scifi novels
*József Kármán (1768-1795)
*Zsigmond Kemény (18141875)
*Imre Kertész (1929– ), Nobel Prize for Literature (2002)
*János Kodolányi (18991969)
*György Konrád (1933-)
*Károly Kós (1883-1977)
*Dezső Kosztolányi (18851936)
*László Krasznahorkai (1954-)
*Gyula Krúdy (18781933)
*Ervin Lázár (1936-) author of children's novels
*Iván Mándy (1918-1995) author of children's novels
*Sándor Márai (19001989)
*Ferenc Molnár (1878-1952) author of The Paul Street Boys
*Ferenc Móra (1879-1934)
*Zsigmond Móricz (18791942) greatest Hungarian novelist of the 20th c.
*Géza Gárdonyi (18631922) author of popular historical novels
*Kálmán Mikszáth (18471910)
*Péter Nádas (1942-)
*László Németh (19011975)
*Géza Ottlik (1912-1990)
*Jenő Rejtő (1905-1943)
*Henriett Seth F. (1980-) author of a scifi novel, 2006
*Magda Szabó (1917-) author of The Door
*Sándor Szathmári [18971974) author of Kazohinia
*Antal Szerb (1901-1945) author of Journey by Moonlight
*Áron Tamási (1897-1966)
*Sándor Török (19041985) author of children's novels
*Albert Wass (1908-1998)


*Snorri Sturluson, (1179–1241), author of the "Younger Edda"
*Halldór Laxness, (1902–1998), Nobel Prize for Literature (1955)
*Sjón, (1962), The Nordic Council's Literature Prize (2005)


See also: Indian literature
*Chetan Bhagat, (born 1974), English
*Rammohan Roy, Bengali, English, Sanskrit
*Kaji Nazrul Islam, Bengali, Persian, Arabic
*Jibanananda Das, Bengali
*Buddhadev Bose, Bengali, English
*Samar Sen, Bengali, English
*Tarashankar Banerjee, Bengali
*Bibhutibhushan Banerjee, Bengali
*Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay, Bengali
*Manik Bandopadhyay, Bengali
*Lalon Fakir, Bengali
*Dibyendu Palit, Bengali, English
*Samaresh Bose, Bengali
*Nirendranath Chakraborty, Bengali
*Subodh Ghosh, Bengali
*Narendranath Mitra, Bengali
*Amit Chaudhuri, English
*Upamanyu Chatterjee, English
*Michael Madhusudan Dutta, Bengali, English, French
*Buddhadev Guha, Bengali
*Ramdhari Singh 'Dinkar', Hindi
*Vikram Chandra, English
*Upamanyu Chatterjee, (born 1959), English
*Bankim Chandra Chatterjee (1838–1894), Bengali also wroteVande Mataram
*Sharat Chandra Chattopadhyay (1876–1938), Bengali
*Amit Chaudhuri, (born 1962), English
*Ramavriksha Benipuri, Hindi
*David Davidar
*Anita Desai, English
*Kiran Desai, English
*P. L. Deshpande (1919–2000) Marathi
*Eunice De Souza (born 1940), English
*Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
*Mahapandit Rahul Sankrityayan, Hindi, Bhojpuri, Tibetan, Sanskrit.
*Sunil Gangopadhyay, Bengali
*Amitav Ghosh, English
*Mir Mosharraf Hossain (1847–1912) Bengali
*Raj Kamal Jha, English
*Datta Raghunath Kavthekar (1901–1979) Marathi
*Amita Kanekar, author of "A Spoke in the Wheel"
*Prakash Kona
*Jhumpa Lahiri
*Kiran Nagarkar (born 1942) Marathi & English
*Bhalchandra Nemade (born 1938) Marathi
*Sugan Prabhu
*Pankaj Mishra
*Rohinton Mistry, English
*Fakir Mohan Senapati,Oriya
*Gopinath Mohanty,Oriya
*Manoj Das,Oriya
*Sarojini Sahoo, (born 1956) Oriya
*Shobhaa De, English
*Shirshendu Mukhopadhyay, Bengali
*R. K. Narayan, (1906–2001), English
*Surender Mohan Pathak, Hindi
*Moncy Pothen, English
*Munshi Premchand, (1880–1936), Hindi
*Raja Rao
*Rajashree, English, author of Trust Me
*Satyajit Ray, Bengali
*Arundhati Roy, English
*Salman Rushdie, (born 1947), English
*Vilas Sarang (born 1942) Marathi & English
*Vikram Seth, author of "A Suitable Boy"
*Rabindranath Tagore (1861–1941) Bengali also poet, painter, philosopher & Nobel laureate
*Shashi Tharoor, English
*Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar (1820–1891) Bengali also educator & social reformer
* Kavisekhara Dr Umar AlishaTelugu Language, written many novel in Telugu. He is a Poet, Freedom Fighter and a Social Reformer.
*Jagadish Mohanty, (born 1951) Oriya
*Harilal Upadhyay, (22-January-1916, 15-January-1994) Gujarati Language


