- List of saints
This article is about Christian saints after 450 AD. For Christian saints before this time, see List of early Christian saints. For a list of venerated persons in Mahayana Buddhism, see List of bodhisattvas.
This is an incomplete list of Christian saints in alphabetical order by Christian name, but if necessary by surname, the place, or attribute part of the name as well.
There are more than 10,000 Roman Catholic saints. Among the Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox Communions, the numbers may be even higher, since there is no fixed process of "canonization" and each individual jurisdiction within the two Orthodox communions independently maintains parallel lists of saints that have only partial overlap.
Note that the Anglican Communion have only ever canonised one saint—King Charles I of England (see Society of King Charles the Martyr). However, it recognises pre-Reformation saints, as does the United Methodist Church. Persons who have led lives of celebrated sanctity or missionary zeal are included in the Calendar of the Prayer Book "without thereby enrolling or commending such persons as saints of the Church". Similarly, any individuals commemorated in the Lutheran calendar of saints will be listed as well.
Wikipedia contains calendars of saints for particular denominations, listed by the day of the year on which they are traditionally venerated, as well as a Chronological list of saints and blesseds, listed by their date of death.
Christian saints since 450 A.D.
Saint Date of death Anglican Coptic Orthodox Eastern Orthodox Roman Catholic Aaron of Aleth 552 Yes Abadiu of Antinoe 4th century Yes Abakuh Unknown Yes; Abāmūn of Tarnūt 372 Yes Abanoub Unknown Yes Abaskhayroun Unknown Yes Abban of Magheranoidhe c. 570 Yes Abban of New Ross 7th century Abban the Hermit 5th century Yes Abbo of Fleury 1004 Yes Abdas of Susa 5th century Abel of Reims 764 Saint Abib 5th century Yes Abo of Tiflis 786 Yes Abraham the Coptic 360 Yes Abraham of Rostov 1073–1077 Yes Abraham of Scetes 399 Yes Abraham of Smolensk 1222 Yes Abraam Bishop of Faiyum 1829 Yes Abraham the Syrian 978 Yes Abuna Aregawi 6th century Abundius 469 Acacius of Amida Unknown Yes Acca of Hexham 742? Yes Yes Achilleus Kewanuka 1886 Adalbert of Prague 997 Yes Adalgar 909 Yes Adalgott 1165 Yes Adamo Abate 1060 to 1070 Yes Adelaide of Italy 999 Yes Adelaide, Abbess of Vilich 1015 Yes Adelin (Adelhelm) of Séez c910 Yes Adeodatus I 618 Yes Yes Adomnán 704 Yes Adrian III 885 Yes Afan 6th century Yes Yes Yes Agapitus I 536 Yes Yes Agapetus of Pechersk 11th century Yes Agatha of Sicily 3rd century Agatho of Alexandria 677 Yes Agatho 681 Yes Yes Agnes 1253 Yes Yes Yes Agnes 1282 Yes Aidan 651 Yes Yes Yes Alberic 1108 Yes Alberic of Utrecht 784 Yes Alberto Hurtado 1952 Yes