
Developer(s) Family Education Network
Publisher(s) Family Education Network
Distributor(s) Pearson Education
Platform(s) PC and Mac
Release date(s) July 2007, September 2007
Genre(s) Educational, single-player with Massively multiplayer online game elements.
Mode(s) Single and multiplayer
Rating(s) Intended for children 6–15
Media/distribution Adobe Flash
System requirements



  • Mac OS 10.3 or greater
  • 512MB RAM or higher
  • Safari 2.0, Firefox 2.0, Google Chrome[2]

Poptropica is an online game, role-playing game made by Jeff Kinney targeted at children ages 6 to 15, where players can travel, play games, compete in head-to-head competition, and communicate safely with each other. Players are given several quests, called islands, which they are encouraged to complete. Poptropica was developed by the Family Education Network,[3] a division of Pearson, which also owns kids’ site FunBrain.com.



As of 13 September 2011, Poptropica has an Alexa Internet rating of 1,215 in the United States, and a ranking of 5,022 in the world.[4] Its official launch date was in September 2007. It now has over 75 million registered users, 35 million of whom are in the 15–25 age group.[5] The game entertains over 10 million kids each month.[6]

Poptropica on the 2010 Google Zeitgeist

In 2010, Poptropica was the 5th most searched for video game on Google[7] according to the 2010 Goggle Zeitgeist. In the United States, it was most searched for in West Virginia and least searched for in Vermont. The city it was most searched for in was Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Gameplay elements


When players first arrive at Poptropica, they create a character avatar that can be customized immediately, or modified while playing.[8] Such modifications include changing hair color, clothes, eyes hair style, and skin color. Characters' names are automatically generated from lists of nouns and adjectives, in the interest of user safety (i.e. Fierce Paw, Magic Hippo, etc.)

Multiplayer Rooms

Players can interact with other players through scripted chat in special "multiplayer" rooms. Players can also interact with NPCs as part of their current island quest.


Most of the clothes found in Poptropican characters (both players and NPCs) are obtainable by players with a tool called the Costumizer. Such clothes include hats, hair, mouths (i.e. if and how the character smiles), neck items (jewelry, scarf, ties), shirts, belts, skirts, dresses and pants. The Costumizer is represented by a green T-shirt icon.

Additional clothes may be obtained from the Poptropica Store. Some costumes from the Poptropica store allow special actions (i.e. the Pop Star costume makes a character sing when the space bar is pressed).

Handheld items are usually not Costumizable. However, they can be purchased from the Poptropica Store, as part of costumes. An exception to this is in the Haunted House, where most of the Halloween costume items can be copied.


In Poptropica, a backpack icon is used to represent the inventory of a player. By clicking on it the player can view the items they have acquired. Items are obtained from quests on different islands, many of which allow special actions on the associated island. Players are awarded a special medal each time they solve a quest. Some items picked up on one island cannot be used on other islands.

Players can also "buy" items from the Poptropica Store such as special costumes and gold cards that allow various actions like turning smaller (Minimizer) and chewing bubble gum (Bubble Gum).


On May 30, 2009, the Poptropica Store opened.[9] In the Poptropica Store, special items can be bought with "credits", including costumes(non-costumizable)and special gold item cards with certain abilities, such as the ability to change the player's character's hair or skin color quickly. Credits are earned through completing island quests or through purchases.

Daily Pop

On Monday, November 22, 2010, the Daily Pop was released. In the Daily Pop, a player is able to read comics, play games from Miniclip.com, read stories about the lives of the Poptropica Creators, and see previews of upcoming islands.


Poptropica began selling Toys in the summer of 2011. They are currently available through Toys "R" Us.


Poptropica consists of several islands between which the character can travel. Each island has its own quest, which players are encouraged to complete.If a player completes an island's quest, he or she receives an island medallion as well as 100 credits to spend in the Poptropica Store. Starting July 6, 2011, Poptropica started allowing players to replay islands, while keeping all the Island Medallions they had already earned. [10]

Current islands

Players can currently travel between twenty-one islands, but more are added every year.

