Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows

Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows

Infobox Saint
name=Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows
birth_date=birth date|1838|3|1|mf=y
death_date=death date and age|1862|2|27|1838|3|1|mf=y
feast_day=February 27 (in leap years, February 28 for Traditional Roman Catholics)
venerated_in=Roman Catholic Church

caption=A depiction of St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows wearing the Passionist Habit. The Passionist Sign, part of the Habit, is on his chest.
birth_place=Assisi, Italy
death_place=Gran Sasso, Italy
beatified_place=Rome, Italy
beatified_by=Pope Pius X
canonized_place=Rome, Italy
canonized_by=Pope Benedict XV
attributes=Passionist Habit and Sign
patronage=Students, Youth, Clerics, Seminarians, Abruzzi
major_shrine=San Gabriele, Teramo, Abruzzi

Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows, a Passionist clerical student known for his devotion to the Virgin Mary, born Francesco Possenti at Assisi, Italy on March 1, 1838, died Gran Sasso, Italy February 27 1862. Canonised by Pope Benedict XV in 1920.

Early life

Francis Possenti was born on 1 March 1838, the eleventh of thirteen children born to his mother, Agnes, and his father, Sante. The family were then resident in the town of Assisi where Sante worked for the local government. Possenti was baptised on the day of his birth in the same font in which Saint Francis of Assisi had been baptised. [Burke C.P., E., “Happy Was My YouthSaint GabrielPassionist”, page 2. Gill and Son, 1961] Sante Possenti was soon transferred to a post at Montalta and thence to Spoleto where, in 1841, he was appointed legal assessor. In Spoleto the family was struck with a number of bereavements; of a baby girl, Rosa, in December 1841, of seven-year-old Adele in January 1842, and of Francismother, Agnes, in 1842. [ [ St. Gabriel, Passionist - Biography] ] .

As a child and young man, Francis Possenti was well liked by his peers and had a reputation for great charity and piety. He was also known for the great care he took with regard to his appearance and could be occasion to bouts of anger. Francis was deeply involved with the social scene of Spoleto and soon earned for himself the nickname of "the dancer". [ Cingolani, C.P., G., “Saint Gabriel Possenti, Passionist: A Young Man in Love”, page 24. Alba House, 1997] He had several romantic involvements and on the night he left for the monastery there were still hopes that he might become engaged to a local girl. He was educated first by the Christian Brothers and then by the Jesuits in the towns college and there excelled, particularly in Latin. In 1851 Francis became desperately ill and promised to enter religious life if he recovered. Once he had recovered, his promise was soon forgotten. The same thing happened when he narrowly escaped a stray bullet. [Mead C.P., J. “St. Gabriel: A Youthful Gospel Portrait”, page 42. LEco di S. Gabriele, 1985] His brother Paul had died in 1848 and his brother Lawrence committed suicide in 1853 after becoming involved with a Masonic organisation. In 1853 Francis again fell ill, this time afflicted with a throat abscess. He attributed his healing to the recently beatified Andrew Bobola, SJ. Once more he had promised to enter religious life upon his recovery and this time actually set the process in motion. He applied to join the Jesuits, but for some unknown reason never proceeded. Tragedy struck again when his sister, Mary Louisa, who had cared for Francis after their mothers death, died of cholera.


After the cholera epidemic that had killed his sister ended, Spoleto clergy and civic authorities organised a procession of the ancient icon of the Virgin Mary in Spoletos cathedral. Francis attended the procession and as the image passed by him, he felt an interior voice asking why he remained in the world. This event was the galvanising force behind the first serious steps in Francisreligious vocation. [Cingolani, C.P., G., “Saint Gabriel Possenti, Passionist: A Young Man in Love”, page 50. Alba House, 1997] After the procession he sought the advice of his spiritual director and resolved to enter the Passionist Congregation. As there was no Passionist house near Spoleto, it is most likely that Francischoice was based on a personal devotion to the Passion of Christ. [Mead C.P., J. “St. Gabriel: A Youthful Gospel Portrait”, page 29. LEco di S. Gabriele, 1985] His father refused to give him permission to leave for the Passionists and enlisted several relatives to dissuade Francis from his course. Their attempts were unsuccessful and soon his father was convinced that Francis' intentions were sincere and not born from caprice.


