List of Asterix characters

List of Asterix characters
Some characters of Asterix. In the front row are the main Gaulish characters, plus Julius Caesar and Cleopatra.

This is a list of characters in the Asterix comics.


Main characters

Asterix, Obelix, and Dogmatix are the first characters with short descriptions usually listed at the beginning of each of the Asterix books (after the map of Gaul). They each have separate articles containing more information. Unless otherwise stated, this article uses the names chosen for the English translations of the books.


Asterix is the main character. He is a brave, shrewd warrior of somewhat diminutive size, who eagerly volunteers for all perilous missions.

  • French: Astérix (from astérisque, meaning "asterisk", which is the typographical symbol * indicating a footnote, or from the Greek word αστήρ (aster), meaning a "star"). His name is usually left unchanged in translations, aside from accents and the use of local alphabets: for example, in Esperanto, Polish, Slovene, Latvian and Turkish it is Asteriks, although in Turkish he was first named Bücür meaning "shorty", but the name was then changed. An exception is in Icelandic, in which he is known as Ástríkur ("Rich of love").
  • In Sinhalese — සිංහල (Soora Pappa) Which could be interpreted as "Hero".


Obelix is Asterix's closest friend and works as a menhir sculptor and delivery man. He is a tall, obese man with two notable attributes: his phenomenal strength and his voracious appetite for food. His strength results from having fallen into Getafix's magic potion cauldron as a boy. As a consequence, Getafix will not let him take additional potion for fear of side effects (for example, turning into stone, as shown in Asterix and Obelix all at Sea), something that Obelix finds immensely unfair. The only exception was in Asterix and Cleopatra when they were trapped in a pyramid. Obelix's size is often the brunt of many jokes. In Asterix and the Big Fight a druid mistakes Obelix for a patient with an eating disorder. At the end of the book, Obelix decides to go on a diet but quickly goes back to eating huge quantities of boar.

  • French: Obélix: meaning either "obelisk", a massive monument, or the typographical symbol () (also called an obelus in English) which is sometimes used to indicate a second footnote if the first footnote is indicated by an asterisk. His name is also almost never changed in official translations (not counting orthographical variations such as Obeliks in e.g. Esperanto, Polish and Slovene). However there is a notable exception in Turkish, in which he is Hopdediks, Hop dedik! being a phrase uttered when someone overdoes something. In recent comic albums, he has been Oburiksobur means "gluttonous".
  • In Icelandic his name is Steinríkur, roughly meaning "rich in stone", due to Obelix's fascination with stones.
  • In Sinhalese — සිංහල (Jim Pappa) which means "mighty" and/or "strong".


Getafix is the village druid. In appearance he is tall with a white beard, white robe, red cloak. He is usually seen in possession of a small golden sickle. While his age is never stated, in the story of Asterix' birth (in which all but the oldest villagers are seen as small children) he appears unchanged. In Asterix and the Big Fight the druid Psychoanalytix (who appears quite old) refers to him as his elder and teacher.

Although known for his strength-enhancing magic potion, he has many other magical and medicinal potions at his disposal — including a potion to make hair grow quickly, a potion to cure a man who has been poisoned with a drug that would kill him in a matter of days, and a potion that restores a person to full health after injury (although this potion also causes the person who takes it to lose their recent memories while also interacting badly with the magic potion) — and acts as the village doctor and occasional teacher. Asterix (and most other villagers) will consult him whenever anything strange occurs. He does not engage normally himself in combat, whereas most of the villagers enjoy a good punch-up (even with each other). One exception is one of the stories explaining Gaulish women, with using Mrs. Geriatrix as an example, with a fight sparked by Impedimenta. The final cut is shown with all the male villagers and two females, Impedimenta and Bacteria included, with Getafix running to stop the punch up, with a piece of fish flying towards him. His most notable brawl is when, passing himself as a cook in The Great Divide, he makes some magic potion (passing it off as soup) to free the enslaved men from the divided village, captured by the romans — and doing a test run on the present slaves — and then starts distributing slaps with obvious enjoyment.

As the only individual able to produce the "magic potion" upon which the villagers rely for their strength, he is the focus of many stories- ranging from the Romans attempting to put him out of commission in some manner to requesting that Asterix and Obelix help him find some missing ingredient-, and the conscience of the village. On a few occasions, he has refused to make the potion when the villagers become too selfish, most notably in Asterix and Caesar's Gift where he refused to provide the potion for anyone while the village was divided by an upcoming vote for a new chief, only to provide them with it once again when Vitalstatistix asked Getafix to provide the potion for Orthopedix, the man he had been running against for chief. He has also occasionally been taken prisoner by hostile forces to get access to the potion, only to be freed again thanks to Asterix and Obelix. Finding ingredients for his potions has also sent Asterix on several adventures; the full recipe of the magic potion itself has never been revealed, but it includes mistletoe, a whole lobster- the lobster is optional, although it apparently improves the flavour-, reasonably fresh fish, and a drop of rock oil (Later replaced with beetroot juice after his supplies of rock oil ran out as it tastes nicer, although unfortunately not before Asterix and Obelix travelled all the way to Turkey trying to find more oil).

Getafix is very similar to many wise old men who act as mentors and father-figures to the heroes, including Merlin, Gandalf, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Albus Dumbledore. In Goscinny's earlier works, however, Getafix came across more as just a friend of the protagonists rather than a wise old counselor. He was also, from the very beginning, shown as a figure of fun and had a wonderful sense of humour: in Asterix the Gaul he'd cut his finger while using his sickle and roar with uncontrollable laughter at Asterix' teasing of the Roman Centurion; in Asterix and the Big Fight he was shown as going literally crazy.