Albertus Magnus 1280 Yes Alda ca. 1309 Yes Alcuin 804 Yes Yes Yes Pope Alexander of Alexandria 328 Yes Alexandra of Hesse 1918 Yes Alexei of Russia 1918 Yes Alexis Falconieri 1310 Yes Alexis of Wilkes-Barre 1909 Yes Alfred the Great 899 Yes Yes Yes Alice 1622 Yes Alypius the Stylite 640 Yes Yes Yes Alipy of the Caves 11-12th centuries Yes Aloysius Gonzaga 1591 Yes Alphege 1012 Yes Yes Yes Alphonsa Muttathupandathu 1946 Yes Amand 675 Yes Ambrose of Alexandria 250 Yes Saint Ammon 357 Yes Amphilochius of Pochayiv 1971 Yes Anastasius of Alexandria 616 Yes Andronicus of Alexandria 622 Yes Pope Anianus 82 Yes Anastasia of Russia 1918 Yes Anastasius Sinaita post 700 Yes Yes André Bessette 1937 Yes Andrei the Iconographer ca. 1430 Yes Andrew Bobola 1657 Yes Andrew of Constantinople 936 Yes Andrew of Crete 8th century Yes Yes Andrew Dung-Lac 1839 Yes Angela Merici 1540 Yes An Jung-geun 1910 Yes Anna Unknown Yes Anne Line 1601 Yes Anselm of Canterbury 1109 Yes Yes Ansgar 865 Yes Yes Yes Anthony the Great 356 Yes Anthony of Kiev 1073 Yes Anthony of Padua 1231 Yes Anthony Galvão 1822 Yes Anthony Mary Claret 1870 Yes Antoine Daniel 1648 Yes Saint Aphrodisius 65 Yes Saint Apollo 5th century Yes Apollonia 249 Yes Saint Apollos 1st century Yes Saint Aprax 4th century Yes Arnold Janssen 1909 Yes Arnulf of Metz 640 Yes Athanasius of Alexandria 373 Yes Augustine of Canterbury 604 Yes Yes Yes Avitus of Vienne 523 Yes Avilius of Alexandria 95 Yes Baldred of Tyninghame 757 Yes Yes Barbatus of Benevento 682 Yes Yes Saint Barsanuphius 540 Yes Basil the Great 379 Yes Yes Yes Basil the Fool for Christ 1552 or 1557 Yes Basil of Ostrog 1671 Yes Beatrix d'Este 1262 Yes The Venerable Bede 735 Yes Yes Yes Benedetta Cambiagio Frassinello 1858 Yes Benedict of Aniane 747 Yes Yes Benedict of Nursia 543 Yes Yes Yes Benedict of Jesus 1934 Yes Benedict II 685 Yes Yes Benedict the Moor 1589 Yes Benedict Joseph Labre 1783 Yes Berlinda of Meerbeke 702 Yes Bernadette Soubirous 1879 Yes Bernard of Clairvaux 1153 Yes Yes Bernard Due Van Vo 1838 Yes Bernard of Menthon 1008 Yes Bernardo Tolomei 1348 Yes Bernardino of Siena 1444 Yes Birinus 649 Yes Yes Yes Bonaventure of Bagnoregio 1274 Yes Boniface 754 Yes Yes Yes Boniface IV 608 Yes Yes Boris I 2 May, 907 Yes Saint Botolph 680 Yes Yes Brendan of Birr ca. 573 Yes Yes Brendan the Navigator ca. 578 Yes Yes Bridget of Sweden 23 July 1373 Yes4 Yes Brigid of Kildare 525 Yes4 Yes Yes Brioc 6th century Yes Bruno of Cologne 1101 Yes Bruno of Querfurt 1009 Yes Yes Bruno of Segni 1123 Yes Budoc of Dol 7th Cent. Yes Yes Caesarius of Arles 542 Yes Cajetan 1547 Yes Camillus de Lellis 1614 Yes Saint Candidus 287 Yes Canute IV of Denmark 1086 Yes Carantoc 6th Century Yes Yes Casimir 1484 Yes Catald ca. 8th Cent. Yes Catherine the Great 305 Yes Catherine of Bologna 