Early Poptropica

Early Poptropica was the first island created for Poptropica. Players encounter the original settlers of Early Poptropica who are in distress. They are 8 bit arcade characters much like pilgrims who are missing items from their village, including a water bucket and a signal flag. While finding the various objects, the player encounters a large spider and a purple giant. On Main Street, there is an art museum with works by artists such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Vincent Van Gogh, and Georges-Pierre Seurat. Before the second Poptropica island, Shark Tooth Island, came out it was possible to enter the side where there were two buttons: Start Over or Play. This was the pilot island of July 2007.[citation needed] The description on the island's information page is, "Poptropica's oldest inhabitants have a problem: someone's been stealing their stuff! To return what's rightfully theirs, you'll explore creepy sewers, pitch-black caverns, and even a giant's garden in the clouds. See how it all began with the very first Poptropica Island: Early Poptropica!"[11]

Shark Tooth Island

Shark Tooth Island was the second island released on Poptropica. The scenario revolves around the inhabitants of the island who are being troubled by a fierce shark by the name of "the Booga". The player must help the citizens by exploring the island's ancient temple ruins and subduing the Booga with a special concoction inside of a coconut. The player then must rescue a boy and a professor from an island where they were marooned by the Booga. This island came two months after Early Poptropica Island, making Early Poptropica an official island. The description on the island's information page is, "Shark Tooth Island is online and ready to be explored! The citizens of the virtual world Island for kids are having BIG shark trouble. Only you can save the day by discovering the many secrets of the online virtual world, Shark Tooth Island."[12]

Time Tangled Island

Time Tangled Island was the third island released on Poptropica. The scenario revolves around a malfunctioning time machine made by a scientist named Professor Peter P. Pendulum that has distorted history. It is the player’s job to go back in time and set things right. During the quest, users encounter major historical figures such as Thomas Edison, Lewis and Clark, and Leonardo Da Vinci. Once the player has restored the future, they can go forward in time to see what the future holds, and visit themselves 50 years older. This island was created in conjunction with the editors of Fact Monster to maintain historical accuracy. Professor Pendulum can also be found on vacation on Shark Tooth Island in the Tourist Center. The island was initially called Time Lapse Island,[13] then later, Time Twisted Island.[14] The description on the island's information page is, "A malfunctioning time machine has messed up history! It's your job to go back in time and set things right in this online virtual world. Because if you don't, who knows what the future will hold?"[15]

24 Carrot Island

24 Carrot Island was the fourth island released on Poptropica. The citizens of 24 Carrot Island are in trouble. Someone has stolen all their carrots; four citizens named Shy Sky, Crazy Comet, Sleepy Bird, and Magic Socks have disappeared; and the economy, which appears to be based on carrots, is in ruins. The player must face an antagonist named Dr. Hare, who built a giant robot bunny inside what was formerly a carrot cake factory. Dr. Hare is apparently using the carrots to make fuel for a rocket that will send his giant robot into space, from where he can control everyone's mind from space. The character must free the kidnapped citizens from Dr. Hare's mind control and stop his plot. The island has a sequel minigame called Dr. Hare's Secret Lab, which can be purchased in the Poptropica store for 250 credits. The description on the island's information page is, "Something strange is happening on 24 Carrot Island. People are going missing, and the virtual world's carrots are disappearing as well. It's up to you to get to the bottom of the mystery and to bring the Island back to its former splendor!"[16]

Super Power Island

Super Power Island was the fifth island released on Poptropica. A giant radioactive meteor has crashed into Super Power Island's county prison, freeing six criminals and giving them super powers. Now they are wreaking havoc on the island, committing various crimes,[17] including robbing a bank and destroying the city park. The player must defeat five villains, so that a retired super-hero will give him or her the power to fly. The final "boss" villain, Betty Jetty, can only be defeated by flying after her. The island was opened on July 26, 2008. The description on the island's information page is, "A giant meteor has crashed into the virtual world's prison, freeing hardened criminals and giving them super powers. Now they are wreaking havoc on the Island. Only a true superhero can stop them and save the day." [18]

A screenshot of Spy Island.

