- List of Superfund sites in Utah
This is a list of Superfund sites in Utah designated under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) environmental law. The CERCLA federal law of 1980 authorized the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to create a list of polluted locations requiring a long-term response to clean-up hazardous material contaminations.[1] These locations are known as Superfund sites, and are placed on the National Priorities List (NPL). The NPL guides the EPA in "determining which sites warrant further investigation" for environmental remediation.[2] As of May 1, 2010, there were sixteen Superfund sites on the National Priorities List in Utah.[2] Three more sites have been proposed for entry on the list and four others have been cleaned up and removed from it.[2]
Superfund sites
Proposed for addition to National Priorities List
Deleted from National Priorities ListCERCLIS ID Name County Reason Proposed[3] Listed[4] Construction
deleted[6]Deleted[7] UT0001119296 Bountiful/Woods Cross PCE Plume Davis Groundwater contamination by VOCs, primarily PCE and TCE, from petroleum distribution and dry cleaning companies.[8][9] 12/01/2000 09/13/2001 –––UTD988075719 Davenport and Flagstaff Smelters Salt Lake Soil contamination by lead and arsenic from smelting.[10] 12/01/2000 04/30/2003 –10/19/2004–UT0002240158 Eureka Mills Juab Soil contamination by lead and arsenic from mining and milling.[11] 06/14/2001 09/05/2002 –––UTN000802654 Five Points PCE Plume Davis Groundwater contamination by PCE from an unknown source.[12] 03/07/2007 09/19/2007 –––UT0571724350 Hill Air Force Base Davis and Weber Air, soil and groundwater contamination by VOCs, chromium, cadmium, manganese and arsenic from Air Force maintenance activities.[13] 10/15/1984 07/22/1987 –––UT0001277359 Intermountain Waste Oil Refinery Davis Stored waste and solvent contamination of soil and groundwater.[14] 10/12/1999 05/11/2000 10/01/2004––UTD093120921 International Smelting and Refining Tooele Arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, mercury and zinc contamination of soil.[15] 04/23/1999 07/27/2000 09/27/2007––UT0002391472 Jacobs Smelter Tooele Lead and arsenic contamination of soil.[16] 07/22/1999 02/04/2000 –09/04/200111/29/2005–UTD070926811 Kennecott (North Zone) Salt Lake Soil, groundwater, surface water and sludge contaminated by lead, arsenic and selenium from ore smelting and processing.[17] 01/18/1994 Deferred –––UTD081834277 Midvale Slag Salt Lake Soil, air, ground water, surface water, sediment and solid waste contaminated by lead, arsenic, chromium and cadmium from smelting.[18] 06/10/1986 02/11/1991 –––UT3890090035 Monticello Mill Tailings (DOE) San Juan Soil, groundwater, surface water, sediment and solid waste contaminated by uranium, thorium-230, radium-226, radon-222 and heavy metals including arsenic, selenium, vanadium, molybdenum and manganese from uranium milling operations associated with the Manhattan Project.[19] 07/14/1989 11/21/1989 09/29/200410/14/2003–UTD980667208 Monticello Radioactive Contaminated Properties San Juan Debris and soil and air contamination by radioactive dust and tailings from the Minticello Mill, and radon from radioactive decay.[20] 10/15/1989 06/10/1986 09/02/1999–02/28/2000 UTD980951420 Murray Smelter Salt Lake Groundwater, surface water, soil, sediment and debris contaminated by lead and arsenic from former ASARCO smelter.[21] 01/18/1994 ––––UT9210020922 Ogden Defense Depot (DLA) Weber Debris; groundwater contamination contaminated by VOCs; soil contamination by semi-volatile compounds, metals including arsenic, lead, zinc, cadmium, mercury and barium and pesticides.