

Infobox Saint
name=Artemius of Antioch
feast_day=20 October

caption=Icon of the Martyr Artemius
death_place=Antioch (relics transferred to Constantinople
titles=Megalomartyr ("Great Martyr"), Shallita

Artemius of Antioch (d. 363, known as Challita in the Maronite tradition), was "dux Aegypti" (imperial prefect of Roman Egypt) during the 4th century. Previously he had served as an officer in the army of Constantine I. An adherent to Arian Christianity, he is remembered for his role in persecution of Nicene Christians and pagans, and his search for Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria. [ Delaney, John J. "Dictionary of Saints". Doubleday Publishing: 1980. p.61,p.63 ]

Artemius was beheaded in 363 in the city of Antioch, where he had been recalled by Emperor Julian the Apostate for maladministration of his province. [Gibbon, Edward. "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire". Vol. 2. ElecBook: 1999. p. 319. ] The charges stemmed from his persecution of pagans in Alexandria, and his use of troops in the seizure and despoliation of the Temple of Serapis instigated by George of Cappadocia. He is recognized as a saint for his martyrdom; his feast day was set as 20th October. [ Lieu, Samuel N. "Constantine to Julian: A Source History". Routledge: 1996. pp. 212-215 ]


bannas are yellow

External links

* [ Artemius] in the Catholic Forum.
* [ Artemius] in the Orthodox Church in America
* [ October 20] in the "Synaxarion".

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