  • French: Panoramix ("panoramic" or "wide view" or "he who sees everything") — in most European translations this name is used, including Bulgarian Dutch, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Slovene, Spanish, Indonesian, Czech and Greek.
  • In English, the name is a pun on "getting a fix" — a dose of a drug taken by an addict; the phrase can also mean to perceive or to get a solid sense of something. In the short-lived American version of the series, he was called Magigimmix ("magic gimmicks"). He was called Readymix (the name of a British cement firm) in newspaper comics during the 1970s, as Getafix was considered inappropriate for children. In the English version of the Asterix the Gaul film, he has been called Panoramix.
  • In Danish, German, Norwegian, and Swedish he is called Miraculix a pun on "miracle".
  • In Serbian, he is known as Аспириникс (Aspiriniks), from the drug Aspirin.
  • In Croatian, he is known as Čudomiks (pronounced chu-do-mix), from čudo ("miracle") and miks ("mix").
  • In Finnish, he is Akvavitix, from "akvavit", a Scandinavian distilled beverage (derived from Aqua vitae).
  • In Esperanto, he is Miraklomiks, from miraklo ("miracle") and mikso ("mix")
  • In Turkish, his name is Büyüfiks (büyü meaning "magic"). Previously it was Hokusfokus, from the magic word Hocus Pocus.
  • In Hindi, he is हकीम वैधिक्स (Hakeem Vaidhix), Hindi for a "village doctor".
  • In Hungarian, he is Magicoturmix, which is a composition of "magic" and "shake", thus meaning "Shake of Magic". Actually this is a reference to the potion he is brewing, which gives the villagers their wondrous superhuman strength.
  • In Bengali, he is Etashetamix (এটাসেটামিক্স), meaning "mix this and that".
  • In Icelandic, he is Sjóðríkur, roughly meaning "one who boils". In comparison, Asterix is Ástríkur, "one who loves".
  • In Hebrew, אשפיקס (Ashafix), meaning "master of the craft".
  • In Welsh, he is Crycymalix, a pun on the phrase cryd cymalau which means "arthritis" or "rheumatism", referring to his old age.
  • In Sinhalese — සිංහල (Vedha Pappa) which means a "druid" or "witch".
  • In Malaysia, the English version that was released in the newspapers, he was "Medix" due to the strict laws in the country against drug abuse.


First appearance: Asterix and the Banquet (book 5 in France), page 8.

Dogmatix is Obelix's pet dog. Unlike his immense master, Dogmatix is very tiny, but he can have a nasty temper. Dogmatix loves nature and hates to see trees suffer. (Obelix once mentions that this is because Dogmatix likes to urinate on them.) Dogmatix met Asterix and Obelix in Lutetia (in Asterix and the Banquet) and followed them all the way around Gaul until Obelix finally noticed him. Since then, Obelix has become very affectionate toward Dogmatix. In Asterix and the Chieftain's Shield, Obelix gets mad at hungry people who try to take Dogmatix's bone and insists they will be punished if they try to take advantage of his dog. Dogmatix is relatively intelligent, but is useless when it comes to sniffing out a trail. When given a trail to follow, he will follow the scent to menhirs.[1] In Asterix and the Black Gold, the trio are wandering in the desert when Dogmatix starts to dig. Asterix and Obelix hope he has found water but Dogmatix actually discovers oil. While this does not solve the trio's problem of thirst, it does complete their original mission to find oil.

  • French: Idéfix (idée fixe, a "fixed idea" or "obsession", also a "prejudice"). Most translations use some variant of this original name (e.g. Ideafix in Spanish and Idefiks in Esperanto and Polish).
  • In Danish, German, Swedish, Dutch, Norwegian and Finnish, Idefix
  • In English, Dogmatix comes from dogmatic — clinging to an unchanging set of beliefs. The pun is extended because the name also contains the word "dog".
  • Hindi — In the मधु मुस्कान (Madhu Muskan) translations, Dogmatix has been called Kutta Bhaunkix ("the dog who barks")
  • In Bengali — he is known as Gnoyartumix (গোঁয়ার্তুমিক্স) — compare the Bengali term gNyoyartumi, which means "being dogmatic" .
  • In Hebrew, מבריקס (Mavrix) means "bright".
  • In Hungarian, it is Töpszlix which refers to his small size.
  • In Serbian, it is Идефикс (Idefiks — directly taken from the French Idéfix) or Гаровикс (Garoviks, from garov, a common name for a dog of indeterminable breed)
  • In Greek early translations he was called Katrulix (Κατρουλίξ) meaning "he who pees himself". However this was considered too demeaning by the readers, and thus was changed to Idefix (Ιντεφίξ)
  • In Portuguese, Ideiafix, a Portuguese variation (Ideia Fixa) of the original French name
  • In Sinhalese — In the සිංහල Chuti Kuku which is a name for a dog
  • In ItalianIdefix but in the movie Asterix and Cleopatra he is called Ercolino ("Little Hercules")
  • In IcelandicKrílríkur

Major recurring characters

At the beginning of most of the Asterix books, immediately after the map of Gaul, and before the narrative starts, there is a standard description of the main characters above, as well as Getafix, Cacofonix and Vitalstatistix (regardless of their importance in that particular book).

The first appearance of all the major characters is in Asterix the Gaul unless otherwise noted. Notes are given for languages which have translations of 90% or more of the albums — primarily European languages along with Brazilian Portuguese. (Indonesian also falls in this category, but it leaves the French names unchanged. Languages which do not use the "x" (such as those of Eastern Europe like Polish, Baltic languages, Turkish and Esperanto) substitute "ks" in translations; "c" is also not used in some (such as Polish, Greek and Basque) which substitute "k" or "z" for hard and soft "c" respectively in names that are otherwise unaltered.


Chief Vitalstatistix is the leader of the Gaulish village. He is a middle-aged, overweight man with red hair, pigtails and a huge moustache. He is generally reasonable, well-informed, fearless, (comparatively) even-tempered and unambitious — the last much to the chagrin of his wife Impedimenta. His major failings are his love of good food and drink (it is unlikely to be a coincidence that his wife is the best cook in the village) — which has led to health problems — and his pride. As a Gaulish chief he prefers to travel on a shield, carried by two shield bearers (they say pride comes before a fall... and he finds creative new ways to fall off the shield in almost every book). The names of the shield bearers are never mentioned.

Vitalstatistix fought at the battle of Alesia where Caesar (almost) completed his conquest of Gaul, before becoming chief of the village. In Asterix and the Chieftain's Shield it was revealed that the shield he is carried on originally belonged to the legendary Gaulish warrior chief Vercingetorix.[2] His father was the village chief before him. He has a brother, Doublehelix, in Lutetia who has a young daughter and a son, Justforkix.

The introduction to each story states that Vitalstatistix has only one fear "that the sky may fall on his head tomorrow"; however, he rarely alludes to this in an actual story, and then only as a rallying cry: "We have nothing to fear but ...". This characteristic is based on a real historical account where Gallic chieftains were asked by Alexander the Great what they were most afraid of in all the world, and replied that their worst fear was that the sky might fall on their heads.[3]

Although the chief of the village, his role in most plots is usually minor, commonly featuring him granting Asterix and Obelix permission to go on their latest missions, although he has shown a greater involvement in stories such as Asterix in Belgium, where he travelled to Belgium to defend his honour when Caesar apparently proclaimed that the Belgians were the bravest of all the Gaulish peoples, or Asterix and Caesar's Gift, where he ran against a new arrival in the village for the position of chief.

