

Forage is plant material (mainly plant leaves and stems) eaten by grazing livestock. [cite book|author=Fageria, N.K.|year=1997|title=Growth and Mineral Nutrition of Field Crops|publisher=Marcel Dekker|location=NY,NY|pages=p.595] Historically the term forage has meant only plants eaten by the animals directly as pasture, crop residue, or immature cereal crops, but it is also used more loosely to include similar plants cut for fodder and carried to the animals, especially as hay or silage. [cite book|author=Fageria, N.K.|year=1997|title=Growth and Mineral Nutrition of Field Crops|publisher=Marcel Dekker|location=NY,NY|pages=p.583]

Common forages


[cite book|author=Murphy, Bill|year=1998|title=Greener Pastures On Your Side of the Fence|publisher=Arriba Publishing|location=Colchester, Vermont|pages=p.19-20]
*"Brachiaria decumbens
*"Brachiara humidicola
*"Bothriochloa pertusa
*"Bothrioochloa bladhii
*"Heteropogon contortus
*"Themeda triandra
*"Panicum maximum
*"Cenchrus ciliaris
*"Melinis minutiflora
*"Setaria sphacelata
*"Chloris guyana
*"Cynodon dactylon
*"Paspalum dilatatum
*"Hyparrhenia rufa
*"Echinochloa pyrmaidalis
*"Leersia hexandra
*"Hymenachne amplexicaulis
*"Entolasia imbricata
*Bluegrasses or meadow-grasses ("Poa" species)
**Kentucky bluegrass or smooth meadow-grass ("Poa pratensis")
**Rough meadow-grass ("Poa trivialis")
**Texas bluegrass ("Poa arachnifera")
*Bromegrass or brome ("Bromus" species)
*False oat-grass ("Arrhenatherum elatius")
*Fescues ("Festuca" species):
**Red fescue ("Festuca rubra")
**Meadow fescue ("Festuca pratensis")
**Tall fescue ("Festuca arundinacea")
*Orchard grass or cock's-foot ("Dactylis glomerata")
*Reed canary-grass ("Phalaris arundinacea")
*Ryegrasses ("Lolium" species):
**Annual or Italian ryegrass ("Lolium multiflorum")
**Perennial ryegrass ("Lolium perenne")
*Timothy-grass or timothy ("Phleum pratense")

Herbaceous Legumes

[cite book|author=Murphy, Bill|year=1998|title=Greener Pastures On Your Side of the Fence|publisher=Arriba Publishing|location=Colchester, Vermont|pages=p.20]

*"Stylosanthes sacbea"
*"Stylosanthes humilis"
*"Chamaecrista rotundifolia"
*"Macroptilium atropurpeum"
*"Macroptilium bracteatum"
*"Medicago truncatula"
*"Glycine wightii"
*"Clitoria ternatea"
*"Arachis pintoi"
*"Vigna parkeri"
*Alfalfa or lucerne ("Medicago sativa')
*Bird's-foot trefoil ("Lotus corniculatus")
*Clovers ("Trifolium" species):
**Alsike clover ("Trifolium hybridum")
**Crimson clover ("Trifolium incarnatum")
**Red clover ("Trifolium pratense")
**White clover ("Trifolium repens")
*Sainfoin ("Onobrychis viciifolia")
*Sweetclover or melilot ("Melilotus" species)
*Vetches ("Vicia" species)
**Common vetch or tare ("Vicia sativa")
**Hairy vetch ("Vicia villosa")

Tree Legumes

*Leucaena leucocephala
*Albizia lebbeck
*Acacia aneura


[cite book|author=George, J. Ronald|year=1994|title=Extention Publications: Forage and Grain Crops|publisher=Kendall/Hunt|location=Dubuque,Iowa|pages=p.152]
*Corn (maize)
*Grass-legume mix

Crop residue

*Corn (maize) stover
*Soybean stover

ee also

* Grass-fed beef
* Foraging, a method of finding food
* Hunter-gatherers, humans who survive by foraging
* Forage (honeybee) can also refer to the plants that produce nectar, in the context of the animals that gather it, such as honeybees.


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  • Forage — vertical pour trouver de l eau Forage pour trouver du pétro …   Wikipédia en Français

  • forage — [ fɔraʒ ] n. m. • 1335; de forer ♦ Action de forer. Utilisation d une perceuse pour le forage des pièces métalliques. Forage d un puits. ⇒ fonçage. Forage pétrolier. ⇒ turboforage. Tour de forage. ⇒ derrick. Plateforme de forage. ⇒ offshore.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Forage — For age (?; 48), n. [OF. fourage, F. fourrage, fr. forre, fuerre, fodder, straw, F. feurre, fr. LL. foderum, fodrum, of German or Scand, origin; cf. OHG. fuotar, G. futter. See {Fodder} food, and cf. {Foray}.] 1. The act of foraging; search for… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Forage — For age, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Foraged}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Foraging}.] To wander or rove in search of food; to collect food, esp. forage, for horses and cattle by feeding on or stripping the country; to ravage; to feed on spoil. [1913 Webster] His… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • forage — 1. (fo ra j ) s. m. Action de forer ; résultat de cette action. Le forage d un canon, d un puits artésien. ÉTYMOLOGIE    Forer. SUPPLÉMENT AU DICTIONNAIRE 1. FORAGE. Ajoutez : 2°   Action d enlever une certaine quantité d or aux bijoux en… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Forage — For age, v. t. To strip of provisions; to supply with forage; as, to forage steeds. Pope. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • forage — [fôr′ij, fär′ij] n. [ME < OFr fourage < forre, fuerre, fodder < Frank * fodr, food, akin to OE fodor, FODDER] 1. food for domestic animals; fodder 2. a search for food or provisions vi. foraged, foraging [Fr fourrager < the n.] 1 …   English World dictionary

  • forage — index despoil, harry (plunder), hunt, loot, prey, spoil (pillage) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. Wi …   Law dictionary

  • forage — n fodder, provender, *food, feed, provisions, comestibles, victuals, viands …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • forage — [v] search madly for beat, cast about, comb, explore, fine tooth comb*, grub, hunt, pilfer, plunder, raid, rake, ransack, ravage, rummage, scour, scrounge, seek; concept 216 …   New thesaurus

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