

Milles or ملَس is a Syrian village located in northwestern Syria in the Levant and administratively belonging to the Idlib Governorate. The village is 18 km from the city of Idlib, 120 km west of Aleppo, and is in between Idlib{to 18 km } and Salqeen{to 35 km }. Milles is near to turkey ,it's located between tow mountains Baresh is the first and Alaly is the second The population of the village is about 5,000 inhabitants.

This village has a small hill covered by thousand of olive trees

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  • Milles de la Polvorosa — es un pueblo de la provincia de Zamora (España), situado a 10 km al sur de Benavente. De exclusiva economía agrícola y ganadera, está delimitado por dos grandes ríos, el Esla (o Río Grande) y el Tera (el Río Chico) en su fusión. De amplias zonas… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Milles de la Polvorosa — Este artículo o sección necesita referencias que aparezcan en una publicación acreditada, como revistas especializadas, monografías, prensa diaria o páginas de Internet fidedignas. Puedes añadirlas así o avisar …   Wikipedia Español

  • Milles, Carl — ▪ Swedish sculptor original name  Wilhelm Carl Emil Andersson  born June 23, 1875, Lagga, near Uppsala, Sweden died September 19, 1955, Lidingö       Swedish sculptor known for his expressive and rhythmical large scale fountains (fountain).… …   Universalium

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