  • French: Abraracourcix (à bras raccourcis — "with arms up ready to fight") — this is the same in Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and (original) Dutch (although the "o" is usually dropped).
  • In English, his name is a pun on Vital statistics — the government birth and death records of a region and also an expression for a person's measurements (a comment on his size). In the American translation, he was Macroeconomix from macroeconomics. NOTE: In the English version of the Asterix the Gaul film, he also appears to have been called Tonabrix, and in the American dub of the Asterix and the Big Fight film he is called Bombastix.
  • In Catalan, he is Copdegarròtix (cop de garrot — "club hit").
  • In German, Greek, Latin and Scandinavian, he is Majestix from "majestic"; similarly in new Dutch translations he is Heroix from "heroic".
  • In Esperanto he is Moŝtiks (via moŝtoyour highness).
  • In Finnish he is Aladobix, referring to aladobi, a Finnish jelly-like dish containing meat (from the French à la daube).
  • In Hungarian, he is Hasarengazfix, which means "His belly surely shakes".
  • In Polish, he is Asparanoiks, referring to paranoia, the fear of the sky falling on his head.
  • In Turkish, Toptoriks, alluding to his roundness.
  • In Brazilian Portuguese, his name is usually shortened to Abracurcix.
  • In Hindi translation, his name is mentioned as मुखिया मोटुमालिक्स (Mukhiya Motumallix), which literally means 'The Fat Chief'.
  • In Bengali, the chief has a name phonetically similar to some extent to his English one: Bishalakritix (বিশালাকৃতিক্স), taken from the root bishalakriti, which aptly means "of huge proportions".
  • In Hebrew, his name is לוחמאמיקס (lokhem-amix), meaning "brave warrior".
  • In Serbian, He is Дрматорикс (Drmatoriks), from drmator, a slang term for Communist era movers and shakers (drmati means "to shake").
  • In Welsh, he is Einharweinix, from ein harweinydd (our leader).
  • In Greek film variations he was called Χοντρομπαλίξ (Khontrobalix), from χοντρομπαλάς (khontrobalás, dubbing a man "fat ball"), but is currently referred to as Μαζεστίξ (Mazestix, from French majestueux: "majestic"). He was also formerly called Μοναρχίξ (Monarchix) from the word μονάρχης (monárchēs: "monarch") but the name changed in the later book translations after 1991.
  • In Sinhalese — සිංහල (Loku Pappa) which means big or head/leader.
  • In Slovene, he is Ataaufbix. Ata means "dad" or "father" and aufbiks is a folk invitation to a fight.

Chief's shieldbearers

From Asterix and Caesar's Gift onward Vitalstatistix has had the same (unnamed) bearers carry (and drop) him; prior to that he had different bearers in each album. In Asterix in Switzerland he fires both his shield bearers after he tells them that it's a lovely day, and they look up, tipping the shield back and dropping the chief in the process. He then goes and hires new shield bearers including Asterix, Geriatrix, Fulliautomatix and Obelix (in these cases the shield is horribly tilted so he is forced to stand on a slant, and Obelix carried him with one hand like a waiter).


First appearance: Asterix and the Big Fight (but not named until Asterix and the Chieftain's Shield).

Impedimenta is the matriarchal wife of chief Vitalstatistix, leader of the village wives and the best cook in the village. She is often disappointed with the other villagers (calling them barbarians) and wishes Vitalstatistix was more ambitious. Consequently she zealously defends and flaunts every privilege due to her as first lady of the village, such as skipping the queue at the fishmongers. She frequently says she wants to go back to Lutetia and live with her successful merchant brother, Homeopathix — the one member of the family her husband openly dislikes.

She nicknamed Vitalstatistix "Piggywiggy" when they were courting, and starts doing this again in Asterix and the Soothsayer as a plan to make Asterix and Obelix erupt in hysterical laughter when she calls him by that name in front of them, thus irritating him and making him punish them by forcing them to stay in the village, away from the soothsayer.[4]

On occasion she has an antagonistic rivalry with Mrs. Geriatrix that has erupted into violence. One such occasion was in Asterix and the Magic Carpet where the two beat each other with fish from Unhygenix's store over the fakir Watziznehm's carpet.

Her name appears to derive directly from the Latin military term "impedimenta" — "baggage".

  • French: Bonemine (bonne mine, meaning "good looking") — also used in Swedish or Esperanto, and in Greek Μπονεμίνα (Bonemina) or Μιμίνα (Mimina).
  • In English, the name is derived from impediment, an obstacle, but possibly also a reference to the Latin impedimenta, meaning baggage; (in the American translations: Belladonna — a poisonous plant used in cosmetics whose name means beautiful lady).
  • In Italian, she is Beniamina.
  • In Spanish, she is Karabella (meaning "beautiful face").
  • In Portuguese, she is called Bonemine in some stories and Caralinda in others (Portuguese cara linda, "beautiful face").
  • In the Brazilian translation she is Naftalina.
  • In Dutch, she is Bellefleur ("beautiful flower" in French).
  • In German, she is Gutemine; Danish and Norwegian, Godemine, presumably from the old saying Gute Miene zum bösen Spiel machen (German), At holde gode miner til slet spil (Danish): "To keep up appearances in the face of bad deeds"), and mirroring the French bonne mine.
  • In Hungarian, she is Hengerlice; which means "tumbler pigeon", a pun on her being a little fat.
  • In Turkish, she is Dediğimdediks. Dediğim dedik refers to someone who insists on getting their way.
  • In Finnish, she is Smirgeline (a pun on the Finnish word smirgeli meaning "emery", by way of the Finnish dysphemism for a "shrew" being a grinder)
  • In Polish, she is Dobromina (most likely a pun on the Polish saying robić dobrą minę do złej gry, which has the same meaning as the German/Danish/Norwegian translation above, and the old Polish female given name Dobromira ("the one that values goodness and peace") or Dobromiła ("the one that is good and nice").
  • In Catalan, she is sometimes called Bonemina, but more usually Karabella.
  • In Hindi, she is referred to as प्यारी सिरर्ददा (Pyari Sirdarda), the beloved, who causes Headache.
  • In Hebrew she is called זיופנים (Zivpanim), meaning "bright face".