*Ahmad Mahmoud
*Azar Nafisi
*Bozorg Alavi
*Dariush Shayegan
*Fereydun Esfandiari
*Houshang Golshiri
*Jamal Mirsadeghi
*Mahmud Doulatabadi
*Reza Baraheni
*Sadegh Hedayat
*Sadiq Chubak
*Shahrnush Parsipur
*Shiva Arastui
*Simin Daneshvar
*Taqi Modarresi
* Zoya Pirzad
* Arash Hejazi
* soumik roy
* ziyad m yousif


See: Irish fiction, List of Irish novelists


*Shmuel Yosef Agnon, Nobel Prize winner; "The Bridal Canopy", "Yesteryear"
*Aharon Appelfeld, "Badenheim 1939"
*David Grossman, "See Under: Love", "The Smile of the Lamb"
*Yoram Kaniuk, "His Daughter"
*Amos Oz, "Black Box", "My Michael"
*Yaakov Shabtai, "Past Continuous"
*Meir Shalev, "The Blue Mountain", "Esau"
*Avraham B. Yehoshua, "A Late Divorce", "Mr. Mani"


See also: Italian literature, List of Italian writers
*Riccardo Bacchelli
*Alessandro Baricco
*Giorgio Bassani
*Stefano Benni, journalist, poet, novelist, "Terra" (1985) is most popular work in English
*Alberto Bevilacqua
*Giovanni Boccaccio
*Vitaliano Brancati
*Gesualdo Bufalino
*Aldo Busi
*Dino Buzzati, "Il deserto dei Tartari" (1940)
*Italo Calvino, "Cosmicomics", "If On a Winter's Night a Traveler" (1979)
*Luigi Capuana
*Andrea Camilleri
*Carlo Cassola
*Carlo Collodi
*Carmen Covito
*Gabriele D'Annunzio, revolutionary
*Massimo D'Azeglio
*Grazia Deledda
*Giuseppe Dessi
*Umberto Eco
*Carlo Emilio Gadda
*Natalia Ginzburg
*Primo Levi, resistance fighter, chemist and novelist
*Emilio Lussu
*Alessandro Manzoni
*Dacia Maraini
*Franco Mimmi
*Elsa Morante
*Alberto Moravia
*Elina Patanè
*Cesare Pavese
*Luigi Pirandello, playwright, "Six Characters in Search of an Author"
*Vasco Pratolini
*Andrea di Robilant
*Salvatore Satta
*Alberto Savinio
*Leonardo Sciascia
*Ignazio Silone
*Mario Soldati
*Italo Svevo
*Antonio Tabucchi, "Declares Pereira" (1994)
*Susanna Tamaro
*Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, "The Leopard"
*Giovanni Verga
*Elio Vittorini