Accompanied by his brother Aloysius, a Dominican friar, Francis set out for the novitiate of the Passionists at Morrovalle. During their journey they visited several relatives who had been enlisted by Sante to encourage Francis to return to Spoleto, but this was to no avail. He arrived at the novitiate on 9 September 1856. On 21 September that same year he received the habit of the Passionists and the name Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows. The following year Gabriel pronounced his vows. During this time, and indeed until his death, Gabriels spiritual life was under the care of his director Father Norbert of Holy Mary. In June 1858 Gabriel and the other students moved to Pietvetorina to continue their studies. Local disturbances meant they would stay only a year and in July 1859 the group moved to the monastery of Isola Gran Sasso. [Mead C.P., J. “St. Gabriel: A Youthful Gospel Portrait”, page 37. LEco di S. Gabriele, 1985] Gabriel proved an excellent student and his excellence in academic life was only outdone by the great progress he was making in his spiritual life. At the same time Gabriel began to display the first symptoms of tuberculosis. The news did not worry Gabriel, who was in fact joyful; he had prayed for a slow death so as to be able to prepare himself spiritually. Throughout his illness he remained cheerful and kept up all his usual practises. He was a source of great edification and inspiration to his fellow students, who competed to spend time with him at his deathbed. Gabriel had proved himself an exemplary religious and a perfect follower of the Passionist Rule, being especially devoted to the Virgin Mary. On his deathbed he ordered his spiritual writings to be burnt for he feared they would tempt him to pride. Only his letters survive, alongside hisResolutions’ [] which map the spiritual progress he made in his few years as a Passionist. [Cingolani, C.P., G., “Saint Gabriel Possenti, Passionist: A Young Man in Love”, page 147. Alba House, 1997] Before he could be ordained a priest, Gabriel died in the retreat at Gran Sasso in the early hours of February 27th 1862 in the presence of the community, holding close an image of Our Lady of Sorrows and smiling peacefully. Those who were with Gabriel when he died reported that at the moment of death he sat up in bed and his face became radiant as he reached out to an otherwise unseen figure that was entering the room. It was the opinion of Father Norbert that Saint Gabriel had seen the Virgin Mary at the very moment of his death. [Mead C.P., J. “St. Gabriel: A Youthful Gospel Portrait”, page 42. LEco di S. Gabriele, 1985]


Gabriel was buried the day of his death. his companion in the novitiate, Bernard Mary of Jesus exclaimed,

Tears come to my eyes and I am filled with shame for having been so far from the virtues that he attained in such a short time.” [Cingolani, C.P., G., “Saint Gabriel Possenti, Passionist: A Young Man in Love”, page 126. Alba House, 1997]
Immediately thereafter Father Norbert wrote a biography of his life. In 1866, four years after the death of Gabriel, the Passionists were forced to abandon the monastery of Gran Sasso and the church where Gabriel lay buried went deserted for thirty years. Since his death the fame of Gabriels sanctity had spread through the local area, as well as amongst the Passionists. [ Ward C.P., N. “Life of Venerable Gabriel C.P.”, page 246. Burns and Oates, 1904] In 1891 the Congregation decided to formally open proceedings for Gabriels canonisation and a year later a committee visited his grave to examine his remains. Upon the arrival of the committee at Gran Sasso the townspeople surrounded the church, determined not to have the body of Gabriel taken from their midst. [ Ward C.P., N. “Life of Venerable Gabriel C.P.”, page 249. Burns and Oates, 1904] Two years later the Passionist returned to resume their life at Gran Sasso.

