
MiR-184 secondary structure.png
miR-184 microRNA secondary structure and sequence conservation
Symbol mir-184
Rfam RF00657
miRBase family MIPF0000059
Entrez 406960
HUGO 31555
OMIM 613146
Other data
RNA type microRNA
Domain(s) Eukaryota; Chordata

In molecular biology, miR-184 microRNA is a short non-coding RNA molecule. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) function as posttranscriptional regulators of expression levels of other genes by several mechanisms.[1] Several targets for miR-184 have been described, including that of mediators of neurological development, apoptosis and it has been suggested that miR-184 plays an essential role in development.[2]

MicroRNAs can bind to the three prime untranslated region (3’UTR) of the target messenger RNA (mRNA).[3] Binding of the miRNA can hinder translation of mRNA by promoting degradation or inducing deadenylation.[4]


Genomic location

miR-184 is a single copy gene and evolutionarily conserved at the nucleotide level from flies to humans.[5] In humans, miR-184 is located within region 25.1 on the q-arm of chromosome 15, and its corresponding transcript is comparatively small (84bp) which is not encoded near other clustered miRNAs.[6] In the mouse genome, miR-184 is located in an imprinted locus on mouse chromosome 9, and it is 55 kb away from the nearest coding gene.[7]

The genomic region immediately surrounding miR-184 does not contain a classic CpG island, but does contain several CpG-rich sequences that are suitable for MBD1 binding.[8]


miR-184 displays a tissue- and developmental-specific expression pattern. In mammals, mature miR-184 is particularly enriched in the brain and testis,[7] along with the corneal epithelium.[9] Depolarization of cortical neurons results in pri-miR-184 expression in an allele specific manner.[7] High expression is observed in suprabasal cells of the corneal epithelium in the mouse model, along with expression in mouse testis and brain tissue.[7][9] In Zebrafish, it is expressed in lens, hatching gland and epidermis (shown by Northern blot).[10] miR-184 is expressed ubiquitously in Drosophila embryos, larvae and adults, and its expression pattern displays dynamic changes during the development of embryo, especially in the central nervous system.[2][5] However, the temporal and spatial expression pattern of miR-184 is still being debated.

Role in neuronal cells

C. Liu et al. showed that Methyl-CpG binding protein 1 (MBD1) regulates the expression of several miRNAs in adult neural stem/progenitor cells (aNSCs) and, specifically, that miR-184 is directly repressed by MBD1. High levels of miR-184 promotes cell proliferation but inhibits differentiation of aNSCs, whereas inhibition of miR-184 rescued phenotypes associated with MBD1 deficiency.[11]

Numblike (Numbl) is known to be important in embryonic neural stem cell function and cortical brain development and has been identified as a downstream target of miR-184.[12][13] It has been found that exogenously expressed Numbl could rescue aNSC proliferation and differentiation deficits resulting from either elevated miR-184 or MBD1 deficiency.[11]

Other Targets

An analysis of the primary transcript of miR-184 (pri-mir-184) in several mouse tissues revealed specific expression in the brain and testis. Its expression is repressed by the binding of methyl-CpG binding protein 2 (MeCP2) to its promoter, but is upregulated by the release of MeCP2 after depolarization, suggesting a link between miRNAs and DNA methylation pathways .[7] J. Yu et al. demonstrated that the lipid phosphatase SH2-containing phosphoinositide 5’phosphatase 2 (SHIP2) is a target of miRNA-205 (miR-205) in epithelial cells, and that the corneal epithelial-specific miR-184 can interfere with the ability of miR-205 to suppress SHIP2 levels. The mechanism by which miR-184 negatively regulates miR-205 appears to be unique, and is the first example of a miRNA negatively regulating another to maintain levels of a target protein. miR-184 does not directly affect SHIP2 translation, but instead prevents miR-205 from interacting with SHIP2 mRNA. Interfering with miR-205 function by using a synthetic antagomir, or by the ectopic expression of miR-184, is thought to lead to a coordinated damping of the Akt signaling pathway via SHIP2 induction.[14]

R. Weitzel et al. showed that miR-184 mediates NFAT1 translational regulation in umbilical cord blood (UCB) graft CD4+ T-cells leading to blunted allogenic responses.[15]