*Opal Palmer Adisa
*John La Rose
*Patricia Powell
*Andrew Salkey


See also: Japanese literature, List of Japanese authors
*Kōbō Abe (1924–1993) "The Woman In the Dunes", "The Magic Chalk"
*Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, (1892–1927), "Rashomon"
*Osamu Dazai, (1909–1948), "No Longer Human", "Melos, Run!"
*Fumiko Enchi (1905–1986) "A Tale of False Fortunes", "The Waiting Years"
*Shusaku Endo, (1923–1996) "Silence", "Deep River"
*Shizuko Go
*Kaoru Hayamine, "Yumemizu Kiyoshiro" mysteries
*Ichiyo Higuchi, (1872–1896) "Child's Play", "The Thirteenth Night"
*Masuji Ibuse, (1898–1993) "Black Rain"
*Yasunari Kawabata (1899–1972) "Snow Country", "The Izu Dancer" (Winner of the Nobel Prize, 1968)
*Yukio Mishima, (1925–1970), "The Temple of the Golden Pavilion", "Confessions of a Mask"
*Kenji Miyazawa, (1896–1933) "Night Train to the Stars", "Matasaburo the Wind Imp"
*Minae Mizumura, "Light and Darkness Continued", "An I-Novel from left to right", "A Real Novel"
*Ogai Mori, (1862–1922), "The Wild Goose", "The Dancing Girl"
*Haruki Murakami
*Ryu Murakami
*Natsume Sōseki, (1867–1916), "Kokoro", "I Am a Cat"
*Kenzaburō Ōe (1935– ) "Nip the Buds, Shoot the Kids", "A Personal Matter" (Nobel Prize, 1994)
*Murasaki Shikibu
*Jun'ichirō Tanizaki (1886–1965) "Some Prefer Nettles", "The Makioka Sisters"
*Edogawa Rampo (1894–1965)
*Banana Yoshimoto


*Margaret Ogola
*Grace Ogot (1930– )
*M.G. Vassanji (1950– )
*Ngugi wa Thiong'o, (1938– ), "The River Between", "Caitaani muthara-Ini", "Matigari"
*Meja Mwangi (1948– )
*Isak Dinesen, pseudonym of Karen Blixen (1885–1962)
*Parselelo Kantai
*Francis Imbuga


*Sinan Hasani


*Pauls Bankovskis
*Alberts Bels
*Anšlavs Eglītis
*Nora Ikstena
*Andrejs Upīts
*Marģeris Zariņš
*Egils Venters
*Aleksandrs Čaks
*Visvaldis Lāms
*Zigmunds Skujiņš


*Hanan Al-Shaykh
*Youssef Howayek (writer and sculptor)
*Elias Khoury
*Amin Maalouf


*Thomas Mofolo (1876–1948)
*Mzamane Nhlapo

Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia

*Slavko Janevski
*Venko Andonovski


*Michèle Rakotoson


* Paul Tiyambe Zeleza
* Felix Mnthali


*Catherine Lim
*John Ling
*K. S. Maniam


*Amadou Hampâté
*Aïda Mady Diallo
*Doumbi Fakoly (1944– )
*Aïcha Fofana (1957–2003)
*Moussa Konaté
*Yambo Ouologuem (1940– )
*Fanta-Taga Tembely (1946– )


*Sabine Cassar-Alpert (1959– ), author of "Angelina's Ghost"
*Carmel C. Cauchi
*Trevor Zahra


*Moussa Ould Ebnou


*Carl de Souza (1949– )
*Ananda Devi
*Jean Fanchette
* Abhimanyu Unuth


*Eduardo Paz-Martinez, author of "Inside the Volcano" (2001) and "The Rain in Spain" (2003)
*Sandra Cisneros, "The House on Mango Street"
*Laura Esquivel
*Carlos Fuentes, "The Old Gringo"
*Martín Luis Guzmán
*Vicky Nizri
*José Emilio Pacheco
*Juan Rulfo


"see also Literature of Morocco"
*Mohamed Choukri
*Driss Chraïbi (1926–2007)
*Edmond Amran El Maleh (1917– )
*Abdelkebir Khatibi
*Mohammed Khaïr-Eddine
*Laila Lalami
*Ahmed Sefrioui
*Mohamed Zafzaf