Cacofonix's hut in Parc Asterix

Cacofonix is the village bard. He is usually only a supporting character, but has a major part in the plots of some albums (see Asterix and the Normans, Asterix the Gladiator, Asterix and the Magic Carpet and Asterix and the Secret Weapon). He loves singing and playing his lyre, and jumps at every opportunity to do so. He also plays the bagpipes, drum and a Celtic trumpet resembling a boar called a Carnyx. While he can accompany traditional dances, and conducts a village band, his singing is unbearable. In Asterix and the Normans it is so unbearable that it teaches the fearless Normans the meaning of fear. In recent albums his music is so spectacularly horrible that it actually starts thunderstorms (even indoors), because of an old French saying that bad singing causes rain.

For his part, Cacofonix considers himself a genius and a superb singer, and he is angrily offended when people criticize his singing, to the point of dismissing them as barbarians. He is slightly effeminate, often seen smoothing back his hair and holding his head up high.

Some villagers go to extreme lengths to avoid hearing Cacofonix's music. Most notably, Fulliautomatix, the village smith, bangs him on the head at the merest hint of breaking into a song, and has destroyed his lyre on a number of occasions, at one point being called the "ancestor of music critics". As a running gag, Cacofonix is generally tied up and gagged during the banquet at the end of most albums to allow the other villagers to have a good time without having to keep him from singing. He is nonetheless well liked when not singing.

In contrast to the villagers, some of the younger outsiders whom Cacofonix has met do appreciate his "talent": Justforkix (in Asterix and the Normans) actually encouraged Cacofonix to think seriously about moving to Lutetia where he claimed the bard's way with music would be enjoyed; Pepe (in Asterix in Spain) liked it because it reminded him of home (the goats bleating in his village); and Princess Orinjade (in Asterix and the Magic Carpet) expressed similar enthusiasm, though it was perhaps in gratitude for his music having saved her from being sacrificed.

Unlike the other villagers, whose huts are on the ground, Cacofonix's hut is perched up in a tree. Ostensibly this is so that he can act as a lookout to warn the other villagers of imminent invasion, but the real reason is to let him practise his music as far from everyone as possible: it is a tall tree! It has been felled several times but has been replanted, or restored by Getafix's magic acorns (in The Mansions of the Gods).

In the English and American adaptations of the series, he speaks in an effeminate voice.

He and Getafix are the village's teachers, as only bards and druids are allowed to teach in school. He is rarely seen fighting the Romans except when his personal honour is impugned — his voice apparently does not mix well with the magic potion, although in Asterix and the Magic Carpet it actually restores him to full voice. The fact that he is incredibly arrogant may also be partly to blame, as in at least one volume (Asterix and the Roman Agent) he is shown to have not even noticed the other villagers are fighting the Romans and is actually shown asking Getafix what's going on (however, he had been suffering from a lost voice earlier in this volume and may have simply been staying in his hut while waiting to recover).

  • French: Assurancetourix (Assurance tous risques meaning "comprehensive insurance") — also in Spanish (Asuranceturix), Catalan (Assegurançatórix), Italian, Portuguese and original Dutch translations.
  • In English, Cacofonix is derived from cacophonic (describing "harsh and unpleasant sounds"), from Greek κακός (kakos, meaning "bad") and φωνή (phonē, meaning "voice"). In the American version of the series, he was called Malacoustix, which refers to "bad acoustics". In the English dub of the film Asterix the Gaul he is called Stopthemusix (a pun on the phrase "stop the music") and in the American dub of the Asterix and the Big Fight film he is called Franksinatrix (a pun on Frank Sinatra).
  • In Greek he is Κακοφωνίξ (Kakofonix) and similarly Kakofonix, Kakofoniks in Polish, Turkish and in new Dutch translations.
  • In Serbian, his name is Тамбурикс (Tamburiks). The name comes from tambura. He doesn't actually play a tambura, but the instrument is very popular in Serbia. Tamburati ("to play tambura"), interestingly enough, is a Serbian slang meaning "to beat someone up". At the end of many albums, Tamburiks often gets beaten up, gagged and tied to a tree.
  • In German and Swedish, he is Troubadix; In Danish, Norwegian and Finnish Trubadurix (a pun on "troubadour", a word for "bard").
  • In the Brazilian translation he is Chatotorix (meaning "annoying" or "the very dull one").
  • In Hindi translation he is गवैयाँ बेसुरीक्स (Gavaiyañ Besurix) meaning "one who sings out of tune".
  • In Bengali this bard is known as Kawlorobix (কলরবিক্স) — the root being (kawlorob) — meaning "making a lot of noise for no purpose"
  • In Hungarian translation he is Hangjanix, which means "He absolutely has no voice".
  • Similarly, the Esperanto name Malmuziks means "the contrary of music".
  • In Hebrew, חמשיריקס (Khamshirix) which can be literally translated back as Limerix (from "limerick").
  • In Icelandic he is Óðríkur, meaning "Rich in Odes". A music-making competition in one of Iceland's most prestigious pre-colleges is named in his honour.
  • In Welsh, he is Odlgymix, from odl gymysg ("mixed rhyme", a metre of Welsh verse).
  • In Sinhalese — In සිංහල (Caco Pappa) similar to Cacofonix
  • In Latin, he is Cantorix, from canto: "to sing".


First Appearance: Asterix the Gladiator[5] but first named in Asterix at the Olympic Games

Geriatrix is the oldest inhabitant of Asterix's village: he is mentioned as 93 years old in Asterix at the Olympic Games (while drunk, he says he feels ten years younger, to which Asterix replies, "Well, that makes you 83, and it's time you were in bed"). Some translations make him no more than 80.

As an elder, Geriatrix demands respect (generally more than he is given). Nonetheless he dislikes being treated as old and will attack anyone who comments to that effect. In particular he often beats up Fulliautomatix for refusing to fight back due to his age, and actually cries out to be attacked. Geriatrix is seen to sit on the village council at times, on the face of it an entitlement deriving from being the oldest in the community. An example is on p. 11 of Asterix and the Cauldron where he sits with Vitalstatistix, Cacofonix and Getafix, in deciding on Asterix's punishment for having violated their honor code. In Asterix and the Roman Agent he acquires a club which he later uses to knock down The Mansions of the Gods.

Geriatrix is against foreigners who are not from his village. He is a veteran of the Battle of Gergovia and the Battle of Alesia, and refers to them when excited ("It'll be just like Gergovia all over!") or distraught ("It's just like Alesia all over again!"). He has an eye for the young ladies and has a very young and beautiful wife (who appears to be in her twenties) of whom he is very possessive — particularly when Obelix is around.

In prequels such as How Obelix Fell into the Magic Potion When he was a Little Boy, in which most of the characters are children and Vitalstatistix is a slim young man, Geriatrix, along with Getafix, is unchanged.

