List of historical reenactment groups

List of historical reenactment groups

This is a list of groups engaged in historical reenactment. Because boundaries can be unclear, where there is doubt, groups are listed here by the category into which they place themselves.

Grupo de recreación medieval Pendragon Colombia{{flagicon| Colombia} vikings,samurai,late midddle ages,crusades,Normans,arabs etc - circa 500to circa 1500Combat reenactment, Living history, Educational visits, medievalRe-Enactment

Name URL Real world location Period Earliest year portrayed Latest year portrayed Speciality
American Civil War Society (UK) [1] UK United Kingdom American Civil War &10000000000001861000000 1861 AD &10000000000001865000000 1865 AD Living History, Battle Re-enactments
19th Regiment of Foot (Green Howards in the Crimea) [2] UK United Kingdom Crimean War &10000000000001853000000 1853 AD &10000000000001856000000 1856 AD Drill and Firing displays, Military Reenactment, Living History, reenacting the history of the Green Howards during the Crimean War
Rurskaja Drugina Reenactmentgroup from NRW [3] Germany 10th century &10000000000000950000000 950 AD &10000000000001000000000 1000 AD living History in early Russia/Viking. Huscarl fighting
New England Medieval Arts Society [4] Armidale, NSW, Australia Medieval (main focus Dark Ages) &099999999999990999999999th C BC &1000000000000130000000013th C AD living history and re-enactment group
Grupo de recreación medieval Pendragon NA Colombia} middle ages 500 1500 Combat reenactment, Living history, medieval Combat, medieval Re-Enactment
The Regency Society of America [5] United States English Regency, 1812, Napoleonic Wars, etc. &100000000000017800000001780 AD &100000000000018300000001830 AD living history and re-enactment group
Society for the Preservation of the Golden Era [6] United States 1920s to 1950s - the Golden Era &10000000000001920000000 1920 AD &10000000000001950000000 1950 AD Preserving Golden Era history though public and private events.
Offizier=Verein der Deutschen Armeekorps 1914 [7] Germany German Empire pre 1914 &10000000000001890000000 1890 AD &10000000000001914000000 1914 AD Prussian and German Army in the blue tunic ("Bunter Rock").
Henley Fort Reenactment Society [8] UK Victorian &10000000000001880000000 1880 AD &10000000000001904000000 1904 AD The Queens Royal West Surrey 2nd Volunteers, Guildford, Surrey.
The Medieval Siege Society [9] UK Wars of the Roses &10000000000001350000000 1350 AD &10000000000001490000000 1490 AD The society is now the largest Wars of the Roses re-enactment group in the UK.
The 1st SS Leibstandarte Division [10] United States World War II &10000000000001939000000 1939 AD &10000000000001945000000 1945 AD
14Kp. Fallschirmjuager Regiment 6 "The Lions of Carentan" [11] California, United States World War II &10000000000001939000000 1939 AD &10000000000001945000000 1945 AD ww2 German paratroop re-enactment unit "Anti Tank" with truck and PAK gun.
2\KP Panzer Grenadier Regiment Grossdeutschland [12] UK World War II &10000000000001939000000 1939 AD &10000000000001945000000 1945 AD WW2 German armoured infantry, re-enact using replica halftrack.
2nd Infantry Division, 9th Infantry Regiment, Co. A [13]  United States World War II &10000000000001940000000 1940 AD &10000000000001945000000 1945 AD WW2 US Infantry, living history and re-enactment group.
