Scavenger (Transformers)

Scavenger (Transformers)

Scavenger is the name of several fictional characters in the Transformers universes.

Transformers: Generation 1

Transformers character
name = Scavenger

caption =
affiliation = Decepticon
subgroup =Deluxe Vehicles
function = Mining & Salvage
partner =
motto = "Everything is worth something, even me."
alternatemodes = Digger
series =

voiceby = Don Messick (English)
Masashi Ebara (Japanese)
Scavenger is a member of the Constructicons who turns into an excavator. He combines with the other Constructicons to form the combiner robot Devastator.

Scavenger is an unashamedly pathetic Decepticon. Desperate to prove his worth to his team-mates, he uses his one true gift - his shovel's ability to detect various magnetic, ionic, electrical or gas readings - to locate items of value, although invariably, all he can usually find is junk. He transforms into an excavator, and the right arm of Devastator.

A recolor of the Scavenger toy was sold in Europe which didn't have a given name and didn't combine with his follow Constructions.

Animated series

Scavenger first appeared in the season 1 episode "Heavy Metal War". Originally to be named Scrounge, Scavenger was erroneously referred to by this name once in the Constructicons' debut animated series episode.

Marvel Comics

The origins of the Constructicons in Marvel Comics' "Transformers" series was not nearly so complicated. Seeking to bolster the size of his forces on Earth in 1985, Decepticon Commander Shockwave arranged for the construction of six new Decepticon bodies, which were then infused with life by the power of the Creation Matrix, tapped from the head of the imprisoned Optimus Prime. Thus, the Constructicons were born, and were immediately put to work building a massive radio transmission dish that Soundwave used to beam a message to Cybertron. When the Autobots attempted to interfere, the Constructicons revealed their hidden power and merged into Devastator to fight them off, allowing the message to successfully go through.

Fun Publications

The "Transformers Classics" comics published in the Official Transformers Collectors Club magazine is set in the Marvel Comics continuity, but in a timeline where the events of "Generation 2" did not occur. The story occurs fifteen years after Megatron was presumed dead in the crash of the Ark. Megatron survived, and eventually upgraded his body (based on his Classics toy) and gathered many other Decepticons to him. Soundwave helped him in recovering the body of Astrotrain, who was then used to help locate the placement of other fallen Decepticons around the globe. Those who joined Megatron included Laserbeak, Ramjet, Ravage, Skywarp, Soundwave, Starscream and the Constructicons). Megatron also reactivated Thrust, Dirge and Thundercracker, but the three left him to join up with Bludgeon's troops - mostly because they couldn't work with Starscream, who had killed them once. Megatron's based his command from the wreck of the Ark in the Yukon, where he keeps the fallen body of Ratchet as a trophy and the severed, but living, head of Shockwave as an advisor.

Dreamwave Productions

When civil war broke out on the planet Cybertron between the Autobots and Decepticons, Scavenger joined up with the Decepticons under Megatron.

Scavenger and the Constructions were successful in designing the first combiner, when they designed a united form for themselves called Devastator.

When Megatron and Autobot leader Optimus Prime disappeared in an accident with a space bridge, the Autobot and Decepticon forces splintered into smaller factions. The Constructicons joined up with the Ultracons under the leadership of Ratbat.

When the Constructicons came with Earth they were reformatted into Earth-like construction vehicles.


*Transformers: Generation 1 Scavenger (1985):Based on a Diaclone toy.

*Transformers: Generation 2 Scavenger (1993):Generation One Scavenger was recolored in yellow and orange.

*CybCon Scavenger (2001):An exclusive redeco available at CybCon 2001 was Scavenger. This was a hand repainted from Beast Machines Scavenger done as a homage to Generation 1 Scavenger. [ [ Beast Machines Scavenger Repaints ] ]

*"'Transformers: Classics (2007):The Energon Steamhammer toy was repainted and given the name Scavenger in the Walmart exclusive Constructicon package, along with Steamhammer's Energon teammates, repainted into four of Scavenger's fellow Constructicons.