[22] 10/15/1984 07/22/1987 09/28/1995––UTD093119196 Petrochem Recycling Corp./Ekotek Plant Salt Lake Liquid waste, debris and residuals; groundwater, surface water and soil contamination by oil refining and recycling wastes, PCBs and acidic sludge. An owner and an operator of the plant were subsequently convicted of environmental crimes.[23] 07/29/1991 10/14/1992 04/12/2000–06/30/2003 UTD980718670 Portland Cement Salt Lake Debris and soil, air groundwater contamination from arsenic, lead, chromium, cadmium and molybdenum contained in cement kiln dust dumped on site.[24] 10/15/1984 06/10/1986 08/18/1998––UTD980952840 Richardson Flat Tailings Summit Groundwater, surface water and air contamination by arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, mercury, silver and zinc from mining and milling.[25] 02/07/1992 ––––UTD980635452 Rose Park Sludge Pit Salt Lake Solid waste and soil contamination from dumped acidic petroleum refinery waste sludge containing PAHs and sulfur dioxide, with potential for groundwater contamination.[26] 12/30/1982 09/18/1983 06/17/1992–06/03/2003 UTD980951388 Sharon Steel Corporation (Midvale Tailings) Salt Lake Liquid waste and air, surface water, groundwater and soil contamination by lead, arsenic, iron, manganese, zinc and other heavy metals. Local residents had been using tailings from the site for gardening and children's sandboxes.[27] 10/15/1984 08/30/1994 05/12/1999–09/24/2004 UT3213820894 Tooele Army Depot (North Area) Tooele Solid waste, debris and groundwater and soil contamination by explosives, lead, cadmium, barium, pesticides, hydrocarbons, solvents, waste oils and PCBs from maintenance, munitions disposal and other industrial activities.[28] 10/15/1984 08/30/1990 –––UTN000802704 U.S. Magnesium Tooele Largely uncontrolled release of heavy metals, acidic waste, PCBs, dioxins, furans, HCB and PAHs into the air, soil, surface water, and groundwater.[29] 09/03/2008 11/04/2009 –––UTD980667240 Utah Power & Light/American Barrel Co. Salt Lake Soil and groundwater contamination by PAHs, benzene, styrene, toluene, xylene, lead, pesticides and cyanides from wood treatment, coal gasification and barrel storage.[30] 05/05/1989 10/04/1989 09/30/1996––UTD000716399 Wasatch Chemical Co. Salt Lake Liquid and solid waste; air, surface water, groundwater and soil contamination by herbicides, pesticides and VOCs including xylene and toluene.[31] 01/22/1987 02/11/1991 09/30/1997––See also
- List of Superfund sites in the United States
- List of environmental issues
- List of waste types
- ^ P.L. 96-510, 42 U.S.C. §§ 9601–9675), December 11, 1980.
- ^ a b c "National Priorities List". United States Enivironmental Protection Agency. http://www.epa.gov/superfund/sites/npl/. Retrieved April 25, 2010.
- ^ "Proposed NPL sites". EPA. http://www.epa.gov/superfund/sites/query/queryhtm/nplprop.htm. Retrieved 2010-05-01.
- ^ "Final NPL sites". EPA. http://www.epa.gov/superfund/sites/query/queryhtm/nplfin.htm. Retrieved 2010-05-01.
- ^ "Construction Completions at NPL sites". EPA. http://www.epa.gov/superfund/sites/query/queryhtm/nplccl.htm. Retrieved 2010-05-01.
- ^ "Partial deletions at NPL sites". EPA. http://www.epa.gov/superfund/sites/query/queryhtm/nplpdel.htm. Retrieved 2010-05-01.
- ^ "Deleted NPL sites". EPA. http://www.epa.gov/superfund/sites/query/queryhtm/npldel.htm. Retrieved 2010-05-01.
- ^ "Bountiful/Woods Cross 5th South PCE Plume". EPA. http://www.epa.gov/region8/superfund/ut/bountifulwoods/. Retrieved 2010-04-30.
- ^ "NPL Site Narrative for Bountiful/Woods Cross 5th S. PCE Plume". EPA. http://www.epa.gov/superfund/sites/npl/nar1619.htm. Retrieved 2009-12-04.
- ^ "Davenport and Flagstaff Smelters". EPA. http://www.epa.gov/region8/superfund/ut/davenportflagstaff/index.html. Retrieved 2010-04-30.
- ^ "Eureka Mills". EPA. http://www.epa.gov/region8/superfund/ut/eureka/index.html. Retrieved 2010-04-30.
- ^ "Five Points PCE Plume". EPA. http://www.epa.gov/region8/superfund/ut/fivepoints/. Retrieved 2010-04-30.