Spy Island

Spy Island was the sixth island released on Poptropica. In this plot, a new threat to the residents of Poptropica has been discovered by Poptropica's top three spies, but the spies have been captured by an evil group called B.A.D. (Bald and Dangerous). The residents of Spy Island are losing their hair due to a B.A.D. plot. The player must use top-secret spy devices including a laser pen and a chameleon suit to rescue the three spies and infiltrate the B.A.D. fortress. The island was opened on 10 September 2008. The description on the island's information page is, "A new sinister menace has been discovered by Poptropica's three top spies, but now the spies have vanished! You will need the skills of a cunning spy to rescue them and discover all the clues of the online virtual world, Spy Island. Get ready for gadgets, sneaky moves, and hair-raising adventures!" [19]

Nabooti Island

Nabooti Island was the seventh island released on Poptropica. This island was made in conjunction with the publishers of Choose Your Own Adventure books.[20] The Nabooti tribe is looking for five missing jewels from the mysterious Nabooti totem. The player flies to various locales across Africa including The Pyramids of Giza and Diamond mines in South Africa in an aeroplane to find the jewels and return them. The island was opened on December 10, 2008. The description on the island's information page was, "For centuries, the Nabooti tribe has been protected by the power of seven sacred jewels. But now, the jewels are missing! Trek across Africa to find the missing jewels and return them to the Nabooti tribe. You'll visit pyramids, ancient mines, and giant waterfalls on your online virtual world quest." [21]

Big Nate Island

Big Nate Island was the eighth island released on Poptropica. This island is based on the comic strip Big Nate, written by cartoonist Lincoln Peirce. The player is on a mission to find a long-lost time capsule containing a large pearl which, if found, can save the school from demolition with the money from selling the pearl. The player will need help from Nate and his friends to complete the quest. Unlike other islands, Big Nate Island is drawn in the style of the comic strip by Peirce. The island was opened on February 12, 2009. Th description on the island's information page is, "Get ready for a whole new type of online virtual world adventure on Poptropica. Enter the comic strip world of Big Nate – a wisecracking kid who holds the all-time record for detentions at this school. You're on a mission to find a long-lost time capsule which, if found, can save the school from demolition. You'll need help from Nate and his friends to complete your online virtual world quest!" [22]

Astro-Knights Island

Astro-Knights Island was the ninth island released on Poptropica.[23] The princess of the Kingdom of Arturus has been kidnapped by an evil inventor named Mordred (now under the alias of The Binary Bard), and taken somewhere into space. The player must build and customize a spacecraft and use it to rescue her. The player will visit several planets in his quest and fight a variety of mechanical beasts.[24] The island contains numerous allusions to Arthurian legend, such as the kingdom being named "Arturus", three knights being named Cador, Peleas, and Gawain, and the villain's name being Mordred. The island was opened to early access on June 3, 2009, and to Non-Members on June 10, 2009. This was the first Island where Early Access was available. The description on the island's information page is, "Launch thyself into a new online virtual world adventure on Poptropica! The princess hath been kidnapped and taken to the far reaches of space. Thou must assemble a space vessel and fly among the stars on an intergalactic quest to rescue her and save the kingdom of Arturus is the online virtual world, Astro-Knights Island." [25]

Astro-Knights Guide

An Astro-Knights Guide was released on 10 August 2011 by the Poptropica Creators. It can be acquired by clicking on the Poptropica Store kiosk on Main Street of Astro-Knights Island. The guide gives a step-by-step walk-through of the entire island as well as instructions on how to find important inventory items. The guide was released because Astro-Knights island is Poptropica's island with the fewest number of completions.[26]

