

:see also|Nothelm of Sussex

Saint Nothelm (d. 739) was the eleventh Archbishop of Canterbury.

Infobox Archbishop of Canterbury
Full name = Nothelm

birth_name =
consecration = 735
term_end =17 October 739
predecessor = Tatwine
successor = Cuthbert of Canterbury
birth_date =
death_date = 17 October 739
tomb = Canterbury, Kent

Infobox Saint Archbishop of Canterbury
feast_day= 17 October
venerated_in= Eastern Orthodox Church, Roman Catholic Church, Anglican Communion


Nothelm was a contemporary of St Boniface and the Venerable Bede, whom he supplied with correspondence from the papal library following a trip to Rome.Hindley "A Brief History of the Anglo-Saxons" p. 93] He also researched the history of Kent and the surrounding area. Before his appointment to the archbishopric, he was the archpriest of the Saxon-built St Paul's Cathedral, London.Yorke "Kings and Kingdoms" p. 31]

Named to the see of Canterbury in 735, he was consecrated the same year.Fryde, et. al. "Handbook of British Chronology" p. 214] He may have been appointed by Æthelbald, King of Mercia, whose councilor he was. He held a synod in 736 or 737, which drew nine bishops. Bede addressed his work "In regum librum XXX quaestiones" to Nothelm, who had asked the thirty questions on the biblical book of "Kings" that Bede answered.Hunt "Nothhelm (d. 739)" "Oxford Dictionary of National Biography"] While he was archbishop, Saint Boniface wrote to him, requesting a copy of the "Responsiones" of Pope Gregory I for use in his missionary efforts.Brooks "Early History of the Church of Canterbury" p. 83-84]

Nothelm died on 17 October 739 or 740Delaney "Dictionary of Saints" p. 460] and is interred in Canterbury Cathedral. His feast day is 17 October.Walsh "A New Dictionary of Saints" p. 453]



* Delaney, John J. "Dictionary of Saints" Second Edition Doubleday: New York 2003 ISBN 0-385-13594-7
* Hindley, Geoffrey "A Brief History of the Anglo-Saxons: The Beginnings of the English Nation" New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers 2006 ISBN 978-0-78671738-5
* Hunt, William "Nothhelm (d. 739)" rev. Henry Mayr-Harting "Oxford Dictionary of National Biography" Oxford University Press, 2004 [ Online Edition] accessed 7 November 2007
* Walsh, Michael "A New Dictionary of Saints: East and West" London: Burns & Oats 2007 ISBN 0-8601-2438-X

External links

* [ Nothelm at Britannia Biographies]
* [ A letter] from Boniface to Nothelm, 735. (White text on white background)

NAME= Nothelm
SHORT DESCRIPTION= Archbishop of Canterbury; Saint
DATE OF DEATH=17 October 739

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