3./Pi.Btl.1 [14] Russia World War II &10000000000001939000000 1939 AD &10000000000001945000000 1945 AD Living history, displays the German combat engineers
4th Batt. of Musketeers [15] Czech Republic World War II &10000000000001939000000 1939 AD &10000000000001945000000 1945 AD
504th PIR / 325 GIR [16] United States World War II &10000000000001939000000 1939 AD &10000000000001945000000 1945 AD
8ème Regiment d'Infanterie (France) [17] UK United Kingdom World War I &10000000000001914000000 1914 AD &10000000000001918000000 1918 AD
9th Infantry Division Reenacted [18] California, United States World War II &10000000000001939000000 1939 AD &10000000000001945000000 1945 AD
9th Infantry Division, 60th Infantry Regiment Reenacted [19] World War II &10000000000001939000000 1939 AD &10000000000001945000000 1945 AD
9th Massachusetts Battery [20] Massachusetts, United States American Civil War &10000000000001862000000 1862 AD &10000000000001865000000 1865 AD Living History, Combat Reenactment
9th SS panzer division (central east coast) [21] World War II &10000000000001939000000 1939 AD &10000000000001945000000 1945 AD
14th Louisiana Infantry Regiment, "G" Company [22] Italy Napoleonic Wars, American Civil War, World War II &10000000000001803000000 1803 AD &10000000000001945000000 1945 AD
18thBtn AIF Living History Group [23] Sydney, Australia World War I &10000000000001915000000 1915 AD &10000000000001918000000 1918 AD Living history, film work, combat reenactment
22nd Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry [24] Massachusetts, United States American Civil War &10000000000001861000000 1861 AD &10000000000001864000000 1864 AD Living History, Combat Reenactment, Historic Preservation
22e demi-brigade de ligne [an XI] [25] Germany, Italy, Poland Napoleonic Wars &10000000000001803000000 1803 AD &10000000000001815000000 1815 AD Living history, Combat reenactment
26th Yankee Division [26] New England, United States World War II &10000000000001939000000 1939 AD &10000000000001945000000 1945 AD
28th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry [27] New England, United States American Civil War &10000000000001861000000 1861 AD &10000000000001865000000 1865 AD Irish Brigade, Living History, Combat Reenactment, Film Work, Historic Preservation
65th Regiment Society [28] New Zealand Colonial New Zealand wars &10000000000001860000000 1860 AD &10000000000001865000000 1865 AD Drill display team, Living history
68th Society and Display Team [29] UK 1814 &10000000000001814000000 1814 AD &10000000000001814000000 1814 AD Drill display team, Military Reenactment, Living History, reenacting the history of the Durham Light Infantry
82nd Airborne Living History Association (82nd LHA) [30] United States World War II &10000000000001939000000 1939 AD &10000000000001945000000 1945 AD
90th Infantry Division Preservation Group [31] World War II &10000000000001939000000 1939 AD &10000000000001945000000 1945 AD
1186 - 583 [32] France 1186 to 1188 &10000000000001186000000 1186 AD &10000000000001188000000 1188 AD Living history dedicated to Middle Eastern societies, Christian and Muslim
A Battery Queensland Permanent Artillery [33] Australia Colonial c1896 &10000000000001871000000 1871 AD &10000000000001896000000 1896 AD Combat Reenactment, Living History
Adrian Empire [34] United States, Canada Medieval to Early Renaissance (Battle of Hastings to Death of Elizabeth I) &10000000000001066000000 1066 AD &10000000000001603000000 1603 AD Combat reenactment , Living history, Not-for-profit educational group
Albini Household [35] UK Medieval combat reenactment, Living history
American Civil War Association [36] California, United States American Civil War &100000000000018610000001861 AD &100000000000018650000001865 AD Living History, Combat reenactment
Ancient Arts Fellowship [37] Australia Dark Ages - Viking, Saxon, Norman &10000000000000790000000790 AD &100000000000010660000001066 AD Combat reenactment, traditional archery, craft, costuming, cooking
Ares Anax [38] Greece Ancient Greece combat reenactment, Living history
Arizona Regency Society [39] Arizona, United States British Regency &10000000000001811000000 1811 AD &10000000000001820000000 1820 AD
Armidale New England Colonial Living History Group. [40] Armidale, New England, New South Wales, Australia. 1680-1760 in the New World. &10000000000001700000000 1700 AD &10000000000001760000000 1760 AD 18th Century Historical Trekking and Camping. Period Living Skills and Primitive Wilderness Survival Skills.
