Operation Windmill

Operation Windmill
Supplies for the Windmill Expedition, 1947

Operation Windmill (OpWml) was the United States Navy's Second Antarctica Developments Project, an exploration and training mission to Antarctica in 1947–1948. This operation was a follow up to the First Antarctica Development Project known as Operation Highjump. The expedition was commanded by Commander Gerald L. Ketchum, USN, and the flagship of Task Force 39 was the USS Burton Island. The USS Edisto (AG-89) sailed on 1 November 1947 for the Panama Canal to rendezvous with the Burton Island for the expedition.[1] [2]


 This article incorporates public domain material from websites or documents of the United States Coast Guard.

  1. ^ US Department of Homeland Security. United States Coast Guard Historian's Office. http://www.uscg.mil/history/webcutters/Edisto_1965.asp
  2. ^ U.S. NAVY SECOND ANTARCTICA DEVELOPMENTS PROJECT, OPERATION WINDMILL, 1947–1948. http://www.south-pole.com/windmill.htm

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