*Paulina Chiziane (1955– )
*Mia Couto (1955– )
*Ungulani Ba Ka Khosa
*Lina Magaia
*Glória de Santana (1925– )


*Samrat Upadhyay


*Ayaan Hirsi Ali
*Harry Mulisch
*Tip Marugg
*Cees Nooteboom
*Willem Frederik Hermans
*Jan Wolkers
*Gerard van het Reve
*A.F.Th. van der Heijden
* [ Geert van der Kolk]

New Zealand

See also: New Zealand literature

*Barbara Anderson (born 1926)

*Catherine Chidgey (born 1970)
*Joy Cowley (born 1936)
*Nigel Cox (1951-2006)
*Barry Crump (1935-1996)

*Tessa Duder (born 1940)
*Alan Duff (born 1950)
*Kate Duignan (born 1974)

*Janet Frame (1924-2004) author of "An Angel At My Table"

*Maurice Gee (born 1931)
*Patricia Grace (born 1937)

*Keri Hulme (born 1947)

*Witi Ihimaera (born 1944)

*Annamarie Jagose (born 1965)

*Fiona Kidman (born 1940)

*John A. Lee (1891-1982)

*Ngaio Marsh (1895-1982)
*Owen Marshall (born 1941)
*Frederick Edward Maning (1812-1883)
*Ronald Hugh Morrieson (1922-1972)

*Rosie Scott (born 1948)
*Maurice Shadbolt (1932-2004)
*C. K. Stead (born 1932)

*Philip Temple (born 1939)

*Julius Vogel (1835-1899)

*Cherry Wilder (19302002)


See: List of Nigerian writers


See also: Norwegian literature
*Ingvar Ambjørnsen
*Jens Bjørneboe
*Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson
*Johan Borgen
*Lars Saabye Christensen
*Olav Duun
*Johan Falkberget
*Jostein Gaarder, "Sophie's World"
*Erik Fosnes Hansen
*Knut Hamsun, "Hunger"
*Sigurd Hoel
*Roy Jacobsen
*Alexander Kielland
*Jan Kjærstad
*Jonas Lie
*Erlend Loe
*Axel Sandemose
*Gabriel Scott
*Dag Solstad
*Sigrid Undset, "Kristin Lavrandsdatter"
*Tarjei Vesaas
*Herbjørg Wassmo


See also: Pakistani literature
*Ahmed Ali
*Tariq Ali
*Zulfikar Ghose
*Mohsin Hamid
*Saadat Hasan Manto, born in India
*Uzma Aslam Khan
*Kamila Shamsie
*Bapsi Sidhwa
*Ahmed Hamid
*Abdullah Hussain
*Intizar Hussain
*Mustansar Hussain Tarar
*Khadija Mastoor
*Asim Butt
*Naseem Hijazi
*Tahir Javaid Mughal


*Renée Ferrer de Arréllaga (b. 1944)
*Augusto Roa Bastos (19172005)


See also: Literature of the Philippines

*Francisco Arcellana
*Enrico Antiporda
*Lualhati Bautista
*Carlos Bulosan
*Jose Dalisay
*Lazaro Francisco
*Eric Gamalinda
*N.V.M. Gonzalez
*Jessica Hagedorn
*Amado Hernandez
*Stevan Javellana
*Nick Joaquin
*Maximo Kalaw
*Edgardo Reyes
*Jose Rizal
*Ninotchka Rosca
*Bienvenido Santos
*Lope K. Santos
*Rogelio Sicat
*F. Sionil Jose
*Edilberto Tiempo
*Edith Tiempo
*Linda Ty-Casper


*Ciro Alegría, {1909–1967)
*José María Arguedas, (1911–1969)
*Mario Vargas Llosa, (1936– ), ran for president, author of "Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter"


