- Orders of magnitude (temperature)
Temperature in °C compared to the thermodynamic scale in electron volts, which are also used as a unit of temperature.
List of orders of magnitude for temperature Factor Multiple Item 10−∞ 0 K absolute zero: free bodies are still, no interaction within or without a thermodynamic system 10−30 1 wK particular speeds bound paths to exceed size and lifetime of the universe
(see least-energy in orders of magnitude (energy))10−18 1 aK macroscopic teleportation of matter
Hawking temperature of supermassive black holes10−15 1 fK atomic waves coherent over inches
atomic particles decoherent over inches10−12 1 pK 100 pK, lowest temperature ever produced, during the nuclear magnetic ordering at Helsinki University of Technology's Low Temperature Lab
450 pK, lowest temperature sodium Bose-Einstein condensate gas ever achieved in the laboratory, at MIT[1]10−9 1 nK 50 nK, Fermi melting point of potassium-40
Bose melting point of bosonic atomic gases
Doppler-locked refrigerants in laser cooling and magneto-optical traps10−6 1 μK nuclear demagnetization 10−3 1 mK radio excitations
1.7 mK, temperature record for helium-3/helium-4 dilution refrigeration, and the lowest temperature which may be sustained for arbitrarily long time with known techniques.
2.5 mK, Fermi melting point of helium-3
60 mK adiabatic demagnetization of paramagnetic molecules
300 mK in evaporative cooling of helium-3
700 mK, helium-3/helium-4 mixtures begin phase separation
950 mK, melting point of helium
microwave excitations1 1 K 1 K at the Boomerang nebula, the coldest natural environment known
1.5 K, melting point of overbound helium
2.19 K, lambda point of overbound superfluid helium
2.725 K, cosmic microwave background
4.1 K, superconductivity point of mercury
4.22 K, boiling point of bound helium
5.19 K, critical temperature of helium
7.2 K, superconductivity point of lead
9.3 K, superconductivity point of niobium101 10 K Fermi melting point of valence electrons for superconductivity
14.01 K, melting point of bound hydrogen
20.28 K, boiling point of bound hydrogen
33 K, critical temperature of hydrogen
44 K mean on Pluto
53 K mean of Neptune
63 K, melting point of bound nitrogen
68 K mean of Uranus
77.35 K, boiling point of bound nitrogen
90.19 K, boiling point of bound oxygen
92 K, superconductivity point of Y-Ba-Cu-oxide (YBCO)
Everyday substances near liquid air's temperature with incipient Fermi-condensate populations result in spontaneose luminescence, loss or lack of hysteresis, inductive and capacitive electronic moments that readily adsorb or expel or float upon unlike substances:[2]102 100 K infrared excitations
135 K, highest-temperature superconductor at ambient pressure, mercury barium calcium copper oxide
165 K, glass point of supercooled water
183.75 K (–89.4 °C), coldest air recorded on Earth
192 K, Debye temperature of ice
273.15 K (0 °C), melting point of bound water
273.16 K (0.01 °C), temperature of triple point of water (defining constant)
~293 K, room temperature
373.15 K (100 °C), boiling point of bound water
647 K, critical point of superheated water
737.5 K, mean on Venus
See detailed list below
103 1 kK visible light excitations
500–2200 K on brown dwarfs (photosphere)
1170 K at wood fire
1300 K in lava flows, open flames
1500 K in basalt lava flows
~1670 K at blue candle flame
1811 K, melting point of iron (lower for steel)
1830 K in Bunsen burner flame
1900 K at the Space Shuttle orbiter hull in 8 km/s dive
2022 K, boiling point of lead
2230 K, Debye temperature of carbon
