Orders of magnitude (energy)

Orders of magnitude (energy)
Different orders of magnitude of natural energy production for solar, wind and geothermal versus average global consumption rate (1 W = 1 J/s)

This list compares various energies in joules (J), organized by order of magnitude.

List of orders of magnitude for energy
Factor (Joules) SI prefix Value Item
10−31   3.0×10−31 J average kinetic energy of a molecule at the lowest temperature reached as of 2003[citation needed]
10−28   6.6×10−28 J energy of a typical AM radio photon (1 MHz) (4×10−9 eV)[1]
10−24 yocto- (yJ) 1.6×10−24 J energy of a typical microwave oven photon (2.45 GHz) (1×10−5 eV)[2][3]
10−23   1.5×10−23 J average kinetic energy[citation needed] of a molecule in the Boomerang Nebula, the coldest place known outside of a laboratory, at a temperature of 1 kelvin[4]
10−22   2-3000×10−22 J energy of infrared light photons[5]
10−21 zepto- (zJ) 2.1×10−21 J thermal energy in each degree of freedom of a molecule at 25 °C (kT/2) (0.01 eV)[6]
3-7×10−21 J energy of a van der Waals interaction between atoms (0.02-0.04 eV)[7][8]
4.1×10−21 J "kT" at 25 °C, a common rough approximation for the total thermal energy of each molecule in a system (0.03 eV)[9]
7-22×10−21 J energy of a hydrogen bond (0.04 to 0.13 eV)[7][10]
10−19   1.6×10−19 J 1 electronvolt (eV)[11]
35×10−19 J energy range of photons in visible light[12][13]
3-14×10−19 J energy of a covalent bond (2-9 eV)[7][14]
5-200×10−19 J energy of ultraviolet light photons[5]
10−18 atto- (aJ) 5.0×10−18 J upper bound of the mass-energy of a neutrino in particle physics[citation needed]
10−17   2-2000×10−17 J energy range of X-ray photons[5]
10−15 femto- (fJ)    
10−14   > 2×10−14 J energy of gamma ray photons[5]
2.7×10−14 J upper bound of the mass-energy of a muon neutrino[15][16]
8.2×10−14 J rest mass-energy of an electron[17]
10−13   1.6×10−13 J 1 megaelectronvolt (MeV)[18]
10−12 pico- (pJ) 2.3×10−12 J kinetic energy of neutrons produced by D-T fusion, used to trigger fission (14.1 MeV)[19][20]
10−11   3.2×10−11 J average total energy released in the nuclear fission of one uranium-235 atom (215 MeV)[21]
3.5×10−11 J average total energy released in the fission of one plutonium-239 atom[citation needed]
10−10   1.503×10−10 J rest mass-energy of a proton[22]
1.505×10−10 J rest mass-energy of a neutron[23]
1.6×10−10 J 1 gigaelectronvolt (GeV)[24]
3.0×10−10 J rest mass-energy of a deuteron[25]
6.0×10−10 J rest mass-energy of an alpha particle[26]
10−9 nano- (nJ) 1.6×10−9 J 10 GeV[27]
8×10−9 J initial operating energy per beam of the CERN Large Electron Positron Collider in 1989 (50 GeV)[28][29]
10−8   1.3×10−8 J mass-energy of a W boson (80.4 GeV)[30] [31]
1.5×10−8 J mass-energy of a Z boson (91.2 GeV)[32][33]
1.6×10−8 J 100 GeV[34]
6.4×10−8 J operating energy per proton of the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron accelerator in 1976[35][36]
10−7   1×10−7 J 1 erg[37]
1.6×10−7 J one TeV (teraelectronvolt)[38], about the kinetic energy of a flying mosquito[39]
5.6×10−7 J energy per proton beam in the CERN Large Hadron Collider in 2011 (3.5 TeV)[40][41]
10−6 micro- (µJ)    
10−5   2×10−5 J energy to pronounce an average syllable of a word[42][dubious ]
3×10−5 J energy of one second of moonlight falling upon a human face[42][dubious ]
10−4   9×10−4 J energy of a cricket's chirp[42][dubious ]
10−3 milli- (mJ)    
10−2 centi- (cJ)    
10−1 deci- (dJ) 1×10−1 J energy of an American half-dollar falling 1 metre[43][44]
1x10−1 J energy required to press a typewriter key[42][dubious ]
100 J 1 J 1 N·m (newtonmetre)
1 J 1 W·s (watt-second)
1 J kinetic energy produced as a small apple (100 grams) falls one meter against Earth's gravity[citation needed]
1 J energy required to heat 1 gram of dry, cool air by 1 degree Celsius[45]
1.4 J 1 ft·lbf (foot-pound force)[37]
4.184 J 1 thermochemical calorie (small calorie)[37]
4.1868 J 1 International (Steam) Table calorie[46]
~5 J energy stored in a disposable camera photoflash capacitor (100 µF @ 330 V[citation needed])[47]
8 J Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin theoretical upper limit for the energy of a cosmic ray coming from a distant source[48][49]
101 deca- (daJ) 5×101 J most energetic cosmic ray ever detected, in 1991[50]
8×101 J kinetic energy of an average person swinging a baseball bat[citation needed]
