Chronological list of saints in the 4th century

Chronological list of saints in the 4th century

A list of 4th century saints:

Name Birth Birthplace Death Place of death Notes
Gatian     301   Bishop of Tours
Vitalis and Agricola     301  
Zoilus and 19 Companions     301  
Ampelus     302  
Anastasius, Anthony, Julian, Celsus and Marcionilla     302 Antioch
Apollo and Companions     302  
Cerneuf (Serenus the Gardener)     302  
Hesychius     302  
Julian of Antioch, Cilicia (Julian of Anazarbus)     302  
Julius of Dorostorum     302  
Palatias and Laurentia     302  
Trason     302  
Trophimus and Theophilus     302  
Verissimus     302  
Zeno     302  
Persecution under Diocletian and Galerius (303-324) begins
20,000 Martyrs of Nicomedia     303  
Abdon and Sennen     303  
Agathius (Acacius of Byzantium)     303  
Aceolus and Acius     303  
Agathopus     303  
Ageranus     303  
Alphaeus     303  
Anectus (Anicetus)     303  
Anthimus of Nicomedia     303  
Anthimus of Rome     303  
Astericus, Claudius, and Neon (brothers)     303  
Augulus (Aule)     303 London
Benignus     303 Todi, Umbria
Calliopus     303  
Caprasius     303   Bishop of Agen
Carponius     303  
Cassius     303  
Claudius     303  
Cyriacus     303  
Dasius     303  
Denis (Dionysius)     303   Bishop of Augsburg
Devota     303  
Domnina     303  
Edistius     303  
Egdunus     303  
Eleutherius     303  
Ephysius     303  
Erasmus of Formiae (Saint Elmo)     303   Bishop of Formiae
Eulalia 289   303  
Euphemia     303  
Euphrasia of Nicomedia     303  
Fabius     303  
Fausta and Evilasius     303  
Felicissimus     303  
Felix of Thibiuca     303   Bishop of Thibiuca
Firmina     303  
Fortunata     303  
Fortunatus     303  
Genesius of Arles     303  
George     303  
Glycerius     303  
Guy     303  
Heradius     303  
Hesychius of Antioch     303  
Honoratus     303  
John of Nicomedia (Euthis)     303  
Julitta     303  
Justus of Trieste     303  
Luxorius, Cisellus, and Camerinus     303  
Lybe     303  
Martyrs of Cappadocia     303  
Maximus     303  
Mennas (Menuas)     303  
Migdonius and Mardonius     303  
Nabor and Felix     303  
Olympiades     303  
Pancharius     303  
Paphnutius[disambiguation needed ]     303  
Papias and Maurinus     303  
Papius     303  
Peter of Nicomedia     303  
Philoterus     303  
Phocas the Gardener     303  
Polycarp of Alexandria     303  
Sabinus and companions     303  
Saturninus     303  
Sergius and Bacchus     303  
Sergius and Companions     303  
Theodosia[disambiguation needed ] and Companions     303  
Tiberius     303  
Timolaus and Companions     303  
Victor Maurus (Victor the Moor)     303  
Vincent     303   Bishop of Bevagna
Zeno and Chanton     303  
Zeno     303  
Zosimus and Athanasius     303  
Abundius and Abundantius and Companions     304 Rome, Italy
Adauctus     304  
Adrian of Nicomedia     304[1]   Also known as "Hadrian of Nicomedia"[1]
Afra     304  
Agape     304  
Anastasia of Sirmium     304  
Anastasius the Fuller     304  
Andronicus     304  
Ansanus     304  
Anysia     304  
Apronian     304  
Arcadius     304  
Athenodorus     304  
*Azas and Companions     304  
Barlaam     304  
Basilissa (Basilla)     304  
Bassa and Companions     304  
Cantius     304  
Capitolina     304  
Carterius     304  
Centola and Helen     304  
Charitina of Amisus     304  
Christina of Bolsena     304  
Crispina     304  
Cucuphas (Cucufate, Cugat, Guinefort, Qaqophas)     304  
Cyprian and Justina     304  
Dalmatius     304   Bishop of Pavia
Diomedes     304  
Dionysius     304  
Domninus (Domnino)     304  
Donatus, Romulus, Secundian, and 86 Companions     304  
Emerentiana     304  
Emygdius (Emidius)     304  
Encratis (Engracia, Encratia, Encratide)     304  
Eulalia of Merida     304  
Euplus (Euplius)     304  
Faustus     304  
Febronia 284   304  
Felix and Adauctius     304  
Felix of Spoleto     304   Bishop of Spoleto
Ferreolus     304  
Fidelis of Como     304  
Flavian     304  
Florian     304  
