- Teurgoule
Teurgoule is a
rice pudding that is a speciality ofNormandy . Traditionally it was popular at village festivals in Lower Normandy, and today remains a family dish. [Austin de Croze, "Les Plats Régionaux de France" (1928)] It consists of rice cooked in milk, sweetened with sugar, and is flavoured with cinnamon and sometimes nutmeg. It is baked in anearthenware terrine for several hours. Long cooking creates a thick, brown caramelised crust over the teurgoule.The name comes from the
Norman language and means "twist mouth", a reference to the faces supposedly pulled by someone tasting it due to the spiciness of the dish.Teurgoule even has a
brotherhood "Confrérie des gastronomes de Teurgoule et de Fallue de Normandie"PDFlink| [http://www.ville-houlgate.fr/pdf/associations.pdf] |646 KB which is based inHoulgate and presides over the annual Teurgoule cooking competition. The presiding members wear thebrotherhood 's ceremonial robe which is green and orange with a cape. Thebrotherhood keeps the official recipe.Alternative names for teurgoule include "teurt-goule", "torgoule", "bourre-guele" and "terrinée". [ "Larousse Gastronomique (2001)]
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