1463 Yes Catherine of Genoa 1510 Yes Catherine Laboure ca. 1806 Yes Catherine of Ricci 1590 Yes Catherine of Siena 1380 Yes Yes Catherine of Vadstena 1381 Yes Cedd 664 Yes Yes Celadion of Alexandria 166 Yes Celestine V 1296 Yes Cettin[1] 5th Cent. Yes Chad of Mercia 672 Yes Yes Yes Charbel 1898 Yes Charles I of England 1649 Yes Charles of Mount Argus 1893 Yes Christopher c. 251 Yes Yes Saint Cristobal Magallanes Jara 1927 Yes Christina the Astonishing 1224 Yes Chrysanthus 283 Yes Ciarán of Clonmacnoise 546 Yes Yes Ciarán of Saighir c. 530 Yes Clare of Assisi 1253 Yes Yes Clare of Montefalco 1308 Yes Claudus Corrius II[citation needed] 1253 Yes Yes Clement of Alexandria 215 Yes Clement of Ohrid July 17, 960 Yes Saint Cleopatra 327 Yes Clodoald c. 560 Yes Clotilde 545 Yes Colette 1447 Yes Columba 597 Yes Yes Yes Yes Columbanus 615 Yes Yes Comgall 597 or 602 Yes Yes Congar 520 Yes Yes Conrad of Parzham 1894 Yes Conrad of Piacenza 1351 Yes Constantine of Murom 1129 Yes Pope Cosmas 730 Yes Pope Cosmas II 858 Yes Pope Cosmas III 933 Yes Cosmas of Maiuma 8th Cent. Yes Yes Cristóbal Magallanes Jara 1927 Yes Cunigunde of Luxemburg 1033 Yes Cuthbert of Lindisfarne 687 Yes Yes Yes Cuthbert Mayne 1577 Yes Cynllo 6th Cent. Yes Yes Cyriacus the Anchorite 557 Yes Cyrus the Coptic 304 Yes Cyril, teacher of the Slavs 869 Yes Yes Yes Pope Cyril I the Pillar of Faith 444 Yes Pope Cyril II 1092 Yes Pope Cyril III 1243 Yes Pope Cyril IV 1861 Yes Pope Cyril V 1927 Yes Pope Cyril VI the Great 1971 Yes King Dagobert II 679 Yes Damian of Alexandria 4th Cent. Yes Damien of Molokai 18 April 1889 Yes Saint Dasya 3rd Cent. Yes Saint Daydara 4th Cent. Yes Daniel Comboni 1881 Yes Danilo II 14th Cent. Yes David (Dewi) of Wales ca. 589 Yes Yes Yes David Lewis 1679 Yes Declan 5th Cent. Yes Yes Pope Demetrius 232 Yes Saint Demiana the Great 302 Yes Desiderius of Fontenelle c. 700 Yes Desiderius of Vienne 607 Yes Deusdedit of Canterbury 664 Yes Yes Didier (Desiderius) of Cahors 655 Yes Didymus the Blind 398 Yes Dietrich Bonhoeffer 1945 Yes Dimitry of Rostov 1709 Yes Pope Dioscorus 454 Yes Dionysius of Alexandria 250 Yes Saint Doherty 579 Yes Yes Dominic de Guzman 1221 Yes Yes Dominic de la Calzada 1109 Yes Dominic Loricatus 1060 Yes Dominic Savio 1857 Yes Dorothea of Alexandria 320 Yes Dorotheus of Gaza 6-7th century Yes Yes Douai Martyrs ca. 1568-1668 Yes Drogo of Sebourg 1105 Yes Dunstan 988 Yes Yes Yes Dymphna 7th Cent. Yes Yes Eanflæd 704 Yes Edburga of Bicester 7th Cent. Yes Yes Edburga of Minster-in-Thanet 8th century Yes Edith Stein 1942 Yes Editha 10th century Yes Yes Edmund Arrowsmith 1628 Yes Edmund Campion 1581 Yes Edmund of East Anglia 869 Yes Yes Yes Edward the Confessor 1066 Yes Yes Yes Edward the Martyr 978 or 979 Yes Yes Yes Edwin of Northumbria 633 Yes Yes Yes Egbert of