Ask Alemanni [41] Germany Historical alemannic reenactment in Agri decumates southern Germany, from Late Antiquity to Charlemagne. &10000000000000284000000 284 AD &10000000000000768000000 768 AD Living history, Historical Fencing, Combat reenactment, Educational
Asociacion Recreacionista Medieval Escandinava (ARME) [42][43] Argentina Argentina Vendel, Vikings, Varangians, Normans, etc. - circa 400 to circa 1200 &10000000000000400000000 400 AD &10000000000001200000000 1200 AD Combat reenactment, Living history, Educational visits, Viking Age Re-Enactment
Ausreenact [44] New South Wales, Australia World War II &10000000000001939000000 1939 AD &10000000000001945000000 1945 AD Combat reenactment, Living history
Autumn 44 [45] UK United Kingdom World War II &10000000000001944000000 1944 AD &10000000000001944000000 1944 AD Living history, Essex Regiment
The Australian Medieval Guild [46] Australia Ancient to Renaissance &09999999999998499999999 1500 BC &10000000000001650000000 1650 AD
Bay Area English Regency Society [47] California, United States Early modern &10000000000001795000000 1795 AD &10000000000001837000000 1836 AD
The Beaufort Companye [48] UK Wars of the Roses group &10000000000001455000000 1455 AD &10000000000001558000000 1558 AD Living history, Combat reenactment, member of Wars of the Roses Federation, film work
The Brigade of the American Revolution [49] US, Canada American Revolutionary War &10000000000001775000000 1775 AD &10000000000001783000000 1783 AD Combat reenactment, Living history
The British Brigade [50] US American Revolutionary War &10000000000001775000000 1775 AD &10000000000001783000000 1783 AD Combat reenactment, Living history
Birkbeck's Battery [51] UK mid to late 1700 artillery &10000000000001745000000 1745 AD &10000000000001789000000 1789 AD Combat reenactment, Living history, Drill display team, Educational and Research
Britannia [52] UK 400 - 600; 1st century Gladiatorial Combat &10000000000000001000000 1st century AD &10000000000000600000000 600 AD Combat reenactment, Living history
British Plate Armour Society (BPAS) [53] UK Medieval Combat reenactment
The BSU [54] UK Medieval England from the Norman invasion to the signing of the Magna Carta &10000000000001066000000 1066 AD &10000000000001215000000 1215 AD Combat reenactment, Living history
Buckinghams Retinue [55] UK Wars of the Roses group and early Tudor group &10000000000001455000000 1455 AD &10000000000001558000000 1558 AD Living history, Combat reenactment, member of Wars of the Roses federation and Livery and Maintenance
Burning of the Valleys Military Association [56] US American Revolutionary War &10000000000001775000000 1775 AD &10000000000001783000000 1783 AD Combat reenactment, Living history
Caent Herrod [57] United Kingdom Dark Ages Living history, Combat reenactment, Educational visits
California Historical Group Living History Association (CHG) [58] United States World War II &10000000000001939000000 1939 AD &10000000000001945000000 1945 AD
Claymore Re-enactment Group UK Jacobite Rebellion &10000000000001688000000 1688 AD &10000000000001746000000 1746 AD Combat reenactment, Living history
Colonial Living History Alliance [59] US 18th century &10000000000001701000000 18th century &10000000000001800000000 18th century Living history
Comitatus [60] UK United Kingdom 306 - 866 A.D. Late and Sub-Roman Britain and Early Middle Ages &10000000000000306000000 306 AD &10000000000000866000000 866 AD Living history, Combat reenactment
Companions of the Crow [61] UK 1066 to 1485 &10000000000001066000000 1066 AD &10000000000001485000000 1485 AD Combat reenactment, Living history encampment
Company Ecorcheur [62] UK Wars of the Roses &10000000000001455000000 1455 AD &10000000000001487000000 1487 AD Combat reenactment, Living history
The Company of Saynt George [63] Europe Late 15th century, in the age of Charles the Bold &10000000000001467000000 1467 AD &10000000000001477000000 1477 AD Living history, Medieval artillery
Company of the Wolf [64] Australia Middle Ages &10000000000001250000000 1250 AD &10000000000001490000000 1490 AD Combat reenactment, Living history
Conroi De Vey [65] Nottinghamshire, UK 850 to 1100 &10000000000000850000000 850 AD &10000000000001100000000 1100 AD Combat reenactment, Living history
The Continental Line [66] US American Revolutionary War &10000000000001775000000 1775 AD &10000000000001783000000 1783 AD Combat reenactment, Living history
Crusade [67] UK United Kingdom The Crusades &10000000000001066000000 1066 AD &10000000000001320000000 1320 AD Combat reenactment, Living history, Exhibition drill
Denizens of Ethos [68]  Australia Ancient to Pre-firearm &09999999999998499999999 1500 BC &10000000000001400000000 1400 AD Combat reenactment, Living History, NSW
der Erste Zug [69] World War II &10000000000001939000000 1939 AD &10000000000001945000000 1945 AD
The Dogs of War [70] UK 13th century to 14th century &10000000000001201000000 13th century &10000000000001400000000 14th century Combat reenactment
Earthly Delights [71] Australia British Regency &10000000000001795000000 1795 AD &10000000000001837000000 1836 AD Regency reenactment, dance instructions, midis, dance classes & Balls
