Historical Maritime Society

Historical Maritime Society

The Historical Maritime Society (HMS) is a United Kingdom - based reenactment organisation researching and portraying life in Horatio Nelson's Royal Navy. There is also a growing interest within the Society in all matters naval and in other periods - including [http://www.hms.org.uk/Naval/ World War II]

HMS has made regular appearances in TV documentaries including the Channel 4 series [http://www.channel4.com/history/microsites/W/worstjobs/georgian.html The Worst Jobs in History] (2004), in which presenter Tony Robinson of Blackadder fame, sampled life in the Georgian Royal Navy. The filming took place aboard HMS Trincomalee which is permanently moored at the historic quay at Hartlepool, UK.

The Society is priviliged to perform aboard HMS Victory at the Royal Naval Dockyard at Portsmouth, and the [http://www.nmm.ac.uk/ National Maritime Museum] on a regular basis.

HMS recently constructed its own replica 'cutter' or launch which can be equipped with its own, fully operational replica [http://www.hms.org.uk/nelsonsnavycarronade.htm carronade] .

External links

* [http://www.hms.org.uk/ HMS web page]
* Official website of [http://www.hms-trincomalee.co.uk/ HMS Trincomalee]
* Official website of [http://www.frigateunicorn.org/ HMS Unicorn] Sister ship to HMS Trincomalee
* Official website of [http://www.hms-victory.com/ HMS Victory]
* Carronade: The carronade was designed as a short-range naval weapon...
* Ordnance from the [http://www.hms-victory.com/index.php?option=content&task=view&id=34&Itemid=39 HMS Victory website]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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