- Glossary of fuel cell terms
The Glossary of fuel cell terms lists the definitions of many terms used within the
fuel cell industry. The terms in thisglossary may be used by fuel cell industry associations, in education material and fuel cell codes and standards to name but a few.CompactTOC - ACRONYMS
Activation loss
: See
overpotential Adsorption
Adsorption is a process that occurs when a gas or liquidsolute accumulates on the surface of a solid or a liquid (adsorbent), forming a film of molecules or atoms (theadsorbate ).Air
Air Alkali
: In
chemistry , analkali is a basic, ionic salt of analkali metal oralkaline earth metal element.Alkaline fuel cell
Alkaline fuel cell (AFC) also known as the Bacon fuel cell.Alloy
: An
alloy is asolid solution orhomogeneous mixture of two or more elements, at least one of which is ametal , which itself hasmetallic properties.Alternator
: An
alternator is an electromechanical device that converts mechanical energy toalternating current electrical energy.Alternating current
: An
alternating current (AC) is anelectric current whose direction reverses cyclically, as opposed todirect current , whose direction remains constant.Ambient Air
: The
air surrounding a given object or system.Ambient temperature
Ambient temperature (also referred to as room temperature) is a common term to denote a certaintemperature within enclosed space.Ampere
: The
ampere , in practice often shortened to amp, (symbol: A) is a unit ofelectric current , or amount ofelectric charge per second.Anion
: A negatively charged
ion ; an ion that is attracted to the anode.Anode
: An
anode is anelectrode through which "electric current " flows "into" a polarized electrical device.Artificial membrane
: An
artificial membrane , also called a synthetic membrane, is a membrane prepared for separation tasks inlaboratory and industry.Atmospheric pressure
Atmospheric pressure is thepressure at any given point in theEarth's atmosphere .Atom
: The
atom is the smallest unit of an element that retains the chemical properties of that element. An atom has anelectron cloud consisting of negatively chargedelectrons surrounding a dense nucleus. The nucleus contains positively chargedproton s and electrically neutralneutron s.Autothermal reforming
: Autothermal reforming (ATR) uses oxygen and carbon dioxide or steam in a reaction with methane to form
syngas .Auxiliary power unit
: An
auxiliary power unit (APU) is a device on a vehicle whose purpose is to provide energy for functions other than propulsion.Availability factor
: The
availability factor of apower plant is the amount of time that it is able to produceelectricity over a certain period, divided by the amount of the time in the period.B
Back pressure
Back pressure usually refers to thepressure exerted on a movingfluid by obstructions or tight bends in the confinement vessel along which it is moving, such as piping or air vents, against its direction of flow.Baffle
: A device or construction used to restrain or regulate, e.g. gas, or a fluid.
Balance of plant
Balance of plant (BOP) (See alsoMBOP andEBOP ).Battery
: In electronics, a battery is a combination of two or more
electrochemical cell s which store chemicalenergy and make it available as electrical energy.Biofuel
Biofuel is defined as solid, liquid or gasfuel derived from recently deadbiological material and is distinguished fromfossil fuel s, which are derived from long dead biological material.Biogas
Biogas typically refers to agas produced by the biological breakdown oforganic matter in the absence ofoxygen . Biogas originates from biogenic material and is a type ofbiofuel .Bioreactor
: A bioreactor may refer to any device or system that supports a biologically active environment
: A
biosensor is a device for the detection of ananalyte that combines a biological component with a physicochemical detector component.Bipolar plate
Bipolar plate , conductive plate in afuel cell stack that acts as ananode for one cell and acathode for the adjacent cell. The plate may be made of metal or aconductive polymer (which may be acarbon -filled composite). The plate usually incorporates flow channels for the fluid feeds and may also contain conduits for heat transfer. See also MEA.Black start
: A
black start is the process of restoring apower station to operation without relying on external energy sources.Beta-alumina solid electrolyte
Beta-alumina solid electrolyte (BASE) is afast ion conductor material used as a membrane in several types of molten saltelectrochemical cell .Boiling point
: The
boiling point of a liquid is the water temperature at which thevapor pressure of the liquid equals the environmental pressure surrounding the liquid.Borax
Borax , also known as sodium borate, sodium tetraborate, or disodium tetraborate, is an importantboron compound, amineral , and a salt ofboric acid .British thermal unit
: The mean
British thermal unit (BTU) is 1/180 of the heat required to raise the temperature of one pound (1lb) ofwater from 32°F to 212°F at a constantatmospheric pressure . It is about equal to the quantity of heat required to raise one pound (1 lb.) of water 1°F.C
Capacity is the ability to hold, receive or absorb, or a measure thereof, similar to the concept ofvolume .Capacity factor
: The net
capacity factor of apower plant is the ratio of the actual output of a power plant over a period of time and its output if it had operated at full nameplate capacity the entire time.Capital cost
Capital cost are costs incurred on the purchase offuel cell s,building s,construction and equipment to be used in the use of fuel cells or the rendering of it.Carbon
Carbon (C), an atom and primary constituent of hydrocarbon fuels. Carbon is routinely left as a black deposit on engine parts, such as pistons, rings, and valves, by thecombustion of fuel.Carbon black
Carbon black is a material produced by the incompletecombustion of heavypetroleum products such as FCC tar, coal tar, ethylene cracking tar, and a small amount from vegetable oil.Carbon dioxide
Carbon dioxide (chemical formula : co2) is achemical compound composed of twooxygen atom s covalently bonded to a singlecarbon atom.Carbon dioxide sensor
: A
carbon dioxide sensor (CO2) is an instrument for the measurement ofcarbon dioxide gas. The most common principles for CO2 sensors are infrared gas sensors (NDIR ) and chemical gas sensors.Carbon monoxide
Carbon monoxide , with the chemical formula CO, is a colorless, odorless, tasteless yet highly toxicgas .Carbon monoxide detector
: A
carbon monoxide detector is a device that detects the presence of thetoxic gascarbon monoxide (CO), a colorless and odorless compound produced by incomplete combustion and lethal at high levels.Carbon paper
Carbon paper (originally carbonic paper) ispaper coated on one side with a layer of a loosely bound dryink or pigmented coating, usually bound withwax .Carnot cycle
: The
Carnot cycle is a particularthermodynamic cycle , modeled on the hypotheticalCarnot heat engine .Catalysis
Catalysis is the process in which the rate of achemical reaction is increased by means of achemical substance known as a .Catalyst
: A
catalyst is a chemical substance that increases the rate of a reaction without being consumed; after the reaction it can potentially be recovered from the reaction mixture chemically unchanged.Catalyst poisoning
Catalyst poisoning refers to the effect that acatalyst can be 'poisoned' if it reacts with another compound that bonds chemically (similar to an inhibitor) but does not release, or chemically alters the catalyst.Catalytic partial oxidation
: In
catalytic partial oxidation (CPOX) the use of acatalyst forpartial oxidation reduces the required temperature to around 800°C - 900°C. The choice of reforming technique depends on thesulfur content of the fuel being used. CPOX can be employed if the sulfur content is below 50 ppm. A higher sulfur content would poison the catalyst, so the TPOX procedure is used for such fuels.Cathode
: A
cathode is anelectrode through which "(positive)" "electric current " flows "out of" a polarized electrical device.Cation
: A
cation is a positively charged ion.Celsius
: The degree
Celsius (°C) can refer to a specific temperature on the Celsius scale as well as serve as a unit increment to indicate a temperature "interval "(a difference between two temperatures or anuncertainty ).Centimeter
: A
centimetre (American spelling: centimeter, symbol cm) is a unit oflength in themetric system , equal to one hundredth of ametre , which is the current SI base unit of length.Centrifugal governor
: A
centrifugal governor is a specific type of governor that controls thespeed by regulating the amount offuel (orworking fluid ) admitted, so as to maintain a near constant speed whatever theload or fuel supply conditions.Ceramic
: The word
ceramic is derived from the Greek word κεραμικός ("keramikos"). The term coversinorganic non-metallic materials which are formed by the action of heat.Cermet
: A
cermet is acomposite material composed ofceramic (cer) andmetal lic (met) materials.Chemical thermodynamics
: In
thermodynamics ,chemical thermodynamics is the mathematical study of the interrelation ofheat and work withchemical reactions or with a physical change of state within the confines of thelaws of thermodynamics .Circuit
