- Submandibular ganglion
Infobox Nerve
Latin = ganglion submandibulare
GraySubject = 200
GrayPage = 898
Caption = Distribution of themaxillary andmandibular nerve s, and the submaxillary ganglion. (Submandibular ganglion visible at bottom left, but not labeled.)
Caption2 = Parasympathetic connections of the submaxillary and superior cervical ganglia. (Submaxillary ganglion labeled at center right.)
Innervates =submandibular gland ,sublingual gland
BranchFrom =
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DorlandsPre = g_02
DorlandsSuf = 12385004
The submandibular ganglion (or submaxillary ganglion in older texts) is part of the humanautonomic nervous system . It is one of fourparasympathetic ganglia of the head and neck. (The others are theotic ganglion ,pterygopalatine ganglion , andciliary ganglion ).Function
The submandibular ganglion is responsible for innervation of two
salivary glands : thesubmandibular gland andsublingual gland .Location and relations
The submandibular ganglion is small and
fusiform in shape. It is situated above the deep portion of thesubmandibular gland , on thehyoglossus muscle , near the posterior border of themylohyoid muscle .The ganglion 'hangs' by two nerve filaments from the lower border of the
lingual nerve (itself a branch of themandibular nerve , CN V3). It is suspended from the lingual nerve by two filaments, one anterior and one posterior. Through the posterior of these it receives a branch from thechorda tympani nerve which runs in the sheath of the lingual nerve.Fibers
Like other parasympathetic ganglia of the head and neck, the submandibular ganglion is the site of synapse for parasympathetic fibers and carries other types of nerve fiber that do not synapse in the ganglion. In summary, the fibers carried in the ganglion are:
*Sympathetic fibers from theexternal carotid plexus , via thefacial artery and its branches. These do not synapse in this ganglion.
*Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers from thesuperior salivatory nucleus of themedulla oblongata , via thechorda tympani andlingual nerve , which synapse at the origin of:
*Postganglionic parasympathetic fibers to theoral mucosa and the submandibular and sublingual salivary glands.
=AdditionalExternal links
* (NormanAnatomyFig|V, NormanAnatomyFig|VII)
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