Easy Coy. 101st Abn Div (re-enacted) North-East through Mid-Atlantic US [72] United States World War II &10000000000001939000000 1939 AD &10000000000001945000000 1945 AD
Edenton Bell Battery [73] North Carolina, United States American Civil War &10000000000001861000000 1861 AD &10000000000001865000000 1865 AD Combat reenactment, Living history
The Elegant Arts Society [74] United States British Regency &10000000000001795000000 1795 AD &10000000000001837000000 1836 AD Teaches actual Regency era steps
The Empire of Medieval Pursuits [75] United States Medieval Period &10000000000000500000000 500 AD &10000000000001600000000 1600 AD Medieval and early history, arts and combat
The English Civil War Society [76] United Kingdom English civil war &10000000000001642000000 1642 AD &10000000000001651000000 1651 AD Combat reenactment, Living history
Early Medieval Alliance [77] UK 1130 to 1400 &10000000000001130000000 1130 AD &10000000000001400000000 1400 AD Umbrella group for combat reenactment
Essex Militia [78] UK United Kingdom James I to James II (1603 to 1703), English Civil War, English Restoration, Stuart Period &10000000000001603000000 1603 AD &10000000000001746000000 1746 AD Living history, Exhibition drill
Feudal Archers [79] UK 1193 &10000000000001135000000 1135 AD &10000000000001216000000 1216 AD Living history
Fire and Steel Dark Age Re-Enactment Society [80] Australia 600 to 1100 &10000000000000600000000 600 AD &10000000000001100000000 1100 AD Combat reenactment, Living history
Forces of Montcalm and Wolfe [81] US French and Indian War &10000000000001754000000 1754 AD &10000000000001763000000 1763 AD Combat reenactment, Living history
Freier Haufe zu Coeln e.V. [82] Germany 7th century to 14th century &10000000000000601000000 7th century &10000000000001400000000 14th century Combat reenactment
Freie Ritterschaft von Bram e.V. ("Free Knights of Bram") [83] Germany 11th century to 12th century &10000000000001001000000 11th century &10000000000001200000000 12th century Living history
Friends of the English Regency [84] British Regency &10000000000001811000000 1811 AD &10000000000001820000000 1820 AD
the Gemina Project [85] Netherlands Ancient Rome Combat reenactment, Living history
Gesellschaft des Elefanten [86] 1386-1406 Tyrol, Austrian Empire &10000000000001386000000 1386 AD &10000000000001406000000 1406 AD Combat reenactment, Living history, Historical Fencing
Gesellschaft für Hessische Militär- und Zivilgeschichte [87] US, Germany Seven Years' War, American Revolutionary War, Napoleonic Wars &10000000000001754000000 1754 AD &10000000000001815000000 1815 AD Combat reenactment, Living history
GhostRiders Living History (aka GhostRiders Stunt Co.) [88] US, Oklahoma American Old West &10000000000001840000000 1840 AD &10000000000001920000000 1920 AD Combat reenactment, Living history
The Great Northwood Bowmen [89] London, UK Medieval reenactment Longbow reenactment
Green Ginger [90] British Regency &10000000000001811000000 1811 AD &10000000000001820000000 1820 AD
The Grey Company [91] Australia Dark Ages Living history
Griffen Denmark Medieval
Grossdeutschland [92] United States World War II &10000000000001939000000 1939 AD &10000000000001945000000 1945 AD
Grupa Rekonstrukcji Historycznych - Podkarpacie [93] Poland, Przemyśl World War II &10000000000001939000000 1939 AD &10000000000001945000000 1945 AD Combat reenactment, Living history
Grupa Rekonstrukcji Historycznej "San" z Sanoka Poland, Sanok World War II &10000000000001939000000 1939 AD &10000000000001945000000 1945 AD Combat reenactment, Living history
Guilde of Sainte Marie [94] United States European Renaissance, Francis I of France, Henry III of France, Henry VIII of England, Elizabeth I of England, James I of England &10000000000001509000000 1509 AD &10000000000001603000000 1603 AD Living history, Noble/Courtier/Royal lifestyle
Harlech Medieval Society [95] UK 12th century to 13th century &10000000000001101000000 12th century &10000000000001300000000 13th century Combat reenactment
Harmaasudet [96] Finland Dark Ages Combat reenactment, Living history
Historia Normannis [97] UK 12th century to 13th century &10000000000001101000000 12th century &10000000000001300000000 13th century Combat reenactment, Living History
Historical Maritime Society [98] UK Modern &100000000000018050000001805 AD &100000000000019450000001945 AD Naval combat reenactment, Naval Living History
The History Re-enactment Workshop (HRW) [99] UK Tudor and Stuart &10000000000001536000000 1536 AD &10000000000001706000000 1706 AD Living History, Turning Houses into Homes
Hoplitikon [100] Australia Ancient Greece Combat reenactment, Living history
IG Menschen im Mittelalter [101] Germany Early 14th century Middle Ages &10000000000001301000000 1301 AD &10000000000001350000000 1350 AD Living history
Insel Soldaten Jersey World War II &10000000000001939000000 1939 AD &10000000000001945000000 1945 AD Living history, educational displays, works with the German garrison in the Channel Islands
The Jomsvikings - Army of Jomsborg [102] Dark Ages Combat reenactment, Living history
Kampfgruppe Haase [103]  Canada World War II &10000000000001939000000 1939 AD &10000000000001945000000 1945 AD 2nd Panzer Grenadier Division. 1.SS Division. Fallschirmjaeger.