102 hecto- (hJ) 3×102 J energy of a lethal dose of X-rays[51]
3.9×102 J kinetic energy of 800 g standard men's javelin thrown at 31.1 m/s[citation needed] by the world record holder Jan Železný[52][53]
3.9×102 J kinetic energy of an average person jumping as high as they can
6.0×102 J kinetic energy of 2 kg standard men's discus thrown at 24.4 m/s[citation needed] by the world record holder Jürgen Schult[54]
6×102 J use of a 10-watt flashlight for one minute
7.5×102 J a power of one horsepower applied for one second
7.8×102 J kinetic energy of 7.26 kg standard men's shot thrown at 14.7 m/s[citation needed] by the world record holder Randy Barnes[55]
103 kilo- (kJ) 1×103 J energy stored in a typical photography studio strobe light[citation needed]
1.1×103 J 1 British thermal unit (BTU), depending on the temperature[37]
1.2×103 J energy in shooting an elephant gun[citation needed]
1.4×103 J total solar radiation received from the Sun by one square meter of the Earth's surface per second (solar constant)[56]
1.4×103 J kinetic energy of a 3.5 g 5.45x39mm M74 AK-74 bullet fired at 900 m/s[citation needed]
3.4×103 J kinetic energy of 7.26 kg standard men's hammer thrown at 30.7 m/s[57] by the world record holder Yuriy Sedykh[58]
3.6 ×103 J 1 W·h (watt-hour)[37]
4.2×103 J energy released by explosion of 1 gram of TNT[37][59]
4.2×103 J 1 food Calorie (large calorie)
104   1.7×104 J energy released by the metabolism of 1 gram of carbohydrates[60] or protein[61]
3.8×104 J energy released by the metabolism of 1 gram of fat[62]
4-5×104 J energy released by the combustion of 1 gram of gasoline[63]
5×104 J kinetic energy of 1 gram of matter moving at 10 km/s[64]
105   2×105 J9×105 J average kinetic energy of an automobile at highway speeds[citation needed]
5×105 J Kinetic energy of 1 gram of a meteor hitting Earth[65]
9×105 J energy required to accelerate a 4-ton truck up to highway speeds[42][dubious ]
106 mega- (MJ) 1×106 J kinetic energy of a one tonne[citation needed] vehicle at 45 metres per second (100 miles per hour)[66]
1.2×106 J approximately the food energy of a snack such as a Snickers bar (280 food calories)[67]
3.6×106 J = 1 kilowatt-hour (electricity consumption)[37]
9.6×106 J recommended food energy intake per day for a moderately active woman (2000 food calories)[68][69]
107   1×107 J energy of a day's worth of heavy labour[42][dubious ]
1.3×107 J recommended food energy intake per day for a moderately active man (2600 food calories)[68][70]
6.3×107 J theoretical minimum energy required to accelerate 1 kg of matter to escape velocity from Earth's surface (ignoring atmosphere)[71]
108   1×108 J kinetic energy of a 55 tonne aircraft at typical landing speed (59 m/s or 115 knots)[citation needed]
1.1×108 J 1 therm, depending on the temperature[37]
1.1×108 J 1 Tour de France, or 90 hours[citation needed] ridden at 5 W/kg[72] by a 65 kg rider[73]
7.3×108 J energy from burning 16 kilograms of oil (using 135 kg per barrel of light crude)
109 giga- (GJ) 1-10×109 J energy in an average lightning bolt[74]
1.4x109 J theoretical minimum amount of energy required to melt a tonne of steel (380 kW·h)[75][76]
1.6×109 J magnetic stored energy in the world's largest toroidal superconducting magnet for the ATLAS experiment at CERN, Geneva[citation needed]
2.0×109 J Planck energy, the unit of energy in Planck units[77]
2.5×109 J approximate average amount of energy expended by a human heart muscle over an 80-year lifetime[citation needed]
3.2×109 J approximate annual energy usage of a standard clothes dryer[citation needed]
6.1×109 J 1 bboe (barrel of oil equivalent)[78]
1010   2.3×1010 J kinetic energy of an Airbus A380 at cruising speed (560 tonnes at 562 knots or 289 m/s)
4.2×1010 J 1 toe (ton of oil equivalent)[78]
5×1010 J yield energy of a MOAB (Massive Ordnance Air Blast) bomb, the second most powerful non-nuclear weapon ever designed (after the Russian Father of All Bombs)[citation needed]
7.2×1010 J energy consumed by the average U.S. automobile in the year 2000[citation needed]
8.6×1010 J 1 MW·d (megawatt-day), used in the context of power plants[79]
1012 tera- (TJ) 3.6×1012 J
Two CANDU fuel bundles, each about 50 cm in length, 10 cm in diameter. Photo courtesy of Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd.

