

Caramelization or caramelisation [See spelling differences.] is the oxidation of sugar, a process used extensively in cooking for the resulting nutty flavor and brown color.

Like the Maillard reaction, caramelization is a type of non-enzymatic browning. However, unlike the Maillard reaction, caramelization is pyrolysis, as opposed to reaction with amino acids.

As the process occurs, chemicals are released, producing the characteristic caramel flavor. If a sucrose solution is left in a sand bath over night, the sucrose (once the water has evaporated) will caramelize.

When caramelization involves sucrose, it adds one water molecule to sucrose to split it apart to form fructose and glucose, increasing the mass of the sugar (caramel).


Caramelization is a complex, poorly understood process that produces hundreds of chemicals. Here is an overview:
# equilibration of anomeric and ring forms
# sucrose inversion to fructose and glucose
# condensation
# intramolecular bonding
# isomerization of aldoses to ketoses
# dehydration reactions
# fragmentation reactions
# unsaturated polymer formation.

Caramelization temperatures


External links

* [ Sugar in food management]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • caramelization — (Amer.) n. process of producing a caramel (also caramelisation) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • caramelization — noun a) The process that converts sugars into caramel; the process of caramelizing. Slowly cooking the onions will cause caramelization which will bring out the sweetness and give them a brown color. b) The browning of sugars by heat …   Wiktionary

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