
Cow Parade in La Jolla, CA, 2009.
Cow "Drinking Milk" CowParade Rio de Janeiro 2007.

CowParade is an international public art exhibit that has been featured in major world cities. Fiberglass sculptures of cows are decorated by local artists, and distributed over the city centre, in public places such as train stations, important avenues, and parks. They often feature artwork and designs specific to local culture, as well as city life and other relevant themes. After the exhibition in the city, which lasts many months, the cows are auctioned off and the proceeds donated to charity.

There are a few variations of shape, but the three most common shapes of cow were created by Pascal Knapp, a Swiss-born sculptor who was commissioned to create the cows specifically for the CowParade series of events. Pascal Knapp owns the copyrights to the standing, lying and grazing cow shapes used in the CowParade events.

The concept of "cow parade" has its origins in Zürich, Switzerland, in 1998[1] by artistic director Walter Knapp, it is based on an idea which was realised in the same city for the first time in 1986: Lions as the symbol of Zurich were painted and then on display throughout the city.

The Zürich exhibit 1998 was not called "cow parade" - it was called "Land in Sicht" (roughly "Countryside in view"). The concept was brought to the United States when Chicago businessman Peter Hanig, along with Commissioner of Cultural Affairs Lois Weisberg, organized an event in Chicago in 1999. A Swiss company started to explore the idea, CowHolding Parade AG. The American company that explored this idea, CowHolding Parade, was founded in 1999; the Swiss company promptly sued. A bronze casting is on permanent display in Chicago.

The success of this venture inspired many other cities to host similar fundraising projects. The idea has been taken up by other cities which have chosen animals for public art projects with painted fiberglass sculptures (see Similar projects).

Actually, the Cow Parade was far from the first in the Art Parades. The Herd in Buffalo is earlier, and I'm sure there are others. Check The Art Parades homepage for better information.



CowParade cities



  • Hong Kong, China (2009)
  • Taipei, Taiwan (2009)
  • Tokyo, Japan (2006, 2008)
  • Xiamen, China (2010)


  • Arnhem, Netherlands (2000)
  • Athens, Greece (2006)
  • Barcelona, Spain (2005)
  • Bilbao, Spain (2001)[2]
  • Bratislava, Slovakia (2005)
  • Brussels, Belgium (2003)
  • Bordeaux, France (2010)
  • Bucharest, Romania (2005)
  • Budapest, Hungary (2006)
  • Copenhagen, Denmark (2007)
  • Dublin, Ireland (2003)
  • Edinburgh, Scotland, UK (2006)
  • Florence, Italy (2005)
  • Geneva, Switzerland (2005)
  • Isle of Man (2003)
  • Istanbul, Turkey (2007)
  • Lisbon, Portugal (2006)
  • London, England, UK (2002)
  • Marseille, France (2007)
  • Luxembourg (2001)
  • Madrid, Spain (2008)
  • Manchester, England, UK (2004)
  • Milan, Italy (2007)
  • Monaco (2005)
  • Moscow, Russia (2006)
  • Paris, France (2006)
  • Prague, Czech Republic (2004)
  • Rome, Italy (2010)
  • Stockholm, Sweden (2004)
  • Telemark, Norway (2006)
  • Ventspils, Latvia (2002)
  • Vigo, Spain (2007)
  • Warsaw, Poland (2005)
  • Zürich, Switzerland (1998)

North America


South America

Similar projects

The phenomenon of CowParade has spawned copy-cat statue decorating projects in a number of cities worldwide.[3] The success of these ventures inspired many other cities to host similar fundraising projects. The theme was adapted in Berlin to the town mascot; however the entailing United Buddy Bears exhibitions are very different from all other urban events. The bears were created by the German artists Klaus and Eva Herlitz. The idea and the philosophy behind the United Buddy Bears exhibitions are unique: with its international approach and its symbolism, this synthesis of the arts globally promotes tolerance, international understanding and a peaceful coexistence.

Zürich itself has adapted the bear theme in the "Teddy-Summer" in 2005.[4]



Two of the 104 decorated pigs on display in the English city of Bath. This was a public art event, called "King Bladud's Pigs in Bath". Pig sculptures were on display around the city through the summer of 2008.
Location Name Exhibits Date
Bath King Bladud's Pigs 104 pigs 2008 [4]
Berlin Buddy Bears in the city United Buddy Bears 2001 and 2002
Berlin +since 2004 worldwide Buddy Bears in the city United Buddy Bears 2003 since 2004
Bristol Wow! Gorillas 61 gorillas 2011[5]
Chester Rhino Mania 62 rhinos 2010
Copenhagen Elephant Parade 102 baby elephants June 2011[6]
Dortmund Dortmunder Nashorn 120 rhinos 2005, expanded for 2006 FIFA World Cup
Hamburg Hans Hummel 100 Hans Hummel 2003
Hannover Elefanten-Parade 45 elephants 2004
Istanbul Shoe Art 500 shoes September 2008
Hull Larkin with Toads 40 toads 2010
Kaiserslautern Fishing for Phantasy 250 fish 2001
Leipzig LeOLips 100 lions 2002[7]
Liverpool Go Superlambananas! 125 Super Lamb Bananas 2008;
Liverpool Go Penguins 142 penguins 2009[8]
London Elephant Parade 2010
Munich Löwenparade 500 lions 2004
Neustadt an der Aisch Aischgruender Karpfen 120 carp September 2008 [5]
Newport South Wales, UK SuperDragons 60 dragons 2010 [6]
Northampton Pride of Northampton 2010 [7]
Norwich Go Elephants 54 baby elephants 2008 [8]
Versmold Bunte Borstenviecher 120 pigs 2007 [9]
Wuppertal Pinguinale 200 penguins 2006
Zürich Teddy-Summer 630 teddy-bears 2005

North America


CowParade has been criticized by contributing artists for their selectivity standards; David Lynch's cow with its flesh partially ripped off, and organs showing was rejected.[9]

A Swedish Organization called The Militant Graffiti Artists of Stockholm has kidnapped and decapitated one of the cows of the Stockholm event in protest of the publicly provisioned cows carrying advertisements.[10]

See also


External links

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