Hermes     304  
Hilaria     304  
Irenaeus     304   Bishop of Sirmium (present day Sremska Mitrovica)
Irene of Thessalonica     304  
John and Marcianus     304 Rome, Italy
Julia of Merida     304  
Julian of Auvergne (Julian of Brioude)     304  
Justus and Pastor     304  
Leocadia     304  
Lucy     304  
Marcellinus     304  
Marcellus[disambiguation needed ], Mammaea, and Companions     304  
Margaret of Antioch     304  
Martyrs of Saragossa     304  
Maxima     304  
Maximus     304  
Menodora, Metrodora, and Nymphodora     304  
Modestus     304  
Montanus and Maxima     304  
Mucius (Mocius)     304  
Optatus and 17 companions     304  
Orentius     304  
Orestes     304  
Pancras     304  
Pelagia of Tarsus     304  
Philip     304   Bishop of Heraclea
Philomena     304  
Pollio     304  
Quadratus     304   Bishop of Anatolia
Quiriacus and Julitta     304 Tarsus, Roman Empire
Quirinus     304   Bishop of Siscia
Romanus of Antioch     304  
Rufus and Companions     304  
Saturninus, Dativus, and Companions     304  
Saturninus     304  
Secundus[disambiguation needed ]     304  
Sergius     304  
Severus     304  
Simplicius     304  
Soteris     304  
Tation     304  
Tharacus (Taracus) 239   304  
Theodora and Didymus     304  
Theodota     304  
Theodotus of Ancyra and companions     304  
Timothy[disambiguation needed ]     304   Bishop of Gaza
Trophimus and Eucarpius     304  
Ursicius     304  
Valentine, priest and martyr, and Hilary     304  
Victor, Stercntius, and Antigones     304  
Victoria and Anatolia     304  
Victorinus     304   Bishop of Pettau (now Styria)
Vincent of Collioure     304  
Vincent of Saragossa     304  
Vulpian     304  
Zambdas (Bazas, Zabdas)     304   Bishop of Jerusalem
Zenobius     304  
Agapius     305  
Aphian 286   305  
Anicetus     305  
Apollonius[disambiguation needed ]     305  
Athenogenes and Companions     305  
Castus and Secundinus     305  
Dioscurus     305  
Hermolaus     305  
Januarius     305   Bishop of Benevento
Juliana of Nicomedia     305  
Julius and Aaron     305  
Pantaleon     305  
Paul, Heraclius, and Companions     305  
Pelagia the Penitent     305  
Philemon and Apollonius     305  
Restitutus     305  
Servandus and Cermanus     305  
Thecia     305  
Theodora     305  
Valentine     305   Bishop of Trier
Valerian     305   Bishop of Auxerre
Vincent, Orontius, and Victor     305  
Aedesius     306  
Agapius     306  
Antonina     306  
Cyrenia and Juliana     306  
Four Crowned Martyrs     306  
Lucretia     306  
Plato     306  
Secundinus     306  
Asteria     307  
Catherine of Alexandria     307  
Cyriaca and Five Companions     307  
Maternus     307   Bishop of Milan
Meuris and Thea     307  
Phileas     307   Bishop of Thumis
Valentine     307   Bishop of Genoa
Varus     307  
Agathangelus and Clement     308  
Cleonicus     308  
Paul of Gaza     308  
Platonides     308  
Thea and Valentina     308  
Thea     308  
Theodosia     308  
Basilissa 300   309  
Caesarius     309  
Crescentian     309  
Daniel     309  
Eusebius     309   pope
Julian of Caesarea     309  
Julius of Novara     309  
Marcellus I     309   pope
Pamphilus, priest and martyr, and Companions     309  
Saturninus, priest and martyr, and Sisinius     309  
Theodulus     309  
Valens     309  
Adrian and Eubulus     310  
Domnina     310  
Dulas (Tatian Dulas)     310  
Eleutherius     310  
Eulampius and Eulampia     310  
Maximus     310  
Peleus and Companions     310  
Peleusius     310  
Pierius     310  
Theodore     310   Bishop of Cyrene
Tyrannio, Zenobius, and Companions 304   310  
Aquila     311  
Arian and Companions     311  
Dorothy     311  
Eudoxius, Zeno, and Companions     311  
Faustus     311  
Methodius     311   Bishop of Olympus
Pastor     311  
Pelagia of Antioch     311  
Peter Balsam     311  
Peter     311   Bishop of Alexandria
Savina     311  
Adauctus     312  
Basiliscus     312   Bishop of Comana[disambiguation needed ]
Brictus     312   Bishop of Martola