Northumbria 729 Yes Yes Yes Eligius 659 or 660 Yes Yes Elisabeth of Hungary 1231 Yes Yes Elizabeth of Portugal 1336 Yes Elizabeth of Russia 1918 Yes Elizabeth Ann Seton 1821 Yes Emeric of Hungary 1031 Yes Emma of Lesum 1308 Yes Emma of Ludger 1050 Yes Yes Emmeram of Regensburg 652 Yes Emmelia 375 Yes Enda of Aran 530 Yes Engelbert of Cologne 1225 Yes Erbin 5th century Yes Erentrude 710 Yes Ermengol 1035 Yes Ermenilda of Ely 700 or 703 Yes Ethelbert of Kent 616 Yes Yes Etheldreda of Ely 679 Yes Yes Yes Eugene I 657 Yes Yes Yes Eugene de Mazenod 1861 Yes Eulogius of Alexandria 608 Yes Yes Yes Eulogius of Córdoba 859 Yes Pope Eumenes 141 Yes Euphemia Euphrosyne of Alexandria 5th century Yes Euphrosyne of Polatsk 1173 Yes Yes Eustochia Smeralda Calafato 1485 Yes Euthymius the Great 473 Yes Yes Eysteinn Erlendsson 1188 Yes Fachanan c. 600 Yes Faro 675 Yes Faustina 1938 Yes Saint Faustus 250 Yes Feichin ca. 660 Yes Yes Saint Felix 286 Yes Felix III 492 Yes Yes Felix IV 530 Yes Yes Ferdinand III of Castile 1252 Yes Ferréol of Uzès 581 Yes Yes Fiacre 670? Yes Fidelis of Sigmarengen 1622 Yes Filan Unknown Yes Yes Finbarr 620 Yes Yes Florentina ca. 612 Yes Franca Visalta 1218 Yes Francesca Frances Cabrini 1917 Yes Frances of Rome 1440 Yes Francis of Assisi 1226 Yes Yes Francis Caracciolo 1608 Yes Francis of Paola 1507 Yes Francis de Sales 1622 Yes Yes Francis Xavier 1552 Yes4 Yes Frei Galvão 1822 Yes Frideswide c. 735 Yes Yes Yes Yes Fructuosus of Braga 665 Yes Fulgentius of Cartagena 7th century Yes Pope Gabriel I 921 Yes Pope Gabriel II 1145 Yes Pope Gabriel III 1270 Yes Pope Gabriel IV 1478 Yes Pope Gabriel V 1427 Yes Pope Gabriel VI 1475 Yes Pope Gabriel VII 1569 Yes Pope Gabriel VIII 1603 Yes Gaetano Errico 1860 Yes Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows 1862 Yes Gal I, Bishop of Clermont c. 553 Yes Gall ca. 646 Yes Yes Saint Gallicanus 363 Yes Gaspar del Bufalo 1837 Yes Gaudentius of Ossero 1044 Yes Yes Gelasius I 492 Yes Yes Yes Gelert 7th century Yes Yes Gemma Galgani 1903 Yes Genesius of Clermont ca. 662 Yes Genevieve 512 Yes Yes Saint George the Great 303 Yes Yes George Preca 1962 Yes St. George El Mozahem 969 Yes Gerasimus of Jordan 5th century Yes Yes Gerard of Lunel 1298 Yes Saint Gereon 304 Yes Gianna Beretta Molla 1962 Yes Ghislain 680 Yes Saint Gibrian 640 Yes Saint Gilbert of Sempringham 1083 Yes Gilbert de Moravia 1245 Yes Gilbert of Meaux 1015 Yes Giovanni da Capistrano 1456 Yes Goar of Aquitaine 6 July 649 Yes Godric of Finchale 1170 Yes Gonsalo Garcia 1597 Yes Godehard (Gotthard) of Hildesheim 1038 Yes Yes Gratus of Aosta ca. 470 Yes Gregorio Barbarigo 1697 Yes Gregory Palamas 1359 Yes Yes6 Gregory of Tours 594 Yes Yes Yes Gregory I 604 Yes Yes Yes Gregory II 731 Yes Yes Gregory III 741 Yes Yes Gregory VII 1085 Yes Grellan 