Furthermore, miR-184 has multiple roles in Drosophila female germline development.[16]

Disease relevance

• A mutation altering the miR-184 seed region causes familial keratoconus with cataract.[17]
Rett syndrome.[7]
• Several forms of cancer (see below) including elevation of miR-184 levels in squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue.[18] All-trans-retinoic acid induces miR-184 expression in neuroblastoma cell line and ectopic miR-184 causes apoptosis.[19]
• miR-184 has been implicated in ischemia-induced retinal neovascularization.[20]

Angiogenesis and cancer

Dysregulation of miRNA expression is thought to play a part in abnormal gene expression in cancer cells, and miR-184 has been implicated in several forms of cancer.[18][21] MYCN has been found to contribute to tumorigenesis, in part, by repressing miR-184, leading to increased levels of the serine/threonine kinase, AKT2. AKT2 is a major effector of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) pathways, one of the most potent survival pathways in cancer, and is a direct target of miR-184. It has been suggested that MYCN provides a tumourigenic effect, in part, by protecting AKT2 mRNA from degradation by miR-184, permitting the PI3K pathway to remain functional.[22]

miR-184 has been found to be significantly increased in the tumor cells in comparison with the normal epithelial cells of the tongue. High miR-184 levels were not only detected in the tumor tissues, but also in the plasma of patients with tongue squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Decreased plasma levels of miR-184 were observed in patients after surgical removal of the primary tumor, suggesting that it is a potential oncogenic miRNA in tongue SCC. Inhibiting miR-184 promotes apoptosis as well as hindering cell proliferation in cultured tongue SCC cells.[23] Furthermore, over expression of miR-184 in neuroblastoma cell lines results in apoptosis.[19]

