

"For small boiled dumplings served as a side dish, see Spätzle"

German cuisine Klöße (singular: Kloß) or Kartoffelknödel, in Bavaria and Austria called Knödel(n) are big round poached or boiled potato or bread dumplings, made without yeast, often filled.In Hungary they are called gombóc, in the Czech Republic kynuté knedlíky. In the US, Klub' is used to refer specifically to potato dumplings. A similar dish is known in Sweden ("kroppkakor" or "pitepalt") and Norway, "raspeball" filled with salty meat and in Canada, poutines râpées. Klöße are big dumplings steamed or boiled in hot water made of dough from grated raw or mashed potatoes, eggs and flour. Similar Semolina crack dumplings are made with semolina, egg and milk, called Grießklößchen (Hungarian grizgaluska) [cite book |first=Karoly |last=Gundel |title=Gundel's Hungarian cookbook |publisher=Corvina |location=Budapest |year=1992 |pages= |isbn=963-13-3600-X |oclc=32227400page 71]
bread dumplings are made with dried white bread Bread, milk and egg yolks, "Semmelknödel" (are sometimes shaped like a loaf of bread, and boiled in a napkin, in which case they are known as napkin dumplings or Serviettenknödel). Thüringer Klöße are made from raw or boiled potatoes, or a mixture of both, and are often filled with crouton. In Austria and Hungary big sweet dumplings or Plum Dumplings called Zwetschkenknödel or [http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Cookbook:Silvash_Gombotz Gombotzen] are made with flour & potato batter, [cite book |first=Karoly |last=Gundel |title=Gundel's Hungarian cookbook |publisher=Corvina |location=Budapest |year=1992 |pages= |isbn=963-13-3600-X |oclc=32227400page 116] by wrapping the potato dough around whole plums or apricots, boiled and rolled in hot buttered caramelized bread crumbs (streusel) [June Meyers Authentic Hungarian Heirloon Recipes Cookbook] . Quarkkeulchen are made with quark cheese, (Hungarian turósgombóc), traditionally topped with cinnamon sugar and served with apple sauce or with streusel.

Königsberger Klopse is not a dumpling, it is a big meatball.

External links

* [http://www.germanfoodguide.com/cookingdetail.cfm?cooking_nr=22 Klöße/Dumplings]
* [http://patrimoineacadien.com/?p=104 Acadian Heritage Portal, in French] – Video and historical facts on the Acadian "Poutine râpée"


ee also

* Germknödel
* Dampfnudel
* Dumpling
* Kluski
* Pierogi

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