
* July 18 - Baldwin I becomes King of Jerusalem.
* August 5Henry I becomes King of England.
* King Henry I proclaims the Charter of Liberties, one of the first examples of a constitution.
* Baldwin of Bourcq becomes Count of Edessa.
* Dagobert of Pisa becomes Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem.
* Bohemund I of Antioch is captured by the Danishmends at the Battle of Melitene, leaving Tancred as regent of the Principality of Antioch.
* The cities of Kalmar, Kungälv, and Varberg, Sweden are chartered.
* In Iceland, the Althing decides that the laws should be transferred to a written form.
* Checkers is invented (approximate date).
* The Ancient Pueblo Peoples culture rises (approximate date).
* Oraibi becomes and remains the first and oldest populated settlement in the USA and what is now Arizona.
* The city of Cusco, Peru is founded.
* The Liao Dynasty crushes the Zubu and takes their khan prisoner.
* Song Dynasty China's population reaches roughly 100 million.
* In the Song Dynasty capital of Kaifeng, the number of registered people within the walls is 1,050,000; the army stationed there boosts the overall populace to some 1.4 million people.
* Genoa, Venice and Pisa gain trading privileges in return for their service in the Crusades.


* May 23Emperor Qinzong of China (d. 1161)
* Mary and Eliza Chulkhurst, English conjoined twins (d. 1134)
* Gilbert de Clare, 1st Earl of Pembroke (d. 1148)


* January 8Antipope Clement III
* February 23Emperor Zhezong of China (b. 1077)
* July 18Godfrey of Bouillon, King of Jerusalem
* August 2William II of England
* September 16Bernold of Constance, German chronicler
* October 13 — Count Guy I of Ponthieu
* November 11 - Archbishop Thomas I of York
* December 22 — Duke Bretislav II of Bohemia

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