: An circuit is a closed path formed by the interconnection of
electronic components through which anelectric current can flow.Circuit diagram
: A
circuit diagram (also known as an electrical diagram,wiring diagram , elementary diagram, or electronicschematic ) is a simplified conventional pictorial representation of anelectrical circuit .Circulation
: In
fluid dynamics , circulation is theline integral around a closed curve of thefluid velocity .Climate change
Climate change is any long-term significant change in the “average weather” that a given region experiences.Cogeneration
Cogeneration (also combined heat and power, CHP) is the use of aheat engine or apower station to simultaneously generate bothelectricity and usefulheat .Combustion
Combustion or burning is a complex sequence ofexothermic chemical reactions between afuel and anoxidant accompanied by the production ofheat or bothheat andlight in the form of either a glow orflame s.Combustion chamber
: A
combustion chamber is the part of anengine in whichfuel is burned.Composite material
Composite materials (or composites for short) are engineeredmaterial s made from two or more constituent materials with significantly different physical or chemical properties and which remain separate and distinct on a macroscopic level within the finished structure.Compressed hydrogen
Compressed hydrogen (CGH2, CH2 or CH2) is thegaseous state of the elementhydrogen which is kept underpressure .Compressed natural gas
Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) is afossil fuel substitute forgasoline (petrol),diesel , orpropane fuel .Concentration
: In
chemistry ,concentration is the measure of how much of a given substance there is mixed with another substance.Condensate
Condensate , the liquid phase produced by thecondensation ofsteam or any other gasCondensation
Condensation is the change of the physical state of aggregation (or simply state) of matter from gaseous phase into liquid phase.Condenser
: In systems involving
heat transfer , a condenser is aheat exchanger which condenses a substance from itsgas eous to itsliquid state.Contamination
Contamination is the introduction of material that "does not belong there".Coulomb
: The
coulomb (symbol:C ) is theSI unit ofelectric charge .Countercurrent exchange
Countercurrent exchange is a mechanism used to transfer some property of afluid from one flowing current of fluid to another across asemipermeable membrane or thermally-conductive material between them.Cryogenic liquefaction
Cryogenic liquefaction is the process through which gases such as nitrogen, hydrogen, helium, and natural gas are liquefied under pressure at verylow temperature s.Current
: see
electric current .Current collector
: The
current collector is a term used to describe the conductive material in afuel cell that collectselectrons (on theanode side) or disburses electrons (on thecathode side). Current collectors are microporous (to allow for fluid flow through them) and lie in between thecatalyst /electrolyte surfaces and thebipolar plate s.D
DC to DC converter
: In
electronic engineering , aDC to DC converter is a circuit which converts a source ofdirect current (DC) from onevoltage level to another. It is a class of power converter.Density
: The
density of a material is defined as itsmass per unitvolume Desiccant
: A
desiccant is ahygroscopic substance that induces or sustains a state of dryness (desiccation ) in its local vicinity in a moderately-well sealed container.Detection limit
: In
analytical chemistry , thedetection limit , lower limit of detection, or LOD (limit of detection), is the lowest quantity of a substance that can be distinguished from the absence of that substance (a "blank value") within a stated confidence limit (generally 1%).Dew point
: The
dew point (sometimes spelled dewpoint) is thetemperature to which a given parcel ofair must be cooled, at constantbarometric pressure , forwater vapor to condense into water.Diffusion
Diffusion is part oftransport phenomena . Diffusion is the movement of molecules from a region of higher concentration to one of lower concentration by random molecular motion.Direct borohydride fuel cell
Direct borohydride fuel cell (DBFC) a subcategory ofalkaline fuel cell sDirect carbon fuel cell
Direct carbon fuel cell (DCFC), afuel cell that uses a carbonaceous material as a fuel.Direct current
Direct current (DC) is the unidirectional flow ofelectric charge .Direct-ethanol fuel cell
Direct-ethanol fuel cell (DEFC) a subcategory of Proton-exchange fuel cells where, the fuel,ethanol , is not reformed, but fed directly to thefuel cell .Direct methanol fuel cell
Direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) subcategory of proton-exchange fuel cells where themethanol (CH3OH) fuel is not reformed as in theindirect methanol fuel cell , but fed directly to thefuel cell Dispersion
Dispersion , in fluid dynamicsdispersive mass transfer , the spreading of mass from areas of high to low concentrationDistributed Generation
Distributed generation , also called on-site generation, dispersed generation, embedded generation, decentralized generation, decentralized energy or distributed energy, generateselectricity from many small energy sources.Doping
: In
semiconductor production,doping is the process of intentionally introducing impurities into an extremely pure (also referred to as "intrinsic") semiconductor in order to change its electrical properties.Downtime
Downtime or outage refers to a period of time or a percentage of a timespan that asystem is unavailable oroffline .E
Effluent is an outflowing of water from a natural body of water, or from a man-made structure.Electrical Balance of Plant
: Electrical
Balance of Plant (EBOP) ,theuser interface panel,control equipment , and converting the fuel cell DC power to AC power.Electricity
Electricity is a general term that encompasses a variety of phenomena resulting from the presence and flow ofelectric charge .Electrical conductivity
Electrical conductivity or specific conductivity is a measure of a material's ability to conduct anelectric current .Electrical efficiency
: The
electrical efficiency of an entity (a device, component, orsystem ) inelectronics andelectrical engineering is defined as useful power output divided by the total electrical power consumed (a fractional expression), typically denoted by the Greek letter small Eta (η).Electrical insulation
: An electrical insulator is a material that resists the flow of
electric current . It is an object intended to support or separate electrical conductors without passing current through itself.Electrical resistance
Electrical resistance is a ratio of the degree to which an object opposes anelectric current through it, measured inOhm s.Electric circuit
: An
electrical circuit is a network that has a closed loop, giving a return path for the current. A network is a connection of two or more components, and may not necessarily be a circuit.Electric current
Electric current is the flow (movement) ofelectric charge . TheSI unit of electric current is theampere .Electricity generation
Electricity generation is the process of converting non-electricalenergy toelectricity .Electric power conversion
: In
electrical engineering , power conversion has a more specific meaning, namely convertingelectric power from one form to another.Electrochemistry
Electrochemistry is a branch ofchemistry that studieschemical reactions which take place in asolution at the interface of an electron conductor (ametal or asemiconductor ) and an ionic conductor (theelectrolyte ), and which involve electron transfer between the electrode and the electrolyte or species in solution.Electrochemical cell
electrochemical cell is a device used for generating anelectromotive force (voltage ) and current from chemical reactions.Electrochemical gas sensor
Electrochemical gas sensor s aregas detectors that measure the volume of a targetgas by oxidizing or reducing the target gas at anelectrode and measuring the resulting current.Electrode
: An
electrode is anelectrical conductor used to make contact with a nonmetallic part of a circuit (e.g. asemiconductor , anelectrolyte or avacuum ).Electro-galvanic fuel cell
Electro-galvanic fuel cell (EGFC)an electrical device used to measure the concentration ofoxygen gas inscuba diving andmedical equipment.Electroosmotic flow
Electroosmotic flow (or Electro-osmotic flow, often abbreviated EOF) is the motion of liquid induced by an applied potential across a capillary tube or microchannel. Electroosmotic flow is an essential component in chemical separation techniques, notably capillary electrophoresis.Electroosmotic pump
: An
electroosmotic pump (EOP), or EO pump, is used for removing liquid floodingwater from channels and gasdiffusion layers and directhydration of theproton exchange membrane in themembrane electrode assembly (MEA) of theproton exchange membrane fuel cell Electrolysis
: In chemistry and manufacturing,
electrolysis is a method of separating chemically bonded elements and compounds by passing anelectric current through them.Electrolyte
: An