5th Cent. Yes Hallvard Vebjørnsson 1043 Yes Hedwig of Andechs 1243 Yes Helena of Skövde 1160(?) Yes Helier 555 Yes Yes Yes Henry II, Holy Roman Emperor 1024 Yes Herman of Valaam 10-15th century Yes Herman of Alaska 1837 Yes Hervé 556 Yes Hilarius 468 Yes Yes Yes Hilda of Whitby 680 Yes Yes Yes Hildebrand 1085 Yes Hildegard of Bingen 1179 Yes Yes Saint Holos 20th century Yes Hormisdas 523 Yes Yes Yes Hubertus 727 Yes Yes Hugh of Lincoln 1200 Yes Yes Hyacinth 1257 Yes Hyacintha Mariscotti 1640 Yes Illuminata[2] Ignatius Loyola 1556 Yes4 Yes Innocent of Alaska 1879 Yes Innocencio of Mary Immaculate 1934 Yes Ignatius of Laconi 1781 Yes Irene of Lesvos[citation needed] 1463 Yes Isaac Jogues 1646 Yes Yes Yes Isaac of Nineveh 700 Yes Isabel of France 1270 Yes Isfrid of Ratzeburg 1204 Yes Isidore of Seville 636 Yes Isidore the Laborer 1130 Yes Ita 570 Yes Yes Italo 470-540 Yes Ivo of Kermartin 1303 Yes Jacobo Kyushei Tomonaga 1633 Yes Jadwiga of Poland 1399 Yes James of the Marches 1476 Yes Jean Vianney 1859 Yes Jean de Brebeuf 1649 Yes Joan of Arc 1431 Yes Joaquina Vedruna de Mas 1854 Yes Job of Pochayiv 1651 Yes John I 526 Yes Yes John Baptist de La Salle 1719 Yes John Bosco 1888 Yes John Cantius 1473 Yes John Climacus 606 Yes Yes Yes John of the Cross 1591 Yes Yes John of Damascus 749 Yes4 Yes Yes Yes John Fisher 1535 Yes John Macias 1645 Yes John Maron 707 Yes John of Matha 1213 Yes John of Nepomuk 1393 Yes John Neumann 1860 Yes John Ogilvie 1615 Yes John Rigby 1600 Yes John of Shanghai and San Francisco 1966 Yes John of Tobolsk 1715 Yes John Vianney 1859 Yes Josaphat Kuntsevych 1623 Yes Josemaría Escrivá 1975 Yes Józef Bilczewski 1923 Yes Joseph Freinademetz 1908 Yes Joseph of Cupertino 1663 Yes Joseph Marchand 1835 Yes Joseph Pignatelli 1811 Yes Josephine Bakhita 1947 Yes Josse (Judoc) ca 668 Yes Yes Juan Diego 1548 Yes Judoc (Josse) ca 668 Yes Yes Juliana of Lazarevo 1604 Yes Julian of Norwich ca. 1416 Yes Yes Juliana Falconieri 1270 Yes Juliana of Cornillon 1193 Yes Julie Billiart 1816 Yes Justin de Jacobis 1800 Yes Jutta of Kulmsee 1260 Yes Kassia 867 Yes Katharine Drexel 1955 Yes Kea early 6th century Yes Yes Kessog 520 Yes Yes Kevin of Glendalough 618 Yes Yes Yes Yes Kinga of Poland 1292 Yes Kirill of Beloozero 1427 Yes Ladislaus of Hungary 1095 Yes Lambert of Maastricht 700 Yes Laura of Cordoba 864 Yes Laurent-Marie-Joseph Imbert 1818 Yes Lazar of Serbia 1389 Yes Leander of Seville 600 or 601 Yes Leo the Great 461 Yes Yes Yes Leo II 683 Yes Yes Leo III 816 Yes Yes Leo IV 855 Yes Yes Leo IX 1054 Yes Leodegar of Autun 679 Yes Yes Leopold Mandic 1942 Yes Liam of Camberwell[citation needed] 1235 Yes Lidwina of Schiedam 1433 Yes Livinus of Ghent 657 Yes Lorcán Ua Tuathail 1180 Yes Lorenzo Ruiz 1637 Yes Louis 1270 Yes Louise de Marillac 1660 Yes Lucy Yi