Principal sensory nucleus of trigeminal nerve

Principal sensory nucleus of trigeminal nerve
Brain: Principal sensory nucleus of trigeminal nerve
The cranial nerve nuclei schematically represented; dorsal view. Motor nuclei in red; sensory in blue. (Trigeminal nerve nuclei are at "V".)
Latin nucleus principalis nervi trigemini
Gray's subject #187 787
NeuroNames hier-552
MeSH Trigeminal+nuclei

The principal sensory nucleus (or chief sensory nucleus of V) is a group of second order neurons which have cell bodies in the dorsal Pons.

It receives information about discriminative sensation and light touch of the face as well as conscious proprioception of the jaw via first order neurons of CN V.

  • Most of the sensory information crosses the midline and travels to the contralateral ventral posteriomedial (VPM) of the thalamus via the Ventral trigeminothalamic tract.
  • However, information of the oral cavity travels to the ipsilateral Ventral Posteriomedial (VPM) of the thalamus via the Dorsal trigeminothalamic tract.

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