- ^ "Hill Air Force Base". EPA. http://www.epa.gov/region8/superfund/ut/hillafb/index.html. Retrieved 2010-04-30.
- ^ "Intermountain Waste Oil Refinery". EPA. http://www.epa.gov/region8/superfund/ut/intermountain/index.html. Retrieved 2010-04-30.
- ^ "International Smelting and Refining". EPA. http://www.epa.gov/region8/superfund/ut/intrntnlsmelt/index.html. Retrieved 2010-04-30.
- ^ "Jacobs Smelter". EPA. http://www.epa.gov/region8/superfund/ut/jacobs/index.html. Retrieved 2010-04-30.
- ^ "Kennecott North Zone/Tailings". EPA. http://www.epa.gov/region8/superfund/ut/kennecottnorth/index.html. Retrieved 2010-04-30.
- ^ "midvale/index.html". EPA. http://www.epa.gov/region8/superfund/ut/midvale/index.html. Retrieved 2010-04-30.
- ^ "Monticello Mill Tailings (DOE)". EPA. http://www.epa.gov/region8/superfund/ut/monticello/index.html. Retrieved 2010-04-30.
- ^ "Monticello Vicinity Properties". EPA. http://www.epa.gov/region8/superfund/ut/monticelloradioact/. Retrieved 2010-04-30.
- ^ "Murray Smelter". EPA. http://www.epa.gov/region8/superfund/ut/murray/index.html. Retrieved 2010-04-30.
- ^ "Ogden Defense Depot". EPA. http://www.epa.gov/region8/superfund/ut/ogdendepot/index.html. Retrieved 2010-04-30.
- ^ "Petrochem Recycling Corp./Ekotek". EPA. http://www.epa.gov/region8/superfund/ut/petrochem/index.html. Retrieved 2010-04-30.
- ^ "Portland Cement (Kiln Dust #2 & #3)". EPA. http://www.epa.gov/region8/superfund/ut/portlandcement/index.html. Retrieved 2010-04-30.
- ^ "Richardson Flat Tailings". EPA. http://www.epa.gov/region8/superfund/ut/richardsonflat/index.html. Retrieved 2010-04-30.
- ^ "Rose Park Sludge Pit". EPA. http://www.epa.gov/region8/superfund/ut/rosepark/index.html. Retrieved 2010-04-30.
- ^ "Sharon Steel (Midvale Tailings)". EPA. http://www.epa.gov/region8/superfund/ut/sharonsteel/index.html. Retrieved 2010-04-30.
- ^ "Tooele Army Depot (North Area)". EPA. http://www.epa.gov/region8/superfund/ut/tooelearmy/index.html. Retrieved 2010-04-30.
- ^ "U.S. Magnesium". EPA. http://www.epa.gov/region8/superfund/ut/usmagnesium/index.html. Retrieved 2010-04-30.
- ^ "Utah Power & Light/American Barrel". EPA. http://www.epa.gov/region8/superfund/ut/utahpower/index.html. Retrieved 2010-04-30.
- ^ "Wasatch Chemical Co. (Lot 6)". EPA. http://www.epa.gov/region8/superfund/ut/wasatch/index.html. Retrieved 2010-04-30.
External links
- EPA list of proposed Superfund sites in Utah
- EPA list of current Superfund sites in Utah
- EPA list of Superfund site construction completions in Utah
- EPA list of partially deleted Superfund sites in Utah
- EPA list of deleted Superfund sites in Utah
Superfund sites in the United States States - Alabama
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Federal district Insular areas State of Utah
Salt Lake City (capital)Topics - Cities
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Society - Demographics
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Regions Largest cities - American Fork
- Bountiful
- Cedar City
- Clearfield
- Cottonwood Heights
- Draper
- Holladay
- Kaysville
- Layton
- Lehi
- Logan
- Midvale
- Murray
- Ogden
- Orem
- Pleasant Grove
- Provo
- Riverton
- Roy
- St. George
- Salt Lake City
- Sandy
- South Jordan
- South Salt Lake
- Spanish Fork
- Springville
- Taylorsville
- Tooele
- West Jordan
- West Valley City
Counties Attractions Categories:- Lists of Superfund sites in the United States
- Environment of Utah
- Utah-related lists
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