Zhenmei 1862 Yes Lucy of Syracuse 304 Yes Yes Yes Ludolph of Ratzeburg 1250 Yes Lupus of Sens 623 Yes Lutgardis 1246 Yes Machar 6th Cent.? Yes Yes Magdalen of Canossa 1835 Yes Magdalene of Nagasaki 1634 Yes Malachy 1148 Yes Malo 621 Yes Marcellin Champagnat 1840 Yes Marcouf 588 Yes Margaret the Barefooted 1395 Yes Margaret Clitherow 1586 Yes Margaret of Cortona 1297 Yes Margaret of Hungary Margaret of Scotland (Queen) 1093 Yes Yes Margaret Ward 1588 Yes Marguerite D'Youville 1771 Yes Marguerite Marie Alacoque 1690 Yes Maria Bernarda Bütler 1924 Yes Maria Crocifissa di Rosa 1855 Yes Maria Goretti 1902 Yes Maria Domenica Mazzarello 1881 Yes Tsarevna Maria Romanov 1918 Yes Marianita de Jésus 1645 Yes Marie-Eugénie de Jésus 1898 Yes Mark of Ephesus 1444 Yes Martin de Porres 1639 Yes Martin I 655 Yes Yes Yes Martyr Saints of China 1648–1930 Yes Martyrs of Thailand 1940 Yes Mary of the Gael 525 Yes Yes Mary MacKillop 1909 Yes Matthew I of Alexandria 1408 Yes Maurontius of Douai c.700 Yes Maximillian Kolbe 1941 Yes Yes Maximus of Turin 465 Yes Yes Maximus the Confessor 662 Yes Yes Maximus the Greek 1556 Yes Methodius equal to the Apostles, teacher of the Slavs 885 Yes Yes Yes Michael Dinh-Hy Ho 1857 Yes Michael de Sanctis 1625 Yes Miguel Febres Cordero 1910 Yes Milburga of Wenlock 715 Yes Yes Yes Modwen Moninne Mother Maria 1945 Yes Yes Narcisa de Jesus Martillo Moran 1869 Yes Naum of Preslav December 23, 910 Yes Nectan of Hartland c. 510 Yes Yes Neot ca. 870 Yes Yes Nicephorus of Constantinople 828 Yes Yes Nicholas I 867 Yes Yes Yes Nicholas of Flüe 1487 Yes Nicholas of Japan 1912 Yes Nicholas of Lesvos 1463 Yes Tsar Nicholas II 1918 Yes Nikola Tavelić 1391 Yes Nikolai of Žiča 1956 Yes Nil Sorsky 1508 Yes Nilus the Younger 1005 Yes Yes Nimattullah Kassab Al-Hardini 1858 Yes Noël Chabanel 1649 Yes Norbert of Xanten 1134 Yes Nothelm of Canterbury 739 Yes Yes Yes Nuno de Santa Maria Álvares Pereira 1431 Yes Odile 720 Yes Yes Odo of Cluny 942 Yes Yes Olaf II of Norway 1030 Yes Grand Duchess Olga 1918 Yes Opportuna of Montreuil 770 Yes Oswald of Northumbria 642 Yes Yes Yes Osyth 653 Yes Yes Ouen (Dado) 686 Yes Yes Oliver Plunkett 1681 Paraskeva the Younger 11th Cent. Yes Paschal I 824 Yes Yes Paschal Baylon 1592 Yes Patrick 493 Yes Yes Yes Yes Paul I 767 Yes Yes Paul Chong Hasang 1839 Yes Paul Miki 1597 Yes Paul of the Cross 1775 Yes Paulina of the Agonizing Heart of Jesus 1942 Yes Paulinus of York 584 Yes Yes Yes Pavel of Taganrog 1879 Yes Peregrine Laziosi 1345 Yes Peter the Aleut ca. 1815 Yes Peter Canisius 1597 Yes Peter Chanel 1841 Yes Peter Claver 1654 Yes Peter Julian Eymard 1868 Yes Petroc 564 Yes Yes Petrus Canisius 1597 Yes Philip of Agira ca. 5th Cent. Yes Yes Philip Benizi de Damiani 1285 Yes Philothei 1589 Yes Photios of Constantinople 893 Yes Pierre