Lucian of Antioch     312  
Mennas     312  
Paschasius     312   Bishop of Vienne
Achillas     313   Bishop of Alexandria
Antonina and Alexander     313  
Mellon (Mallonius, Mellouns, Melanius)     314   Bishop of Rouen
Miltiades (Melchiades)     314   pope
Mitrius (Merre, Metre, Mitre)     314  
Verus     314   Bishop of Vienne
Carterius     315  
Hermylus     315  
Stratonicus     315  
Valerius     315   Bishop of Saragossa
Blaise     316   Bishop of Sebastea
Mirocles (Merocles)     316  
Theodota of Philippolis     318  
Basileus     319   Bishop of Amasea
Cleopatra     319  
Argeus     320  
Christina (Nino)     320  
Cyrinus     320  
Cyrion, Candidus, and companions     320  
Forty Holy Martyrs of Sabaste     320  
Leontius, Maurice, Daniel, and companions     320  
Phocas of Antioch     320  
Severian     320  
Valerius     320   Bishop of Trier
Auxentius     321   Bishop of Mopsuestia
Abibus     323  
Gurias and Samonas     323  
Glaphyra     324  
Philogonius     324   Bishop of Antioch
Romana     324  
After the Roman persecutions
Hypatius of Gangra     325   Bishop of Gangra
Metrophanes     325   Bishop of Byzantium
Palaemon     325  
Theodotus     325   Bishop of Cyrenia
Apollonius     326   Bishop of Benevento
Epipodius and Alexander     326  
Zanitas and companions     326  
Jonas, Barachisius, and companions     327  
Alexander 250   328   Bishop of Alexandria
Agrecius (Agritius)     329  
Achillas (Achilles, Achillius)     330   Bishop of Larissa
Gregory the Enlightener     330   Bishop of Ashtishat
Helena     330  
Theodore Trichinas     330  
Ammon     332  
Macarius I     334   Bishop of Jerusalem
Rheticus     334   Bishop of Autun
Theodotus     334   Bishop of Laodicea
Basil     335   Bishop of Bologna
Heliodorus     335   Bishop of Mesopotamia
Sylvester I     335   Pope
Mark     336   Pope
Constantine the Great     337  
Leontius     337   Bishop of Cuesaren
Eustathius of Antioch     338  
James (Jacob)     338   Bishop of Nisibis
Paul the Simple     339  
Alexander     340   Bishop of Constantinople
Cassian     340   Bishop of Benevento
Gudelia     340  
Macrina the Elder     340  
Potamon     340  
Milles     341  
Simeon Barsabae and Companions     341  
Usthazanes     341  
Abdiesus (Hebed Jesus)     342  
Barsabas     342  
Martyrs of Alexandria     342  
Paul the First Hermit 229   342  
Sadoth and 128 companions     342  
Mamelta (Mamelchtina)     343  
Nerses     343  
Olympius     343   Bishop of Enos
Paternian     343   Bishop of Fano
John and James     344  
Abraham     345   Bishop of Arbela
Acyndinus and Companions     345  
Ananias the Persian     345  
Aphrahat (Aphraates) "the Persian Sage" ca.270   ca.345  
Martyrs of Persia     345  
Tarbula (Tarba, Tarbo)     345  
Timothy and Diogenes     345  
Barbasymas and Companions     346  
Paris     346   Bishop of Teano
Maximinus     347   Bishop of Trier
Pachomius     347  
Ursicinus     347   Bishop of Brescia
Spiridion     348  
Ammon     350  
Cassian     350   Bishop of Autun
James of Nisibis     350  
Lucius     350   Bishop of Adrianople
Maximus     350   Bishop of Jerusalem
Myron     350  
Nicholas     350   Bishop of Myra
Paul 313   350   Bishop of Constantinople
Zoticus     350  
Julius I     352   Pope
Amand of Strasbourg 290   355  
Barhadbesciabas (Barhadbesaba)     355  
Amasius     356   Bishop of Teano
Anthony 251   356  
Joseph of Palestine     356  
Paphnutius the Great     356  
Serapion the Sindonite     356  
Sarmata     357  
Secundus, priest and martyr, and Companions     357  
Arsacius     358  
Paulinus     358 Phrygia Bishop of Trier
Dionysius     359   Bishop of Milan
Abra 342   360  
Abraham Kidunaja     360  
Carina, Melasippus, and Antony (wife, husband, son)     360  
Ia and Companions     360  
Alexander[disambiguation needed ]     361  
Domitius     361  
Onesimus     361   Bishop of Soissons
Pelinus     361  
Basil of Ancyra     362  
Dometius of Persia (Domitius)     362  
Dorotheus of Tyre     362  
Eliphius (Eloff)     362  
Elpidius     362  
