- Dhṛtarāṣṭra
This page describes the figure in Buddhist mythology. For the figure in the Hindu epic Mahābhārata, see Dhritarashtra. See also disambiguation.The Heavenly King Jikoku.
Dhṛtarāṣṭra (Sanskrit: धृतराष्ट्र, Japanese: 持国天 "Jikoku") refers to an important figure in Buddhist mythology.
In Buddhism, Dhṛtarāṣṭra is one of the Four Heavenly Kings[1] and an important figure in Buddhist mythology. He is part of the Buddhist Pantheon of Esoteric Buddhism.
His name means "He who maintains the state" or “Watcher of the Lands”, and he his the guardian of the east.
- ^ Michael Ashkenazi (2003). Handbook of Japanese mythology, ABC-CLIO. ISBN 1576074676 "Dhrtarastra carries a trident and rests his foot on the head of a demon. He is the defender of the East" (p. 53)
Japanese Buddhist Pantheon Buddhas (Nyorai-bu):Bodhisattvas (Bosatsu-bu):Vajraparamita (Kongō-Haramitsu) | Vajrasattva (Kongosatta) | Maitreya (Miroku) | Avalokitesvara (Kannon) | Samantabhadra (Fugen) | Manjusri (Monju) | Mahapratisara (Daizuigu) | Ksitigarbha (Jizo) | Akasagarbha (Kokuzo) | Mahasthamaprapta (Seishi)Wisdom Kings (Myōō-bu)Five Wisdom Kings | Acala (Fudo-Myoo) | Rāgarāja (Aizen-Myoo) | Ucchusma (Ususama) | Hayagriva (Bato Kannon) | Mahamayuri (Kujaku-Myoo) | Yamantaka (Daiitoku)Deities (Ten-bu):Shitennō | Marici (Marishi-ten) | Mahakala (Daikokuten) | Saraswati (Benzaiten) | Brahma (Bonten) | Hotei | Jurōjin | Fukurokuju | Vaisravana (Bishamonten) | Ebisu | Ugajincircumstantial appearances (Suijakushin-bu):Izuna Gongen | Atago Gongen | Konpira DaigongenReligious men (Kōsō・Soshi-bu):Bodhidharma | Prince Shōtoku | Kūkai | Saichō | Dōgen Kigen |Honen | Shinran | Nichiren | Sixteen ArhatsBuddhism Categories:- Lokapalas
- Japanese gods
- War gods
- Yaksha Kingdom
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