  • French: Agecanonix (Âge canonique, meaning "very old age") (also in Portuguese, as well as Decanonix — from Decano, "dean").
  • In English, the name comes from Geriatrics, the branch of medicine dealing with old age. He is also known as Arthritix in the American translations.
  • In Spanish, he is Edadepiedrix and Edatdepèdrix in Catalan (meaning "Stone Age").
  • In Finnish and the Scandinavian languages, he is Senilix (from senile).
  • In Italian, he is Matusalemix, from Matusalem (Methuselah), the biblical "old man", similarly in German, Methusalix and in Greek he is Μαθουσαλίξ (Mathousalix), formerly Παλαιοντολογίξ (Palaiontologix).
  • In Serbian, he is Дедовикс (Dedoviks), from Serbian deda ("grandfather").
  • In Hebrew, מתושלחיקס, אשמאיקס, קשישניקס (Methushelakhix, Ashmaix (Asterix at the Olympic Games), Kashishnix (Animated films)).
  • In Dutch, he is Nestorix (after Nestor).
  • In Esperanto, he is Dojeniks (from dojeno — doyen, wise old man)
  • In Polish, he is Ramoliks ("grumpy old man") or Długowieczniks ("long living").
  • In Hungarian, he is Sokadikix ("umpteenth decade") or Tatix (from tata, an informal way to address old men) or Rozogavénix ("rickety old") or Matuzsálemix (Methuselah)
  • In the Brazilian translation he is Veteranix.
  • In the Hindi translation he is बुड्ढिक्स (Buddhix), which means "the old man".
  • In Turkish he is Eskitopraks meaning "old timer".
  • In Indonesian he is Capeloyonix which loosely translates to "old hunched man who is easily tired". (Cape - pronounced as Chapeh: meaning tired; Loyo; meaning weak)

Mrs. Geriatrix

First Appearance: Asterix and the Roman Agent

Mrs. Geriatrix enjoys her husband's devotion and also her status as wife of the village's most senior inhabitant, which makes her one of the inner circle of village wives. Her youthful appearance suggests that she is less than half her husband's age; she is also a lot taller. Although as ambitious and gossip-prone as the other wives, she has also shown herself to be very quick-witted. She is an excellent seamstress but has Geriatrix do most of the housework. She rules her home and marriage, and regularly tells her husband what to do even in direct contradiction of his own stated opinions. She does seem to be happily married, however, and the only serious conflict in her marriage is her occasional apparent interest in Obelix which makes her husband insanely jealous. On one occasion, she is offered the magic potion. She does not appear to be interested and says that it's very fattening, while staring at Obelix. She appears to be in favour of women's rights, as shown in Asterix and the Secret Weapon. She eagerly accepted the radical changes in the village that occurred in this story. She and Impedimenta cause a gigantic fight in Mini Midi Maxi.

  • She has never been officially named and is always referred to by the local title for wife and the translation of her husband's name (Uderzo has stated she is partially based on his own wife and he wishes to retain an air of mystery). In Asterix and the Soothsayer, Impedimenta appears to address her as Myopia (which, given her choice of spouse would be extremely appropriate), but equally this may have been an invocation to a Gaulish Goddess (of short-sightedness) thus a double entendre.


First appearance: Asterix in Spain

Unhygienix is the village fishmonger, as was his father Unhealthix before him[citation needed]. His fish do not come from the sea near the village even though he has a fishing boat; instead they are transported all the way from Lutetia (and from Massilia in the German translations) as he believes they are of finer quality. He does not notice their smell, but most of the other villagers do and a lot of fights are caused by his stale fish, as when the blacksmith Fulliautomatix says: "Anyway, it [the fight] wouldn't have happened if they [the fish] were fresh!" and then Unhygenix slaps him with his fish. He regularly has fights about his fish with his friend Fulliautomatix, the village blacksmith, which often escalate to involve most of the village. Fulliautomatix says the fish are stale, Unhygienix throws a fish at him, he throws it back, it hits someone else, etc., and the whole village gets into a fight. This rivalry is a family tradition — their fathers also fought, and their children are continuing it. Despite this, his catch phrase is a scream to his wife, "Bacteria! Get the fish inside!" or "Save the sales!", in fights on the village he doesn't want to enter (i.e. fights that are not about his fish), when villagers buy or steal his fish to fight with.

  • French: Ordralfabétix (Ordre alphabétique, meaning "alphabetical order") — this is essentially the same in Spanish (Ordenalfabétix), Portuguese, Catalan and Italian (Ordinalfabetix), as well as Hebrew (לפיסדראלפאבטיקס, Lefisederalphabetix)
  • In English, he is Unhygienix ("unclean" from "unhygienic"), and in the Asterix and the Big Fight film he is called Fishstix.
  • In Dutch, he is Kostunrix ("costs a riks", riks being an old name for 2.50 Dutch guilders)
  • In German, he is Verleihnix (Verleih' nichts — "(I) do not lend anything")
  • In Swedish, he is Crabbofix (close to "crab and fish")
  • In Danish, he is Hørmetix (Hørme means "to stink")
  • In Norwegian, he is Hermetix (Hermetikk refers to the food contained in hermetic tin cans)
  • In Polish, he is Szykalfabetiks ("alphabetical order") or Ahigieniks ("unhygienic")
  • In Hungarian, he is Messesaglix ("stinks far")
  • In Serbian, he is Аеробикс (Aerobiks) — a pun on the word "aerobics"
  • In Portuguese, he is "Ordenalfabetix" ("alphabetic order")
  • In Esperanto, his name is Fiŝaĉiks ["fishachix"] (fiŝaĉorotten fish)
  • In Finnish, he is Amaryllix.
  • In Greek, he is Αλφαβητίξ (Alfavētix) meaning "alphabet" — formerly Καταλφαβητίξ (Katalfavētix) meaning "in alphabetical order".
  • In Turkish, he is Palamutiks. Palamut is Turkish for Bonito.
  • In Sinhala, he is කුණු මාලුවා(kunu maaluwa) meaning "The man with the rotten fish".
  • In Malaysia, the English version that was released in the newspapers, he was "Fishmix" maybe because of the negative implication that Unhygienix gives to the eating of fish.