Counterfeit Island

Counterfeit Island was the tenth island released on Poptropica. It is a detective quest involving a museum called the Museum Fantastique, which houses some of the world's most famous paintings, namely The Starry Night by Vincent VanGogh and The Scream, by Edvard Munch. There is an art thief named the Black Widow who is trying to steal the museum's most prized painting, The Scream. It is up to the player to capture the Black Widow and recover The Scream. The island was opened to early access on December 21, 2009, and to Non-Members on January 4, 2010. This island was the first island where when the player enters an area which does not appear on the map, such a multi-player room the map says you are here in the area the player came from. The description on the island's information page is, "Some of the world's most famous artwork is on display at the Island's museum, but rumour has it someone's out to steal it. Can you explore the dark and dangerous side of the online virtual world Counterfeit Island and save the day in the cracking canvas caper?" [27]

Reality TV Island

Reality TV Island was the eleventh island released on Poptropica and is based on the hit reality TV show Survivor. The player has to compete in challenges against seven other characters, including antagonists from the first ten islands, to avoid being "voted off" the a reality TV show called Reality TV Island. The island was released to Poptropica members on February 24, 2010 and was open to Non-Members on March 24, 2010. The description on the island's information page is, "Have you ever wanted to be the star of a reality TV show? Well, now's your chance! Duke it out with your fellow contestants and avoid elimination to win the show's grand prize and become a hero to your hometown in the online virtual world, Reality TV Island." [28]

Mythology Island

Mythology Island was the twelfth island released on Poptropica. It features the gods from Greek mythology, such as Zeus and Aphrodite. The player meets mythical gods and creatures and must locate five items for Zeus in a quest for immortality. However, Zeus cannot be trusted, as he plans to rule all of Poptropica. Players must use the powers of his brothers and rivals, the gods of the underworld and of the seas (Hades and Poseidon, respectively) to defeat Zeus. The island was released to Poptropica Members on April 1, 2010 and was opened to Non-Members on April 29, 2010. The description on the island's information page is, "Mighty Zeus, king of the gods, needs a hero – and he wants you! To satisfy Zeus, you'll need to battle monsters, swim the depths of the ocean, and descend into the mysterious underworld. Will you emerge a hero like Hercules, or face the fiery wrath of Zeus and his thunderbolts?" [29]

Skullduggery Island

Skullduggery Island was the thirteenth island released on Poptropica. It is a pirate quest involving sailing, trading, and sea battles on several small islands. A cruel pirate foe named Captain Crawfish is raiding the small port of Fort Ridley. The player must earn wealth, acquiring a powerful ship and skilled crew to defeat Captain Crawfish, and recover five pieces of a treasure map for the islanders at Fort Ridley. The island was released to Poptropica members on May 20, 2010 and was opened to the public on June 17, 2010. The island's description on its information page is: "Set sail for adventure! Outwit cunning pirates and battle fierce sea monsters in the biggest Poptropica online virtual world quest yet. Build your ship. Assemble your crew. Rule the sea!" [30]

Steamworks Island

Steamworks Island was the fourteenth island released on Poptropica. The island is a mechanical civilization using steam power. However, there are initially no inhabitants whatsoever, and the quest is to locate them. The player acquires a robot helper named Sprocket to investigate the mystery, which involves reactivating various machines that have been unused for over two hundred years. Most of the city area is now overgrown by huge plants, some of which prove to be hostile. The island was released to Poptropica members on August 12, 2010 and was released to the public on September 9, 2010. The description on the island's information page is, "The silence of empty streets welcomes you. Metal and machines fill the lonely halls, and a growing mystery lurks behind a shroud of steam. Can you uncover what happened to the inhabitants of this ancient online virtual world? Gear up for a steam-powered adventure you will never forget." [31]

Great Pumpkin Island

Great Pumpkin Island was the fifteenth island released on Poptropica. It is set with a Peanuts theme, using characters created by Charles Schulz. Poptropica members had access on September 30, 2010, and it was opened to the public on October 14 of the same year.[32] The description on the islands's Information page is, "Halloween is here, but not all of the PEANUTS kids are celebrating – not when Charlie Brown keeps getting tricks instead of treats, Snoopy is attacked by the infamous Red Baron, and Linus waits all night for the Great Pumpkin. Can you set things right in this online virtual world and save Halloween?"[33]

