Rượu nếp

Rượu nếp

thumb|right|280px|A bowl of "rượu nếp" made from black glutinous rice"Rượu nếp" (sometimes also called "rượu nếp bắc", literally "northern glutinous rice wine") is a pudding or drink from northern Vietnam made from glutinous rice that has been fermented with the aid of yeast and steamed in a banana leaf. It may be either deep purplish-red or yellow in color depending on the variety of rice used. "Rượu nếp" is mildly alcoholic ("rượu" is the word for "alcohol" in the Vietnamese language). Depending on its consistency, it may be considered either a pudding or a wine. Thicker versions are eaten with a spoon, while more liquid varieties are less viscous and may be drunk as a beverage. "Rượu nếp than" is a brown-colored rice wine. [http://www.fao.org/inpho/content/documents/vlibrary/AE617e/49.htm] Although they are most typical of northern Vietnam, both "rượu nếp" and "rượu nếp than" are also available in Ho Chi Minh City, at the market near the residential quarter where northern Vietnamese people live.

In Vietnam's Central Highlands, a similar variety of rice wine, "rượu cần" (literally "stem wine" or "tube wine"), is drunk in a communal manner, through long reed straws out of large earthenware jugs. "Rượu cần" may be made out of ordinary rice, glutinous rice, cassava, or corn, along with various leaves and herbs. [http://www.wildasia.net/main.cfm?page=article&articleID=277&id=2] [http://haitaynguyen.com/htmls_en/aboutus.html] Yet another variety of minority rice wine is "rượu nếp nương", made from a variety of glutinous rice grown in mountainous cultivation areas of Vietnam's northwest.

Many Vietnamese people regard "rượu nếp" as a healthful food, and believe that it wards off or kills parasites. [http://english.vietnamnet.vn/vniden/2004/06/160204/]

A similar dish, from southern Vietnam, is called "cơm rượu", and consists of balls made from white glutinous rice in a mildly alcoholic rice wine.

External links

* [http://www.vnstyle.vdc.com.vn/myhomeland/foods_drinks/traditionaldishes/Ruou%20nep.html Article about "rượu nếp"]
* [http://english.vietnamnet.vn/vniden/2004/06/160204/ Article about "rượu nếp"]
* [http://www.fao.org/inpho/content/documents/vlibrary/AE617e/49.htm "Rượu nếp than" recipe]
* [http://www.fao.org/inpho/content/documents/vlibrary/AE617e/50.htm "Rượu nếp trắng" recipe]
* [http://www.amthuc.com/?ft=rb_cpc_ct&tt=14 "Rượu nếp" recipe] (Vietnamese)

ee also

*Cơm rượu
*Northern and southern Vietnam#Cuisine
*Cuisine of Vietnam
*Rice wine

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