See also: Polish literature
*Maria Dąbrowska (1889–1965)
*Tadeusz Dołęga-Mostowicz (1898–1939)
*Tadeusz Konwicki (1926– )
*Ignacy Krasicki (1735–1801)
*Józef Ignacy Kraszewski (1812–1887)
*Zofia Nałkowska (1885–1954)
*Witold Gombrowicz (1904–1969)
*Stanisław Lem (1921– 2006)
*Eliza Orzeszkowa (1841–1910)
*Jan Potocki (1761–1815)
*Bolesław Prus (1847–1912)
*Władysław Reymont (1867–1925), Nobel Prize for Literature 1924, author of "The Peasants"
*Bruno Schulz (1892–1942)
*Henryk Sienkiewicz (1846–1916), Nobel Prize for Literature 1905, author of "Quo Vadis"
*Gabriela Zapolska (1857–1921)
*Stefan Żeromski (1864–1925)
*Eugeniusz Żytomirski (1911–1975)


*António Lobo Antunes
*Fernando de Campos
*Júlio Dinis
*Alexandre Herculano
*Camilo Castelo Branco
*José Maria de Eça de Queiroz
*Aquilino Ribeiro
*Albino Forjaz de Sampaio, (1884–1949)
*José Saramago, (1922– ), Nobel Prize for Literature 1998
*Vergílio Ferreira
*Miguel Sousa Tavares

Puerto Rico

*Luis López Nieves (born 1950), "Seva " (1984), "Escribir para Rafa " (1987), "La verdadera muerte de Juan Ponce de León " (2000), "El corazón de Voltaire " (2005)


*Gabriela Adameşteanu
*Ştefan Agopian
*Max Blecher
*Nicolae Breban
*Augustin Buzura
*Mateiu Caragiale
*George Călinescu
*Mircea Cărtărescuauthor of Nostalgia
*Gheorghe Crăciun
*Virgil Duda
*Alexandru Ecovoiu
*Mircea Eliadeauthor of Maitreyi
*Mihai Eminescu
*Virgil Gheorghiu
*Panait Istrati
*Alexandru Ivasiuc
*Norman Manea
*Gib Mihăescu
*Mircea Nedelciu
*Costache Negruzzi
*Iacob Negruzzi
*Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu
*Dora Pavel
*Camil Petrescu
*Cezar Petrescu
*Dumitru Radu Popescu
*Marin Preda
*Liviu Rebreanu
*Mihail Sadoveanu
*Alexandru Sever
*Sorin Titel
*Constantin Ţoiu
*Duiliu Zamfirescu

See also: Romanian literature


See also: Russian literature
*Andrey Bely, (1880–1934)
*Andrey Bitov, (born 1937)
*Mikhail Bulgakov, (1891–1940), author of "The Master and Margarita"
*Nikolai Chernyshevsky, (1828–1889), author of "What Is To Be Done?"
*Fyodor Dostoyevsky, (1821–1881), author of "The Brothers Karamazov", "Crime and Punishment"
*Gaito Gazdanov, (1903-1971)
*Nikolai Gogol, (1809–1852), author of "Dead Souls"
*Ivan Goncharov, (1812–1891), "Oblomov", a tale of a "superfluous" man
*Maxim Gorky, (1868–1936)
*Anna Kashina, author of "The Princess of Dhagabad"
*Mikhail Lermontov, (1814–1841)
*Leonid Leonov, 1899-1994
*Nikolai Leskov, (1831–1895)
*Vladimir Makanin, (born 1937)
*Vladimir Nabokov, (1899–1977) early novels in Russian, later, including "Lolita", in English.
*Boris Pasternak, (1890–1960), refused the Nobel Prize for Literature, "Doctor Zhivago"
*Aleksandr Pushkin, (1799–1837)
*Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin, (1826–1889)
*Ilia Shtemler, (born 1933)
*Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, (1918–2008), "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich", also historian
*Aleksey K. Tolstoy, (1817–1875)
*Aleksey N. Tolstoy, (1883–1945)
*Leo Tolstoy, (1828–1910), author of "War and Peace, Anna Karenina"
*Ivan Turgenev (1818–1883)