electrolyte is any substance containing freeion s that behaves as an electrically conductive medium.Electron
: The
electron is a fundamentalsubatomic particle that carries a negativeelectric charge .Emission
Emission of air pollutantsEmission standard
Emission standards are requirements that set specific limits to the amount ofpollutants that can be released into the environment.Endothermic
: In
thermodynamics , the wordendothermic "within-heating" describes a process or reaction that absorbsenergy in the form ofheat .Energy
: In
physics and otherscience s,energy is a scalarphysical quantity that is a property of objects and systems which is conserved by nature. Energy is often defined as the ability to do work.Energy carrier
: An
energy carrier is a substance or phenomenon that can be used to produce mechanical work or heat or to operate chemical or physical processes (ISO 13600).Energy content
: Amount of
energy for a given weight of fuel. see alsoenergy density Energy security
Energy security Energy storage
Energy storage is the storing of some form ofenergy that can be drawn upon at a later time to perform some useful operation.Engine
: A
engine is a machine that converts heat energy into mechanical energy.Energy conversion efficiency
Energy conversion efficiency is theratio between the useful output of anenergy conversion machine and the input, inenergy terms.Energy density
Energy density is the amount ofenergy stored in a given system or region of space per unitvolume , or per unitmass , depending on the context, although the latter is more formallyspecific energy Energy transformation
: In
physics andengineering ,energy transformation or energy conversion, is any process of transforming one form ofenergy to another.Enthalpy
: In
thermodynamics and molecular chemistry, theenthalpy or heat content (denoted as "H", "h", or rarely as "χ") is a quotient or description ofthermodynamic potential of asystem , which can be used to calculate the "useful" work obtainable from a closedthermodynamic system under constant pressure andentropy .Enthalpy of vaporization
: The
enthalpy of vaporization , (symbol ), also known as the heat of vaporization or heat of evaporation, is theenergy required to transform a given quantity of a substance into an gas.Ethanol
Ethanol , also called ethyl alcohol, grain alcohol, or drinking alcohol, is a volatile,flammable , colorless liquid.Evaporation
Evaporation is the process by whichmolecule s in aliquid state (e.g.water ) spontaneously becomegas eous (e.g.water vapor ).Exergy
: In
thermodynamics , theexergy of a system is the maximum work possible during a process that brings the system into equilibrium with aheat reservoir .Exergy efficiency
Exergy efficiency (also known as the second-law efficiency or rational efficiency) computes the efficiency of a process taking the second law of thermodynamics into account.Exhaust gas
Exhaust gas isflue gas which occurs as a result of thecombustion of fuels such asnatural gas ,gasoline /petrol,diesel ,fuel oil orcoal . It is discharged into the atmosphere through anexhaust pipe orflue gas stack .Exothermic
: In
thermodynamics , the wordexothermic "outside heating" describes a process or reaction that releasesenergy usually in the form ofheat , but it can also release energy in form of light (e.g. explosions), sound, or electricity (e.g. a battery).Expansion ratio
Expansion ratio is used in the context of liquefied andcryogenic substances. The expansion ratio of a substance is the volume of a given amount of that substance in liquid form compared to the volume of the same amount of substance in gaseous form, at a given temperature.F
: A mechanical fan is an electrically powered device used to produce an airflow for the purpose of creature comfort (particularly in the heat), ventilation, exhaust, or any other gaseous transport.
Fahrenheit is a temperature scale.In this scale, the freezing point ofwater is 32 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) and theboiling point 212 °FFailure mode and effects analysis
: A
failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) is aprocedure for analysis of potential failure modes within a system for classification by severity or determination of the effect of failures on the system.FCV
Fuel cell vehicle Feedstock purification
Feedstock purification , The process of removing poisons likesulfur (S) andchloride (Cl) from thefeedstock .Flammability
Flammability is the ease with which a substance will ignite, causingfire orcombustion .Flammability limit
Flammability limits , also called flammable limits, give the proportion of combustiblegas es in a mixture, between which limits this mixture is flammable.Flash point
: The
flash point of a flammable liquid is the lowesttemperature at which it can form an ignitable mixture in air.Float valve
: A
float valve is a mechanicalfeedback mechanism that regulates fluid level by using a float to drive an inlet valve so that a higher fluid level will force the valve closed while a lower fluid level will force the valve open.Flow battery
Flow battery (FB) a form ofrechargeable battery in whichelectrolyte containing one or more dissolved electroactive species flows through a power cell / reactor that convertschemical energy toelectricity .Flow measurement
Flow measurement is the quantification of bulkfluid movement. It can be measured in a variety of ways.Flue gas
Flue gas isgas that exits to the atmosphere via aflue .Flue gas desulfurization
Flue gas desulfurization (FGD) is the technology used for removingsulfur dioxide (SO2) from the exhaust flue gases.Fluid dynamics
Fluid dynamics is the sub-discipline offluid mechanics dealing with fluid flow:fluid s (liquid s andgas es) in motion.Fluid mechanics
Fluid mechanics is the study of howfluid s move and theforce s on them. (Fluids includeliquid s andgas es.) Fluid mechanics can be divided intofluid statics , the study of fluids at rest, andfluid dynamics , the study of fluids in motion.Flux
: In the study of
transport phenomena (heat transfer ,mass transfer andfluid dynamics ),flux is defined as the amount that flows through a unit area "per unit time".Formic acid
Formic acid (systematically called methanoic acid) is the simplestcarboxylic acid . Itsformula is HCOOH or CH2O2.Formic acid fuel cell
Formic acid fuel cell (DFAFC), a subcategory ofproton-exchange fuel cells where, the fuel, formic acid, is not reformed, but fed directly to the fuel cell.Fossil fuel
Fossil fuels or mineral fuels are fossil sourcefuel s, that is,hydrocarbons found within the top layer of the Earth’s crust.Fouling
Fouling refers to the accumulation of unwanted material on solid surfaces,Frequency changer
: A
frequency changer or frequency converter is an electronic device that convertsalternating current (AC) of onefrequency toalternating current of another frequency.Fuel
Fuel is any material that is burned or altered in order to obtain energy.Fuel cell
: A
fuel cell (FC) is an electrochemical conversion device.Fuel cell poisoning
: The lowering of a fuel cell's efficiency due to impurities in the fuel binding to the catalyst. See
catalyst poisoning .Fuel cell vehicle
: A
fuel cell vehicle is anyvehicle that uses afuel cell to produce its on-board motive power.Fuel efficiency
Fuel efficiency , in its basic sense, is the same asthermal efficiency , meaning the efficiency of a process that converts chemical potential energy contained in a carrierfuel intokinetic energy or work.Fuel efficiency in transportation
Fuel efficiency in transportation Fuel processor
: Device used to generate hydrogen from fuels such as
natural gas ,propane ,gasoline ,methanol , andethanol , for use infuel cell s.Fuel processing system
Fuel processing system (FPS)Fuel pump
Fuel pump Fusible plug
: A
fusible plug is a threaded metal plug, usually made out ofbronze ,brass , orgunmetal .G
Gadolinium doped ceria
Gadolinium doped ceria (GDC) - (forSOFC )Gas
Fuel gas , such as natural gas, undiluted liquefiedpetroleum gases (vapor phase only), liquefied petroleum gas-air mixtures, or mixtures of these gases.::Liquefied petroleum gas es (LPG) as used in this standard, shall mean and include any material which is composed predominantly of any of the followinghydrocarbon s, or mixtures of them: propane, propylene, butanes (normal butane or isobutane) and butylenes.:: LP Gas-Air Mixture - Liquefied petroleum gases distributed at relatively low pressures and normal atmospheric temperatures which have been diluted with air to produce desired heating value and utilization characteristics.::Natural Gas - Mixtures of hydrocarbon gases and vapors consisting principally ofmethane (CH4) in gaseous form.Gas compressor
: A
gas compressor is a mechanical device that increases thepressure of agas by reducing itsvolume .Gas detector
: A
gas detector is a device which detects the presence of various gases within an area, usually as part of a system to warn about gases which might be harmful tohuman s oranimal s.Gas diffusion
: Mixing of two gases caused by random molecular motions. Gases diffuse very quickly; liquids diffuse much more slowly, and solids diffuse at very slow (but often measurable) rates. Molecular collisions make diffusion slower in liquids and solids.