The two miracles presented for the beatification of Gabriel were the inexplicable healings of Maria Mazzarella from pulmonary tuberculosis and periostitus and the instantaneous cure of Dominic Tiber from an inoperable hernia. [Mead C.P., J. “St. Gabriel: A Youthful Gospel Portrait”, page 48. LEco di S. Gabriele, 1985] Gabriel was beatified by Pope Pius X on 31 May 1908. Present at the ceremony were his brother Michael, his companion Brother Sylvester and his director Father Norbert. The outbreak of the First World War delayed Gabriels canonisation for a while, but on 13 May 1920 he was raised to the altars by Pope Benedict XV. [Burke C.P., E., “Happy Was My YouthSaint GabrielPassionist”, page 257. Gill and Son, 1961]


At the canonization of Saint Gabriel, Pope Benedict XV declared him a patron saint of Catholic youth, of students, and of those studying for the priesthood. In 1959, Pope John XXIII named him the patron of the Abruzzi region, where he spent the last two years of his life.

Millions of pilgrims visit St. Gabriel's shrine in Teramo, Abruzzi, each year to see the saint's burial place and the monastic house in which he lived out his final years. The shrine of Saint Gabriel at Gran Sasso is particularly popular. Every March, thousands of high school students from the Abruzzo and the Marche regions of Italy visit his tomb 100 days before their expected graduation. Every two years from mid-July to the beginning of October, the Italian Staurós Onlus foundation hosts at the Sanctuary of Saint Gabriel a celebrated exposition of contemporary religious arts.

The cult of Saint Gabriel is especially popular amongst Italian youth and Italian migrants have spread the cult to areas such as the United States, Central America and South America. The Passionist Congregation also spreads devotion to the saint wherever they have monasteries. Many miracles have been attributed to the saints intercession; Saint Gemma Galgani held that it was St Gabriel who had cured her of a dangerous illness and led her to a Passionist vocation.

A campaign is under way in the United States to have Saint Gabriel declared patron of hand-gunners. This is in reference to an apocryphal story which has the saint rescuing the town of Isola from marauding bandits, using the hunting skills he had learnt as a boy. Whilst this story is mentioned in one biography of the saint, [Poage, G. “Son of the Passion”, page 93. Daughters of St. Paul, 1977] the author admits that some of the accounts in his book were invented toenliventhe story. [Poage, G. “Son of the Passion”, page 3. Daughters of St. Paul, 1977] No account of the alleged event is present in any other independently researched biography of the saint, [Cingolani, C.P., G., “Saint Gabriel Possenti, Passionist: A Young Man in Love”, Alba House, 1997] [Burke C.P., E., “Happy Was My YouthSaint GabrielPassionist”, Gill and Son, 1961] [Mead C.P., J. “St. Gabriel: A Youthful Gospel Portrait”, LEco di S. Gabriele, 1985] [Ward C.P., N. “Life of Venerable Gabriel C.P.”, Burns and Oates, 1904] particularly in early sources of his life, [Memorie Storiche Sopra la Vita e le Virtù del Giovane Francesco Possenti, tra I Passionisti Confratel Gabriele dellAddolorata”, Turin, 1868] [Germano C.P., P. “Vita delle San Gabriele dellAddolorata, Rome, 1924] [P. NorbertoMemorie sulla Vita e Virtù di Confratel Gabriele dellAddolorata (Francesco Possenti), San Gabriele, 1970the memoirs of St. Gabriels Spiritual Director] making such an incident seem unlikely. Moreover, at the time of the alleged incident, 1860, Gabriel was in the later stages of tuberculosis, making such strenuous exercise impossible. [Mead C.P., J. “St. Gabriel: A Youthful Gospel Portrait”, page 37. LEco di S. Gabriele, 1985]



* Contains material from [ St. Gabriel, Passionist] with permission

External links

* [ Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows, Passionist - web site spreading devotion to this Saint]
* [ Catholic Encyclopedia article: "Blessed Gabriel"]
* [ The Saint Gabriel Possenti Society]
* [ Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows] at Patron Saints Index
* [ Shrine of St. Gabriel (in Italian)]

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