King's Own Scottish Borderers and CBI Reenactment Association [104] World War II &10000000000001939000000 1939 AD &10000000000001945000000 1945 AD
Kompanie 1 [105] UK World War II &10000000000001939000000 1939 AD &10000000000001945000000 1945 AD Combat reenactment, Living history
Kompania Wolontarska [106] Poland 1590 to 1690 in Poland, Cossacks War, The Deluge &10000000000001590000000 1590 AD &10000000000001690000000 1690 AD Combat reenactment, Living history
Lacewars Group [107] UK Jacobite Rebellion &10000000000001688000000 1688 AD &10000000000001746000000 1746 AD Combat reenactment, Living history
Ladies of the Bower & Lords of the Tower [108] London, UK Medieval Nobility / Neville-Plantagenet family, &10000000000001460000000 1460 AD &10000000000001480000000 1480 AD Archery, Living history
Legia - forum for Iron Age Study [109] Belgium Iron Age / Hallstatt culture-La Tène culture, &09999999999999199999999 8th century BC &09999999999999899999999 1st century BC Experimental archaeology, Living history, Artisan, Exposition
Legio Burgundiae [110] Belgium Burgundy, Charles the Bold &10000000000001467000000 1467 AD &10000000000001477000000 1477 AD Combat reenactment, Living history
Legion of the Stags [111] UK Middle Ages Combat reenactment
The Liberty Rifles [112] Mid-Atlantic, United States American Civil War &10000000000001861000000 1861 AD &10000000000001865000000 1865 AD Combat reenactment, Living history
Livery & Maintenance [113] UK Wars of the Roses &10000000000001450000000 1450 AD &10000000000001487000000 1487 AD Combat reenactment, Living history
Lothene [114] UK 16th century, [Viking Age] Combat reenactment, Living history
Lupus Tempus [115] DK Denmark Early and Late Middle Ages, 1450-1480 &10000000000001450000000 1450 AD &10000000000001480000000 1480 AD Combat reenactment, Living history, Medieval medicine
MacDas (Macquaire University Dark Ages Society) [116] Australia Dark Ages Combat reenactment, Living history
Markland Medieval Mercenary Militia [117] United States Medieval Combat reenactment, Sport combat, Living history, Historical Fencing, educational display
Manitoba Living History Society [118] Manitoba, Canada Early Modern &10000000000001730000000 1730 AD &10000000000001900000000 1900 AD Living history
The Marquess of Winchesters Regiment [119] UK English civil war &10000000000001642000000 1642 AD &10000000000001651000000 1651 AD Combat reenactment, Living history
Mediaeval Combat Society [120] UK 14th century &10000000000001301000000 14th century &10000000000001400000000 14th century Combat reenactment, Living history, Dance, Archery
The Medieval Siege Society [121] UK 1350 to 1490AD &10000000000001350000000 1350 AD &10000000000001490000000 1490 AD Combat reenactment, Living history, Siege warfare
Military Reenactment Society of New Zealand [122] New Zealand World War II, Vietnam War &10000000000001939000000 1939 AD &10000000000001975000000 1975 AD Combat reenactment, Living history
New Varangian Guard [123] Australia Dark Ages Combat reenactment, Living history
The Napoleonic Association [124] UK Early modern &10000000000001795000000 1795 AD &10000000000001837000000 1836 AD Regency combat and civilian reenactment, research and wargaming
National Civil War Association [125] American Civil War &10000000000001861000000 1861 AD &10000000000001865000000 1865 AD
PA 69th Irish Volunteers [126] United States American Civil War &10000000000001350000000 1861 &10000000000001490000000 1865 Part of the United State Volunteers.
