Discontinued merit badges (Boy Scouts of America)

Discontinued merit badges (Boy Scouts of America)

This is a list of merit badges formerly offered by the Boy Scouts of America. In some cases, the entire subject has been dropped from the merit badge roster. In others, the merit badge's name has been changed, with or without significant revision to the badge's requirements.

In 2010, in celebration of Scouting's 100th anniversary, four historical merit badges were reintroduced for one year only— Carpentry, Pathfinding, Signaling and Tracking (formerly Stalking). Bugling merit badge was briefly discontinued in 2010 but reinstated after complaints from volunteers.

Merit badge Created Discontinued Notes Related subjects References
Aerodynamics 1941 1952 Created in 1941 with Aeronautics to replace Aviation; replaced, along with Aeronautics, by Aviation in 1952 Aerodynamics
Aeronautics 1941 1952 Created in 1941 with Aerodynamics, to replace Aviation; replaced, along with Aerodynamics, by Aviation in 1952 Aeronautics
Agribusiness 1987 1995 Replaced Farm and Ranch Management, Discontinued in 1995 Agribusiness
Agriculture 1911 1975 Replaced by Animal Science and Plant Science in 1975 Agriculture
Airplane Design 1942 1952 Replaced, along with Airplane Structure, by Aviation in 1952 Fixed-wing aircraft
Airplane Structure 1942 1952 Replaced, along with Airplane Design, by Aviation in 1952 Fixed-wing aircraft
Ambulance 1910 1911 Replaced by First Aid in 1911 First aid
Angling 1911 1951 Renamed Fishing 1951 Angling, Fishing
Animal Industry 1928 1975 Replaced by Animal Science in 1975 Animal science
Atomic energy 1963 2005 Replaced by Nuclear Science in 2005 Nuclear energy
Auto Mechanics 1992 2009 Renamed Automotive Maintenance in 2009 Auto mechanic
Automobiling 1911 1963 Replaced by Automotive Safety in 1963 Automobile safety
Automotive Safety 1962 1975 Replaced by Traffic Safety in 1975 Automobile safety
Aviation 1911 1941 Replaced by Aerodynamics and Aeronautics in 1941; reintroduced in 1952 to replace Aerodynamics, Aeronautics, Airplane Design, and Airplane Structure Transportation
Bee Keeping 1915 1995 Renamed Beekeeping in 1955, then discontinued in 1995 Beekeeping
Beef Production 1928 1975 Replaced by Animal Science in 1975 Beef cattle
Beefarming 1911 1914 Renamed Bee Keeping in 1915 Beekeeping
Blacksmithing 1911 1952 Discontinued in 1952 Blacksmith, Forging
Bookbinding 1927 1987 Merged into Graphic Arts, 1987 Bookbinding
Botany 1921 1995 Discontinued in 1995 Botany
Business 1911 1966 Replaced Clerk, replaced by American Business in 1966 and Entrepreneurship in 1998 Business
Carpentry 1911 1952 Discontinued in 1952, reintroduced for 2010 only Carpentry
Cement Work 1927 1952 Discontinued in 1952
Citizenship 1947 1951 Replaced Civics, replaced by Citizenship in the Community, Citizenship in the Nation and Citizenship in the World and Citizenship in the Home and World Brotherhood in 1951 Citizenship
Citizenship in the Home 1952 1972 Replaced Citizenship, discontinued in 1972, replaced by Family Life in 1992 Family
Citrus Fruit Culture 1931 1952 Replaced by Fruit and Nut Growing in 1952 Citrus
Civics 1911 1946 Replaced by Citizenship in 1946 Citizenship
Clerk 1910 1911 Replaced by Business in 1911 Business
Conservation 1911 1952 Replaced by Wildlife Management in 1952 and Conservation of Natural Resources in 1966 Conservation movement, Habitat conservation
Conservation of Natural Resources 1966 1974 Replaced Conservation, replaced by Environmental Science in 1974 Conservation movement, Habitat conservation
Consumer Buying 1975 1995 Discontinued in 1995 Consumerism
Corn Farming 1928 1975 Replaced by Plant Science in 1975 Maize
