- Quirinus
Roman mythology , Quirinus was an early god of the Roman state. In Augustan Rome, Quirinus was also anepithet of Janus, as "Janus Quirinus". [In the prayer of thefetiales quoted byLivy (I.32.10);Macrobius ("Sat." I.9.15); ]History
Quirinus was originally most likely a
Sabine god. The Sabines had a settlement near the eventual site of Rome, and erected an altar to Quirinus on the "Collis Quirinalis", theQuirinal Hill , one of theSeven Hills of Rome . When the Romans settled there, they absorbed the cult of Quirinus into their early belief system — previous to direct Greek influence — and he was said to be the deifiedRomulus . He soon became an important god of the Roman state, being included in the earliest precursor of theCapitoline Triad , along with Mars (then an agriculture god) and Jupiter. [Inez Scott Ryberg, "Was the Capitoline Triad Etruscan or Italic?" "The American Journal of Philology" 52.2 (1931), pp. 145-156.] Varro notes the "Capitolium Vetus" an earlier cult sited on the Quirinal, devoted to Jupiter, Juno and Minerva, [Varro, "De lingua latina" V.158.] among whomMartial makes a distinction between the "old Jupiter" and the "new". [Martial, (V, 22.4) remarks on a position on theEsquiline from which one might see "hinc novum Iovem, inde veterem", "here the new Jupiter, there the old."]In later times, however, Quirinus became far less important, losing his place to the later, more widely known Capitoline Triad (Juno and
Minerva took his and Mars' place). Later still, Romans began to drift away from the state belief system in favor of more personal and mystical cults (such as those of Bacchus,Cybele , andIsis ). In the end, he was worshiped almost exclusively by his flamen, theFlamen Quirinalis , who remained, however, one of the patrician "flamines maiores", the "greater flamens" who preceded thePontifex Maximus in precedence. [Festus , 198, L: "Quirinalis, socio imperii Romani Curibus ascito Quirino".]Depiction
In earlier Roman
art , he was portrayed as a bearded man with religious and military clothing. However, he was almost never depicted in later Roman belief systems. He was also often associated with themyrtle .Festivals
festival was the Quirinalia, held onFebruary 17 .Trivia
Even centuries after the fall of the Roman Empire, the
Quirinal hill in Rome, originally named from the deifiedRomulus , was still associated with power - it was chosen as the seat of the royal house after the taking of Rome by theSavoia and later it became the residence of the Presidents of the Italian Republic.Notes
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