Gas diffusion electrode
Gas diffusion electrode s are electrodes with a conjunction of a solid, liquid and gaseous interface, and an electrical conducting catalyst supporting an electrochemical reaction between the liquid and the gaseous phase.Gasification
Gasification is a process that converts carbonaceous materials, such ascoal ,petroleum , orbiomass , intocarbon monoxide andhydrogen by reacting the raw material at high temperatures with a controlled amount ofoxygen and/orsteam .Gasoline gallon equivalent
Gasoline gallon equivalent (GGE) or gasoline-equivalent gallon (GEG) is the amount of alternativefuel it takes to equal the energy content of one liquidgallon ofgasoline .Gibbs free energy
: In
thermodynamics , theGibbs free energy (IUPAC recommended name: Gibbs energy or Gibbs function) is athermodynamic potential which measures the "useful" or process-initiating work obtainable from anisothermal , isobaricthermodynamic system .Graphite
: The
mineral graphite , as withdiamond andfullerene , is one of theallotropes of carbon .Greenhouse effect
: Gases in the Earth's atmosphere that contribute to the
greenhouse effect , effectively absorbing thermalinfrared radiation, emitted by the Earth’s surfaceGreenhouse gases
: Warming of the Earth's atmosphere due to greenhous gases in the atmosphere that allow solar radiation (visible, ultraviolet) to reach the Earth's atmosphere but do not allow the emitted infrared radiation to pass back out of the Earth's atmosphere.
Grid connection
Grid connection Grid-tied electrical system
: A
grid-tied electrical system , also called Tied to grid or Grid tie system, is a semi-autonomous electrical generation orgrid energy storage system which links to the mains to feed excess capacity back to the localmains electrical grid.Grid tie inverter
Grid tie inverter Guard bed
Guard bed , seeguard catalyst bed andliquid-phase guard bed .Guard catalyst bed
: A
guard catalyst bed is a fixed bed ofpellet s of the samecatalytic material, seefixed bed reactor .H
: A
half reaction is either the oxidation or reduction reaction component of aredox reaction .Heat exchanger
: A
heat exchanger is a device built for efficientheat transfer from one medium to another, whether the media are separated by a solid wall so that they never mix, or the media are in direct contact.Heat pipe
: A
heat pipe is a heat transfer mechanism that can transport large quantities of heat with a very small difference intemperature between the hotter and colder interfaces.Heat transfer
: In thermal physics,
heat transfer is the passage ofthermal energy from a hot to a colder body.Heating value
: The
Heating value (TOTAL) (ΔHc0) is theenergy released asheat when a compound undergoes completecombustion withoxygen . (see alsoHigher heating value (HVV) andLower heating value ) (LVV).Heat of combustion
: The
heat of combustion (ΔHc0) is theenergy released asheat when a compound undergoes completecombustion withoxygen . The chemical reaction is typically ahydrocarbon reacting with oxygen to formcarbon dioxide ,water and heat.Higher heating value
: The
Higher heating value (HHV) (also known as the gross calorific value or gross energy) of afuel is defined as the amount ofheat released by a specified quantity (initially at 25 °C) once it is combusted and the products have returned to a temperature of 25 °C.High temperature shift
: High temperature shift (HTS), the
water gas shift reaction at 350 ºC (662 ºF) in the presence of a metal-basedcatalyst (nickel )Hybrid electric vehicle
: A
hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) is ahybrid vehicle which combines a conventional propulsion system with arechargeable energy storage system (RESS) to achieve better fuel economy than aconventional vehicle .Hydride
Hydride is the name given to the negativeion ofhydrogen , H−.Hydride ion
: Aside from
electride , the hydride ion is the simplest possibleanion , consisting of twoelectron s and aproton . See alsohydrogen anion Hydrocarbon
: In
organic chemistry , ahydrocarbon (HC) is anorganic compound consisting entirely ofhydrogen andcarbon .Hydrocarbon dew point
: The
hydrocarbon dew point (HDP) or (HCDP) is thetemperature (at a givenpressure ) at which thehydrocarbon components of any hydrocarbon-rich gas mixture, such asnatural gas , will start to condense out of the gaseous phase.Hydrogen
Hydrogen is thechemical element withatomic number 1. It is represented by the symbol H. Atstandard temperature and pressure , hydrogen is acolorless ,odorless ,nonmetal lic,tasteless , highly flammable diatomicgas with themolecular formula H2.Hydrogen anion
: The
hydrogen anion is a negativehydrogen ion , H−. See also hydride ion.Hydrogen-rich fuel
: A fuel that contains a significant amount of
hydrogen , such as gasoline, diesel fuel,methanol (CH3OH),ethanol (CH3CH2OH),natural gas , and coal.Hydrodesulfurization
Hydrodesulfurization (HDS) is acatalytic chemical process widely used to removesulfur (S) fromnatural gas and from refined petroleum products such as gasoline or petrol,jet fuel ,kerosene ,diesel fuel , andfuel oil s.I
Impurities aresubstances inside a confined amount ofliquid ,gas , orsolid , which differ from thechemical composition of the material or compound.Influent
Influent Interlock
: Interlocking is a method of preventing undesired states in a state machine, which in a general sense can include any electrical, electronic, or mechanical device or system.
Internal combustion engine
: An
internal combustion engine (ICE) is an engine in which thecombustion offuel and anoxidizer (typically air) occurs in a confined space called acombustion chamber .Inverter
: An inverter is an electrical or electro-mechanical device that converts
direct current (DC) toalternating current (AC)Ion
: An
ion is anatom ormolecule which has lost or gained one or morevalence electron s, giving it a positive or negative electrical charge.Ion exchange
Ion exchange is an exchange ofion s between twoelectrolyte s or between an electrolytesolution and a complex.Ion exchange resin
: An
ion exchange resin is an insoluble matrix (or support structure) normally in the form of small (1-2 mm diameter) beads, usually white or yellowish, fabricated from an organicpolymer substrate.Ionomer
: An
ionomer is apolyelectrolyte that comprisescopolymer s containing both electrically neutral repeating units and a fraction ofion ized unitsIslanding
Islanding refers to the condition of a distributed Generation (DG) generator continuing to power a location even though power from theelectric utility is no longer present.J
Kröger-Vink Notation
Kröger-Vink Notation is set of conventions used to describe electrical charge and lattice position for point defect species in crystals.Kilogram
: The
kilogram or kilogramme (symbol: kg) is the base unit ofmass in theInternational System of Units (known also by its French-language initials “SI”). The kilogram is defined as being equal to the mass of the "International Prototype Kilogram" which is almost exactly equal to the mass of one liter of water.Kilowatt
: The kilowatt (symbol: kW), equal to one thousand watts, is typically used to state the power output of engines and the power consumption of tools and machines.
