

Nonmetal, or non-metal, is a term used in chemistry when classifying the chemical elements. On the basis of their general physical and chemical properties, every element in the periodic table can be termed either a metal or a nonmetal. (A few elements with intermediate properties are referred to as metalloids).

The elements generally regarded as nonmetals are:

There is no rigorous definition for the term "nonmetal" - it covers a general spectrum of behaviour. Common properties considered characteristic of a nonmetal include:

They also have a negative valence, compared to the positive valence of metals.

Only eighteen elements in the periodic table are generally considered nonmetals, compared to over eighty metals, but nonmetals make up most of the crust, atmosphere and oceans of the earth. Bulk tissues of living organisms are composed almost entirely of nonmetals. Most nonmetals are monatomic noble gases or form diatomic molecules in their elemental state, unlike metals which (in their elemental state) do not form molecules at all.

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  • Nonmetal — Non met al, n. (Chem.) Any one of the set of elements which, as contrasted with the metals, possess, produce, or receive, acid rather than basic properties; a metalloid; as, oxygen, sulphur, and chlorine are nonmetals. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • nonmetal — [nänmet′ l] n. any of those elements lacking the characteristics of a metal; specif., any of the electronegative elements (e.g., oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, fluorine, phosphorus, sulfur) whose oxides form acids and stable compounds with hydrogen… …   English World dictionary

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  • nonmetal — noun Date: circa 1864 a chemical element (as boron, carbon, or nitrogen) that lacks the characteristics of a metal …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • nonmetal — /non met l/, n. Chem. 1. an element not having the character of a metal, as carbon or nitrogen. 2. an element incapable of forming simple positive ions in solution. [1865 70; NON + METAL] * * * ▪ chemistry       substance that does not exhibit… …   Universalium

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  • nonmetal — non·met·al ( )nän met əl n a chemical element (as boron, carbon, or nitrogen) that lacks the characteristics of a metal and that is able to form anions, acidic oxides, acids, and stable compounds with hydrogen * * * non·met·al (non metґəl)… …   Medical dictionary

  • nonmetal — nÉ‘n metl / nÉ’n n. chemical element without metallic properties …   English contemporary dictionary

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