superior laryngeal nerve — n LARYNGEAL NERVE (a) called also superior laryngeal … Medical dictionary
laryngeal nerve — n either of two branches of the vagus nerve supplying the larynx: a) one that arises from the ganglion of the vagus situated below the jugular foramen in front of the transverse processes of the first two cervical vertebrae and that passes down… … Medical dictionary
Superior laryngeal — can refer to: * Superior laryngeal artery * Superior laryngeal nerve … Wikipedia
superior laryngeal — n SUPERIOR LARYNGEAL NERVE … Medical dictionary
Laryngeal nerve — The Laryngeal nerve, or Galen s nerve, is a nerve originating from the vagus nerve. It comprises two branches, the cranial [superior laryngeal nerve] , which leaves the vagus at the distal ganglion and passes ventrally to the larynx supplying the … Wikipedia
Superior laryngeal artery — Infobox Artery Name = PAGENAME Latin = arteria laryngea superior GraySubject = 144 GrayPage = 552 Caption = The ligaments of the larynx. Antero lateral view. (Superior laryngeal artery visiblea tt upper right) Caption2 = BranchFrom = superior… … Wikipedia
Recurrent laryngeal nerve — Nerve: Recurrent laryngeal nerve POSTERIOR VIEW: The tracheobronchial lymph glands (I. and E. Recurrent nerves visible at top.) … Wikipedia
Superior cardiac nerve — Infobox Nerve Name = PAGENAME Latin = nervus cardiacus cervicalis superior GraySubject = 216 GrayPage = 979 Caption = Diagram of the cervical sympathetic. (Superior cardiac nerve labeled at center right.) Caption2 = Innervates = heart BranchFrom … Wikipedia
Internal laryngeal nerve — Infobox Nerve Name = PAGENAME Latin = ramus internus nervi laryngei superioris GraySubject = 205 GrayPage = 912 Caption = Course and distribution of the glossopharyngeal, vagus, and accessory nerves. (Internal branch of superior laryngeal labeled … Wikipedia
External laryngeal nerve — Infobox Nerve Name = PAGENAME Latin = ramus externus nervi laryngei superioris GraySubject = 205 GrayPage = 912 Caption = Course and distribution of the glossopharyngeal, vagus, and accessory nerves. (External branch of superior laryngeal labeled … Wikipedia