Cryptids Island

Cryptids Island was the sixteenth island released on Poptropica. An eccentric billionaire named Harold Mews is promising a big reward to whoever can prove the existence of cryptids – hidden creatures. The hunt is on for cryptids like Bigfoot and Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster. However, the million dollar reward has attracted many other fortune-hunters, namely Gretchen Grimlock who will lie, steal, and cheat to find the Cryptids.[34][35] It was made available to members Monday, December 20, 2010 and it was released to Non-Members on January 18, 2011.[36][37][38] The description on the island's information page is, "An eccentric billionaire is promising a big reward to whoever can prove the existence of cryptids – hidden creatures. The hunt is on for Bigfoot, Nessie, and other legendary beasts. But watch out: you're not the only one in search of these monsters in this online virtual world – and your competitors will stop at nothing to find them!"[39]

Wild West Island

Wild West Island was the seventeenth island released on Poptropica. It takes place in an area with a American Old West theme, including cowboys, banditos, horses and a train robbery. It was made available to Poptropica Members on February 14, 2011 and was released to the public on March 11, 2011. In Wild West Island, the player's goal is to capture the notorious bandit El Mustachio Grande and his gang. The description on the island's information page is, "A shadow is creeping across the frontier, and its name is El Mustachio Grande. He's the meanest, nastiest outlaw in the land, and he's terrorizing the good folks of the online virtual world Wild West Island. With your trusty horse by your side, only you stand between the Mustachio gang and total anarchy. Can you bring Mustachio to justice, once and for all?" [40]

Wimpy Wonderland

Wimpy Wonderland was the eighteenth island released on Poptropica. It is based on the popular graphic novel series, Diary of a Wimpy Kid. It was made available to members on March 14, 2011 and was released to the public on March 17, 2011. Many of the elements in the island are based upon the novels, including decorations and characters. This was a surprise public release timed to coincide with the release of the movie in theatres that same month. Normally, Non-Members must wait approximately four weeks for islands to be available after members-only early access. The description on the island's information page is, "The kids in town are enjoying a snow day – all except for Greg Heffley, whose little brother Manny has gone missing! It's up to you to find Manny, but before you do, you'll have to contend with surly teenagers, crabby senior citizens, and those rotten Whirley Street kids. Join Greg, Rowley, Rodrick, and the rest of theWimpy Kid characters for a snow-capped adventure you'll never forget!"[41]

Red Dragon Island

Red Dragon Island was the nineteenth island released on Poptropica. It takes place in ancient Japan and feature characters and storyline from the popular Magic Tree House book series. The title of the video preview was "Kanji Secret". Kanji is Chinese characters used in Japanese writing. The video description of the YouTube video states "A new island is coming to Poptropica! What will the name of this new island be? The kanji holds the answer!" The kanji in the video is 赤竜, also known as Red Dragon. The island became available for Poptropica Members in May 2011 and available to Non-Members on June 2, 2011. The description on the island's information page is, "The Magic Tree House has landed on Poptropica! Join Jack and Annie on a journey back in time to a world of samurai warriors, sumo wrestlers, and even greater dangers that lurk in the clouds. When trouble strikes, it's up to you to master a set of elite ninja skills and undertake a dangerous rescue mission. Can you find your way back home, or will you be stuck in the virtual world of old Japan forever?" [42]

Shrink Ray Island

Shrink Ray Island was the twentieth island released on Poptropica. It was announced as the twentieth island on Poptropica on June 2, 2011 and released on July 13, 2011 for Poptropica Members and a demo for Non-Members. Shrink Ray Island was released on July 28, 2011 to Non-Members. "A young genius has invented a ray gun that shrinks anything it touches – including you! But when the scientist and her invention go missing, you'll have to keep the shrink ray from falling into the wrong hands, and find a way to bring yourself back to normal size. To solve a problem this big, you've got to think small!"[43]