Emilian     362  
Eusignius 252   362 Antioch
Flavian     362  
Gemellus     362  
Gordian     362  
Heliodorus     362  
John and Paul     362  
John     362  
Leopardus     362  
Macedonius     362  
Pigmenius     362  
Porphyrius     362  
Primus and Donatus     362  
Theodoret of Antioch     362  
Timothy     362  
Blessed Dafrosa     362  
Bibiana (Viviana)     363  
Demetria     363  
Juventinus and Maximinus     363  
Patermuthius     363  
Paul and Companions     364  
Astericus     365 Petra, Roman Empire Bishop of Petra
Isidora the Simple     365  
Florence     366  
Abraham the Poor (Abraham the Child)     367  
Hilary 315   367   Bishop of Poitiers
Juvenal     367   Bishop of Narni
Dadas     368  
Caesarius of Nazianzus     369  
Bathus and Companions     370  
Julian     370  
Justin[disambiguation needed ]     370  
Publia     370  
Serapion the Scholastic (Serapion of Arsinoc)     370   Bishop of Thmuis
Triphyllius (Tryphillius)     370   Bishop of Nicosia
Eusebius 283   371   Bishop of Vercelli
Zeno     371   Bishop of Verona
Gorgonia     372  
Hilarion 292   372  
Moses     372   Bishop of the Saracens
Sabas the Goth     372  
Athanasius 296   373   Bishop of Alexandria
Ephrem the Syrian 306   373  
Nerses I (Nerses the Great) 330   373  
Marcellinus of Embrun     374  
Nonna     374  
Nicetas the Goth     375  
Victor     375   Bishop of Piacenza
Acepsimas     376   Bishop of Hnaita
Bademus     376  
Hilary     376   Bishop of Pavia
Joseph of Persia     376  
Julian Sabas the Elder     377  
Maximus     378   Bishop of Mainz
Viator of Bergamo     378   Bishop of Bergamo
Basil the Great 329   379   Bishop of Caesarea
Eusebius of Samosata     379  
Irene     379  
Macrina the Younger 330   379  
Satyrus 330   379  
Bretannion     380   Bishop of Tomi
Frumentius     380   Bishop of Ethiopia
Hesychius     380  
Milles     380  
Orsiesius (Orsisius)     380  
Publius     380  
Ursicinus     380   Bishop of Sens
Vincent     380   Bishop of Digne
Meletius     381  
Pelagius     381   Bishop of Laodicea
Blaesilla     383  
Ursula     383  
Damasus I 305   384   Pope
Lea of Rome     384  
Maximus and Victorinus     384  
Servatus (Servatius, Servais)     384   Bishop of Tongres
Melas     385   Bishop of Rhinocolura
Romanus of Le Mans     385  
Brito (Britonius)     386   Bishop of Trier
Cyril 315   386   Bishop of Jerusalem
Helladius of Auxerre     387   Bishop of Auxerre
Monica 322   387  
Optatus     387   Bishop of Milevis
Philastrius (Philaster, Filaster)     387   Bishop of Brescia
Florus     389   Bishop of Lodève
Gregory Nazianzen 329   389   Bishop of Constantinople
Marcellus of Apamaea     389  
Valerian of Aquileia     389   Bishop of Aquileia
Abraham of Carrhae     390  
Donatian     390   Bishop of Reims
Felix of Como     390   Bishop of Como
Justus of Lyons     390  
Liborius     390   Bishop of Le Mans
Macarius of Egypt 300   391  
Martyrs of the Serapeum     390  
Pacian     390   Bishop of Barcelona
Palladius     390  
Pambo     390  
Sabinian and Potentian     390  
Urban     390   Bishop of Langres
Viator     390  
Vitalina     390  
Peter II of Sebastea 345   392   Bishop of Sebastea (Silvas)
Phaebadius (Fiari)     392   Bishop of Agen
John of Egypt 305   394  
Macarius of Alexandria     394  
Martyrs of Chalcedon     394  
Apollo 305   395  
Gregory of Nyssa 335   395  
Menna (Manna)     395  
Pior     395  
Theonas of Egypt     395  
Artemius     396   Bishop of Clermont
Crescentius     396  
Geminian     396  
Ambrose 340   397   Bishop of Milan
Lawrence of Novara     397  
Martin of Tours 316   397   Bishop of Tours
Sisinnius     397  
Siricius     399   pope
Alban     400  
Almachius (Telemachus)     400  
Amphilochius 339   400   Bishop of Iconium
Apollinaris Syncletica 316   400  
Fortunatus     400  
Liberalis     400  
Pamphilus     400   Bishop of Capua
Rufus of Metz     400   Bishop of Metz
Venantius     400  
Viventius     400  
Zeno     400   Bishop of Gaza


See also

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