Kilowatt hour
: The
kilowatt hour , also written "kilowatt-hour" (symbol kW·h, kW h or kWh) is a unit ofenergy .L
Landfill gas
landfill gas (LFG), seebiogas .Lanthanum carbonate
Lanthanum carbonate is used as a lanthanum source for solid-state production oflanthanum strontium manganite (LSM), primarily forsolid oxide fuel cell applications.LH2
: See
liquid hydrogen .Life cycle assessment
: A
life cycle assessment (LCA, also known as life cycle analysis, ecobalance, and cradle-to-grave analysis) is the investigation and valuation of theenvironmental impact s of a given product or service caused or necessitated by its existence.Linear regulator
: In electronics, a
linear regulator is avoltage regulator based on an active device (such as abipolar junction transistor ,field effect transistor orvacuum tube ) operating in its "linear region"Liquid
Liquid is one of the principalstates of matter .Liquid hydrogen
Liquid hydrogen (LH2 or LH2) is theliquid state of the elementhydrogen .Liquid-liquid extraction
Liquid-liquid extraction , also known as solvent extraction and partitioning, is a method to separate compounds based on their relative solubilities in two different immiscibleliquid s, usually water and an organic solvent.Liquefied natural gas
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) isnatural gas (primarilymethane , CH4) that has been converted to liquid form for ease of storage or transport.Liquefied petroleum gas
Liquefied petroleum gas (also called LPG, GPL, LP Gas, or autogas) is a mixture ofhydrocarbon gas es used as afuel in heating appliances and vehiclesLiquification
: In
physics , to liquefy (sometimes misspelt liquify) means to turn something into theliquid state.Liquefaction of gases
Liquefaction of gases includes a number of phases used to convert agas into aliquid state.List of chemical purification methods in chemistry
: Purification in a chemical context is the physical separation of a chemical substance of interest from foreign or contaminating substances. The following list of chemical purification methods should not be considered exhaustive.
Load following power plant
: A
load following power plant is apower plant that adjusts its power output as demand forelectricity fluctuates throughout the day.Load profile
: In
electrical engineering , aload profile is a graph of the variation in theelectrical load versus time.Lower flammability limit
Lower flammability limit (LFL), usually expressed in volume per cent, is the lower end of the concentration range of a flammable solvent at a given temperature and pressure for which air/vapor mixtures can ignite.Lower heating value
: The
lower heating value (also known as "net calorific value", "net CV", or "LHV") of afuel is defined as the amount ofheat released by combusting a specified quantity (initially at 25 °C or another reference state) and returning the temperature of thecombustion products to 150 °C.Low temperature shift
: Low temperature shift (LTS), the
water gas shift reaction at 190-210ºC (374-410ºF) in the presence of a metal-basedcatalyst (nickel ).M
Maintenance, repair and operations
Maintenance, Repair and Operations or Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) is fixing any sort of mechanical orelectrical device should it become out of order or broken (repair) as well as performing the routine actions which keep the device in working order (maintenance) or prevent trouble from arising (preventive maintenance ).Mass flow sensor
: A
mass flow sensor (MAF) responds to the amount of a fluid (usually agas ) flowing through a chamber containing thesensor .Maximum allowable operating pressure
Maximum allowable operating pressure (MAOP) refers to the wall strength of a pressurizedcylinder such as apipeline orstorage tank and how much pressure the walls may safely hold before rupturing.Mean down time
: In
organization almanagement ,mean down time (MDT) is theaverage time that a system is non-operational.Mean time between failures
Mean time between failures (MTBF) is themean (average) time betweenfailure s of a system, and is often attributed to the "useful life" of the device i.e. not including 'infant mortality' or 'end of life' if the device is not repairable.Mean time between outages
: In a
system themean time between outages (MTBO) is the meantime between equipment failures that result in loss of system continuity or unacceptable degradation.Mechanical energy
: In
physics ,mechanical energy describes thepotential energy andkinetic energy present in the components of a "mechanical system".Mechanical Balance of Plant
: Mechanical
Balance of Plant (MBOP), the process equipment needed to provide steam, gas, and air to the fuel cell stack.Membrane
: See
semipermeable membrane andartificial membrane Membrane electrode assembly
Membrane electrode assembly (MEA) is an assembled stack ofproton exchange membrane s.Megawatt
: The megawatt (symbol: MW) is equal to one million (106) watts.
Meter (m), Basic metric unit of length equal to 3.28 feet, 1.09 yards or 39.37 inches. Related units are the decimeter (dm) at 10 per meter, the centimeter (cm) at 100 per meter, the millimeter (mm) at 1000 per meter and the kilometer (km) at 1000 meters.Methanation
Methanation is a physical-chemical process to generateMethane from a mixture of various gases out of biomassfermentation or thermo-chemicalgasification .Methane
Methane is achemical compound with the molecular formula chem|CH|4. It is the simplestalkane , and the principal component ofnatural gas .Methane reformer
: A
methane reformer is a device used inchemical engineering , which can produce purehydrogen gas fromnatural gas using acatalyst . (See ATR and SMR).Methanol
Methanol , also known as methyl alcohol, carbinol, wood alcohol, wood naphtha or wood spirits, is achemical compound withchemical formula CH3OH (often abbreviated MeOH).Methanol reformer
: A
methanol reformer is a device used inchemical engineering , especially in the area offuel cell technology, which can produce purehydrogen gas andcarbon dioxide by reacting amethanol andwater (steam) mixture.MicroCHP
: "Micro cogeneration" or micro combined heat and power (mCHP) is a so called distributed energy resource (DER).