Mystery Train Island

Mystery Train Island was the twenty-first island released on Poptropica. It was announced on July 28, 2011 and released October 7, 2011 [44] [45] 2011[46] for all members[47] It features the Chicago World's fair Columbian exposition of 1893. This island was first shown on the Poptropica map on July 28, 2011. The preview for the island, a game called D.C. Diner which is a management game similar to the popular game Diner Dash,[48] has been available since 11 August 2011. In D.C. Diner, players must seat the guests, take orders, serve food and drink, and wash the dishes all under a specific time limit. The description on the island's information page is, "How do you solve a mystery when everyone is a suspect? It's 1893, and some of the world's brightest minds are travelling by train to the World's Fair in Chicago. But after a dastardly crime puts the fate of the Fair in peril, only you can piece together the clues and collar the criminal. All aboard for a whodunit that will keep you guessing until the last twist of the tracks!" [49]

Game Show Island

Game Show Island will be the twenty-second island on Poptropica. It was announced on September 23, 2011 and was released for Poptropica Members on October 27, 2011.[50][51] In order to complete the island, the player must win several game shows, then defeat a super-computer called Holmes. The description on the island's information page is, "Welcome to a future where robots rule. Building computers to compete on TV game shows seemed like a funny idea - until the machines wanted more. Now, after years of robotic dominance, Poptropica needs a savior. Are you clever enough to beat the robots at their own games, and restore the dignity of all Poptropicans?"[52] It will be released for everybody November 23, 2011.

Upcoming Islands

The names of new islands are typically announced before they are released.

Ghost Story Island

Ghost Story Island will be the twenty-third island on Poptropica. It was announced on November 10, 2011 and its release date is currently unknown [53] Description: Hemlock Harbor is a town with a secret. Restless spirits are said to haunt its shores, but no one knows who they are, what they want -- or how to get rid of them. Can you hunt the ghosts of Hemlock Harbor and uncover the mystery that will set them free? A ghost hunter suit was released on November 21, 2011.

Failed Islands

One island that was announced was never completed.

Monster Carnival Island

This island was replaced by 24 Carrot Island. It showed Monster Carnival Island: Coming Soon one the Poptropica map, but before the public had any information on it, it was changed to 24 Carrot.Someday,the creators might finish the uncompleted island,until it awaits.

User safety

Poptropica uses pre-scripted chat which allows players to communicate without sharing personal information.[54] This also keeps the communication profanity free.

Character names (such as "Fierce Hippo" or "Magic Feather") are also pre-constructed to prevent any profanity or personal information from entering the virtual world. Players can only interact with each other in special multi-player rooms.


Once a player enters Poptropica, he or she chooses an island to explore; as noted before, each island has a central mission. To travel between islands, the user boards a blimp with the Poptropica logo, which shuttles between the Main Streets of the various islands.

Non-Island Games

Haunted House

This purchasable game, which was free when it was released, then changed to a purchasable item for 350 credits in September 2010, in the Poptropica Store was added to Poptropica for Halloween 2009, and the game was later moved to the Poptropica Store. For the Halloween of 2011, it became free to everybody again. The player enters a haunted mansion and finds the "treasures" sought by the local supernatural entities under the direction of a cat's ghost. Completion of the quest rewards the players with 50 credits.

Dr. Hare's Secret Lab

This is a purchasable game with the cost of 250 credits in the Poptropica Store, added on March 10, 2010. It is based on the villain from 24 Carrot Island, and involves a key-card game previously used on ad-games. Completion of the game provides a costume item of a robot bunny and 50 Poptropica credits.

Earth Day

This is a free mini-game within the store, and was released for Earth Day, April 22, 2010. The player turns off various household items that are wasting electricity. Completion of the game awards 50 Poptropica credits.