Borie 1838 Yes Pio of Pietrelcina 1968 Yes Piran 6th Cent. Yes Yes Pius I 154 Yes Pius V 1572 Yes Pius X 1914 Yes Praejectus 676 Yes Yes Prætextatus (Bishop of Rouen) 586 Yes Pyr 6th Cent. Yes Quinidius 579 Yes Quintian c.525 Yes Rabanus Maurus 856 Yes Rainerius c.1160 Yes Raphael of Lesvos[citation needed] 1463 Yes Rafqa Pietra Choboq Ar-Rayès 1914 Yes Raphael Kalinowski 1907 Yes Raphael of Brooklyn 1915 Yes Raymond of Penafort 1275 Yes Remigius of Reims (or Remy, Remi) 533 Yes Yes Remigius of Rouen 771 Yes René Goupil 1642 Yes Richard of Chichester 1253 Yes Yes Rictrude 688 Yes Rimbert of Turholt 888 Yes Rita of Cascia 1457 Yes Robert Bellarmine 1621 Yes Roch 1376 Yes Yes Rognvald Kali Kolsson 1158 Yes Romuald 1027 Yes Yes Roque González de Santa Cruz 1628 Yes Rosalia 1166 Yes Rose of Lima 1617 Yes Rose Venerini 1728 Yes Sabbas the Sanctified 531/532 Yes Yes Sadalberga 665 Yes Saethryth 7th century Yes Salonius 5th century Yes Salvius c.580 Yes Samson of Dol 6th century Yes Sava of Serbia 1236 Yes Yes Scholastica 543 Yes Yes Seaxburh of Ely c. 699 Yes Seraphina 1253 Yes Seraphim of Sarov 1833 Yes Sergius I 701 Yes Yes Yes Sergius of Valaam 10-14th century Yes Sergius of Radonezh 1392 Yes Severinus of Noricum 482 Yes Sharbel Makhluf 1898 Yes Sigeberht of East Anglia 634 Yes Silverius 537 Yes Yes Yes Simeon Mirotocivi 1199 Yes Simeon Stylites 459 Yes Yes Yes Simon the Tanner Thonyu late 10th Century Yes Simplicius 483 Yes Yes Sophia of Slutsk 1612 Yes Sophronius of Jerusalem 638 Yes Stephen of Hungary 1038 Yes (from 2000) Yes Stephen of Piperi 1697 Yes Stylianos of Paphlagonia ca. 6th or 7th Cent. Yes Swithun of Winchester 862 Yes Yes Yes Symeon Metaphrastes 10th Cent.? Yes Yes Symeon the New Theologian 1022 Yes Symmachus 514 Yes Yes Yes Tekle Haymanot 1313 (circa) Yes Tarasios of Constantinople 806 Yes Yes Tatiana of Russia 1918 Yes Teresa of Avila 1582 Yes Yes Teresa de los Andes 1920 Yes Théodore Guérin 1856 Yes Theodore Romzha 1947 Yes Theodore the Studite 826 Yes; Yes Yes Theodosius of Kiev 1000 to 1100 Yes Theophan the Recluse 1894 Yes Theophanes the Confessor 810s Yes Yes Therese 1897 Yes Thomas Aquinas 1274 Yes Yes Thomas Becket 1170 Yes Yes Thomas More 1535 Yes4 Yes Tikhon of Moscow 1925 Yes Turibius of Mongrovejo 1606 Yes Tydfil 480 (circa) Yes Yes Ubald 1160 Yes Ulrich of Augsburg 973 Yes Yes Urbicius c. 805 Yes Ursicinus of Saint-Ursanne 625 Yes Ursmar 713 Yes Ursula Ledóchowska 1939 Yes Varghese Payapilly Palakkappilly 5 October 1929 Yes Varvara Yakovleva 1918 Yes7 Venantius Fortunatus c.600 or 609 Yes Veranus of Cavaillon (Véran) 590 Yes Veronica of Milan 13 January 1497 Yes Vicelinus 1154 Yes Vicente Liem de la Paz 1773 Yes Vincent Ferrer 1419 Yes Vincent de Paul 1660 Yes Yes Vergilius of Salzburg 784 Yes Virginia Centurione Bracelli 1651 