1 GWh[80]
average orbital kinetic energy of the Mir space station (124 tonnes at about 7680 m/s)[81]
max fuel energy of an Airbus A330-300 (97,530 liters of Jet A-1 at 34.7 MJ/L)[82]
electricity generated by one 20kg CANDU fuel bundle

6.4×1012 J energy contained in jet fuel in a Boeing 747-100B aircraft at max fuel capacity (183,380 liters of Jet A-1 at 34.7 MJ/L)[83]
8.2×1012 J orbital kinetic energy of the International Space Station (277 tonnes at 7710 m/s)[84]
1013   1.1×1013 J energy of the maximum fuel an Airbus A380 can carry (320,000 liters of Jet A-1 at 34.7 MJ/L)[85]
3.6×1013 J released by an average thunderstorm[citation needed]
8.8×1013 J yield of the Fat Man atomic bomb used in World War II (21 kilotons)[86][87]
9.0×1013 J theoretical total mass-energy of 1 gram of matter[88]
1014   6×1014 J energy released by an average hurricane in one second[89]
1015 peta- (PJ) 2.1×1015 J yearly electricity consumption in Togo, Africa as of 2005[90]
4.2×1015 J energy released by explosion of 1 megaton of TNT[37][91]
1016   1.0×1016 J estimated impact energy released in forming Meteor Crater[citation needed]
4.4×1016 J yearly electricity consumption in Zimbabwe as of 2005[90]
9.0×1016 J mass-energy in 1 kilogram of antimatter (or matter)[92]
1017   1.1×1017 J surface energy of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake[citation needed]
1.7×1017 J total energy from the Sun that strikes the face of the Earth each second[93]
2.1×1017 J yield of the Tsar Bomba, the largest nuclear weapon ever tested (50 megatons)[94][95]
4.1×1017 J yearly electricity consumption of Norway as of 2005[90]
8.4×1017 J estimated energy released by the eruption of the Indonesian volcano, Krakatoa, in 1883[citation needed]
1019   1.3×1019 J (Star Trek) the energy output per second of the fictional starship USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D[citation needed]
1.4×1019 J yearly electricity consumption in the U.S. as of 2005[90]
1.5×1019J yearly electricity production in the U.S. as of 2005[96]
5.2×1019 J energy released in one day by an average hurricane in producing rain (400 times greater than the wind energy).[89]
5.7×1019 J yearly electricity consumption of the world as of 2005[90]
6.3×1019 J yearly electricity generation of the world as of 2005[97]
6.7×1019 J total energy released by the magnitude 8.8 2010 Chile earthquake[citation needed]
1020   4.7x1020 J total world annual energy consumption in 2008 (15.04 TW-years)[citation needed]
8.0×1020 J estimated global uranium resources for generating electricity 2005.[98][99][100][101]
1021 zetta- (ZJ) 6.5×1021 J estimated energy contained in the world's natural gas reserves as of 2006[102]
7.4×1021 J estimated energy contained in the world's petroleum reserves as of 2003[citation needed]
1022   1.5×1022J total energy from the Sun that strikes the face of the Earth each day[93][103]
2.1×1022 J estimated energy contained in the world's coal reserves as of 2005[104]
2.9×1022 J identified global uranium-238 resources using fast reactor technology.[98]
3.9×1022 J estimated energy contained in the world's fossil fuel reserves as of 2003[citation needed]
4×1022 J estimated total energy released by the 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake, equivalent to approximately 9.5 teratons of TNT[citation needed]
1023   2.2×1023 J total global uranium-238 resources using fast reactor technology.[98]
5.0×1023 J approximate energy released in the formation of the Chicxulub Crater in the Yucatán Peninsula[105]