*Thérèse Muamini


* Sia Figiel (born 1967)
* Albert Wendt (born 1939)

São Tomé and Príncipe

*Olinda Beja (1946– )
*Sara Pinto Coelho (1913–1990)


See: List of Senegalese writers

Ivo Andric

Sierra Leone

*Syl Cheney-Coker
*Aminatta Forna (b. 1964)


*Adam I. AwXirsi
*Maxamed Daahir Afrax
*Faarax MJ Cawl
*Nuruddin Farah (1945– )
*Abdi Sheik Abdi
*Waris Dirie

South Africa

See: List of South African writers

South Korea

See: List of Korean novelists


See:List of Spanish language authors. See: Spanish Literature
*Leopoldo Alas, author of 'La Regenta'
*Miguel de Cervantes, : "El Quijote", or "Don Quixote"
*Pérez Galdós
*Juan Goytisolo: "El sitio de los sitios"
*Javier Marías
*Juan Marsé: "La Muchacha de las bragas de oro" (Premio Planeta)
*Eduardo Mendoza: "La ciudad de los prodigios", "Sin Noticias de Gurp", "El Misterio de la cripta embrujada"
*Arturo Pérez-Reverte: "El Club Dumas", "Las aventuras del Capitán Alatriste"
*Miguel de Unamuno: "Niebla", "San Manuel Bueno Martir"
*Antonio Muñoz Molina: "Beltenebros"

Sri Lanka

*Shyam Selvadurai
*Arthur C. Clarke
*Michael Ondaatje ("The English Patient")


*Tayeb Salih
*Ra'ouf Mus'ad, also connected with Egypt
*Leila Aboulela
*Jamal Mahjoub


See also: List of Swedish language writers
*Marianne Fredriksson
*Gustaf Fröding
*Erik Gustaf Geijer
*Jan Guillou
*Eyvind Johnson
*Pär Lagerkvist
*Selma Lagerlöf
*Astrid Lindgren
*Harry Martinson
*Vilhelm Moberg
*Per Nilsson
*Peter Pohl
*August Strindberg (1849–1912)
*Esaias Tegnér


*Friedrich Dürrenmatt (1921–1990), "The Quarry"
*Max Frisch (1911–1991), "Stiller" (1954) ("I'm Not Stiller"), "Mein Name sei Gantenbein" (1964)
*Christian Kracht, (1966 –)


*Mark Behr, also connected with South Africa
*Euphrase Kezilahabi (1944– )
*Shafi Adam Shafi


*Gad Ami (1958– )
*David Ananou (1917–2000)
*Félix Couchoro, also connected with Benin (1900–1968)
*Richard Dogbeh, also connected with Benin, Senegal and Côte d'Ivoire (1932–2003)
*Kossi Efoui (1962– )
*Christiane Akoua Ekue (1954– )
*Lauryn, also connected with Benin and Togo, born in France (1978– )

Trinidad and Tobago

*V. S. Naipaul, (born 1932)
*Lakshmi Persaud


*Hédi Bouraoui (1932– )
*Albert Memmi (1920– )


*Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar
*Ahmet Mithat
*Ahmet Rasim
*Ahmet Ümit
*Ayşe Kulin
*Aziz Nesin
*Bilge Karasu, author of "Night", "Garden of Departed Cats", and "Death in Troy"
*Buket Uzuner
*Cem Akaş
*Cemil Meriç
*Elif Şafak
*Ertugrul Oğuz Fırat, author of "Sevicira"
*Fakir Baykurt
*Haldun Taner
*Halit Ziya Uşaklıgil
*Hasan Ali Toptaş
*Kemal Tahir, author of "Yorgun Savaşçı", "Devlet Ana", "Karılar Koğuşu"
*Mehmed Rauf
*Metin Kaçan
*M. Murat İldan
*Oguz Atay
*Oktay Rifat
*Orhan Kemal, author of "Bekçi Murtaza",
*Orhan Pamuk, Nobel Prize author of "Black Book" and "The White Castle"
*Peyami Safa
*Recaizade Mahmut Ekrem
*Reşat Enis
*Reşat Nuri Güntekin
*Rıfat Ilgaz
*Sabahattin Ali
*Sabri Gürses
*Sadık Yalsızuçanlar
*Selim İleri
*Tarık Buğra
*Yahya Kemal
*Yaşar Kemal, author of "Mehmed, My Hawk"
*Yaşar Nabi Nayır
*Yunus Nadi Abalıoğlu
*Yusuf Atilgan