2320 K at open hydrogen flame
2150–2450 K at open hydrocarbon flame
3683 K, melting point of tungsten
3925 K, sublimation point of carbon
4160 K, melting point of hafnium carbide
4800 K, 10 MPa, triple point of carbon[3]
5000 K, 12 GPa melting point of diamond[4]
5100 K in cyanogen-dioxygen flame
5516 K at dicyanoacetylene (carbon subnitride)-ozone flame
5650 K at Earth's Inner Core Boundary
5780 K on Sun
5933 K, boiling point of tungsten
6000 K, mean of the Universe 300,000 years after the Big Bang
7445 K, 850 GPa;[5] 8750 K, 520 GPa;[6] 5400 K, 220 GPa,[7] critical point of diamond/solid III
7735 K, a monatomic ideal gas has one electron volt of kinetic energy
ultraviolet excitations
8801 K, 10.56 GPa[8] 7020.5 K, 797 MPa,[9] critical point of carbon
anionic sparks104 10 kK 10 kK on Sirius A
10–15 kK in mononitrogen recombination
15.5 kK, critical point of tungsten
25 kK, mean of the Universe 10,000 years after the Big Bang
26 kK on white dwarf Sirius B
28 kK in record cationic lightning over Earth
4–8–40–160 kK on white dwarfs
30–400 kK on a planetary nebula's asymptotic giant helium star
37 kK in proton-electron reactions
38 kK on Eta Carinae
50 kK at protostar (core)
53 kK on Wolf-Rayet star R136a1
54.5 kK on ON2 III(f*) star LH64-16[10]
>200 kK on Butterfly Nebula
~300 kK at 17 meters from Little Boy's detonation
Fermi boiling point of valence electrons
X-ray excitations106 1 MK γ-ray excitations
1 MK at old neutron stars, brown dwarfs, and gravital deuterium fusion range
1–3–10 MK above Sun (corona)
2.4 MK at T Tauri stars and gravital lithium-6 fusion range
2.5 MK at red dwarfs and gravital protium fusion range
8 MK in solar wind
10 MK at orange dwarfs and gravital helium-3 fusion range
13.6 MK at Sun
10–30–100 MK in stellar flares
20 MK in novæ
23 MK, beryllium-7 fusion range
60 MK above Eta Carinae
85 MK (15 keV) in a magnetic confinement fusion plasma
200 MK at helium star and gravital helium-4 fusion range
230 MK, gravital carbon-12 fusion range
460 MK, gravital neon fusion-disproportionation range
5–530 MK in Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor's plasma
750 MK, gravital oxygen fusion range109 1 GK 1 GK, everything 100 seconds after the Big Bang
1.3–1.7 GK, gravital silicon fusion range
3 GK in electron-positron reactions
10 GK in supernovæ
10 GK, everything 1 second after the Big Bang
700 GK in quasars' accretion discs
740 GK, Hagedorn temperature or Fermi melting point of pions1012 1 TK 0.1–1 TK at new neutron star
0.5–1.2 TK, Fermi melting point of hadrons into quark-gluon plasma
3–5 TK in proton-antiproton reactions
Z0 electronuclear excitations
10 TK, 100 microseconds after the Big Bang
45–67 TK at collapsar of a gamma ray burst
300–900 TK at proton-nickel conversions in the Tevatron's Main Injector1015 1 PK 0.3–2.2 PK at proton-antiproton collisions 1018 1 EK 2–13 EK at heavy nuclear conversions in the Large Hadron Collider 1021 1 ZK dark matter at active galactic nuclei 1024 1 YK 0.5–7 YK at ultra-high-energy cosmic ray collisions 1027 1 000 YK electrocoloral excitations
everything 10−35 seconds after the Big Bang1030 106 YK 14.2 million YK, Planck temperature of Planck particles and geons or kugelblitzen
everything 5×10−44 seconds after the Big Bang1033 109 YK theory of everything excitations[citation needed]
extradimensional gauge freedom[citation needed]
Landau poles[citation needed]Detailed list for 100 K to 1000 K
Most ordinary human activity takes place at temperatures of this order of magnitude. Circumstances where water naturally occurs in liquid form are shown in light grey.