Nederland 1940-1945 [127] Netherlands World War II &10000000000001939000000 1939 AD &10000000000001945000000 1945 AD Living history
The Neville Companye [128] US Wars of the Roses &10000000000001455000000 1455 AD &10000000000001487000000 1487 AD Living history, Combat reenactment
North/South Alliance [129] United States American Civil War &10000000000001861000000 1861 AD &10000000000001865000000 1865 AD Western theater of operations
The Northwest Territory Alliance [130] US American Revolutionary War &10000000000001775000000 1775 AD &10000000000001783000000 1783 AD Combat reenactment, Living history
Normandy44 [131] UK World War II &10000000000001941000000 1941 AD &10000000000001945000000 1945 AD Combat reenactment, Living history
Northern Forties [132] UK World War II &10000000000001940000000 1940 AD &10000000000001945000000 1945 AD Living history
Nova Roma [133] United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom, Germany, Hungary, Romania, Finland, and Sweden Ancient Rome Education, Roman Religion, Living history
The Oregon Regency Society [134] United States British Regency &10000000000001795000000 1795 AD &10000000000001837000000 1836 AD Regency reenactment, dance classes, fine regency events, balls and costume resources
Spartan Phalanx Greece, Sparta Ancient Greece Ancient Greece
Paratroopers and Glidermen of the 82nd Airborne Division [135] California, United States World War II &10000000000001939000000 1939 AD &10000000000001945000000 1945 AD
Pax Romana [136] Netherlands Ancient Rome Combat reenactment, Living history
Pedes Inflati [137] Germany High Middle Ages &10000000000001100000000 1100 AD &10000000000001200000000 1200 AD Living history, Medieval marketplace
Peers [138] California, United States British Regency &10000000000001811000000 1811 AD &10000000000001820000000 1820 AD
The Pike and Musket Society [139] Australia 1642 &10000000000001642000000 1642 AD &10000000000001642000000 1642 AD Living history
The Plankhouse Crew [140] United States Golden Age of Piracy &10000000000001650000000 1650 AD &10000000000001750000000 1750 AD Pirate Reenactment, Local History
Porta Vitae Germany 1350 &10000000000001350000000 1350 AD &10000000000001350000000 1350 AD Living history
Przemyskie Stowarzyszenie Rekonstrukcji HistorycznejX.D.O.K.” Poland, Przemyśl World War II &10000000000001939000000 1939 AD &10000000000001945000000 1945 AD Combat reenactment, Living history
Queen's Royal Regiment Living History Group [141] United Kingdom World War II &10000000000001939000000 1939 AD &10000000000001945000000 1945 AD Combat reenactment, Living history
The Regency Society of America [142] United States British Regency &10000000000001811000000 1811 AD &10000000000001820000000 1820 AD
Regia Anglorum [143] UK, US, Canada 850 to 1100 &10000000000000850000000 850 AD &10000000000001100000000 1100 AD Combat reenactment, Living history, Archery
Renaissance Footnotes [144] UK Late Mediaeval to English Civil War including Henry VIII of England, Elizabeth I of England &10000000000001450000000 1450 AD &10000000000001650000000 1650 AD Living history, Court reenactment, Music and Dance
Ridder Martin Denmark Medieval
The Sealed Knot [145] United Kingdom (Links with Germany and Czech Republic) English Civil War, Monmouth Rebellion &10000000000001642000000 1642 AD &10000000000001685000000 1685 AD Combat reenactment , Living history
The Siege Group [146] UK English civil war &10000000000001642000000 1642 AD &10000000000001651000000 1651 AD Combat reenactment, Living history
South African Defence Force Living History Group (SADF LHG) [147] UK South African Border War &10000000000001642000000 1966 AD &10000000000001651000000 1989 AD Combat reenactment, Living history
Society for Creative Anachronism [148] United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Most of Western Europe, Israel, South Africa, Japan, South Korea Early Medieval to Early Renaissance &10000000000000550000000 550 AD &10000000000001600000000 1600 AD Combat reenactment , Living history, Not-for-profit educational group
Sparta Mora [149] UK Ancient Greece, Persian Wars &09999999999999499999999 c.500 BC &09999999999999599999999 c.400 BC Living History, Re-enactment
Spartiatikes Mores [150] Greece Ancient Greece Combat reenactment, Living history
Spartan War Band [151] United States Ancient Greece &09999999999999349999999 650 BC &09999999999999637999999 362 BC Combat reenactment, Living history
