

Infobox Saint
name=Saint Agathius
feast_day=8 May; 16 January (translation of relics)
venerated_in=Roman Catholicism; Eastern Orthodoxy

imagesize= 250px
caption= "The Martyrdom of Saint Agathius". 16th century work by an anonymous artist from Toledo.
birth_place= Cappadocia
death_place= Byzantium
titles= Martyr
attributes= palm of martyrdom; centurion with a bunch of thorns; in armor with standard and shield; depicted with Theodore of Amasea
patronage= soldiers; Squillace; Guardavalle; invoked against headache
major_shrine=Cathedral of Squillace, Italy [ws|"" in the 1913 "Catholic Encyclopedia"]

Saint Agathius, also known as Achatius or Acacius of Byzantium [ Patron Saints Index: Saint Acacius of Byzantium ] ] was a Cappadocian centurion of the imperial army. He was arrested for his faith on charges by Tribune Firmus in Perinthus, Thrace, tortured, and then brought to Byzantium (Constantinople), where he was scourged and beheaded, being made a martyr because he would not give up his Christian Faith.

The date of martyrdom is traditionally May 8, when his feast is observed.


Constantine the Great built a church in his honour. His relics were translated "ca." 630 to a spring at Squillace, close by the Vivarium, the monastery founded in the previous century by Cassiodorus in the heel of Italy [ Select Abstracts ] ] . He was known in Squillace as "San Agario". A relic of his arm was brought to Guardavalle in 1584 by the bishop of Squillace, Marcello Sirleto, hence Agathius' patronage of this city. Relics from Squillace were also brought to Cuenca and Ávila in Spain, where he is known as "San Acato". [ [ Sant' Agazio (Acacio) ] ]

St. Achatius is one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers or Auxiliary Saints.

External links

* [ Catholic Forum profile on Saint Acacius]


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