Cơm rượu — Vasos plásticos que contienen cơm rượu. El cơm rượu es un postre tradicional de Vietnam del Sur, hecho de arroz glutinoso. Para prepararlo, el arroz es cocinado y mezclado con levadura, y enrollado en pequeñas bolas. Las bolas son servidas en un… … Wikipedia Español
Rượu cần — (literally stem wine or tube wine ) is a fermented rice wine produced in Vietnam, especially in mountainous areas like Tây Nguyên or Tây Bắc. It is made of cooked glutinous rice ( nếp ) mixed with several kinds of herbs (including leaves and… … Wikipedia
Rượu đế — is a distilled liquor from Vietnam, made of either glutinous or non glutinous rice. It was formerly made illegally and is thus similar to moonshine. It is most typical of the Mekong Delta region of southwestern Vietnam (its equivalent in northern … Wikipedia
Rượu nếp — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Un plato de rượu nếp hecho de arroz glutinoso negro El rượu nếp (también llamado a veces como rượu nếp bắc, literalmente “vino de arroz glutinoso del norte”) es un pudín o bebida del norte de Vietnam hecho de arroz… … Wikipedia Español
Rượu cần — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Jarras de rượu cần en un Nhà dài (Casa Larga) de la etnia Êđê en Tây Nguyên … Wikipedia Español
Rượu thuốc — (literally medicinal liquor ) or rượu dân tộc (literally traditional liquor } is a kind of Vietnamese distilled liquor ( rượu ) with herbs and medical animals, considered by traditional medicine as good for health. This drink is a mixture of… … Wikipedia
Cơm nắm — is a Vietnamese rice dish that is shaped into a cylinder. The dish is commonly carried by those traveling to unfamiliar areas without restaurants or ingredients familiar to them. Varieties Cơm nắm muối vừng Cơm nắm lá cọ Phù Ninh See also Onigiri … Wikipedia
Com tam — Cơm tấm with grilled pork, shredded pork, pork skin, fried egg, pork meatloaf, pickled carrot, and sliced cucumber Cơm tấm in Vietnamese is cooked rice from fractured rice grains. Tấm refers to the broken rice grains, while cơm refers to cooked… … Wikipedia
Rượu nếp — thumb|right|280px|A bowl of rượu nếp made from black glutinous rice Rượu nếp (sometimes also called rượu nếp bắc , literally northern glutinous rice wine ) is a pudding or drink from northern Vietnam made from glutinous rice that has been… … Wikipedia
Glutinous rice — (Oryza sativa var. glutinosa or Oryza glutinosa; also called sticky rice, sweet rice, waxy rice, botan rice, biroin chal, mochi rice, and pearl rice, and pulut)[1] is a type of short grained Asian rice that is especially sticky when cooked. It is … Wikipedia