

Tagliatelle /IPA|taʎːa'tɛlːe|/ (from the Italian "tagliare", meaning "to cut") is the classic pasta of the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy. Individually, they are long, flat ribbons, similar in shape to fettuccine, but typically about 0.65cm to 1cm (0.25 to 0.375 inches) wide. They can be served with a variety of sauces, though the classic is a meat sauce or "Bolognese sauce".


Legend has it that during the Italian Renaissance, in the year 1487, a talented court chef, inspired by Lucrezia d'Este's hairdo, on the occasion of her marriage to Annibale II Bentivoglio, son of Giovanni II, Lord of Bologna created tagliatelle. The recipe was of "tagliolini di pasta e sugo, alla maniera di Zafiran" (tagliolini of pasta and sauce in the manner of Zafiran) and it was served on silver plates. Over the years, tagliatelle has acquired a much less sophisticated tradition, as tradition wills it to be eaten by simple folk.

Texture and serving suggestions

Since tagliatelle are generally made as fresh pasta, the texture is porous and rough, making it ideal for thick sauces, generally made with beef, veal, or pork, and occasionally with rabbit, as well as several other less rich (and more vegetarian) options; such as "briciole e noci" (with breadcrumbs and nuts), "uovo e formaggio" (with eggs and cheese - a less rich carbonara), or simply "pomodoro e basilico" (with tomatoes and basil).

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