Cotton Farming 1931 1975 Replaced by Plant Science in 1975 Cotton
Craftsmanship 1911 1927 Replaced by Basketry, Bookbinding, Cement Work, Leathercraft, Metalwork, Pottery, Wood Carving, and Woodwork in 1927 Artisan
Cyclist 1910 1911 Replaced by Cycling in 1911 Cycling
Dairying 1911 1975 Replaced by Animal Science in 1975 Dairy farming
Dramatics 1932 1966 Replaced by Theatre in 1966 Acting
Electrician 1910 1911 Replaced by Electricity in 1911 Electrician
Farm and Ranch Management 1979 1987 Replaced by Agribusiness in 1987 Agribusiness
Farm Arrangement 1960 1973 Replaced Farm Home and Its Planning, replaced by Farm Arrangements in 1973 Agriculture, Agricultural science
Farm Arrangements 1974 1979 replaced by Farm and Ranch Management in 1979 Agriculture, Agricultural science
Farm Home and Its Planning 1928 1959 Replaced by Farm Arrangement in 1959 Agriculture, Agricultural science
Farm Record and Bookkeeping 1928 1958 Replaced by Farm Records in 1958 Agriculture, Agricultural science
Farm Records 1959 1979 Replaced Farm Records and Bookkeeping, replaced by Farm and Ranch Management in 1979 Agriculture, Agricultural science
Fireman 1910 1911 Replaced by Firemanship in 1911 Firefighter, Fire safety
Firemanship 1911 1995 Replaced Fireman, replaced by Fire Safety in 1995 Firefighter, Fire safety
First Aid to Animals 1911 1995 Replaced by Veterinary Science in 1972, which was renamed Veterinary Medicine in 1995 Veterinary medicine
Food Systems 1978 1987 Merged into Plant Science in 1987 Food systems, Botany
Forage Crops 1959 1975 Replaced Grasses, Legumes and Forage Crops, replaced by Plant Science in 1975 Forage
Foundry Practice 1923 1952 Discontinued in 1952, Metalwork now covers this topic Foundry
Fruit and Nut Growing 1953 1975 Replaced Citrus Fruit Culture, Fruit Culture, and Nut Culture, replaced by Plant Science in 1975 Fruit, Nut
Fruit Culture 1928 1952 Replaced by Fruit and Nut Growing in 1952 Fruit
Gardener 1910 1911 Replaced by Gardening in 1911 Gardening
General Science 1972 1995 Replaced Zoology, discontinued in 1995 Science
Grasses, Legumes and Forage Crops 1938 1958 Replaced by Forage Crops in 1958 Grass, Legume, Forage
Handicap Awareness 1985 1993 Replaced Handicapped Awareness, replaced by Disabilities Awareness in 1993 Disability, Disability studies
Handicapped Awareness 1980 1984 Replaced by Handicap Awareness in 1984 Disability, Disability studies
Handicraft 1911 1942 Replaced by Home Repairs in 1942 Home repair
Hog and Pork Production 1928 1958 Replaced by Hog Production in 1958 Pork
Hog Production 1959 1975 Replaced Hog and Pork Production, replaced by Animal Science in 1975 Pork
Horseman 1910 1911 Replaced by Horsemanship in 1911 Equestrianism
Insect Life 1923 1984 Replaced by Insect Study in 1984 Entomology
Interpreting 1911 1952 Merged into World Brotherhood in 1952 Interpreting
Invention 1911 1915 Discontinued in 1915, earned by only 10 Scouts, no known surviving specimens Invention
Landscape Gardening 1930 1958 Replaced by Landscaping in 1958 Landscaping
Landscaping 1959 1966 Replaced Landscape Gardening, replaced by Landscape Architecture in 1966 Landscaping
Leathercraft 1927 1952 Replaced Leatherworking and Craftsmanship, replaced by Leatherwork in 1952 Leather crafting
Leatherworking 1911 1927 Replaced by Leathercraft in 1927 Leather crafting
Machinery 1911 1995 Discontinued in 1995 Machine
Mammals 1972 1984 Replaced Zoology, replaced by Mammal Study in 1985 Mammal
Marksman 1910 1911 Replaced by Marksmanship in 1911 Shooting
Marksmanship 1911 1966 Replaced by Rifle and Shotgun Shooting in 1966 Shooting
Masonry 1911 1995 Discontinued in 1995 Masonry