Kelvin Degrees
FahrenheitCondition 100 K −173.15 °C −279.67 °F 125 K −148 °C −234 °F superconductivity point of Tl-Ba-Cu-oxide 138 K −135 °C −211 °F superconductivity point of Hg-Tl-Ba-Ca-Cu-oxide 140 K −130 °C −200 °F mean on Saturn 150 K −120 °C −190 °F mean on Jupiter 183.9 K −89.2 °C −128.6 °F coldest record on Earth, at Vostok 194.6 K −78.5 °C −109.3 °F sublimation point of carbon dioxide (dry ice) 210 K −63 °C −80 °F mean on Mars 234.3 K −38.83 °C −37.89 °F melting point of mercury 255 K −18 °C −0.4 °F recommended for keeping food frozen 255.4... K −17.7... °C 0 °F coldest brine-ice solution found by Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit 272 K −1.1 °C 30 °F chilly sea 273.15 K 0.00 °C 32.00 °F melting point of water (at STP) 278 K 5 °C 41 °F recommended for keeping food cool 287 K 14 °C 57 °F mean on Earth 293.6 K 20.5 °C 68.9 °F coldest human body survived 295 K 21 °C 70 °F room temperature 304 K 31 °C 88 °F melting point of butter 307 K 34 °C 93 °F kindling point of white phosphorus 308 K 35 °C 95 °F warmest sea measured, at the Red Sea 310 K 37 °C 98.6 °F standard human body 315 K 42 °C 108 °F usually deadly human fever 326 K 54 °C 129 °F hottest reliably reported air temperature on Earth, at Death Valley, USA - reported on four separate occasions. 330 K 58 °C 136.4 °F hottest claimed air temperature on Earth, at Al 'Aziziyah in Libya - this reading is not generally considered reliable. 330 K 60 °C 140 °F recommended for keeping food warm 336 K 63 °C 145.4 °F milk pasteurization 340 K 70 °C 160 °F food is well done
hot springs at which some bacteria thrive350 K 77 °C 170 °F poaching of food 355 K 82 °C 180 °F recommended for coffee brewing 366 K 93 °C 200 °F simmering of food 372 K 99 °C 210 °F cake is well done 373.15 K 100 °C 212 °F boiling point of water 380 K 105 °C 225 °F oven on very low
smoke point of raw safflower oil
syrup is concentrated to 75% sugar400 K 127 °C 260 °F Concorde nose tip during supersonic flight 410 K 140 °C 275 °F oven on low 435 K 160 °C 320 °F syrup is concentrated to 100% sugar 440 K 170 °C 325 °F oven on low-medium 450 K 175 °C 350 °F oven on medium
mean on Mercury
smoke point of butter470 K 200 °C 400 °F oven on medium-high 485 K 210 °C 410 °F kindling point of diesel fuel 490 K 220 °C 425 °F oven on high
kindling range of paper510 K 240 °C 475 °F oven on very high
kindling range of automotive fuel525 K 250 °C 485 °F smoke point of milkfat 540 K 265 °C 510 °F smoke point of refined safflower oil 600.65 K 327.5 °C 621.5 °F melting point of lead 740 K 460 °C 870 °F mean on Venus 749 K 476 °C 889 °F kindling point of magnesium 760 K 480 °C 900 °F electric oven on the self-cleaning cycle 809 K 536 °C 997 °F kindling point of hydrogen 933.47 K 660.32 °C 1220.58 °F melting point of aluminium 1000 K 726.85 °C 1340.33 °F References
- ^ . http://physicsworld.com/cws/article/news/18214.
- ^ http://1911encyclopedia.org/Liquid_Gases "Liquid Gases". Encyclopædia Britannica, 11th edition: Classic Encyclopedia. (1911, 2006)
- ^ A. I. Savvatimscij, "Melting point of graphite and liquid carbon", Physics 46 (12) 1295–1303 (2003), Uspèxi Fizichèscix Nauc, Russian Academy of Sciences
- ^ C. C. Yang and S. Li, "Size-Dependent Temperature-Pressure Phase Diagram of Carbon", J. Phys. Chem. C 112 (5), 1423–1426 (2008)
- ^ Alfredo A. Correa, Stanimir A. Bonev, Giulia Galli, "Carbon under extreme conditions: Phase boundaries and electronic properties from first-principles theory", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 8 Dec 2005.
- ^ Xiaofei Wang, Sandro Scandolo, Roberto Car, "Carbon Phase Diagram from Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics", Phys. Rev. Let. 95, 185701 (2005)
- ^ Gerald I. Kerley and Lalit Chhabildas, "Multicomponent-Multiphase Equation of State for Carbon", Sandia National Laboratories (2001)
- ^ James N. Glosli and Francis H. Ree, "Liquid-liquid Phase Transformation in Carbon", Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 4659–4662 (1999)
- ^ Man Chai Chang, Ryoo Ryong, Mu Shik Jhon, "Thermodynamic properties of liquid carbon", Carbon, Volume 23, Issue 5, 481-485 (1985)
- ^ Philip Massey et al, "The Physical Properties and Effective Temperature Scale of O-type Stars as a Function of Metallicity. I. A Sample of 20 Stars in the Magellanic Clouds", The Astrophysical Journal, 608:1001–1027 (2004)
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