Stowarzyszenie Rekonstrukcji Historycznej "Silesia" [152] Poland Early medieval (slavic tribes and Piast dynasty) &10000000000000820000000 820 AD &10000000000001138000000 1138 AD Combat reenactment, Living history
Tapestry Regency Dance [153] United States Early modern &10000000000001795000000 1795 AD &10000000000001837000000 1836 AD
Templer Komthurey Lünen [154] Germany 1230 &10000000000001230000000 1230 AD &10000000000001230000000 1230 AD Display fighting, Living history
Tercio de Montañeses de Buenos Ayres [155] Argentina Napoleonic Wars &10000000000001803000000 1803 AD &10000000000001815000000 1815 AD Living history, Combat reenactment
Utgardas [156] Lithuania Dark Ages &10000000000000800000000 9th century &10000000000001200000000 12th century Combat reenactment, Living history, Dance
Veritas Vincit [157] Scotland, Canada 13th - 18th Centuries AD &10000000000001201000000 13th century AD &10000000000001715000000 1715 AD Combat reenactment, Educational, Living History, TV & Film Work, Stunt Work
Vicus [158] UK 1st century AD Rome &10000000000000043000000 43 AD &10000000000000084000000 84 AD Combat reenactment Education, Roman Religion, Living history, Gladiators
The Vikings [159][160] UK, US, Canada, Netherlands, Ireland, Italy Vikings - 790 to 1066 &10000000000000790000000 790 AD &10000000000001066000000 1066 AD Combat reenactment, Living history, Educational visits, film and TV work
Vikings! Of Middle England [161] UK Early Middle Ages, Viking Age, Dark Ages &10000000000000787000000 787 AD &10000000000001100000000 1100 AD Combat reenactment, Living history, Education, Special effects, Film and TV work
Víkingarnir úr Mikillvötnumum (Vikings of the Great Lakes) [162] Michigan, United States Viking Age reenactment &10000000000000800000000 800 AD &10000000000001066000000 1066 AD Living history, Education, Photo, Film, Video
Warriors of Thermopylae [163] United States Ancient Greece Combat reenactment, Living history
Washington Civil War Association [164] Washington, D.C., United States American Civil War &10000000000001861000000 1861 AD &10000000000001865000000 1865 AD
Weorod - Early Medieval Historical Re-Enactment and Living history [165] United Kingdom Dark Ages Combat reenactment, Living history
Westralian Great War Living History Association [166] Australia World War I &10000000000001914000000 1914 AD &10000000000001918000000 1918 AD
Wolfshead Bowmen [167] UK Medieval archery &10000000000001001000000 11th century &10000000000001300000000 13th century Longbow reenactment
WWII Re-enactment South West [ UK - South West regions and South Wales World War II &10000000000001939000000 1939 AD &10000000000001945000000 1945 AD
WWII Historical Reenactment Society (HRS) [168] United States World War II &10000000000001939000000 1939 AD &10000000000001945000000 1945 AD
Leongatha Medieval Society [169] Australia &10000000000001346000000 1346 AD &10000000000001400000000 1400 AD Living history
Warwik [170] DK Denmark Late Middle Ages, 1430-1480 &10000000000001430000000 1430 AD &10000000000001480000000 1480 AD Combat reenactment, Living history, Medieval medicine
Templer Komturey Braunschweig [171] GER 1187 A.D. &10000000000001187000000 1187 AD &10000000000001187000000 1187 AD Living history, Combat reenactment
Knights [172] Greece Medieval Combat reenactment, Living history
Medieval Rose [173] Greece Medieval Medieval festival
Hungerford Household [174] UK Tudor and Medieval Living history
Relegatus Czech Republic Medieval
Skt. Martin Kompagniet Denmark Medieval
Three Shires Medieval Society [175] UK Medieval Combat reenactment
Diu Minnezît [176] Germany Medieval &10000000000001250000000 1250 AD &10000000000001475000000 1475 AD Living history, Historical Fencing, Combat reenactment
Lord Grey's Retinue [177] US Wars of the Roses &10000000000001455000000 1455 AD &10000000000001487000000 1487 AD Living history, Combat reenactment
Woodland Confederacy [178] US, Canada 17th century to 18th century &10000000000001601000000 17th century &10000000000001800000000 18th century Living history
Towarzystwo Jazdy Dawnej [179] Poland 17th century &10000000000001601000000 17th century &10000000000001700000000 17th century Combat reenactment, Living history
Ye Compaynye of Cheualrye (The Company of Chivalry) 1370 [180] Somerset, UK 100 Years War, 1370, Thomas Hungerford, 14th century , Edward III &10000000000001301000000 1301 AD &10000000000001453000000 1453 AD Living history, Combat reenactment
Zeit der Schwerter [181] Germany Middle Ages Combat reenactment association