*Moses Isegawa
*China Keitetsi


*Andrey Kurkov, (1961– )
*Larisa Alexandrovna, (1971– )

United Kingdom


:"See: List of English novelists


:"See: List of Scottish novelists


**Mary Balogh
**Amy Dillwyn
**Ken Follett
**Richard Hughes, (1900–1976), "A High Wind in Jamaica"
**Jack Jones, (1884–1970)
**Richard Llewellyn, (1907–1983), "How Green Was My Valley"
**Jean Rhys
**Bernice Rubens, author of "A Solitary Grief"
**Howard Spring, (1889–1965)
**Mark Robson
*Welsh language
**Daniel Owen, (1836–1895)
**Kate Roberts, (1891–1985):"See also: List of Welsh writers

Northern Ireland

*Colin Bateman, (1962– ), "Divorcing Jack"
*Ronan Bennett, (1956– ), "The Catastrophist"
*Joyce Cary, "The Horse's Mouth"
*Paul Kearney, "Monarchies of God"
*Benedict Kiely
*Bernard MacLaverty, "Cal"
*Brian Moore, "The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne"
*Flann O'Brien, "The Third Policeman"
*Amanda McKittrick Ross:"See also: List of Northern Irish writers and List of Irish novelists

United States

See: List of novelists from the United States


See: Culture of Uruguay
*Eduardo Galeano, writer and social commentator renowned throughout Latin America
*Mario Benedetti, Uruguay's best-known novelist
*Jorge Majfud
*Juan Carlos Onetti
*Horacio Quiroga
*Juana de Ibarbourou
*Maria Eugenia Vaz Ferreira
*Delmira Agustini
*Isidore Lucien Ducasse, born in Montevideo though French by nationality
*José Enrique Rodó Considered by many to have been Spanish America's greatest philosopher Encyclopædia Britannica


*Rómulo Gallegos, (1884–1969) "Canaima", "Doña Bárbara"


*Dương Thu Hương (born 1947) "Paradise of the Blind"
*Pham Thi Hoai (born 1960)
*Phung Le Ly Hayslip (born 1949) "When Heaven and Earth Changed Places"
*Bao Ninh (born 1952)


*Sholom Asch, (1880–1957)
*David Bergelson, (1884–1952)
*Der Nister, (1884–1950)
*Shira Gorshman, (1906 –2001)
*Chaim Grade, (1910–1982)
*Esther Kreitman, (1891–1954)
*Mendele Moykher Sforim, (1836–1917), pseudonym for Sholem Yankev Abramovitch
*Joseph Opatoshu, (1886–1954)
*Yitzok Lebesh Peretz, (1852–1915)
*Sholem Aleichem, (1859–1916) (real name: Solomon Rabinovitz), "Fiddler on the Roof" was based on his stories
*Isaac Bashevis Singer, (1904–1991)
*Israel Joshua Singer, (1893–1944)
*Anzia Yezierska (c. 1880–1970)

Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia)

*Tsitsi Dangarembga (1959– )
*Chenjerai Hove (1956– )
*Doris Lessing, born in Persia (now Iran) (1919– )
*Dambudzo Marechera (1952–1987)
*Nozipa Maraire (1966– )
*Charles Mungoshi
*Solomon Mutswairo (1924– )
*Alexander McCall Smith, also connected with Botswana (1948– )
*Stanlake Samkange (1922–1988)
*Yvonne Vera, also connected with Canada (1964–2005)

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