Blimp Adventure

One June 2, 2011, the Poptropica Creators announced that they were making a toy blimp based on the Poptropica blimp that will comes with an in-game adventure that is unlocked when you enter the code that comes with the toy. On 6 October 2011, it became available at Toys R Us.[55]. There are five levels in the game, where the player must beat a villain named Dr. Cumulo Nimbus who is trying to destroy several islands in Poptropica with his weather balloon.[56]

Legendary Swords

Legendary Swords became available in the Poptropica store on November 11, 2011.[57] The description on the action quest's information page is, "On a distant planet, a hero explores a strange land to discover a race of aggressive and bizarre robots who are planning an invasion of Planet Poptropica! The only way the hero can stop this invading force is by using a series of hidden mystical swords that are scattered throughout the planet. Driven by courage (and a little fear), the hero must stop the invading robots and their diabolical master; the mysterious E. Vile! Non members can only battle the first boss. "[58]

Temporary Ad-Games

In addition to the available island quests, advertisers contract for temporary games that appear on the site, sometimes targeted to players of a certain age group or gender. Regular advertisers have included Disney, Kellogg's Froot Loops, Lego toys, and various animated movies and DVD releases. Games normally appear only during a two-week period.


  • Twisted Wizard: Build a wall to protect your wizard. Use magic to defeat the ogres by smiting them with lightning bolts. At first it was only mentioned in Wimpy Wonderland island, but is now required in order to complete the quest. It is also available in the games menu.
  • Switch: A 60-second game similar to Bejeweled in which the player groups three or more fruits in a row to earn points. This is the only game available exclusively in the games menu.
  • Sudoku: A game of Sudoku. This is the only game the player can play alone form the game menu or with another player in the multiplayer rooms.
  • Hoops: The player shoots basketballs into the net. The first player to get 5 points wins.
  • Sky Dive: When the signal is given, the player's character has to land on the ground safely by clicking on their parachute, which is in a brown backpack.
  • Paint War: The player needs to blast seven paint-filled balls with their cannon to win.
  • Star Link: Link stars together using a line to form a square. A player earns a point by filling a box with four lines.
  • Balloons: This game is similar to Connect 4 but using balloons. The first player who connects four in a row wins the game.
  • Soupwords: Spell words by connecting three or more letters in a bowl of alphabet soup. The player's goal is to find as many words as he or she can before the soup gets cold. This game is similar to Boggle.
  • Pathwise: The player who must make a connection by clicking on a hexagon each turn on a rhombus-shaped board in order to bridge their way across and win.


Poptropica began selling products via the internet in March 2009,[59] starting with T-shirts through Zazzle. Poptropica also started selling wall prints with various Poptropica characters a few days later through Larger Than Life prints.[60]

On May 30, 2009, Poptropica began selling "Poptropica credits" online. Credits are used in the game to "buy" special costumes and abilities. However, players can also obtain credits through the completion of islands.[61]


In early 2010, Poptropica began offering premium use of the site through the payment of a monthly membership fee. Paid monthly members have the use (but not ownership) of items from the Poptropica Store. Early Access to new islands is now restricted to paid members and has been set at 4 weeks prior to free general use.