1024 yotta- (YJ) 5.5×1024 J total energy from the Sun that strikes the face of the Earth each year[93][106]
1026   1.3×1026 J conservative estimate of the energy released by the impact that created the Caloris basin on Mercury[citation needed]
3.8×1026 J total energy output of the Sun each second[107]
1028   3.9×1028 J kinetic energy of the Moon in its orbit around the Earth[citation needed]
1029   2.1×1029 J rotational energy of the Earth[108] [109][110]
1031   3.3×1031 J total energy output of the Sun each day[107][111]
1032   2.2×1032 J gravitational binding energy of the Earth[112]
1033   2.7×1033 J Earth's kinetic energy in its orbit[113]
1034   1.2×1034 J total energy output of the Sun each year[107][114]
1041   5.4×1041 J theoretical total mass-energy of the Earth[115][116]
6.9×1041 J gravitational binding energy of the Sun[112]
1043 |   5×1043 J Total energy of all gamma rays in a typical gamma-ray burst[117][118]
1044 |   1.2×1044 J estimated energy released in a supernova;[119] sometimes referred to as a foe
1046   1×1046 J estimated energy released in a hypernova[citation needed]
1047 rowspan=1 1.8×1047 J theoretical total mass-energy of the Sun[120][121]
1058   4×1058 J visible mass-energy in our galaxy, the Milky Way[122][123]
1059   1×1059 J total mass-energy of the galaxy, including dark matter and dark energy[124][125]
1062   2×1062 J total mass-energy of the Local Supercluster, including dark matter[126]
1069   4×1069 J estimated total mass-energy of the observable universe [127]

SI multiples

SI multiples for joule (J)
Submultiples Multiples
Value Symbol Name Value Symbol Name
10−1 J dJ decijoule 101 J daJ decajoule
10−2 J cJ centijoule 102 J hJ hectojoule
10−3 J mJ millijoule 103 J kJ kilojoule
10−6 J µJ microjoule 106 J MJ megajoule
10−9 J nJ nanojoule 109 J GJ gigajoule
10−12 J pJ picojoule 1012 J TJ terajoule
10−15 J fJ femtojoule 1015 J PJ petajoule
10−18 J aJ attojoule 1018 J EJ exajoule
10−21 J zJ zeptojoule 1021 J ZJ zettajoule
10−24 J yJ yoctojoule 1024 J YJ yottajoule

This SI unit is named after James Prescott Joule. As with every SI unit whose name is derived from the proper name of a person, the first letter of its symbol is upper case (J). When an SI unit is spelled out in English, it should always begin with a lower case letter (joule), except where any word would be capitalized, such as at the beginning of a sentence or in capitalized material such as a title. Note that "degree Celsius" conforms to this rule because the "d" is lowercase. —Based on The International System of Units, section 5.2.

See also


  1. ^ Calculated: E_photon = hv = 6.626e-34 J-s * 1e6 Hz = 6.6e-28 J. In eV: 6.6e-28 J / 1.6e-19 J/eV = 4.1e-9 eV.
  2. ^ "Frequency of a Microwave Oven". The Physics Factbook. http://hypertextbook.com/facts/1998/HowardCheung.shtml. Retrieved 15 November 2011. 
  3. ^ Calculated: E_photon = hv = 6.626e-34 J-s * 2.45e8 Hz = 1.62e-24 J. In eV: 1.62e-24 J / 1.6e-19 J/eV = 1.0e-5 eV.
  4. ^ "Boomerang Nebula boasts the coolest spot in the Universe". JPL. http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/releases/97/coldspot.html. Retrieved 13 November 2011. 
  5. ^ a b c d "Wavelength, Frequency, and Energy". Imagine the Universe. NASA. http://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/science/know_l1/spectrum_chart.html. Retrieved 15 November 2011. 
  6. ^ Calculated: 1.381e-23 J/K * 298.15 K / 2 = 2.1e-21 J
  7. ^ a b c "Bond Lengths and Energies". Chem 125 notes. UCLA. http://www.doe-mbi.ucla.edu/CHEM125/bonds.html. Retrieved 13 November 2011. 