Microbial fuel cell
Microbial fuel cell (MFC) or biological fuel cell is a bio-electrochemical system that drives a current by mimickingbacteria l interactions found innature .Micropump
: A small pump is often referred to as
micropump , a more accurate and up-to-date definition restricts this term topumps with functional dimensions in the micrometre range.Miles per gallon equivalent
Miles per gallon of gasoline equivalent (MPGe) is a unit of measurement that relates efficiencies of different systems to the traditional unit of measurement forfuel efficiency (miles per gallon of gasoline).Millimeter
Millimeter (mm), Metric unit of length, equal to 0.04 inch (there are 25 mm in an inch). There are 1000 millimeters in a meter.Milliwatt
Milliwatt (mW), A unit of power equal to one-thousandth of a watt.Molten-carbonate fuel cells
Molten-carbonate fuel cells (MCFCs) are high-temperaturefuel cell sN
Nafion is a sulfonated tetrafluorethylenecopolymer Nano iron powder
Nano iron powder is an iron powder with granules' sizes ranging on thenanoscale .Nanowire
: A
nanowire is a wire of diameter of the order of a nanometer (10−9 meters).Natural gas
Natural gas is agas eousfossil fuel consisting primarily ofmethane but including significant quantities ofethane ,propane ,butane , andpentane —heavier hydrocarbons removed prior to use as a consumer fuel —as well ascarbon dioxide ,nitrogen ,helium andhydrogen sulfide .Nernst equation
: In
electrochemistry , theNernst equation is an equation which can be used (in conjunction with other information) to determine the equilibriumreduction potential of ahalf-cell in anelectrochemical cell .Net energy gain
Net energy gain (NEG) is a concept important inenergy economics , referring to a surplus condition in the difference between the energy required to harvest an energy source and the energy provided by that same source.Nickel
Nickel is a metallicchemical element with the symbol Ni andatomic number 28.Nitrogen
Nitrogen N2 achemical element that has the symbol N andatomic number 7 andatomic weight 14.0067. Elemental nitrogen is a colorless, odorless, tasteless and mostlyinert diatomic gas atstandard conditions , constituting 78.08% by volume ofEarth's atmosphere .Nitrogen oxide
: The term
nitrogen oxide (NOx) typically refers to anybinary compound ofoxygen andnitrogen , or to a mixture of such compoundsNitrogen oxide sensor
: A
nitrogen oxide sensor or NOx sensor is typically a high temperature device built to detectnitrogen oxide s in combustion environments such as anautomobile or trucktailpipe or asmokestack .O
Off board reforming
Off board reforming , stationary reforming, seesteam reforming ,methane reformer ,methanol reformer Ohm
: The
ohm (symbol:Ω ) is theSI unit ofelectrical impedance or, in thedirect current case,electrical resistance , named afterGeorg Ohm .Onboard reforming
On-board reforming , reforming on board avehicle , seesteam reforming ,methane reformer ,methanol reformer Open-circuit voltage
Open-circuit voltage or OCV is the difference of electrical potential between two terminals of a device when there is no external load connected, i.e. the circuit is broken or open.Original equipment manufacturer
: An
original equipment manufacturer , or OEM is typically a company that uses a component made by a second company in its own product, or sells the product of the second company under its ownbrand .Output impedance
Output impedance , Any linear electronic circuit or device which supplies a current may be modelled as anideal voltage source in series with an impedance. This is helpful in analysing the voltage drop which occurs as current is drawn.Overpotential
: In
electrochemistry ,overpotential is the difference in theelectric potential of an electrode with no current through it, at equilibrium, and with a current.Overpressure
Overpressure Overvoltage
: When the
voltage in a circuit or part of it is raised above its upper design limit, this is known asovervoltage .Oxidant
: An
oxidizing agent (also called an oxidant or oxidizer) can be defined as either: achemical compound that readily transfersoxygen atoms, or a substance that gains electrons in aredox chemical reaction . In both cases, the oxidizing agent becomes reduced in the process.Oxidation
: See
redox Oxygen
Oxygen is the element withatomic number 8 and represented by the symbol O.Oxygen sensor
: An
oxygen sensor , or lambda sensor, is an electronic device that measures the proportion ofoxygen (O2) in the gas or liquid being analyzed.P
Palladium is a rare and lustrous silvery-white metal with the symbol Pd, and itsatomic number is 46.Parallel circuit
: Parallel circuit, if two or more components are connected in parallel they have the same potential difference (
voltage ) across their ends. The potential differences across the components are the same in magnitude, and they also have identical polarities. Hence, the same voltage is applicable to all circuit components connected in parallel.Partial oxidation
: In
chemistry , apartial oxidation (POX) reaction occurs when a substoichiometric fuel-air mixture is partially combusted in a reformer.Partial pressure
: In a mixture of
ideal gas es, each gas has apartial pressure which is the pressure which the gas would have if it alone occupied the volume. The totalpressure of a gas mixture is the sum of the partial pressures of each individual gas in the mixture.Particulate
: Particulates, alternatively referred to as
particulate matter (PM) or fine particles, are tiny particles of solid or liquid suspended in a gas.Parts per million
: Parts per million (ppm) denotes the amount of a given substance in a total amount of 1,000,000 regardless of the units of measure used as long as they are the same. e.g. 1 milligram per kilogram. 1 part in 106.
Parts per million by volume
: In
atmospheric chemistry and inair pollution regulations, the parts per notation is commonly expressed with a v following, such as ppmv, to indicate parts per million by volume.Pascal
: The pascal (symbol: Pa) is the
SI derived unit ofpressure , stress,Young's modulus andtensile strength . It is a measure of perpendicularforce per unitarea i.e. equivalent to onenewton persquare meter or onejoule per cubic metre.Peak load
Peak load PEDOT
Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) or PEDOT (or sometimes PEDT) is aconducting polymer based on3,4-ethylenedioxylthiophene or EDOTmonomer .Permeation
Permeation , inphysics andengineering , is the penetration of a permeate (such as aliquid ,gas , orvapor ) through a solid, and is related to a material'sintrinsic permeability . Permeability is tested by permeation measurement.Phase transition
: In
thermodynamics ,phase transition or phase change is the transformation of a thermodynamic system from one phase to another.Phosphoric acid
Phosphoric acid , also known as orthophosphoric acid or phosphoric(V) acid, is a mineral (inorganic) acid having thechemical formula H3PO4.Phosphoric acid fuel cell
Phosphoric acid fuel cell (PAFC), a type offuel cell that uses liquidphosphoric acid as anelectrolyte .Photoelectrochemical cell
Photoelectrochemical cell (PEC), asolar cell that extracts electrical energy from light, includingvisible light .Platinum
Platinum is achemical element with theatomic symbol PtPolybenzimidazole fiber
Polybenzimidazole (PBI)fiber (1983) is asynthetic fiber with an extremely highmelting point that also does notignite .Polyethylene
Polyethylene or polythene (IUPAC name poly(ethene)) is athermoplastic commodityPolymer
: A
polymer is a largemolecule (macromolecule ) composed of repeatingstructural unit s connected bycovalent chemical bond s. See alsoplastic .Polymer electrolyte membrane
: A
polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM), in a fuel cell incorporating a solid polymer membrane used as itselectrolyte . Protons (H+) are transported from the anode to the cathode. The operating temperature range is generally 60-100°C.Polytetrafluoroethylene
: In
chemistry , poly(tetrafluoroethene) or poly(tetrafluoroethylene) (PTFE) is a syntheticfluoropolymer which finds numerous applications.Polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell
Polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC or PEFC), a type of acid-basedfuel cell in which the transport ofproton s (H+) from theanode to thecathode is through a solid, aqueous membrane impregnated with an appropriate acid. Theelectrolyte is a called apolymer electrolyte membrane (PEM). The fuel cells typically run at low temperatures (<100°C).Potential difference
: In
physics , thepotential difference or p.d. between two points is the difference of the points'scalar potential , equivalent to the line integral of thefield strength between the two points.Portable fuel cell applications
Portable fuel cell applications (or portable fuel cell power systems) areportable (Movable)fuel cell application sPotassium hydroxide
Potassium hydroxide is theinorganic compound with the formula KOH.Power
: In
physics ,power (symbol: "P") is the rate at which work is performed or energy is transmitted, or the amount of energy required or expended for a given unit of time.Power density
Power density (Pv), seespecific power Power factor
: The
power factor of an AC electric power system is defined as theratio of the real power to the apparent power, and is a number between 0 and 1 (frequently expressed as a percentage, e.g. 0.5 pf = 50% pf).Power supply
Power supply is a reference to a source ofelectrical power .Power-to-weight ratio
Power-to-weight ratio (specific power ) is a calculation commonly applied toengine s and other mobile power sources to enable the comparison of one unit or design to another.Power per unit of mass
: Power per unit of mass usually refers to the
power-to-weight ratio , measured in kilowatts perkilogram (generally,kW /kg ).PReferential OXidation
Preferential oxidation (PROX) refers to the preferentialoxidation of a gas on acatalyst .Pressure regulator
: A
pressure regulator is avalve that automatically cuts off the flow of a liquid or gas at a certain pressure.Pressure relief valve
: A
pressure relief valve is a safety device that relieve in case of overpressure in vessel or piping. The generic term is or pressure relief Valve (PRV) or pressure safety valve (PSV).Pressure sensor
: A
pressure sensor measures thepressure , typically ofgas es orliquids .Pressure swing adsorption
Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) is a technology used to separate some gas species from a mixture of gases under pressure according to the species' molecular characteristics and affinity for anadsorbent material.Pressure vessel
: A
pressure vessel is a closed container designed to hold gases or liquids at apressure different from the ambientpressure .Propane
Propane is a three-carbon alkane , normally a gas, but compressible to a liquid that is transportable. See also LPG.Proton
: The
proton is asubatomic particle with anelectric charge of one positive fundamental unitProton exchange membrane
Proton exchange membrane (PEM) is asemipermeable membrane generally made fromionomer s and designed to conduct protons while being impermeable to gases such asoxygen orhydrogen .Proton exchange membrane fuel cell
Proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) a type offuel cell based on apolymer electrolyte membrane.Protonic ceramic fuel cell
Protonic ceramic fuel cell (PCFC) based on a ceramic electrolyte material that exhibits high protonic conductivity at elevated temperatures.Q
Reactor , see: bioreactor,membrane reactor andchemical reactor .Reagent
: A
reagent or reactant is a substance or compound consumed during achemical reaction .Rectifier
: A
rectifier is an electrical device that convertsalternating current (AC) todirect current (DC), a process known as rectification.Redox
Redox (shorthand for reduction-oxidation reaction) describes allchemical reactions in which atoms have theiroxidation number (oxidation state ) changed.Reformate
: Reformate,
hydrocarbon fuel that has been processed into hydrogen and other products for use infuel cell s.Reformed Methanol Fuel Cell
Reformed methanol fuel cell (RMFC) or Indirect Methanol Fuel Cell (IMFC)s are a subcategory of proton-exchange fuel cells where, the fuel,methanol (CH3OH), is reformed, before being fed into thefuel cell .Reformer
: A hydrogen
reformer another name forsteam reforming a device that extracts hydrogen from other fuels, typically methanol or gasoline, not to be confused with the processcatalytic reforming Reforming
: A chemical process in which hydrogen containing fuels react with steam,
oxygen , or both to produce a hydrogen-rich gas stream. (syngas )Reformulated gasoline
: Reformulated gsoline, a gasoline that is blended so that, on average, it significantly reduces volatile organic compounds and air toxics emissions relative to conventional gasolines. Gasoline that is blended so that, on average, it significantly reduces volatile organic compounds and air toxics emissions relative to conventional gasolines.
