- Saint Piran
:"For the coastal town and a municipality in south-western
Slovenia , seePiran ."Saint Piran or Perran (traditionally in
Cornwall ,saint s are simply named, without this title) is an early6th century Cornishabbot and saint, supposedly of Irish origin.He is the
patron saint oftin -miners, and is also generally regarded as the patron saint ofCornwall , althoughSaint Michael and SaintPetroc also have some claim to this title.Saint Piran's Flag is a white cross on a black background. Saint Piran's Day is5 March .uggested Irish origins
Piran is the most famous of all the
saint s said to have come to Cornwall fromIreland . By at least the13th century , he had become identified with the Irish SaintCiarán of Saighir who founded themonastery atSeirkieran (Saighir) inCounty Offaly . This was due to the widely recognised ability of theP-Celtic orBrythonic letter 'P' to transform into theQ-Celtic or Gaelic letter 'C'. The14th century 'Life of Saint Piran', probably written atExeter Cathedral , is a complete copy of an earlier Irish life of Saint Ciarán of Saighir, with different parentage and a different ending that takes into account Piran's works in Cornwall, and especially details of his death and the movements of his Cornishshrine ; thus "excising the passages which speak of his burial at Saighir" (Doble).However, there is no shrine to him in Ireland.
5 March is the traditional feast day of both Saint Ciarán of Saighir and Saint Piran, but the Calendar of Launceston Church records an alternative date of18 November for the latter.Charles Plummer suggested that Piran might, instead, be identified with SaintCiarán of Clonmacnoise , who founded the monastery ofClonmacnoise also inCounty Offaly but this is doubtful since this saint is believed to have died of yellow fever at the age of thirty-two and was traditionally buried at Clonmacnoise. His father is, however, sometimes said to have been a Cornishman. J. Loth, moreover, has argued, on detailed philological grounds, that the two names could not possibly be identical. G. H. Doble thought that Piran was a Welshman fromGlamorgan , citing the lost chapel once dedicated to him inCardiff .David Nash Ford accepts the Ciarán of Clonmacnoise identification, whilst further suggesting that Piran's father in the Exeter life, Domuel, be identified with Dywel ab Erbin, a
5th century prince ofDumnonia (Devon and Cornwall). Research undertaken by the St Piran Trust [http://www.st-piran.com/] has led them to the conclusion that Saint Piran was indeed Saint Ciarán of Saigher or perhaps a disciple, as indicated by Dr James Brennan of Kilkenny and Dr T. F. G. Dexter, whose thesis is held in theRoyal Cornwall Museum .Legends
* The heathen Irish tied him to a mill-stone, rolled it over the edge of a cliff into a stormy sea, which immediately became calm, and the saint floated safely over the water to land upon the sandy beach of
Perranzabuloe in Cornwall.
*He was joined at Perranzabuloe by many of his Christian converts and together they founded the Abbey of Lanpiran, with Piran as abbot.
* Saint Piran 'rediscovered' tin-smelting (tin had been smelted in Cornwall since before the Romans' arrival, but the methods had since been lost) when his black hearthstone, which was evidently a slab of tin-bearing ore, had the tin smelt out of it and rise to the top in the form of a white cross (thus the image on the flag).Death and veneration
It is said that at his death the remains of the Blessed Martin the Abbot which he had brought from Ireland were buried with him at
Perranzabuloe . His own remains were subsequently exhumed and redistributed to be venerated in various reliquaries.Exeter Cathedral was reputed to be the possessor of one of his arms, while according to an inventory, St Piran's Old Church, Perranzabuloe, had a reliquary containing his head and also a hearse in which his body was placed for processionals.t Piran's Day
St Piran's Day is very popular in Cornwall and the term 'Perrantide' has been coined to describe the week prior to this day. Many Cornish-themed events occur in the Duchy and also in areas in which there is a large community descended from Cornish emigrants. The town of
Perranporth ('Porthpyran' in Cornish) hosts the annual inter-Celtic festival of [http://www.an-daras.com/lp/lp_intro.htm 'Lowender Peran'] , which is also named in honour of him.The largest St Piran's Day event is the March across the dunes to St Piran's cross which thousands of people attend, generally dressed in black, white and gold, and carrying the Cornish Flag. A play of the Life of St Piran, in Cornish, has been enacted in recent years at the event. Daffodils are also carried and placed at the cross. Daffodils also feature in celebrations in
Truro , most likely due to their 'gold' colour. Black, white and gold are colours associated with Cornwall due to St Piran's Flag (black and white), and the Duchy Shield (gold coins on black).References
*Carter, Eileen. (2001). "In the Shadow of St Piran"
*Doble, G. H. (1965). "The Saints of Cornwall". Dean & Chapter of Truro.
*Ford, David Nash. (2001). " [http://www.earlybritishkingdoms.com/bios/pirandm.html Early British Kingoms: St. Piran, Abbot of Lanpiran] . Nash Ford Publishing.
*Loth, J. (1930). 'Quelques victimes de l'hagio-onomastique en Cornwal: saint Peran, saint Keverne, saint Achebran' in "Memoires de la Societe d'Histoire et d'Archaeologie de Bretegne.
*Plummer, Charles. (1922). "Betha Naem nErenn"
*Tomlin, E.W.F. (1982). "In Search of St Piran"External links
* [http://www.earlybritishkingdoms.com/bios/pirandm.html Early British Kingdoms: St. Piran, Abbot of Lanpiran]
* [http://www.thisiscornwall.co.uk/displayNode.jsp?nodeId=144125&command=displayContent&sourceNode=155117&contentPK=14140133&folderPk=83401 St. Piran: Keeping the Faith]
* [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/cornwall/4766464.stm St Piran's holiday]
* [http://www.an-daras.com/cutoms/cu_stpirans_events.htm St. Piran's events]
* [http://www.bbc.co.uk/cornwall/uncovered/stories/march2004/stpirans_2004.shtml St. Piran's celebrations]
* [http://www.bbc.co.uk/cornwall/uncovered/stories/st_piran_truro.shtml St. Piran's Day in Truro]
* [http://www.gorsethkernow.org.uk/english/about.htm The Cornish Gorseth]
* [http://cornovia.org.uk/htexts/collins01.html St. Piran's Oratory - Morley B Collins, 1910]
* [http://www.st-piran.com St Piran Trust website]
* [http://www.stpirans.co.uk Website of St Piran's Preparatory School, Maidenhead, UK]
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