- Sauerbraten
Sauerbraten (German, from _de. "sauer" sour + _de. "Braten" roast meat) is a roast from
Rhineland ,Saarland ,Silesia , andSwabia . While Rhineland Sauerbraten is sweetish and contains raisins andlebkuchen ,Swabia n Sauerbraten contains neither sweetening nor raisins. Sauerbraten was originally made fromhorse meat orvenison , but todaybeef is more commonly used, except by traditionalists.For the Rhineland version the meat is marinated in
vinegar , a sweetening agent such as sugar beet syrup, apple syrup, or sugar, and seasonings containingjuniper cones andclove s, and thenbraised . The sauce contains raisins and often crushedlebkuchen spice cookies. The town ofEschweiler has a long horse butcher tradition, and sauerbraten is one of its culinary specialities.For the
Swabia n Sauerbraten the meat is marinated invinegar , water, salt, cloves, and bay leaf. The meat is thenbraised in the oven in a sauce of beef broth and whitewine . Swabian Sauerbraten is traditionally served withSpätzle or dumplings.In
Max Fleischer 's animated version of "Minnie the Moocher ",Betty Boop is angrily accused by her German immigrant parents of not eating herHasenpfeffer and Sauerbraten.
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