  1. ^ http://fen.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/4582/~/what-are-the-system-requirements-to-play-poptropica%3F
  2. ^ http://fen.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/4582/~/what-are-the-system-requirements-to-play-poptropica%3F
  3. ^ Pearson Education description
  4. ^ Alexa ranking
  5. ^ Brian Solis, Ashton Kutcher (2010), "Virtual Worlds", Engage, http://books.google.com/books?id=AUczMkQo5F4C&pg=PA48 
  6. ^ http://www.redorbit.com/news/education/2073181/poptropica_popular_virtual_world_for_kids_unveils_milestone_20th_island/
  7. ^ http://www.google.com/intl/en/press/zeitgeist2010/regions/us/entertainment.html
  8. ^ CNW news report. [1]
  9. ^ name=Poptropica Store Announcement on Poptropica Creators' Blog
  10. ^ Crawfish, Captain. "Announcing Island Restart!". Poptropica Creators' Blog. Pearson Education Inc.. http://blog.poptropica.com/2011/07/announcing-island-restart.html. Retrieved 18 October 2011. 
  11. ^ http://www.poptropica.com/island-tour/early-poptropica-island.html
  12. ^ http://www.poptropica.com/island-tour/shark-tooth-island.html
  13. ^ http://johog1.wordpress.com/time-tangled-island-guide/
  14. ^ http://www.poptropicacheats.info/poptropica-cheats-and-walkthrough-for-time-tangled-island/
  15. ^ http://www.poptropica.com/island-tour/time-tangled-island.html
  16. ^ http://www.poptropica.com/island-tour/24-carrot-island.html
  17. ^ Description of Super Power Island on Poptropica
  18. ^ http://www.poptropica.com/island-tour/super-power-island.html
  19. ^ http://www.poptropica.com/island-tour/spy-island.html
  20. ^ Choose Your Own Adventure books and Poptropica
  21. ^ http://www.poptropica.com/island-tour/nabooti-island.html
  22. ^ http://www.poptropica.com/island-tour/big-nate-island.html
  23. ^ Poptropica's Upcoming Island Section
  24. ^ Astro-Knights Island Announcement
  25. ^ http://www.poptropica.com/island-tour/astro-knights-island.html
  26. ^ http://blog.poptropica.com/2011/08/announcing-astro-knights-island-guide.html
  27. ^ http://www.poptropica.com/island-tour/counterfeit-island.html
  28. ^ http://www.poptropica.com/island-tour/reality-tv-island.html
  29. ^ http://www.poptropica.com/island-tour/mythology-island.html
  30. ^ http://www.poptropica.com/island-tour/skullduggery-island.html
  31. ^ http://www.poptropica.com/island-tour/steamworks-island.html
  32. ^ Great Pumpkin Island Announcement
  33. ^ http://www.poptropica.com/island-tour/great-pumpkin-island.html
  34. ^ Cryptids Island Announcement 1
  35. ^ Cryptids Island Page
  36. ^ Cryptids Island release date change!
  37. ^ Cryptids Island Member Release Announcement
  38. ^ Cryptids Island release date announced!
  39. ^ http://www.poptropica.com/island-tour/cryptids-island.html
  40. ^ http://www.poptropica.com/island-tour/wild-west-island.html
  41. ^ http://www.poptropica.com/island-tour/wimpy-wonderland-island.html
  42. ^ http://www.poptropica.com/island-tour/red-dragon-island.html
  43. ^ http://www.poptropica.com/island-tour/shrink-ray-island.html
  44. ^ http://blog.poptropica.com/2011/07/announcing-new-poptropica-island.html
  45. ^ http://blog.poptropica.com/2011/09/counting-down-seconds-to-mystery-train.html
  46. ^ http://blog.poptropica.com/2011/10/mystery-train-will-be-open-to-all-this.html
  47. ^ http://blog.poptropica.com/2011/08/watch-new-trailer-for-mystery-train.html?m=1
  48. ^ http://blog.poptropica.com/2011/08/play-dc-diner-now.html
  49. ^ http://www.poptropica.com/island-tour/mystery-train-island.html
  50. ^ http://blog.poptropica.com/2011/09/announcing-next-poptropica-island.html
  51. ^ http://blog.poptropica.com/2011/10/game-show-island-countdown-is-on.html
  52. ^ http://www.poptropica.com/island-tour/gameshow-island.html
  53. ^ http://blog.poptropica.com/2011/11/announcing-next-poptropica-island.html
  54. ^ Review at Parenting iVillage. [2]
  55. ^ Kinney, Jeff. "Up, up in my flying machine...". http://blog.poptropica.com/2011/10/up-up-in-my-flying-machine.html. Retrieved 23 October 2011. 
  56. ^ Moon, Fierce. "Poptropica Blimp Adventure". http://poptropicasecrets.com/poptropica-games/blimp-adventure/. Retrieved 13 November 2011. 
  57. ^ Crawfish, Captain. "The Legend Is Coming 11/11/11". Poptropica Creators' Blog. Pearson Education, Inc.. http://blog.poptropica.com/2011/10/legend-is-coming-111111.html. Retrieved 27 October 2011. 
  58. ^ http://www.poptropica.com//quest/legendary-swords.html
  59. ^ Announcement from the Poptropica Creators' blog
  60. ^ Announcement from the blog
  61. ^ Announcement on Poptropica Creators' Blog

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