First appearance: Asterix in Spain

Bacteria is the wife of Unhygienix. She is one of the inner circle of village wives. She is quiet and easy-going, but doesn't hesitate to say exactly what she thinks. She helps her husband run his shop, selling fish of dubious quality, and is unperturbed by the bizarre uses to which they are sometimes put. They have two sons (whose names have not been mentioned) — one with blonde hair in Asterix in Corsica, and the other with red hair in Asterix and the Secret Weapon. In Asterix and Obelix's Birthday: The Golden Book the blonde son is seen having taken over the shop but rather than to import the fish from Lutetia, he gets the fish he sells from the nearby sea. This displeases his father who fears that the "good name of the shop will go to waste" that way.

  • French: Iélosubmarine (a pun on "Yellow Submarine") — a variant of this is used in most translations.
  • In English, bacteria is the name for a kingdom of microorganisms, some of which are responsible for various diseases, keeping the same unsanitary character as her husband's name.
  • In Dutch, she is Forentientje (voor een tientje means "for a ten-guilder bill", keeping the same monetary nature as the translation of her husband's name).
  • In Scandinavian, she is Remouladine. (After the dressing, remoulade, popular in Scandinavia and often eaten along with fish.)[citation needed]
  • In Polish she is Jelousubmarina, which is "yellow submarine" written according to Polish pronunciation and with a female ending.


Fulliautomatix is the village smith. His father, Semiautomatix, was the village smith before him. He is tall and robust, and very strong — he is one of the strongest characters, perhaps second only to Obelix, and a bit of a bully. Fulliautomatix's first appearance was in the first volume, Asterix the Gaul, where the Roman spy was amazed that he used his fists to forge iron. However, he is subsequently shown using a normal hammer and is now rarely seen without one. A very different looking Fulliautomatix appeared in Asterix and the Banquet in which he and Obelix argue as to who should be entitled to punch the Roman that they are both engaged in hitting anyway.

Fulliautomatix often interacts with Unhygienix, the fishmonger, with whom he has a friendly rivalry. Fulliautomatix claims the fish he sells are stale, and this often results in Unhygienix throwing a fish at his face, causing a fight (sometimes the other villagers join in just for fun).[6] Fulliautomatix also takes great pleasure in bullying, breaking the lyre of Cacofonix the bard, threatening him and hitting him on the head at the merest hint of breaking into a song (the songs are so bad that the other villagers do not object) — this happens so frequently that Cacofonix only protests about it if he hadn't intended to sing in the first place (such as in Asterix and Cleopatra, where it turned out Cacofonix just wanted to tell Fulliautomatix that he was standing on Cacofonix's foot). It has been stated that he is perhaps the ancestor of all music critics. On the other hand, he is occasionally beaten up by Geriatrix when he is provoked by some comment the smith makes. When this happens he will often take out his frustration on the nearest convenient bystander (Cacofonix for preference) on the grounds that he does not feel he can fight back against someone so old, which only helps to further incense the old man. He could possibly be Geriatrix's grandson. On p. 15 of the English version of Asterix at the Olympic Games Fulliautomatix calls Geriatrix "Grandpa!". However the term is often used in informal English as a derogatory term for any old man by a younger person.

Fulliautomatix also has two unnamed children who have appeared in separate comics — a son with blond hair in Asterix in Corsica, and a daughter with blonde hair in Asterix and the Secret Weapon. In Asterix and the Great Divide he is shown as having an apprentice, though it is not indicated whether or not they are related; some speculate that he is the young son grown to teenage years. In Asterix and Obelix's Birthday: The Golden Book Fulliautomatix is seen as an elderly man with his now adult son having taken over business, the scene begins with his son making steel dentures for Fulliautomatix who has gone toothless over the years.

  • French: Cétautomatix (c'est automatique, meaning "it is automatic") — the languages of Iberia follow fairly literally: Esautomátix in Spanish, Esautomàtix in Catalan and Zetautomatix in Basque; in Portuguese Ceutautomatix or Éautomatix.
  • In English, the name is a pun on "fully automatic"
  • In German and Italian he is simply Automatix.
  • In Greek he is Αυτοματίξ (Automatix)
  • In Polish, he is Automatiks, or Tenautomatiks.
  • In Esperanto, his name is Tutaŭtomatiks.
  • In Dutch, he is Hoefnix — a double pun: hoef means "hoove" and the phrase ik hoef niks means "I don't need/have to do anything".
  • In Brazilian Portuguese, he is just Automatix.
  • In Danish, Norwegian and Latin, he is Armamix — in Latin, armo means to provide arms, to equip with weapons.
  • In Icelandic versions, he is Ryðríkur. Ironically, Ryð means "rust" in Icelandic.
  • In Swedish versions, Smidefix (as a pun on the words "smith" and "fix")
  • In Turkish, he is Tamotomatiks, meaning "fully automatic".
  • In Finnish, he is Caravellix, possibly as a pun on the boat model Karaveli, meaning Caravel. It also could be a reference to the French-built Sud Aviation Caravelle jetliners.
  • In Serbian, he is Металопластикс (Metaloplastiks), as a pun on the words "metal" and "plastics", but also on the name of the famous handball team Metaloplastika from Šabac
  • In Hindi translation, he is बदबोलिक्स लोहातोडिक्स (Badbolix Lohatodix), which means "ill-spoken iron-breaker"
  • In Hebrew, נשקאוטומאטיקס (Neshek-Otomatix) means "automatic weapon".

Mrs. Fulliautomatix

First appearance: Asterix and the Roman Agent

Mrs. Fulliautomatix is one of the inner circle of village wives. One of the shortest women in the village, and possessing of a steep and pointy nose, she takes no nonsense and dominates her much larger husband. Although she appears often, she has never been named in the stories. She has been known to beat up Cacofonix on occasion as well, in (Asterix and the Secret Weapon). She has a brother, as mentioned by her husband in Asterix and the Black Gold.

Julius Caesar

Main article: Julius Caesar (historical)

Julius Caesar (Jules César) is the Roman dictator and main antagonist of the comics. Many of the stories involve his schemes finally to conquer this last Gaulish village holding out against his legions. At other times, the village has (indirectly) come to his aid, but more often it is a major embarrassment to him in the Roman senate — in at least one book, the entire senate is laughing at him after a failed plan. Despite this, there is always a mutual respect shown between him and Asterix, and the feeling that he's not such a bad guy (aside from trying to conquer them). He is also shown to be a man of honour, since whenever Asterix and Obelix somehow end up helping Caesar, Caesar always grants them any favour they ask. He goes so far as to rebuild the entire Gaulish village when it was destroyed by Brutus who was trying to kidnap Caesar's son, whom Asterix returned safely to his family (Asterix and Son). The appearance of Caesar is based on portraits found on ancient Roman coins.