Beast Wars

Transformers character
name =Scavenger

caption =
affiliation =Predacon
subgroup =Mega Beasts
rank =7
function =Infantry Commander
partner =
motto =
alternatemodes =Giant Transmetal Ant
series =Beast Wars
voiceby =
The name Scavenger reappeared in "Beast Wars" as a Predacon transmetal ant that was able to turn into a drilling vehicle.

He was meant to be a transmetal upgrade version of Inferno, as is obvious from his tech specs, but was renamed in the U.S.

His bio indicates that his transmetal body now provides him with drill arms he uses to travel underground and ambush unwary Maximals from below.

Animated series

Scavenger's stasis pod was presumably among those who were launched into orbit around prehistoric Earth in the "Beast Wars" series pilot.

IDW Publishing

Scavenger (as a separate character from Inferno) eventually appeared in the IDW Publishing "Beast Wars" comics as a protoform turned into a Predacon by Magmatron.

He was sent to dispose of Razorbeast and his small band, but the attack was interrupted by a much larger force of Maximals. During the battle, Scavenger got his teeth re-organized, courtesy of Bonecrusher's fist. After the battle, if he survived, he presumably regrouped with Ravage and the rest of the Predacons.

He appears among the Predacons on the cover of the first issue of the sequel story "Beast Wars: The Ascending".


*Beast Wars Scavenger:There are two variants of Scavenger released in the U.S. The earlier releases had his name printed on his leg, while later releases had the name on his abdomen. [] :In Japan Scavenger was the transmetal upgrade of "Beast Wars" Inferno, and was available by himself or packaged together with the Maximal Depth Charge.

Beast Machines

Transformers character
name =Scavenger

caption = puic|

affiliation =Vehicon
subgroup =Basic Vehicles
rank =4
function =Demolitions Drone
partner =
motto ="The road to ruin is short when I'm driving."
alternatemodes =Cybertronian Demolitions Drone
series =Beast Machines
voiceby =
Scavenger was a Basic-sized Vehicon which transformed into a Cybertronian Demolitions Vehicle. He did not appear in the TV series, nor is he related to any previous Transformer with the name Scavenger. Scavenger-style drones appeared among the Vehicons in the "Transformer: Universe:" Wreckers comic. []

Counted among the tank-type Vechicons, Scavenger is a powerhouse, crushing his enemies with brute force and very little subtlty - and he loves it. Commanded by Tankor and armed with deadly electricity claws, Scavenger loves little more than what he was created for: pure destruction.

3H Enterprises

The Scavenger drones would appear in the "-Wreckers" storyline under the command of Quake and Blastcharge, who had been ordered by Megatron to hunt down the Wreckers. In the subsequent battle, most of the drones were destroyed by the Wreckers.


After the Beast Machines line ended, Hasbro planned a follow-up series called Transtech. The Transtech concept was a line intended to take Transformers to their most futuristic. Hasbro commissioned sets of designs from Draxhall Jump. The series was supposedly to bring back some of the characters who died in "Beast Wars" along with some Generation 1 characters, all in new, more organic-looking bodies, though with vehicle alternate modes instead of the animals used in "Beast Machines". Many concept sketches and even a few toy prototypes were made, but Hasbro scrapped the idea in favor of bringing "" to their markets as .

Concept sketches or prototype toys have been seen for Blackarachnia, Cheetor, Depth Charge, Megatron, Nightscream, Optimus Prime, Scavenger, Shockwave, Silverbolt, Soundwave, Starscream and a new character called Immorticon. There were also rumors of a Transtech Dinobot.

Transformers: Robots in Disguise

Transformers character
name =Scavenger
japanname =

caption =
affiliation =Autobot
subgroup =Basic Vehicles
rank =
function =
partner =
motto =
alternatemodes =Cybertronian Digger
series =
voiceby =
Being a Hasbro only release, he did not appear in the television series. This toy did not receive any official bio from Hasbro either, so it is unknown who he is and what his personality is like.


