- Landau pole
physics , Landau pole is theenergy scale (or the precise value of theenergy ) where acoupling constant (the strength of an interaction) of aquantum field theory becomes infinite. Such a possibility was pointed out by the physicistLev Davidovich Landau . The dependence of coupling constants on theenergy scale is one of the basic ideas behind therenormalization group .Theories with
asymptotic freedom have Landau poles at very low energies. However, the phrase "Landau pole" is usually used in the context of the theories that are not asymptotically free, such asquantum electrodynamics (QED) or ascalar field with aquartic interaction. The coupling constant grows with energy, and at some energy scale the growth becomes infinite and the coupling constant itself diverges.Landau poles at high energy are viewed as problems; more precisely, they are evidence that the theory (e.g. QED) is not well-defined
nonperturbative ly. The Landau pole of QED is removed if QED is embedded into aGrand Unified Theory or an even more powerful framework such assuperstring theory .An equation
In the 1950s, Landau started to research the relation between the bare electric charge e and the renormalized electric charge e_R. He found the following equation:
:frac{1}{e_R^2} - frac{1}{e^2}=frac{N_f}{6pi^2}lnfrac{Lambda}{m_R}.
This equation needs to be explained:
* e is the value of the
electric charge that we naively insert to theLagrangian , but it turns out that this number is actually not a constant, but rather an energy-dependent quantity
* e_R is the actual renormalized, measurable value of the charge (that determines how much the electrons attract each other at low energies), which is not quite the same thing as e
* N_f is the number of flavors; forstaggered fermion s we substitute N_f=4
* Lambda is the momentumcutoff i.e. the maximal value of the momentum that we allow to be taken into account
* m_R is the renormalizedelectron massThe right-hand side can be calculated from loops in
Feynman diagram s (namelyone-loop Feynman diagram s), i.e. as a contribution ofquantum mechanics . It has alogarithm ic form because theintegral happens to be logarithmically divergent. Note that the equation has two obvious implications:* If the bare charge e is kept fixed, the theory (QED) has a trivial continuum (Lambda oinfty) limit, namely e_R o 0
* When the renormalized charge e_R is kept fixed, the bare charge becomes singular (infinite) at:Lambda_{mathrm{Landau=m_Rexp(6pi^2/N_f e_R^2).
The latter singularity is the Landau pole. It does not affect the phenomenological success of
perturbative calculations in QED because for all practical purposes, the cutoff Lambda can be chosen much smaller than the huge scale Lambda_{mathrm{Landau, comparable to thePlanck scale , and it is still enough to describe all accessible experiments. Nevertheless, the Landau pole is an awkward theoretical feature of QED that has made some look for a better theory. Fact|date=October 2007Since the Landau pole is calculated using one-loop or two-loop calculations but
perturbation theory breaks down for large coupling constants, there has been some controversy as to whether the Landau pole really exists or if we have aUV fixed point instead.
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