The Pirates

Asterix parodies on the left, Barbe Rouge originals at right

In the course of their travels, Asterix and Obelix regularly cross paths with — and beat up — a group of pirates. The Gauls then proceed to sink their ship, causing the pirates severe financial difficulties. The pirates make their first appearance in the fourth album (Asterix the Gladiator), and feature in almost every subsequent album.

On one occasion (in Asterix the Legionary) after the wreck the pirates were depicted in a scene similar to Théodore Géricault's Raft of the Medusa. In the English version of this scene, the captain also refers to an ancient Gaulish artist called "Jericho", an alternative spelling of the name Géricault.

Such is the fear that the pirates have for the Gauls that, having unknowingly taken them aboard, they fled their own ship in the middle of the night while the subjects of their fear were sound asleep (Asterix in Corsica). At other times, it is Asterix and Obelix who have boarded the pirates' vessel and captured booty, thus reversing their roles of hunter and prey. This has happened mainly in the quest for food in an empty ocean (Asterix in Spain). On another occasion, Asterix and Obelix take all the food on the ship, leaving the pirates with a single sausage for the Captain's birthday (Asterix and the Great Crossing). It happened again (in Asterix and the Magic Carpet) with Asterix leaving a single coin for payment; the Captain told his depressed crew that it was better than nothing and that at least they still had the ship, but then their lookout proudly announced that he had upheld their honour and scuttled the ship himself. The other pirates were not impressed.

This "honorable suicide-sinking" has actually happened in earlier Asterix adventures, such as in Asterix and Cleopatra when the captain himself sunk the ship, reasoning that that would be the eventual outcome and doing it themselves would spare them a punch-up. Curiously enough, at the end of the same adventure, he and his crew were having to work as rowers aboard the very galley taking the Gauls back home and he announced the unusual determination to hunt them down and get his revenge. On another occasion, the pirates destroyed their ship simply at the sight of Asterix and all his fellow villagers in another taking them to the Olympic Games. In this event, though, the villagers did not attack since the captain of their ship announced that attacking the pirates would cost them extra.

On two occasions, Asterix also forced the Captain to spend all his hard-won loot on the merchandise of Ekonomikrisis the Phoenician merchant (Asterix and the Black Gold). On one occasion (The Mansions of the Gods) the Pirates appear on land, as part of the group of slaves (later freed) in the story. However, in one story so far - Asterix and the Cauldron - they end up happy for a change when a cauldron full of money that Asterix has been chasing throughout the story is tipped over a cliff and lands in their laps.

The main pirates are:

  • Redbeard (Barbe Rouge) — captain of the pirates.
  • Pegleg (Triple Patte) — an old pirate with a wooden leg who makes classical quotations in Latin.
  • The Unnamed Pirate Lookout (Baba) — the African pirate in the crow's nest. He also has a cousin who is a gladiator (see Asterix and the Cauldron). In the original French and some other language versions he fails to pronounce the letters 'R' and 'L', leaving blanks in his speech. Early English translations also had him speaking something that resembled Jamaican Patois but this has been replaced by standard British English in re-editions, his manner of speaking no longer being a source of humour.
  • Erix — the captain's son. Seen in Asterix and the Banquet, he is mentioned in Asterix and Cleopatra as being left as a deposit on a new ship.

In addition a number of members of the pirate crew are sight gags, some of whom have appeared on more than one occasion such as Frankenstein's Monster and a Mongol warrior.

It should also be noted that in the films where the pirates are seen, Erix replaces Pegleg on the jetsam with Redbeard.


The main pirates are based on the French comic series, Barbe Rouge (1959 and continuing). The adventures of Barbe Rouge (Redbeard) and his son Eric were published in the comic Pilote, where Asterix' adventures were also published prior to appearing in book form.

Although Barbe Rouge is a popular character in his own right in continental Europe, the popularity of Asterix's pirates is one of the few occasions when parody figures have overshadowed their originals.

Minor recurring characters

Original (French) name is given in parentheses when different.

Historical figures

The surrender of Vercingetorix to Caesar, by Lionel-Noël Royer.
  • Queen Cleopatra (Cléopâtre) — Queen of Egypt. Other characters often make remarks about her beautiful nose. She appears on the cover of Asterix and Cleopatra, where Asterix, Obelix and Getafix are asked for aid from an Egyptian architect to build a palace in three months, as Cleopatra has a bet with Caesar to show the greatness of the Egyptians and has threatened to feed the architect to the crocodiles if he fails. She is also in Asterix and Son- where she sends her son by Caesar to Asterix for safe keeping as Brutus has tried to kill him- and Asterix and Obelix All at Sea, where she is in Rome with Caesar, is less tanned and has a differently shaped nose. Her appearance in the comic is seemingly based on Elizabeth Taylor's screen depiction of the historical figure.
  • Brutus — Marcus Junius Brutus, Caesar's adopted son. Constantly plays with a knife, a reference to him being one of Caesar's assassins in real life. This is alluded to in Asterix and the Soothsayer, where a soothsayer tells Caesar that if he keeps Brutus near he will come to no harm. Caesar often uses the Shakespearean quote: "Et tu, Brute?" to him for various purposes. Brutus appears in minor roles in various books, and has a major role in Asterix and Son, where his plot to kill Caesar and Cleopatra's infant son to secure his place as Caesar's heir prompts him to attack the village when Cleopatra sends her son there for safety, causing Caesar to send him to Upper Germania. Brutus's physical appearance is arguably different in each of his appearances.
  • Pompey (Pompée) — Caesar's greatest enemy and a former consul of Rome. He is mentioned in Asterix the Gladiator, Asterix the Legionary and Asterix and the Roman Agent and appears in person in Asterix and the Actress, where he is the book's antagonist, seeking valuable pieces of armour that have been given to Asterix and Obelix as birthday presents.
  • Metellus Scipio (Scipion) — Another of Caesar's enemies, allied to Pompey. Caesar defeated him in the Battle of Thapsus, as depicted in Asterix the Legionary. Note that Pompey doesn't make an appearance there, as he was assassinated before these events took place (though he anachronistically surfaces in Asterix and the Actress later).
  • Caesarion — Caesar and Cleopatra's baby boy. Appears in Asterix and Son where he is sent to the village for safety. He drinks magic potion twice, causing trouble for the villagers and the Romans sent to capture him, but it has worn of by the end and he is reunited with his family. He shows a liking for sleeping under trees.
  • Spartacus — Gladiator and rebellion leader, resembling Kirk Douglas in Spartacus. Appears in Asterix and Obelix All at Sea although in the album he is a Greek named Spartakis, and is accompanied by a group of multi-national slaves after stealing Caesar's own galley. By the end the slaves have decided to stay in Atlantis, and become children like most of the other inhabitants due to the magic of the Priest there.
  • VercingetorixArvernian chieftain, who is shown as a historical figure surrendering Gaul in various books by throwing his arms at the feet of Caesar, which comically hurt Caesar's feet. His shield is at the centre of Asterix and the Chieftain's Shield.
  • Cassivellaunus — British chieftain who resists the Roman invasion.[7] Appears in Asterix in Britain. After Asterix makes a fake magic potion which gives the village the morale to beat the Romans, Cassivellaunus says they will make the fake potion their national drink, it is revealed to be tea.