  8. ^ Calculated: 2 to 4 kJ/mol = 2e3 J / 6.022e23 molecules/mol = 3.3e-21 J. In eV: 3.3e-21 J / 1.6e-19 J/eV = 0.02 eV. 4e3 J / 6.022e23 molecules/mol = 6.7e-21 J. In eV: 6.7e-21 J / 1.6e-19 J/eV = 0.04 eV.
  9. ^ Ansari, Anjum. "Basic Physical Scales Relevant to Cells and Molecules". Physics 450. http://www.uic.edu/classes/phys/phys450/MARKO/N003.html. Retrieved 13 November 2011. 
  10. ^ Calculated: 4 to 13 kJ/mol. 4 kJ/mol = 4e3 J / 6.022e23 molecules/mol = 6.7e-21 J. In eV: 6.7e-21 J / 1.6e-19 eV/J = 0.042 eV. 13 kJ/mol = 13e3 J / 6.022e23 molecules/mol = 2.2e-20 J. In eV: 13e3 J / 6.022e23 molecules/mol / 1.6e-19 eV/J = 0.13 eV.
  11. ^ "CODATA Value: electron volt". NIST. http://physics.nist.gov/cgi-bin/cuu/Value?tevj. Retrieved 4 November 2011. 
  12. ^ "BASIC LAB KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS". http://www.sci.sdsu.edu/classes/chemistry/chem467l/mardahl/basic.html. Retrieved 5 November 2011. "Visible wavelengths are roughly from 390 nm to 780 nm" 
  13. ^ Calculated: E = h * c / lambda. E_780_nm = 6.6e-34 kg-m^2/s * 3e8 m/s / (780e-9 m) = 2.5e-19 J. E_390 _nm = 6.6e-34 kg-m^2/s * 3e8 m/s / (390e-9 m) = 5.1e-19 J
  14. ^ Calculated: 50 kcal/mol * 4.184 J/calorie / 6.0e22e23 molecules/mol = 3.47e-19 J. (3.47e-19 J / 1.60e-19 eV/J = 2.2 eV.) and 200 kcal/mol * 4.184 J/calorie / 6.0e22e23 molecules/mol = 1.389e-18 J. (7.64e-19 J / 1.60e-19 eV/J = 8.68 eV.)
  15. ^ Thomas J Bowles (2000). P. Langacker. ed. Neutrinos in physics and astrophysics: from 10−33 to 1028 cm: TASI 98 : Boulder, Colorado, USA, 1-26 June 1998. World Scientific. p354. ISBN 9789810238872. http://books.google.com/books?id=QC5zi1N-1KMC&pg=PA354&lpg=PA354&dq=muon+neutrino+mass+170kev&source=bl&ots=0NDArur2q5&sig=Pv64mojKL34XqBYpCa4_B_7zg2s&hl=en&ei=Laa9TuunHqOriAKoh4WFAw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=2&ved=0CCUQ6AEwATgK#v=onepage&q&f=false. Retrieved 11 November 2011. "an upper limit ov m_v_u < 170 keV" 
  16. ^ Calculated: 170e3 eV * 1.6e-19 J/eV = 2.7e-14 J
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  19. ^ Muller, Richard A. (2002). "The Sun, Hydrogen Bombs, and the physics of fusion". http://muller.lbl.gov/teaching/physics10/old%20physics%2010/chapters%20%28old%29/7-fusion.htm. Retrieved 5 November 2011. "The neutron comes out with high energy of 14.1 MeV" 
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  21. ^ "Energy From Uranium Fission". HyperPhysics. http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/nucene/u235chn.html#c3. Retrieved 8 November 2011. 
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  28. ^ Myers, Stephen. "The LEP Collider". CERN. http://sl-div.web.cern.ch/sl-div/history/lep_doc.html. Retrieved 14 November 2011. "the LEP machine energy is about 50 GeV per beam" 
  29. ^ Calculated: 50e9 eV * 1.6e-19 J/eV = 8e-9 J
  30. ^ "W". PDG Live. Particle Data Group. http://pdglive.lbl.gov/Rsummary.brl?nodein=S043. Retrieved 4 November 2011. 