Regenerative fuel cell
: A fuel cell that produces electricity from hydrogen and oxygen and can use electricity from solar power or some other source to divide the excess water into oxygen and hydrogen fuel to be re-used by the fuel cell. See
reversible fuel cell .Relief valve
: The
relief valve is a type ofvalve used to control or limit thepressure in a system or vessel which can build up by a process upset, instrument or equipment failure, or fire.Renewable energy
Renewable energy isenergy generated fromnatural resource s—such assunlight , Including solar andradiant energy ,wind ,rain , tides and geothermal heat—which are renewable (naturally replenished).Reservoir
: A
reservoir is, most broadly, a place or hollow vessel where somethingfluid is kept inreserve , for later use.Response time
: In
technology , response time is thetime asystem orfunctional unit takes to react to a giveninput .Reversible fuel cell
Reversible fuel cell (RFC), a fuel cell that can consume chemical A to produce electricity and chemical B and be reversed to consume electricity and chemical B to produce chemical A.Reynolds number
: In
fluid mechanics andheat transfer , theReynolds number is adimensionless number that gives a measure of theratio ofinertia lforce s () to viscous forces () and, consequently, it quantifies the relative importance of these two types of forces for given flow conditions.Rupture disc
: A
rupture disk or bursting disc is a pressure relief device that protects a vessel or system from overpressurization.Ruthenium
Ruthenium is used in Platinum-Rutheniumelectrode s for Methanol-fuel cells*CompactTOC - ACRONYMS
afety shutoff valve
Safety shut-off valves aresafety valve s used to close a line and stop the flow of material.afety valve
: A
safety valve is avalve mechanism for the automatic release of a gas from aboiler ,pressure vessel , or othersystem when the pressure or temperature exceeds preset limits.alt bridge
: A
salt bridge , inchemistry , is a laboratory device used to connect theoxidation and reduction half-cells of agalvanic cell (voltaic cell), a type ofelectrochemical cell . Salt bridge usually comes in two types: glass tube andfilter paper .crubber
Scrubber systems are a diverse group ofair pollution control devices that can be used to remove someparticulate s and/or gases from industrial exhaust streams.ensor
: A
sensor is a device that measures a physical quantity and converts it into a signal which can be read by an observer or by an instrument.eries circuit
: Series circuits are sometimes called "current"-coupled or
daisy chain -coupled. The current that flows in a series circuit has to flow through every component in the circuit. Therefore, all of the components in a series connection carry the same current. It has been noted that current flows in series.ervice life
: A product's
service life is its expected lifetime, or the acceptable period of use in service. It is the time that any manufactured item can be expected to be 'serviceable' or supported by its originating manufacturer.hort circuit
: A
short circuit (sometimes abbreviated to short or s/c) allows a current along a different path from the one intended.odium borohydride
Sodium borohydride , also known as sodium tetrahydroborate, has thechemical formula NaBH4.olenoid valve
: A
solenoid valve is anelectromechanical valve for use withliquid orgas controlled by running or stopping an electrical current through asolenoid , which is a coil of wire, thus changing the state of the valve.olid oxide fuel cell
solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) is an electrochemical conversion device that produces electricity directly from oxidizing a fuel.olubility
Solubility is a characteristicphysical property referring to the ability of a given substance, thesolute , to dissolve in asolvent .orbent
: A
sorbent is a material used toadsorb either liquids or gases.orption
Sorption refers to the action of both absorption andadsorption takes place simultaneously.pecific gravity
Specific gravity is defined as the ratio of thedensity of a given solid or liquid substance to the density of water at a specific temperature and pressure, typically at 4°C (39°F) and convert|1|atm|inHg|2|abbr=on|lk=on , making it a dimensionless quantitypecific heat capacity
Specific heat capacity , also known simply as specific heat, is the measure of the heat energy required to increase thetemperature of a unit quantitypecific power
: In
engineering , the termSpecific power can refer to power either per unit ofmass ,volume orarea .pecific weight
: The
specific weight (also known as the unit weight) is theweight per unitvolume of a materialtack
: Stack, to deliver the desired amount of energy, the fuel cells can be combined in
series and parallel circuits , where series yield higher voltage, and parallel allows a stronger current to be drawn. Such a design is called a fuel cell stack.tandard cubic foot
: A
standard cubic foot (SFC) is a measure of quantity of gas, equal to a cubic foot of volume at 60 degreesFahrenheit and either 14.696 pounds per square inch (1 atm) or 14.73 PSI (30inHg ) ofpressure .tandard electrode potential
: In
electrochemistry , thestandard electrode potential , abbreviated Eo, E0, or EO(with a superscriptplimsoll character, pronouncednought ), is the measure of individual potential of a reversible electrode (at equilibrium) atstandard state , which is with solutes at an effective concentration of 1 mol/kg, and gases at a pressure of 1 atmosphere / 100 kPa (Kilopascals)).tationary fuel cell applications
Stationary fuel cell applications (or stationary fuel cell power systems) arestationary (Not moving)fuel cell application steady state
Steady state is a more general situation thandynamic equilibrium . If asystem is in steady state, then the recently observed behavior of the system will continue into the future.MR
: Steam methane reforming (SMR) another name for
steam reforming team reforming
Steam reforming (SR), hydrogen reforming or catalytic oxidation, is a method of producinghydrogen fromhydrocarbons at high temperatures (700 – 1100 °C) in the presence of a metal-basedcatalyst (nickel ).witched-mode power supply
: A
switched-mode power supply , switching-mode power supply or SMPS, is an electronicpower supply unit (PSU) that incorporates a switching regulator.yngas
Syngas (from "synthesis gas") is the name given to a gas mixture that contains varying amounts ofcarbon monoxide andhydrogen generated by thegasification of a carbon-containing fuel to a gaseous product with a heating value.T
Tafel equation
: The
Tafel equation relates the rate of an electrochemical reaction to theoverpotential .Tail gas combustor
Tail gas combustor (TGC)Tar
Tar is a viscous blackliquid derived from thedestructive distillation of organic matter.Technology assessment
Technology assessment (TA, German "Technikfolgenabschätzung") is the study andevaluation of new technologies.Technology lifecycle
: Most new technologies follow a similar technology maturity lifecycle describing the
technological maturity of a product.Technology readiness level
Technology readiness level (TRL) is a measure used by someUnited States government agencies and many of the world's major companies (and agencies) to assess the maturity of evolving technologies (materials, components, devices, etc.) prior to incorporating that technology into a system or subsystem.Technology validation
: Technology validation, confirming that technical targets for a given technology have been met.