Yes Vitalian 672 Yes Yes Vietnamese Martyrs from 1533 to present Yes Vitalis of Assisi 1370 Yes Vitonus 525 Yes Vladimir of Kiev 1015 Yes Yes Yes Waningus 683 Yes Wenceslaus 935 Yes Werburgh 699 Yes Yes Wiborada 926 Yes Wilfrid of Ripon 709 Yes Yes Yes Willehad of Bremen 789 Yes Yes William of Perth 1201 Yes William of York 1154 Yes Willibrord 739 Yes Yes Yes Yes Wolfeius ca. 11th Cent. Yes Yes Yes Yes Wolfgang of Regensburg 994 Yes Yes Wolfhelm of Brauweiler 1091 Yes Wulfram of Sens 703 Yes Yes Xenia the Righteous of Rome 5th century Yes Xenia of Saint Petersburg ca. 1803 Yes7 Xenophon of Robika 1262 Yes Yaropolk Izyaslavich 1087 Yes Yegor Chekryakovsky 1928 Yes Yrieix 591 Yes Yes Zachary 752 Yes Yes Zdislava Berka 1252 Yes Zita 1272 Yes Zofia Szydłowiecka 1551 Yes Zosimas of Palestine 560 Yes Yes Zygmunt Gorazdowski 1920 Yes Notes
- ^ http://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=2654
- ^ "Saint Illuminata". SPQN. http://saints.sqpn.com/sainti43.htm. Retrieved 30 May 2011.
1 The saint has been removed from the Roman Catholic calendar of saints due to a lack of historical evidence. Removal is not automatically a judgement about the existence of the saint in question, and is also not equivalent with "de-canonization", it only means that the saint no longer has an official 'feast' day.
2 St. George is specifically mentioned in the English Book of Common Prayer from 1662, and Common Worship of 2000. However, other Anglican churches have since removed reference to him, or never included him in the past.
3 The Anglican feast is "Michael and All Angels".
4 Common Worship has "Commemoration".
5 Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church only, based on a local tradition of his conversion and martyrdom.
6 Eastern Rite Catholic Churches only.
7 Russian Orthodox Church only.See also
- List of early Christian saints
- List of canonizations, for a list of Catholic canonizations by date
- Calendar of saints
- Doctor of the church
- Patron saint
- Martyrology
- Roman Martyrology
- Saint symbology
- List of blesseds
- List of venerables
- List of Servants of God (Roman Catholic Church)
- Saints in Anglicanism
- Saints in Methodism
- List of saints of Ireland
- List of Russian saints
External links
- Extensive categorized lists of Catholic Saints
- Catholic Saints by patronage topics
- Catholic Online list of saints
- Church of England Common Worship calendar
- Coptic Saints Galleries at http://St-Takla.org
- The Prologue from Ohrid, a collection of brief lives of Orthodox saints along with brief homilies and meditations.
- Hagiographies, hymnography, and icons for many Orthodox saints from the website of the Orthodox Church in America.
Categories:- Lists of saints
- Christian saints
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