*Robots In Disguise Scavenger (2002):The Beast Machines Scavenger toy was recolored into an Autobot; the first Autobot with the name Scavenger. []

Transformers: Armada

Transformers character
name =Scavenger
japanname =Devastar

caption = Scavenger
affiliation = Decepticon, later Autobot
subgroup =Ultra Vehicles
rank =9
function =
partner =Rollbar (Dirt)
motto ="Always rise to the call of duty!"
alternatemodes =Earth-Style Bulldozer
series =
voiceby =Ward Perry (English) Keiji Fujiwara (Japanese)

The second Autobot to bear the name Scavenger, he is painted as a homage to the Generation 1 Constructicons, and is called Devastar in Japan, the Japanese name of Devastator. His Decepticon appearance and name relates to his undercover work. []

Animated series

Scavenger made his first appearance in the show as a bounty hunter, offering his services to Megatron. He confronted Hot Shot in a battle after the young warrior had acquired the Star Saber. It seemed that Scavenger was a dangerous rogue who was in alliance with the Decepticons, but this was called into question when he later saved Hot Shot from being destroyed by the Decepticons. The truth was finally revealed, and it turned out that Scavenger was, in fact, actually spying on the Decepticons.

Scavenger was known for his harsh personality, which was contrasted by his tendency to sleep when off-duty. He trained the Armada incarnation of Optimus Prime, as well as Blurr and (over the course of the series), Hot Shot.

Dreamwave Productions

Scavenger would also appear in the Dreamwave Productions' comic version of Armada. An Autobot from the very beginning, Scavenger was unable to stop the Decepticons from using the Mini-Cons to take over Cyber City. Later, when the Mini-Con distress beacon was activated, Scavenger accompanied Prime to Earth, battling Cyclonus and Starscream. He took part in many of the adventures on Earth, but nearly met his end after a full-scale Decepticon attack on the Autobot base in the wake of Optimus Prime's disappearance. With Smokescreen nearly killed by Megatron, Scavenger, along with Hot Shot and Red Alert attacked the Decepticon leader as he attempted to make a deal with Unicron, seemingly knocking him into Unicron's mouth and killing him.

Armada Scavenger continued to appear among the Autobots in the Transformers: Energon comic series by Dreamwave. His main appearance was in Issue #27 of the "Energon" Comic where he was one of the Autobots who volunteered to head to Earth to help battle the Terrorcon invasion.

Fun Publicatons

Scavenger appeared in the text story from Fun Publications called "Force of Habit." This story explained where he was during the events of the "Cybertron" story. Ultra Magnus was the commander of various Autobot ships sent to other planets in search for the Cyber Planet Keys. Scavenger served as captain of the Die Cast which was sent to Zeta Persei.


*Armada Scavenger with Rollbar:Armada Scavenger was repainted into Treadbolt. [ [ Scavenger - Transformers: Armada - Toy Gallery - Photos 1 - 25 ] ]

Transformers: Universe (Micromaster)

Transformers character
name =Scavenger
japanname =Digger

caption =
affiliation =Decepticon
subgroup =Micromasters
rank =
function =
partner =
motto =
alternatemodes =Digger
series =
voiceby =
There are two Transformers: Universe toys called Scavenger. Neither of them have appeared in any official Transformers: Universe storyline. They appear similar to Generation One Scavenger, but without biographies or storyline they may or may not be the original Scavenger.


*Transformers: Universe Micromaster Scavenger (2004):The first Universe Scavenger is a Decepticon redeco of the Japanese Micromaster combiner Digger, painted as a homage to Generation One Scavenger.

Transformers: Universe (Deluxe)

Transformers character
name =Scavenger
japanname =

caption =
affiliation =Decepticon
subgroup =Deluxe Beasts
rank =
function =
partner =
motto =
alternatemodes =Digger
series =
voiceby =
With no supporting fiction or a biography the identity of this Scavenger is unclear. He may be a new character, an evolution of Generation 1 Scavenger, an evil version of Robots in Disguise Grimlock or a completely new character.


*Transformers: Universe Scavenger (2002):The second Scavenger is the name of a Decepticon recolor of Robots in Disguise Grimlock, recolored purple. It was released in 2006 as a Target store exclusive.

Transformers: Energon

Scavenger was the Takara name of the Transformers: Energon Decepticon Steamhammer.


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