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  32. ^ Amsler, C.; Doser, M.; Antonelli, M.; Asner, D.; Babu, K.; Baer, H.; Band, H.; Barnett, R. et al. (2008). "Review of Particle Physics⁎". Physics Letters B 667: 1. doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2008.07.018. http://pdglive.lbl.gov/Rsummary.brl?nodein=S044&fsizein=1.  edit
  33. ^ "Conversion from eV to J". NIST. http://physics.nist.gov/cgi-bin/cuu/Convert?exp=9&num=91.2&From=ev&To=j&Action=Convert+value+and+show+factor. Retrieved 4 November 2011. 
  34. ^ "Conversion from eV to J". NIST. http://physics.nist.gov/cgi-bin/cuu/Convert?exp=11&num=1&From=ev&To=j&Action=Convert+value+and+show+factor. Retrieved 4 November 2011. 
  35. ^ Adams, John. "400 GeV Proton Synchrotron". Excertp from the CERN Annual Report 1976. CERN. http://sl-div.web.cern.ch/sl-div/history/sps_doc.html. Retrieved 14 November 2011. "A circulating proton beam of 400 GeV energy was first achieved in the SPS on 17 June 1976" 
  36. ^ Calculated: 400e9 eV * 1.6e-19 J/eV = 6.4e-8 J
  37. ^ a b c d e f g h i "Appendix B8Factors for Units Listed Alphabetically". NIST Guide for the Use of the International System of Units (SI). NIST. http://physics.nist.gov/Pubs/SP811/appenB8.html. Retrieved 4 November 2011. "1.355818" 
  38. ^ "Conversion from eV to J". NIST. http://physics.nist.gov/cgi-bin/cuu/Convert?exp=12&num=1&From=ev&To=j&Action=Convert+value+and+show+factor. Retrieved 4 November 2011. 
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  40. ^ "LHC will run at 7 TeV in 2012". Physics World. http://physicsworld.com/cws/article/news/44982. Retrieved 12 November 2011. "3.5 TeV per proton beam" 
  41. ^ Calculated: 3.5e12 eV per beam * 1.6e-19 J/eV = 5.6e-7 J
  42. ^ a b c d e f Wallechinsky, David; Wallace, Irving; Wallace, Amy (1977 (1st Bantam ed., February 1978)). The Book of Lists. Bantam Books. pp268271. ISBN 0553111507. 
  43. ^ "Coin specifications". United States Mint. http://www.usmint.gov/about_the_mint/?action=coin_specifications. Retrieved 2011-11-02. "11.340 g" 
  44. ^ Calculated: m*g*h = 11.34e-3 kg * 9.8 m/s^2 * 1 m = 1.1e-1 J
  45. ^ "Specific Heat of Dry Air". Engineering Toolbox. http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/air-specific-heat-capacity-d_705.html. Retrieved 2 November 2011. 
  46. ^ "Footnotes". NIST Guide to the SI. NIST. http://physics.nist.gov/Pubs/SP811/footnotes.html#f09. Retrieved 4 November 2011. 
  47. ^ Calculated: E = 1/2 C V^2 = 1/2 * (100e-6 F) * (330 V)^2 = 5.4 J
  48. ^ "Physical Motivations". ULTRA Home Page (EUSO project). Dipartimento di Fisica di Torino. http://www.dfg.unito.it/euso/physical-motivation.html. Retrieved 12 November 2011. 
  49. ^ Calculated: 5e19 eV * 1.6e-19 J/ev = 8 J
  50. ^ "The Fly's Eye (1981-1993)". HiRes. http://www.cosmic-ray.org/reading/flyseye.html#SEC10. Retrieved 14 November 2011. 
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  52. ^ KE = \tfrac{1}{2}mv^2
  53. ^ Calculated: 1/2 * 0.8 kg * (31.1 m/s)^2 = 387 J
  54. ^ Calculated: 1/2 * 2 kg * (24.4 m/s)^2 = 595.4 J
  55. ^ Calculated: 1/2 * 7.26 kg * (14.7 m/s)^2 = 784 J
  56. ^ Kopp, G.; Lean, J. L. (2011). "A new, lower value of total solar irradiance: Evidence and climate significance" (PDF). Geophysical Research Letters 38. doi:10.1029/2010GL045777. http://www.atmosp.physics.utoronto.ca/~jclub/journalclub_files/kopp_lean_2011.pdf.  edit
  57. ^ Otto, Ralf M.. "HAMMER THROW WR PHOTOSEQUENCE - YURIY SEDYKH". http://hammerthrow.org/wp-content/uploads/photosequences/otto_sedykh_wr.pdf. Retrieved 4 November 2011. "The total release velocity is 30.7 m/sec" 
  58. ^ Calculated: 1/2 * 7.26 kg * (30.7 m/s)^2 = 3420 J
  59. ^ 4.2e9 J/ton of TNT-equivalent * (1 ton/1e6 grams) = 4.2e3 J/gram of TNT-equivalent
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  64. ^ Calculated: E = 1/2 m*v^2 = 1/2 * (1e-3 kg) (1e4 m/s)^2 = 5e4 J.