Temperature is a physical property of a system that underlies the common notions of hot and coldTerbium
Terbium is used as a crystal stabilizer offuel cell s which operate at elevated temperatures, together with ZrO2.Thermal
Thermal Thermal conductivity
: In
physics ,thermal conductivity , , is the property of a material that indicates its ability to conductheat .Thermal efficiency
: In
thermodynamics , thethermal efficiency () is a dimensionless performance measure of a thermal deviceThermal expansion
: When the
temperature of a substance changes, the energy that is stored in theintermolecular bond s between atoms changes. When the stored energy increases, so does the length of the molecular bonds. As a result, solids typically expand in response to heating and contract on cooling; this dimensional response to temperature change is expressed by its coefficient ofthermal expansion .Thermal partial oxidation
: Thermal partial oxidation (TPOX) is a thermal
partial oxidation reaction, which is dependent on theair-fuel ratio , proceed at temperatures of 1200°C and above.Thermoelectricity
Thermoelectricity (thermo -electricity ) refers to a class of phenomena in which atemperature difference creates anelectric potential or an electric potential creates a temperature difference.Thermoplastic
thermoplastic is aplastic thatmelt s to a liquid when heated and freezes to abrittle , veryglass y state when cooled sufficiently.Thermoplastic elastomer
Thermoplastic elastomers (TPE), sometimes referred to as thermoplastic rubbers, are a class ofcopolymer s or a physical mix of polymers (usually a plastic and a rubber) which consist of materials with boththermoplastic andelastomer ic properties.Transducer
: A
transducer is a device, usually electrical, electronic,electro-mechanical ,electromagnetic ,photonic , orphotovoltaic that converts one type ofenergy or physical attribute to another for various purposes including measurement or information transfer (for example,pressure sensor s).Transfer switch
transfer switch allows switching from a primary power source to a secondary or tertiary power source and are employed in some electrical power distribution systems.Transformer
: A
transformer is a device that transferselectrical energy from one circuit to another through inductively coupledelectrical conductor s.Triple phase boundary
Triple phase boundary (TPB)Triple point
: In thermodynamics, the
triple point of a substance is thetemperature andpressure at which three phases (for example,gas ,liquid , andsolid ) of that substance coexist inthermodynamic equilibrium .Turbine
: A
turbine is a rotaryengine that extractsenergy from afluid flow.Turbocharger
Turbocharger , a device used for increasing the pressure anddensity of a fluid entering afuel cell power plant using a compressor driven by a turbine that extracts energy from the exhaust gas.Turbocompressor
Turbocompressor , a machine for compressing air or other fluid (reactant if supplied to afuel cell system) in order to increase the reactant pressure and concentration.U
Ullage refers to the unfilled space in a container of liquid.Uninterruptible power supply
: An
uninterruptible power supply (UPS), also known as a continuous power supply (CPS) is a device which maintains a continuous supply ofelectric power to connected equipment by supplying power from a separate source when utility power is not available.V
Vacuum pump
: A
vacuum pump is a device that removes gas molecules from a sealed volume in order to leave behind a partialvacuum .Vapor-liquid equilibrium
Vapor-liquid equilibrium , abbreviated as VLE by some, is a condition where aliquid and itsvapor (gas phase) are in equilibrium with each other, a condition or state where the rate ofevaporation (liquid changing to vapor) equals the rate ofcondensation (vapor changing to liquid) on a molecular level such that there is no net (overall) vapor-liquid interconversion.Vapor pressure
Vapor pressure (also known as "equilibrium vapor pressure" or "saturation vapor pressure"), is thepressure of avapor in equilibrium with its non-vapor phases.Vapor recovery
Vapor recovery (or vapour) recovery is theprocess of recovering thevapor s ofgasoline or otherfuel s, so that they do not escape into theatmosphere .Voltage
: Electrical tension (or
voltage after itsSI unit , the "volt ") is the difference of electrical potential between two points of an electrical orelectronic circuit , expressed involt s.Voltage converter
: A
voltage converter changes thevoltage of an electrical power source and is usually combined with other components to create apower supply .Voltage drop
Voltage drop is the reduction involtage in anelectrical circuit between the source and load.Voltage regulator
: A
voltage regulator is an electrical regulator designed to automatically maintain a constantvoltage level.Volumetric energy density
: Volumetric
energy density , potential energy in a givenvolume offuel .Volumetric flow rate
: The
volumetric flow rate influid dynamics andhydrometry , (also known as volume flow rate or rate of fluid flow) is the volume of fluid which passes through a given surface per unit time (for examplecubic meters per second [m3 s-1] inSI units, or cubic feet per second [cu ft/s] ). It is usually represented by the symbol "Q".Volumetric heat capacity
Volumetric heat capacity (VHC) describes the ability of a givenvolume of a substance to storeinternal energy while undergoing a giventemperature change, but without undergoing aphase change .W
Water (H2O) in typical usage, "water" refers only to itsliquid form or state, but the substance also has asolid state, "ice ", and agaseous state, "water vapor " or "steam ".Water gas shift reaction
: The
water gas shift reaction (WGS) is achemical reaction in whichcarbon monoxide reacts withwater to formcarbon dioxide andhydrogen Water purification
Water purification is the process of removing contaminants and other harmful microorganisms from a raw water source.Water vapor
Water vapor or water vapour (see spelling differences), also "aqueous vapor", is thegas phase of water.Watt
: The
watt (symbol: W) is theSI derived unit of power, equal to onejoule of energy persecond . It measures a rate of energy use or production.W/kg
: Kilowatts per
kilogram (generally,W /kg ).The power per unit of mass in relation to thepower-to-weight ratio .Wt.%
: The term wt.% (abbreviation for
weight percent ) is widely used inhydrogen storage research to denote the amount of hydrogen stored on a weight basis (the term mass % is also occasionally used). The term can be used for materials that store hydrogen or for the entire storage system (e.g., material or compressed/liquid hydrogen as well as the tank and other equipment required to contain the hydrogen such as insulation, valves,regulator s, etc.). For example, 6 wt.% on a system-basis means that 6% of the entire system by weight is hydrogen. On a material basis, the wt.% is the mass of hydrogen divided by the mass of material plus hydrogen.X
Yttria-stabilized zirconia
Yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) is a zirconium-oxide based ceramicZ
Zinc-air battery
: A
Zinc-air battery (non-rechargeable), and zinc-airfuel cell s, (mechanically-rechargeable) are electro-chemical batteries powered by theoxidation ofzinc withoxygen from the air.Zinc oxide
Zinc oxide is achemical compound with the formula ZnO. (sulfur sorbent)ee also
Glossary of terms for fuel cell power systems Acronyms
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