Master-At-Arms 1910 1911 Discontinued in 1911 Martial arts
Mechanical Drawing 1933 1964 Replaced by Drafting in 1964 Technical drawing
Metallurgy 1965 1971 Replaced by Metals Engineering in 1971 Metallurgy
Metals Engineering 1972 1995 Replaced Metallurgy Discontinued in 1995, now Metalwork Metallurgy
Mining 1911 1937 Replaced by Rocks and Minerals in 1937 Mining
Musician 1910 1911 Replaced by Music in 1911 Music
Nut Culture 1928 1954 Replaced by Fruit and Nut Growing in 1954 Nut
Ornithology 1911 1915 Replaced by Bird Study in 1915 Ornithology
Pathfinding 1911 1952 Discontinued in 1952, reintroduced for 2010 only Blazing, Orienteering
Personal Finances 1962 1971 Replaced by Personal Management in 1971 Personal finance
Personal Health 1911 1952 Replaced by Personal Fitness in 1952 Physical fitness
Physical Development 1914 1952 Replaced by Personal Fitness in 1952 Physical fitness
Pigeon Raising 1933 1980 Merged into Bird Study in 1980 Pigeon keeping
Pioneer 1910 1911 Replaced by Pioneering in 1911 Pioneering
Poultry Farming 1911 1913 Replaced by Poultry Keeping in 1913 Poultry
Poultry Keeping 1914 1974 Replaced Poultry Farming, replaced by Animal Science in 1974 Poultry
Printing 1911 1981 Replaced Printing/Communication in 1981 Printing
Printing/Communication 1982 1989 Merged into Graphic Arts Printing
Rabbit Raising 1943 1993 Discontinued in 1993 Rabbit
Reptile Study 1927 1993 Replaced Reptiles, replaced by Reptile and Amphibian Study in 1993 Herpetology
Reptiles 1923 1927 Replaced by Reptile Study in 1927 Herpetology
Rifle and Shotgun Shooting 1967 1987 Replaced Marksmanship, replaced by Rifle Shooting and Shotgun Shooting in 1987 Shooting
Rocks and Minerals 1937 1953 Replaced Mining, replaced by Geology in 1953 Geology
Safety First 1916 1926 Replaced by Safety in 1926 Safety
Seaman 1910 1911 Replaced by Seamanship in 1911 Seamanship
Seamanship 1911 1964 Split into Motorboating and Small-Boat Sailing Seamanship
Sheep Farming 1928 1975 Replaced by Animal Science in 1975 Domestic sheep
Signaller 1910 1911 Replaced by Signalling in 1911 Flag semaphore
Signaling 1911 1992 Discontinued in 1992, reintroduced for 2010 only Flag semaphore, Morse code
Skiing 1938 1999 Replaced by Snow Sports in 1999 Skiing
Small Grains 1959 1975 Replaced Small Grains and Cereal Foods, replaced by Plant Science in 1975 Cereal
Small Grains and Cereal Foods 1941 1958 Replaced by Small Grains in 1958 Cereal
Soil Management 1928 1952 Replaced by Soil and Water Conservation in 1952 Erosion, Soil science
Stalker 1910 1915 Replaced by Stalking in 1915 Tracking
Stalking 1915 1952 Replaced Stalker, discontinued in 1952, reintroduced as Tracking for 2010 only Tracking
Taxidermy 1911 1952 Discontinued in 1952 Taxidermy
Textiles 1927 1972 Replaced by Textile in 1972 Textile
Veterinary Science 1973 1995 Replaced First Aid to Animals, replaced by Veterinary Medicine in 1995
Waterskiing 1969 2007 Replaced by Water Sports in 2007
Wildlife Management 1952 1972 Replaced Conservation, replaced by Fish and Wildlife Management in 1972
Wireless 1919 1923 Replaced by Radio in 1923 Radio
Wood Turning 1930 1952 Discontinued in 1952 Woodturning
World Brotherhood 1952 1972 Replaced part of Citizenship, replaced by Citizenship in the World in 1972

The original badge design was a globe, then in 1968 it was changed to be the Scout sign on a blue background

Zoology 1930 1972 Replaced by General Science and Mammals in 1972 Zoology

Original 57 merit badges

See also


  • Duersch Jr., Fred (2003). Merit Badge Field Guide. Downs Printing Inc. 

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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