
Home made knöpfle type spätzle
Commercial thin spätzle

Spätzle [ˈʃpɛtslə] ( listen) (Swabian diminutive of Spatz, thus literally "little sparrow", also Spätzli or Chnöpfli in Switzerland or Knöpfle or Hungarian nokedli or galuska) are a type of egg noodle of soft texture found in the cuisine of Germany and of Austria, Switzerland, Hungary, Alsace and South Tyrol.



The geographic origin of spätzle is not precisely known; various regions claim to be the originators of this noodle. Written mention of Spätzle has been found in documents dating from 1725, although medieval illustrations are believed to place this noodle at an even earlier date.[1] Noodles more generally have a history extending back 4,000 years (see Noodle and Pasta).

Today, in Europe spätzle are largely considered a "Swabian speciality"[2] and are generally associated with the German states of Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria. The leading German producer is Herrman, which produces approximately 13,000 tons per year.[3] The estimated annual commercial production of spätzle in Germany is approximately 40,000 tons, which does not include spätzle made by individual households[4] and restaurants. Pre-made spätzle are also available internationally from companies such as Maggi, a division of Nestlé.[5]


The linguistic origin[6] of Spätzle is debated. Literally translated, Spätzle means "little sparrow".

Before the invention and use of mechanical devices to make these noodles, they were shaped by hand or with a spoon and the results resembled Spatzen (meaning little sparrows, sparrow is Haus-Spatz or Sperling in German). This theory may reflect that traditional Spätzle are never shaped.[clarification needed]

Knöpfle means "small buttons" and describes the compact form of this spätzle variety.


A "hopper" (hobel) type spätzle maker
Preparation of Käsespätzle using a spätzle press, similar to a potato ricer
A "strainer" type spätzle maker; a thick batter is pushed through the holes using a spatula or the back of a spoon

Spätzle dough typically consists of few ingredients, principally eggs, flour, and salt. Often, water is added to produce a thinner dough.[7]

Traditionally, Spätzle are made by scraping dough off a wooden chopping board ("Spätzlebrett") into boiling salt water where they cook until they rise to the surface. They are then skimmed and put aside.

Since this can be a cumbersome way to prepare spätzle, several devices were invented to facilitate cooking that resemble a strainer, (or colander), a potato ricer ("Spätzlepresse"), a food mill or coarse grater ("Spätzlehobel"). As with scraped Spätzle, the dough drops into the boiling water.

Dough varieties

For certain specialty dishes, the dough may be enriched with minced pork liver (resulting in Leberspätzle), spinach, or finely grated cheese.

Commercial products

Commercially made noodles marketed as spätzle may bear little resemblance to handmade spätzle, being more or less regular in shape and more solid in mouthfeel. Most popular are dried spätzle that are cooked in boiling water like ordinary egg noodles. But as of late,[when?] pre-cooked Spätzle has become available as well in supermarket refrigerators.


Home made thin spätzle with lentils and sausage
Käsespätzle (cheese Spätzle), Spaetzle with cheese and onions

Spätzle typically accompany meat dishes prepared with an abundant sauce or gravy, such as Zwiebelrostbraten, Sauerbraten or Rouladen. In Hungary spätzle often are used in soup. Spätzle also are used as a primary ingredient in dishes including:

  • Kirschspätzle: Spätzle mixed with fresh cherries, dressed with clarified, browned butter, sugar and cinnamon and/or nutmeg. In Allgäu, this is served as a one-dish supper in late summer.
  • Apfelspätzle: Spätzle with grated apples in the dough, dressed with clarified, browned butter, sugar, and cinnamon. In Allgäu, this is served as a one-dish supper in autumn.

See also

  • Schupfnudel
  • Klöße, larger dumplings
  • Halušky, eastern European equivalent of spätzle
  • Gnocchi, similar Italian dumplings/noodles
  • Passatelli, similar Italian noodles made with bread crumbs in place of flour


External links

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