Company of the Wolfe Argent, 14711477 [182] US Wars of the Roses &10000000000001468000000 1468 AD &10000000000001477000000 1477 AD Living history, Combat reenactment, Burgundy, 15th century, Charles the Bold, Philip the Good
Terra Dacica Aeterna Association [183] Romania Roman Wars in Dacia &10000000000000101000000 101 AD &10000000000000106000000 106 AD Reconstructing this past era, using experimental archaeological methods and practical reenactment of production methods, use of military equipment and fighting techniques
Compagnia d'Arme Malleus [184] Italy Venetian condottieri &10000000000001490000000 1490 AD &10000000000001620000000 1620 AD Compagnia d'Arme Malleus studies the ancient fighting techniques of the most famous Italian masters and the life of the Venetian soldiers in XV and XVI centuries
1325 a.d. [185] Germany Medieval &10000000000001250000000 1320 AD &10000000000001475000000 1330 AD Living history
Etulinja - Elävää historiaa 1939 - 1945 [186] Finland World War II &10000000000001939000000 1939 &10000000000001945000000 1945 Combat reenactment, Educational, Living History, TV & Film Work
The Historical Timekeepers [187] Wisconsin, United States American Civil War &10000000000001861000000 1861 &10000000000001865000000 1865 Civilian re-enactment, Living History
Knights Order of Lion Rampant [188] Australia Middle Ages &10000000000001375000000 1375 AD &10000000000001400000000 1400 AD Combat reenactment, Living history
Torch Bearers for Christ [189][dead link] Arizona, United States 18th century American clergy &10000000000001740000000 1740 AD &10000000000001794000000 1794 AD Educational and inspirational messages, monologues and lectures in the characters of George Whitefield, John Witherspoon
Colonel Edward Montagu's Regiment of Foote [190] UK English Civil War &10000000000001642000000 1642 AD &10000000000001649000000 1649 AD Combat reenactment, Living history, Civilian re-enactment
Canebrake Rifles, Co. "D" 4th Alabama Infantry [191] Italy American Civil War &10000000000001861000000 1861 AD &10000000000001865000000 1865 AD Combat reenactment, Living history
Furor [192] Belgium Celtic Iron Age &09999999999999149999999 850 BC &09999999999999947999999 52 BC Combat reenactment, Living history, Educational, Open-air museum, Gallic Wars
Captain Stewart's Company: British Legion [193] South Carolina American Revolutionary War &10000000000001780000000 1780 AD &10000000000001780000000 1780 AD Combat reenactment, Living history, Educational
Formosa Reenact Committee [194]  Taiwan World War II &10000000000001939000000 1939 AD &10000000000001945000000 1945 AD Combat reenactment, Living history
IG Wolf e.V. [195] Germany High Middle Ages &10000000000001193000000 1193 AD &10000000000001193000000 1193 AD Noble Court, Living history, Educational, Open-air museum, 12th century
353rd Infantrie Division [] Central Illinois World War II &10000000000001939000000 1939 AD &10000000000001945000000 1945 AD Worlds only WW2 German Calvary unit. Large range of vehicles. Panzer 38T, Sd.Kfz 251 halftrack, Sd.Kfz 222 armored car, Kubelwagons, Kommandercar, Opal blitz, BMW R71, Steyer, Horsch, 105mm Howitzer, field kitchen
Gunfighters for Hire [196] Pioneertown, CA Post American Civil War &10000000000001860000000 1860 AD &10000000000001900000000 1900 AD Western reenactment, Preserving the western heritage
HMS Diadem Landing Party (Artillery) & Royal Marines [Web site under construction] Argentina Napoleonic Wars, Rio de la Plata British invasion &10000000000001803000000 1800 AD &10000000000001815000000 1815 AD Living history, Combat reenactment
Hednir - Viking Reenactment Project [197] Brazil Viking Age &10000000000000800000000 800 AD &10000000000001100000000 1100 AD Living history, Combat reenactment

Umbrella groups for reenactment

External links

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  • List of historical reenactment events — This is a list of historical reenactment events. Contents 1 Comparison of events 2 Poland 3 Russian Federation 4 UK …   Wikipedia

  • Historical reenactment — Reenactment redirects here. For the 1968 Romanian film, see The Reenactment. Reenactment of the Gradara (Italy) siege of the 1446 …   Wikipedia

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  • Combat reenactment — Hastings 2006: One of Duke William s knights attacks King Harold s shield wall. Combat reenactment is a side of historical reenactment which aims to depict historical forms of combat. This may refer to either single combat, melees involving small …   Wikipedia

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