See also


  1. ^ Cullen BR (December 2004). "Transcription and processing of human microRNA precursors". Mol. Cell 16 (6): 861–5. doi:10.1016/j.molcel.2004.12.002. PMID 15610730. 
  2. ^ a b Li P, Peng J, Hu J, Xu Z, Xie W, Yuan L (March 2010). "Localized expression pattern of miR-184 in Drosophila". Mol Biol Rep 38 (1): 355–8. doi:10.1007/s11033-010-0115-1. PMID 20339929. 
  3. ^ Hutvágner G, Zamore PD (April 2002). "RNAi: nature abhors a double-strand". Curr. Opin. Genet. Dev. 12 (2): 225–32. doi:10.1016/S0959-437X(02)00290-3. PMID 11893497. 
  4. ^ Hutvágner G, Zamore PD (September 2002). "A microRNA in a multiple-turnover RNAi enzyme complex". Science 297 (5589): 2056–60. doi:10.1126/science.1073827. PMID 12154197. 
  5. ^ a b Aboobaker AA, Tomancak P, Patel N, Rubin GM, Lai EC (December 2005). "Drosophila microRNAs exhibit diverse spatial expression patterns during embryonic development". Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 102 (50): 18017–22. doi:10.1073/pnas.0508823102. PMC 1306796. PMID 16330759. http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=1306796. 
  6. ^ Weitzel RP, Lesniewski ML, Greco NJ, Laughlin MJ (October 2010). "Reduced methyl-CpG protein binding contributing to miR-184 expression in umbilical cord blood CD4(+) T-cells". Leukemia 25 (1): 169–72. doi:10.1038/leu.2010.227. PMID 20927133. 
  7. ^ a b c d e f Nomura T, Kimura M, Horii T, et al. (April 2008). "MeCP2-dependent repression of an imprinted miR-184 released by depolarization". Hum. Mol. Genet. 17 (8): 1192–9. doi:10.1093/hmg/ddn011. PMID 18203756. 
  8. ^ Jørgensen HF, Ben-Porath I, Bird AP (April 2004). "Mbd1 is recruited to both methylated and nonmethylated CpGs via distinct DNA binding domains". Mol. Cell. Biol. 24 (8): 3387–95. PMC 381685. PMID 15060159. http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=381685. 
  9. ^ a b Ryan DG, Oliveira-Fernandes M, Lavker RM (2006). "MicroRNAs of the mammalian eye display distinct and overlapping tissue specificity". Mol. Vis. 12: 1175–84. PMID 17102797. 
  10. ^ Wienholds E, Kloosterman WP, Miska E, et al. (July 2005). "MicroRNA expression in zebrafish embryonic development". Science 309 (5732): 310–1. doi:10.1126/science.1114519. PMID 15919954. 
  11. ^ a b Liu C, Teng ZQ, Santistevan NJ, et al. (May 2010). "Epigenetic regulation of miR-184 by MBD1 governs neural stem cell proliferation and differentiation". Cell Stem Cell 6 (5): 433–44. doi:10.1016/j.stem.2010.02.017. PMID 20452318. 
  12. ^ Li HS, Wang D, Shen Q, et al. (December 2003). "Inactivation of Numb and Numblike in embryonic dorsal forebrain impairs neurogenesis and disrupts cortical morphogenesis". Neuron 40 (6): 1105–18. doi:10.1016/S0896-6273(03)00755-4. PMID 14687546. 
  13. ^ Petersen PH, Zou K, Hwang JK, Jan YN, Zhong W (October 2002). "Progenitor cell maintenance requires numb and numblike during mouse neurogenesis". Nature 419 (6910): 929–34. doi:10.1038/nature01124. PMID 12410312. 
  14. ^ Yu J, Ryan DG, Getsios S, Oliveira-Fernandes M, Fatima A, Lavker RM (December 2008). "MicroRNA-184 antagonizes microRNA-205 to maintain SHIP2 levels in epithelia". Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 105 (49): 19300–5. doi:10.1073/pnas.0803992105. PMC 2587229. PMID 19033458. http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=2587229. 
  15. ^ Weitzel RP, Lesniewski ML, Haviernik P, et al. (June 2009). "microRNA 184 regulates expression of NFAT1 in umbilical cord blood CD4+ T cells". Blood 113 (26): 6648–57. doi:10.1182/blood-2008-09-181156. PMC 2710921. PMID 19286996. http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=2710921. 
  16. ^ Iovino N, Pane A, Gaul U (July 2009). "miR-184 has multiple roles in Drosophila female germline development". Dev. Cell 17 (1): 123–33. doi:10.1016/j.devcel.2009.06.008. PMID 19619497. 
  17. ^ Hughes AE, Bradley DT, Campbell M, Lechner J, Dash DP, Simpson DA, Willoughby CE (2011). "Mutation Altering the miR-184 Seed Region Causes Familial Keratoconus with Cataract". American Journal of Human Genetics. doi:10.1016/j.ajhg.2011.09.014. http://www.cell.com/AJHG/abstract/S0002-9297(11)00404-6. Retrieved 14/10/2011.  edit
  18. ^ a b Wong TS, Liu XB, Wong BY, Ng RW, Yuen AP, Wei WI (May 2008). "Mature miR-184 as Potential Oncogenic microRNA of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Tongue". Clin. Cancer Res. 14 (9): 2588–92. doi:10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-07-0666. PMID 18451220. 
  19. ^ a b Chen Y, Stallings RL (February 2007). "Differential patterns of microRNA expression in neuroblastoma are correlated with prognosis, differentiation, and apoptosis". Cancer Res. 67 (3): 976–83. doi:10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-06-3667. PMID 17283129. 
  20. ^ Shen J, Yang X, Xie B, et al. (July 2008). "MicroRNAs regulate ocular neovascularization". Mol. Ther. 16 (7): 1208–16. doi:10.1038/mt.2008.104. PMID 18500251. 
  21. ^ Hayashita Y, Osada H, Tatematsu Y, et al. (November 2005). "A polycistronic microRNA cluster, miR-17-92, is overexpressed in human lung cancers and enhances cell proliferation". Cancer Res. 65 (21): 9628–32. doi:10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-05-2352. PMID 16266980. 
  22. ^ Foley NH, Bray IM, Tivnan A, et al. (2010). "MicroRNA-184 inhibits neuroblastoma cell survival through targeting the serine/threonine kinase AKT2". Mol. Cancer 9: 83. doi:10.1186/1476-4598-9-83. PMC 2864218. PMID 20409325. http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=2864218. 
  23. ^ Wong TS, Ho WK, Chan JY, Ng RW, Wei WI (2009). "Mature miR-184 and squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue". ScientificWorldJournal 9: 130–2. doi:10.1100/tsw.2009.12. PMID 19219377. 

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