  65. ^ Muller, Richard A.. "Kinetic Energy in a meteor". Old Physics 10 notes. http://muller.lbl.gov/teaching/Physics10/old%20physics%2010/physics%2010%20notes/meteorKE.html. 
  66. ^ Calculated: KE = 1/2 * 1e3 kg * (45 m/s)^2 = 1.0e6 J
  67. ^ "Candies, MARS SNACKFOOD US, SNICKERS Bar (NDB No. 19155)". USDA Nutrient Database. USDA. http://www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/foodcomp/search/. Retrieved 14 November 2011. 
  68. ^ a b "How to Balance the Food You Eat and Your Physical Activity and Prevent Obesity". Healthy Weight Basics. National Heart Lung and Blood Institutde. http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/public/heart/obesity/wecan/healthy-weight-basics/balance.htm. Retrieved 14 November 2011. 
  69. ^ Calculated: 2000 food calories = 2.0e6 cal * 4.814 J/cal = 9.6e6 J
  70. ^ Calculated: 2600 food calories = 2.6e6 cal * 4.814 J/cal = 1.252e7 J
  71. ^ Cline, James E. D.. "Energy to Space". http://home.earthlink.net/~jedcline/ets.html. Retrieved 13 November 2011. "6.27E7 Joules / Kg" 
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  73. ^ Calculated: 90 hr * 3600 seconds/hr * 5 W/kg * 65 kg = 1.1e8 J
  74. ^ Smith, Chris. "How do Thunderstorms Work?". The Naked Scientists. http://www.thenakedscientists.com/HTML/articles/article/howdothunderstormswork-2/. Retrieved 15 November 2011. "It discharges about 1-10 billion joules of energy" 
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  76. ^ Calculated: 380 kW-h * 3.6e6 J/kW-h = 1.37e9 J
  77. ^ E_p = \sqrt{\frac{\hbar c^5}{G}}
  78. ^ a b Energy Units, by Arthur Smith, 21 January 2005
  79. ^ Calculated: 1e6 Watts * 86400 seconds/day = 8.6e10 J
  80. ^ Calculated: 1e9 Watts * 3600 seconds/hour
  81. ^ Calculated: E = 1/2 m.v² = 1/2 * 124000 kg * (7680m/s)² = 8.2e12 J
  82. ^ Calculated: 97530 liters * 0.804 kg/L * 43.15 MJ/kg = 3.38e12 J
  83. ^ Calculated: 183380 liters * 0.804 kg/L * 43.15 MJ/kg = 6.36e12 J
  84. ^ Calculated: E = 1/2 m.v² = 1/2 * 277000 kg * (7710m/s)² = 8.2e12 J
  85. ^ Calculated: 320,000 l * 0.804 kg/L * 43.15  MJ/kg = 11.1e12 J
  86. ^ "What was the yield of the Hiroshima bomb?". Warbird's Forum. http://www.warbirdforum.com/hiroshim.htm. Retrieved 4 November 2011. "21 kt" 
  87. ^ Calculated: 21 kt = 21e9 grams of TNT-equivalent * 4.2e3 J/gram TNT-equivalent = 8.8e13 J
  88. ^ "Conversion from kg to J". NIST. http://physics.nist.gov/cgi-bin/cuu/Convert?exp=-3&num=1&From=kg&To=j&Action=Convert+value+and+show+factor. Retrieved 4 November 2011. 
  89. ^ a b "How much energy does a hurricane release?". FAQ : HURRICANES, TYPHOONS, AND TROPICAL CYCLONES. NOAA. http://www.aoml.noaa.gov/hrd/tcfaq/D7.html. Retrieved 12 November 2011. 
  90. ^ a b c d e http://www.eia.doe.gov/pub/international/iealf/table62.xls from the Energy Information Administration [1]
  91. ^ Calculated: 4.2e9 J/ton of TNT-equivalent * 1e6 tons/megaton = 4.2e15 J/megaton of TNT-equivalent
  92. ^ Calculated: E = mc^2 = 1 kg * (2.998e8 m/s)^2 = 8.99e16 J
  93. ^ a b c The Earth has a cross section of 1.274×1014 square meters and the solar constant is 1366 watts per square meter.
