

Rigatoni is a form of tube-shaped pasta. It is larger than penne and ziti. Rigatoni is usually ridged and the tube's end does not terminate at an angle, like penne.

Rigatoni can be coupled with many different sauces, from creamy to chunky. Consequently, rigatoni is a popular choice for restaurants which choose to stock only one tube-shaped pasta noodle. The tube may be stuffed with cheese or other soft foods.

In surveys rigatoni is shown to be the most popular form of pasta in Italy.

The word "rigatoni" comes from the Italian word "rigati", which means "ridged" (American Heritage Dictionary).

ee also

* List of pasta


* [http://www.ilovepasta.org/shapes.html Pasta shapes]
* [http://www.bartleby.com/61/33/R0243300.html American Heritage Dictionary definition]

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