  • Monosyllabix and Polysyllabix (Petitélégrafix) — Villagers that appear together, first in Obelix and Co., where they appear on the cover. They also appear in Asterix in Belgium and Asterix and the Secret Weapon.
  • Obese lady — another of Impedimenta's inner circle of village wives, however unlike the others her husband and name are unknown.
  • Soporifix (Plantaquatix) — father of Panacea who is mentioned in Asterix the Legionary, but not seen until Asterix and the Actress.
  • Other villagers mentioned by name (and presumed to be recurring part of crowd scenes):
  • Chanticleerix (Chanteclairix) — the village's rooster. Has a crush on Vitalstatistix's helmet.



  • Gracchus Armisurplus (Gracchus Nenjetepus) — Centurion of Compendium (Petibonum) for Asterix the Gladiator and Asterix and the Banquet; however his name is translated differently in each album.
  • Tremensdelirius (Roméomontaigus) — an old, drunken Roman legionary veteran; he causes trouble in Asterix and Caesar's Gift and in Asterix and the Actress. He is the first "one-shot" background character to reappear in the series after a decade-long absence.
  • Caius Fatuous — A gladiator trainer who is a major character in Asterix the Gladiator and is mentioned in Asterix and the Banquet
  • Jailer — A fat bald man with a big nose and whip who wears a leather kilt and fetish-style cross straps. He appears in Asterix and the Laurel Wreath, The Mansions of the Gods (as a slave driver) and in the movie The 12 Tasks of Asterix.
  • Ignoramus — Centurion sent to relieve Scrofulus' garrison in Obelix and Co. He also appears in Asterix in Corsica but looks slightly different.
  • Crismus Bonus — A centurion who appears in Asterix the Gaul and Asterix and Obelix vs Caesar. In the animated version of Asterix the Gaul, he is named Phonus Balonus
  • Magnumopus — Appeared in Asterix and the Roman Agent, a roman legionary. He is very big and strong and misunderstands the meaning of psychological warfare; he does not use a pilum or a sword, he uses a club instead. He is used himself his small head and helmet makes the villagers think a small Roman attacked a villager.
  • Infirmofpurpus — Appeared in Asterix and the big fight and the film Operation Getafix, a roman legionary. He is unlucky to be leading a roman patrol when he is hit by a flying cauldron.
  • Obsequilis — Appears in Asterix in Spain, and speaks with a lisp after being punched by the commander-in-chief who has stolen magic potion from Asterix.
  • Tortuous Convolvulus (Lucius Détritus) — Roman agent sent to stir up dissensions among the Gauls, and succeeds in making the Gauls (and accidentally some of the Romans) think the Romans have the magic potion. Appears in Asterix and the Roman Agent and the live action film Asterix and Obelix vs Caesar.
  • Centurions Dubious Status and Nefarious Purpus command the unit of Roman infantry which Asterix and Obelix join in Asterix the Legionary.
  • Vitriolix is Caesar's spy in Asterix the Legionary.


  • Anticlimax (Jolitorax) — Asterix's first cousin, once removed. He lives in a British village holding out against the Romans in Asterix in Britain (he appears on the cover). He also appears in Asterix in Corsica and has a nephew who is an escaped galley slave in Asterix and Obelix All at Sea.
  • Mykingdomforanos, McAnix and O'veroptimistix — British chieftains representing England, Scotland and Ireland respectively who appear in Asterix in Britain and Asterix in Corsica.
  • Petitsuix — Swiss innkeeper who appears in Asterix in Switzerland and Asterix in Corsica. His name is a pun on petit suisse, a French cheese.
  • Pepe (Pépé) — young spoilt son of the chief of an Iberian village holding out against the Romans; he appears on the cover of Asterix in Spain in which he is taken hostage by Caesar, but rescued and returned by Asterix and Obelix. He makes life difficult for the Gauls as well as for the Romans, though even Obelix is upset when they finally part. He is one of the few people who likes Cacofonix's music, and also has a soft spot for Dogmatix. He visits the village again in Asterix in Corsica.
  • Ekonomikrisis (Epidemaïs) — a Phoenician merchant who appears in Asterix the Gladiator and also Asterix and the Black Gold, helpign Asterix and Obelix travel to and from Rome and Tyre respectively. He also appeared in the animated adaptation of Asterix In Britain, but not by name.
  • Edifis (Numérobis) — an Egyptian architect and old friend of Getafix.[12] His personality is extended in the movie Asterix & Obelix: Mission Cleopatra by making him not only younger but much more excentric. This version appears with a small role in the movie Asterix at the Olympic Games.
  • Olaf Timandahaf (Olaf Grossebraf) — Viking chieftain who kidnaps Justforkix in Asterix and the Normans. In the film adaption, he has a wife named Ikea and a daughter named Abba who ends up as Justforkix's wife.



  1. ^ Asterix and the Normans p. 20
  2. ^ Asterix and the Chieftain's Shield, p. 5
  3. ^ Arrian, Campaigns of Alexander, p. 49
  4. ^ Asterix and the Soothsayer, p. 15
  5. ^ Asterix the Gladiator
  6. ^ Asterix in Belgium
  7. ^ Asterix in Britain, p. 3
  8. ^ Obelix and Co, p. 8
  9. ^ Asterix and Cleopatra p. 48
  10. ^ Asterix and Caesar's Gift (p. 32)
  11. ^ Asterix and the Vikings (p. 10)
  12. ^ "Asterix and Cleopatra". Asterix NZ. Retrieved 2010-12-31. [dead link]
  13. ^ Asterix and the big fight
  14. ^ Asterix and the magic carpet, p. 43
  15. ^ Obelix and Co p. 6
  16. ^ Obelix and Co, p. 27
  17. ^ "New Zealand Asterix fans website". Asterix NZ. Retrieved 2010-12-31. [dead link]

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