  94. ^ "The Soviet Weapons Program - The Tsar Bomba". The Nuclear Weapon Archive. http://www.nuclearweaponarchive.org/Russia/TsarBomba.html. Retrieved 4 November 2011. 
  95. ^ Calculated: 50e6 tons TNT-equivalent * 4.2e9 J/ton TNT-equivalent = 2.1e17 J
  96. ^ http://www.eia.doe.gov/pub/international/iealf/table63.xls from the Energy Information Administration [2]
  97. ^ [3] U.S. Energy Information Administration, International Energy Generation
  98. ^ a b c Global Uranium Resource
  99. ^ U.S. Energy Information Administration, International Energy Generation
  100. ^ U.S. EIA International Energy Outlook 2007.
  101. ^ Final number is computed. Energy Outlook 2007 shows 15.9% of world energy is nuclear. IAEA estimates conventional uranium stock, at today's prices is sufficient for 85 years. Convert billion kilowatt-hours to joules then: 6.25×1019×0.159×85 = 8.01×1020.
  102. ^ http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/international/reserves.xls from the Energy Information Administration [4]
  103. ^ Calculated: 1.27e14 m^2 * 1370 W/m^2 * 86400 s/day = 1.5e22 J
  104. ^ http://www.eia.doe.gov/pub/international/iea2003/table82.xls from the Energy Information Administration [5]
  105. ^ http://www.geosc.psu.edu/people/faculty/personalpages/tbralower/Braloweretal1998.pdf
  106. ^ Calculated: 1.27e14 m^2 * 1370 W/m^2 * 86400 s/day = 5.5e24 J
  107. ^ a b c "Ask Us: Sun: Amount of Energy the Earth Gets from the Sun". Cosmicopia. NASA. http://helios.gsfc.nasa.gov/qa_sun.html#sunenergymass. Retrieved 4 November 2011. 
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  110. ^ Calculated: E_rotational = 1/2 * I * w^2 = 1/2 * (8.0e37 kg m^2) * (2*pi/(23.9345 hour period * 3600 seconds/hour))^2 = 2.1e29 J
  111. ^ Calculated: 3.8e26 J/s * 86400 s/day = 3.3e31 J
  112. ^ a b U = \frac{(3/5)GM^2}{r}
    Chandrasekhar, S. 1939, An Introduction to the Study of Stellar Structure (Chicago: U. of Chicago; reprinted in New York: Dover), section 9, eqs. 9092, p. 51 (Dover edition)
    Lang, K. R. 1980, Astrophysical Formulae (Berlin: Springer Verlag), p. 272
  113. ^ http://www.uwgb.edu/DutchS/pseudosc/flipaxis.htm
  114. ^ Calculated: 3.8e26 J/s * 86400 s/day * 365.25 days/year = 1.2e34 J
  115. ^ "Earth: Facts & Figures". Solar System Exploration. NASA. http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/planets/profile.cfm?Object=Earth&Display=Facts. Retrieved 2011-09-29. 
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  117. ^ Frail, D. A.; Kulkarni, S. R.; Sari, R.; Djorgovski, S. G.; Bloom, J. S.; Galama, T. J.; Reichart, D. E.; Berger, E. et al. (2001). "Beaming in Gamma-Ray Bursts: Evidence for a Standard Energy Reservoir" (PDF). The Astrophysical Journal 562: L55. doi:10.1086/338119.  edit "the gamma-ray energy release, corrected for geometry, is narrowly clustered around 5 * 10^50 erg"
  118. ^ Calculated: 5e50 erg * 1e-7 J/erg = 5e43 J
  119. ^ Khokhlov, A.; Mueller, E.; Hoeflich, P.; Mueller; Hoeflich (1993). "Light curves of Type IA supernova models with different explosion mechanisms". Astronomy and Astrophysics 270 (12): 223248. Bibcode 1993A&A...270..223K. 
  120. ^ "Sun Fact Sheet". NASA. http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/factsheet/sunfact.html. Retrieved 2011-10-15. 
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  124. ^ Karachentsev, I. D.; Kashibadze, O. G. (2006). "Masses of the local group and of the M81 group estimated from distortions in the local velocity field". Astrophysics 49(1): 318. doi:10.1007/s10511-006-0002-6.
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